Back in May I signed on to Facebook, only because after Googling an old friend and I found him on Facebook. Some people swear by Facebook, me not so much. A lot of friends and relatives did show up, and that was a good thing. But my ex-wife? Please! The one thing I’ve worked so hard to do, is to keep continents and oceans between us (i.e.; North Carolina to the Philippines). The Ex shows up on Facebook asking to be my friend. Like that’s gonna’ happen. Say what? I’d sooner stick my hand in a blender and hit the puree button (see how I cleaned that up for our readers).
Please understand, I wish her no harm, only distance. And Facebook is way too close for me. So now I must figure out how to disavow myself of said FaceBook account. Feel free to tell me how, wait I’m just kidding. Also what the heck is all this Farmville crap? And please, don’t feel you must explain it to me, as I really don’t wanna’ know. I just figured out how to make it go away.
Also, some old dude, (my age) tells me we were on my first ship together, it might be true as he remembers it. I can’t remember one tenth of the guys from my last ship let alone 45 years ago. But I got a nice e-mail from him, and the fog was lifted. But the truth be known, we were never really friends. But he seems like a great guy now, and BTW, I’m no prize.
I was having lunch at my friend’s restaurant and the guy at the next table, looked over and said “Hey you’re one of the guys that write for LiP.” We talked a while and I asked why I’d never seen a comment from him, no answer, just a shrug, a bit shy I presume. Yet, it seemed to have made his day, can you imagine if he had bumped in to Larry King? BTW: It was the mustache that gave me away. Because of the internet I’m finding that you can run but you cannot hide.
Years ago you could just drop off the radar, by just never signing up for a phone. Today they can find you hiding on a mountain in Bataan. Curse you Al Gore for inventing this diabolical internet, a pox on your house! Could that why Tipper divorced him?
Things I like about the internet are few and far between, I like being able to do my banking on line. Of course, then there’s “LiP” which brightens my day just by logging in. But the all time number one reason is downloading music, I just downloaded “Otis Redding – The Dock of The Bay” album. It’s old but timeless music. Longing for olden times, like when I was home on vacation in the Philippines from a ship, in 1996, I left my address and phone number with the company, and was enjoying my two months off. I flew back to San Francisco and went to the office to check in, finding, my name was red flagged, I had to go up to see the “Big Boss”, He asked where I’d been, I told him with a strange look on my face, “on vacation”. Did I know they had tried to reach me by phone? (Did they understand time zones or the word vacation?) “We sent a guy to your house and you were not home,” I asked, “Am I restricted to my house by the company?” “Well you should check in once in a while”, “I’ll call collect next time, are your phones manned 24/7 and do I get paid when I call?” “By the way if your people had reached me, the Union would require you to pay me 3 hours overtime for taking the call, as it was on my time off”. It was all was dropped, and I was sent forth, to sin no more! He never said what they wanted!
So here I sit, my cell phone dangling out the window connect to the World Wide Web, Globe, Smart, and Sun can’t connect me where I live, with their internet service, and yet the cell phone does. I checked with the 3 providers, and asked the reason why, since all their towers are sitting at the top of the mountain I live on. The companies explained that if I lived in the city I could “avail” of the service. Whereas I pointed out, that if I lived in the city I could have DSL or Broadband and would not need their service. When the hand moved to scratch their head, I knew I was doomed, for trying to using logic in my request. BTW: PLDT has never even tried to run a line within 12 miles of where I live. . The Internet also has the power to shock, and I’m not talking about those forbidden sites, I met a guy through LIP, from Pita Dinalupihan Bataan, now that’s about 20 minute drive from my place, I found this out through Google. While there I clicked on Images, and there was a picture of my house, and my dining room. They were pictures I took, and posted on LIP, How did this web site get them? Not that I care (that much) I was just shocked. BTW, pictures of his house were on the same site! Again, a pox on Al Gore! My area is the only place that was really affected by the Y2K bug. But I do have sporadic electricity, and for the last few months, running water. What more could I ask for? I’m not complaining, I choose to live here, and I like it just fine.
hey paul,
You can run but you can’t hide. We know what you house looks like and how your furniture is arrainged. Quick, move all your furniture to confuse the would be robbers…lol
I’m thankfull my ex doesn’t have the inclination to use a computer 😀
I never though of my ex-wife using computers, I could see no reason why she would. Then I remembered that computers may be used for evil too!
OK Paul… After reading this, I couldn’t help but send you a friend request!
Too funny… I curse the technology every day, but it is getting to where I hate doing without it.
Since I left my last company in February, one nice thing has been ditching the old boss that was too friggin ignorant to figure out that I was 15 time zones from California before calling me at 2:00 AM. “Is it a bad time to call?” “No, I’m always up at 2:00 AM waiting for you to impart those polished bits of wisdom to me!” “Did you ever hear from__(Contact from 4 months earlier)___” Glad I’m rid of that A-hole!
Hi John;
And I accept that request. Ahhh Bosses, we were at my Navy retirement party, and my Commander ask if I planned to piss on his grave when he passed, I smiled and told him, “No sir, I’m retired and I’ll never stand in line again. (Old Navy Sea Story). I never did figure out what the Company wanted when they called? Should I write and ask, it’s been over 15 years?
Now I know why you are not my neighbor in Farmville! LOL! I have the same complaint. I like Facebook and all but I hate that I have to read through all the “other” news just to catch up with people who actually post something!
It is the highlight of my day also to get on LiP and find which new Post have been put up!
Looking forward to seeing that “mustached” guy one day in my travels there!
Be carefull with that Farmville group, they do take it very seriously. If you don’t have that nail they need, they’ll hunt you down. I agree with you, a new listing on LiP will cause a slight tingle in my toes also, There are some great postings here, and then there’s mine… I’m sorry about those!
I too sent a request on Facebook. BTW – I am from the Class of 1963, the folks from the class of ’64 are kids. 🙂 Yes my X-wife is on FB also.
FaceBook Friends, Sweet!!! Ex-wive’s, not so sweet! But by all the powers in heaven, I thank the gods that the EX is part of their name. Class of “63”, a bunch of old farts”. (lol)
i know the feeling. the ex leaves with half the house and heart, next thing lets be facebook friends. yeah right
My Ex got half the apartment, or so she thought until the landlord stepped in. The ship was leaving on an around the world cruise for ten months, so I let them fight it out. Hi my new FB buddy!
Awww come on Paul…bet you missed the ex……next time use a scope with a range finder !
Facebook…been there done it , could’nt figure out how to navigate through it….kept getting friend invites from people I did’nt even know…decided enough was enough and told em to keep the farm, I’m outta there. Just wish some1 would come up with a simple email sight that doesn’t require 5 minutes of searching form the “write mail’ button!!!
Hi Brian;
And I miss her wine, Oh it’s spelled whine. But I don’t miss her lack of humor, hell I pulled some funny stuff, and she’d not even crack a smile. I was at my son’s wedding, and her new husband starts to complain about her to me, I just smiled and told him there was a way to solve his problems, a year later he did. I wonder if he’s friend with her on facebook?
Juramie signed up on Facebook right before leaving the Philippines for the USA. She has been able to stay connected with old friends from Tagbubunga and family from Leyte and Cebu. We have a friend from Tagbubunga in Washington State and her husband was shocked to hear that Facebook wasn’t just for people from the Philippines.
I included a link to Betty White had Facebook comments on SNL. Her comment was very funny.
I’m so old, I remember when Betty White was HOT! Except for Farmville I’ve grown to like, somewhat, some parts of facebook. It is a good way for your wife to keep in touch with home.
And are you trying to tell me that FaceBook is not a Philippine invention? Don’t tell my granddaughter that!
There is a bubble something game in Facebook which is like Snood. My wife has been competing (sp) with her sisters from home to see who gets the highest score. It gives her a break from her Farmville job. hahaha.
Isn’t Betty White still hot?
Not so much anymore, cool,yes, she is that. And a new bubble game? Why, I ask why, are they doing that to us? Does your lady need any nails? I’ve got a keg full.(lol)
damn spell check …not sight…site ! Dam pubwik skools !
I have trouble with the use of you’re and your, and, to or too (two I got pretty much down) spelling?, Bob said we’re not the spelling police here on LiP? So write on.
Well Paul, After reading your article, looks like I’ll be spending lots of time in my “man-cave” in Pita! Heck I didn’t even build one yet, looks like my wife may alow a Bahay Kubo in the backyard for me.
People are too strung out on technology nowadays anyhow. I work with a guy who panicks if his cell phone goes below 3 bars.
I relax by playing World of Warcraft (WOW) in my spare time. I’m a Night Elf Hunter named Shinerbock, named after the best beer in Texas. It’s a great way to unwind killing Orc’s and the Undead. How do you kill the Undead? With exploding arrows, duh!
Life without the Internet will be interesting, maybe I’ll take up golf. Sweet Jesus, they do play golf in the Philippines, right? Is that Putt-Putt course still across from the Spanish Gate?
I may get a motorcycle again. Just sold my Harley to a guy in Colorado last month. Wifey-poo says bikes are too dangerous in the Philippines and won’t allow it. (yeh, as if that’ll stop me).
OK LiP bloggers, I need a hobby, something legal! Any suggestions? Looks like eating manok adoboe and drinking San Migs is a start, but…..not really a hobby.
Dear lord, are you saying that drinking SMB’s is not a real hobby? I’ve been wrong all those years? Explain to your bride that motorcycles are not dangerous here in the Philippines, it’s the young idiots that ride the little underpowered moped looking junk that think there bikers, cars seem to disagree with them. But a large loud hawg gets nothing but respect here.
The Putt-Putt by the Spanish Gate, is long gone, build one and they will come! (That’s from the movie Putt-Putt of Dreams) As I said to you by e-mail, 3g cell phones hanging out the window will work!
I to have Facebook but only for a few friends to keep in contact. Have people all the time wanting to be friends with them. Even though I hardly know them at all.
Hi Tina;
It seems you are one of the few, that has figured out how to make FaceBook work for you. I know what you’re saying, I call those people I don’t know requesting to be friends, “Lonely Collectors of Names.”
Too right, Paul! The internet has taken much of the adventure out of the world. I remember when I was a kid, listening to my great-grandfather’s stories of travelling to Africa, India, Hong Kong, and other places, by “clipper ship” & “steam packet”. Though in my previous travels the world had been made much smaller by the long-distance telephone & jet aircraft, there was still some sense of adventure in travelling to/through Asia and The Middle East. Then came the internet, where I discover that – on various forums – one guy is actually posting from Tahiti, another from Nepal, etc. . Today, anywhere I want to go in the world, I can google photos of, read peoples comments on(while they are “there”). Not very exciting.
Then came My Space, Twitter, and Facebook. I have tried very hard to keep my “friends” to under 50, even kicking off a few. I truly wish that I’d never gone near the site, as everytime I comment to one “friend”, another seems to take issue with my comment or that of my other “friend’s”. I have about 100 requests per week for me to send someone a horse, water their crops, or to help them beat up some member of another mafia.
I have accepted requests from several politicians, both in Canada & The RP, have kept the ones I like & removed the others, though some keep trying to return. I made contact with an old friend who was an x-football player – L.A. Rams & Dallas Cowboys(+2 Canadian) – and retired to Texas, but he seems to have taken up right-wing christianity & racism as his 2 new hobbies, so he had to go. My wife has far greater reason to use facebook, as she has family in The RP, USA, Australia & France. Does she use this convenience? No, she asks me to sign into her page & respond on her behalf! (LOL) Do you have Bob on your page? Lately, I haven’t been able to understand a word he’s saying!(LOL)
Gee, doing an article on Facebook & admitting you’re a member is a very brave thing to do, Paul. Because you know we are coming to get you! Why? Misery loves company!
I swear, when I get to davao, I’m keeping one non-Philippines friend from each genre, my wife & one family member, and Philippine friends. The rest will have to live vicariously through the others. It could be worst, though. I could have as many friends as Bob!
So true by saying I’m on FaceBook I could have just opened a very large can of worms. But I’ve lived my life seeking adventure so maybe this is the new one for me. I, like you, have had friends and family live vicariously off of my trips and places I’ve lived. Ten years in Puerto Rico and guess how many came to visit? I had enought room between my house and Condo to put them up as long as they liked and had two spare cars for them to use. Offer that to me and see how fast I’d get there. Your Grandfather would have been one of my heroes had I been lucky enought to meet him, that to me is living your life!
lmao !!!!
Hi Danny;
Would it surprise you if I said that I have no idea what IMAO means? Truly I don’t!
But if it’s good, than thank you! It’s hard for us geesers to keep up with you youngsters.
Now thats funny also. I had to ask about that one a few years ago. LMAO is: laughing my ass off.
OK, so what does ROTFL mean? :{
Rolling On The Floor Laughing
So Bob will tell you what ROTFL means, but will anyone tell me what IMAO??? Not LMAO. WAIT, WAIT, I know now, Danny typed it in lower case, it is LMAO. Danny I’m sorry about that, remember I’m old!!!!
Dang you are funny!! LOL! Listen, all you have to do is deny the friend request!. Facebook is the most incredible way to network and find people I have ever seen…and of course there is the downside…when you do not want to be found.
I think the internet is one of the most incredible communication and learning tools EVER. But there are downsides to everything.
Take the good with the bad…and get used to it. There are far more good things about the internet than bad things.
But I am passive-agressive, or so I’ve been told, so I have to accept the request, then kick the person off! (joking)
Yeah, the internet has it’s value, definitely. But it is like smoking, the more one uses it, the more one needs it. The other night, as my wife & I sat in the living room watching t.v. & typing on our laptops, it occured to me that we hadn’t spoken more than a couple of words to each other, all day. That’s when I knew we were hooked. In fact, as I was typing these very words, my wife asked if I am going to talk to her today.(LMAO) Time to shut off the computer & go for a walk/drive/anything!
Hi Mike,
See response to Todd, whom I’m afraid will never read my articles again, and I don’t blame him.
Being at the age that I wake at 4am everyday, I’m online about 3 hours. My wife brings coffee when she awakens, (I know how to make coffee, but she likes to do it for me) I log off sometimes around 8am or before and start my real day. My wife thinks the computer is TV with no remote, and one channel, she had no use for it. But then she doesn’t smoke, or drink. More for me! You were wise to take that walk!!!!
couldn’t you just IM her? Joke lang
If you know what IM means, than what does IMAO mean? Would she enjoy being IM’ed? (LOL) BTW: it took awile before I knew what (lol) meant!
LMAO I know is laughing my A** off, never heard of IMAO. IM is instant message. Sometimes my wife will IM her friends or family that are in the next room or down stairs. Also my son will IM me from his Kwarto.
Thank you, the fog has lifted. Maybe IMAO was a typo?
– IMAO means “In My Arrogant Opinion”
thank you Google !
Thank you for that info, sir. I should now preface all my comments with IMAO, just to be on the safe side. (lol) But again, Thank You!
what really annoys me at times is when my wife IM’s me when I am in the same room.
My wife will not accept any IM that will say, “Honey would you bring me a beer?” And I keep that one in my template file. I guess the honeymoon is over!
Hi Todd;
The Lie, they told us that the computer would cut our work day by half. But you still work a full day, do twice as much, and at the same pay.
The Internet, e-mail, ten minutes every day deleting absolute rubbish, in my case most is sent by a friend who doesn’t read it; he just forwards it to me and 50 other friends. FaceBook sends me e-mails to tell me what was said on FaceBook, I guess I don’t have to logon today.
Todd’s comment on LiP: (BTW Todd this is in no way your fault, it just happened while I was responding to you.)
1 Todd make a comment, Paul ponders, Paul responds, Paul runs Google Spell Check, Paul clicks send. Putter kicks out and tells me that Windows Explorer is sleepy try again; Paul restarts his Putter, and starts again. Paul types this time in word in case it happens again, all this before 6am, and Paul still has not pitched the Putter out the window, Oh, there are iron bars over the window, thanks for that.
In the mean time Todd is waiting for his response, and Paul is ranting like a loony person. SOOOO…Hi Todd; I think you’re right, FaceBook has some good points, and thank you Sir for listening (reading) to me today, please comment again. I’m better now!
Hi Paul, You can block all of the farmville stuff and you can block individuals from seeing your location or information. I have reconnected with many old friends through Facebook and for that reason I am appreciative. In addition I have made many new friends via Facebook and for that reason I am extra appreciative. It would be nice though to be able to go off grid and just disappear-I know what your saying. One thing I have to say. Al Gore did not invent the internet. I repeat he did not invent the internet. He did however invent global warming. Have fun Paul and drink a cold one for me. Ron
Hi Ron;
I know he did not invent the Internet, but while running for President he said he did.
Global Warming, yes I agree. As often as my power goes off I can go off the grid, or fail to charge my cell phone, and then I’m in a black hole. Not so bad once in a while, I can enjoy a beer and not be bothered. My wife likes it as she calls it “Quite Time For Her”. Gotta’ go to town this Friday and renew my passport, the U.S. will have me back on their scope again!
I re-read your post and cracked up! A person will go online and sign up on FaceBook, and then restrict access, which means they put themselves out there and then want privacy? I want my cake, and want to eat it too? Sorry Ron it just struck me as funny.
Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly. They lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once and for all that you can’t have your kayak and heat it.
Could not help but share this. LMAO!!
Thank You Steve, I’ll have a beer over that one.
Hi Paul,
Enjoyed your rant,as for Al Gore inventing the internet,thats the best joke i’ve heard all week,lol.
Hi Chas;
You gotta’ just let it out once in a while, I hope Todd understands. We all busted up when he made that disclosure during one of his debates. I pretty sure he invented water too.
Hi Paul ( and John Meile and Bob Mindanao, etc.)
For those who I had as friends on Facebook, I appologize, if an appology is needed. My facebook account got hacked, and someone was sending messages with files attached to all my friends, using my ID. The files contained a virus. If you get anything labled from Larry Saum, do not open any attachments. I have closed my facebook account, and deleted all friends. Again I’m sorry this happened. Watchout about attached files on facebook.
Hi Larry – I got that stuff last week, but I immediately knew what it was. No apology necessary, bad things like that happen from time to time, and anybody can be affected.
Is a persons life so empty they have nothing to do but hack into FaceBook? I wounder why he’s not out making money if he has knowledge like that?
So true, so true.
And all this time I thought Al Bore DID invent the universe.
Amoung many other things!
Hi Paul, another funny article. My cousin and sister got me to join Facebook to catch up with family as I’ve been out of the Boston area for about 20 years. It’s nice being able to chat with some of them daily and not run up a huge phone bill. I too don’t like the games or Farmville, etc. I also can’t stand the fact that FB constantly shows me people from my past who I couldn’t stand even back then and asks if I want to be friends? Yeah, sure, when pigs fly! I’ve added mostly family, a few good friends I’d lost touch with and some people I met via the web or hobbies. I added Bob but he has so many friends I’m sure he doesn’t have time to read thier posts, hehe, besides it hurts my head trying to decipher his Bisaya posts. I’d be glad to add you if you promise not to send me any Mafia requests…
I was the only of five sons that had the brains to get out of Boston 40 plus years ago, but like you I have a large family and do keep up with them now on facebook. Don’t you love it when someone wants to be “Your Friend” is the same person you’d not even speak to if you met them in a pub? I was an alterboy, I might start posting in Latin just for fun. I must have missed out on the Mafia requests, but then I don’t know anyone in East Boston. So I’m safe.
Hi Paul- You can run but not hide, I thought that was funny about your Ex.
I think FB is the scourge of the internet but compulsive, I never use Farmville or any the other games though.
I posted my EX’s picture, she looks the same as when I was married to her. Farmvill my first month was a pain, why ask me for a nail, go to the hardware store if they need it that bad. I did and got them some. Then I learned to how shut it off, and now I have a keg of nails I don’t know what to do with. I was sending them by FedEx.
Paul, laughed my butt off when you said your ex wanted to be a Facebook friend. In the upper corner of FB, you get friend suggestions, and my Ex’s name and photo came up one day…….yeah, right, the day we start having snowball fights in Dipolog I MIGHT consider it. After she stripped even the light fixtures out of my house when she left I really don’t want to open up my life to her in any way shape or form. She would probably figure out a way to reach through the internet lines and steal my computer!
I’m going to take a leap, and guess that you didn’t part as friends?(lol) The Pacific makes a great buffer (or DMZ) between us and thems! I’m hoping mine thinks I still live in Puerto Rico.
Hi Paul – This might be unbelievable, but I promise that it is 100% true…
I saw a story on the Internet the other day about a man in the USA who was thrown in jail over Facebook. Apparently, he sent his ex-wife an invitation to be Facebook friends. Some time back, when they got divorced, the woman had filed a restraining order against the man, and he was not to go within a certain distance of her. Apparently, the judge ruled that by sending her a friend request, he had broken the spirit of the restraining order and threw him back in jail! Amazing!
Hi Bob;
I’d not doubt that for a second. And isn’t she a sweetheart? In the words of Jay Leno; “What the hell was the thinking?” I firmly believe that hell has a special place for judges, or it should.
I thought I could decline all that pop-up Farmville crap online. Too bad their ain’t one in reality. In fact, for reality I wouldn’t mind accepting it. What, what am I talking about.
What I am talking about is there is a bakeshop here in Davao based on them Farmville games or whatever. Haha. I just found it funny how a bakeshop brought virtual reality onto its sign and name… which I noticed is common here for businesses (I mean, not virtual stuff, but just copying some things).
Hi Jon;
Copying things here is an artform, but if you ponder it, it could bet aken as a compliment. BTW; How is that bakeshop doing? Is it working for them?
Paul, not sure if drinking beer is a hobb7y, I definitely know that tasting it is.
While I did a yr long stint in the middle east, I got quite thirsty, I decided to order pieces parts for making my own brew. Yes, I know, punishable by death if caught.
I would up making 10 gallons, 5 gallons of bock and 5 gallons of pale ale. I used empty O’Duels bottles.
That’s when I found out that most Moslems tolerate alcohol, as long as you share. If you never seen a chick in a burqua pounding a brew and “f’ing” the Israeli’s, you ain’t seen nothin’!
PS, changed my name to “Pita-Mike”, since too many “Mike’s on the boards here.
WHOA! just had an epiphony (sic), I can brew cervesa in the PI!!! THAT can be my hobby!
Mike’s micro (and I do mean micro) brewery comes to Dinalupihan! Yee-Haw!
Hi Pita-Mike;
Good name! Much better than Dinalupihan Paul. Brewing beer in the R.P. is kinna’ like bring hot dogs to a steak house. But if you need a hobby, I’d be glad to hop a Jeepnet and give a hand with the beer. Wow, did you hit upon my weakness. I noticed that in Bahrain and the UAE, that they people who would kill you for drinking in thier country, will party there Dishdash off when not at home. The the memories of a hot or not (hard to tell) chick in a Burqua, cause me to get excited. Think I’ll have a beer, a PMB (Pita Mike Beer) sounds like SMB!
Hi Paul,
As I seem to travel more these days I have found it a good way to stay in touch with family and friends. Just incase you don’t know already you can set your “Privacy Settings” on FB and pretty much customize it to your needs and control who can find you and who can see what. I did’nt read all the comments on your article but give FB a second chance. I did’nt like it at first but now it’s the main way I stay in touch with friends and family since I am away from them. If you want some help on figuring out how to do you privacy settings let me know and I’ll guide you through it. P.S. I’m sending you a friends request! LOL!
Hi Buckeye Bob;
Read the comments and you’ll see I was funnin’, even if it’s all true. Thanks for the offer of help but you’ll see that I’m Okay with Facebook. Friend requested accepted, from the Buckeye State!
Go Buckeyes!. It’s good to be back just in time for football season. I’ll be off to Afghanistan by Spring/Summer. Wish the Wife was with me so I could introduce her to how fanatical we are here about the Buckeyes. We are working on her Passport now but with my trip to Afghan and not quite sure on the timing of it the VISA process might be a big pain. I’m actually planning to post on the Forum and ask what happens if I start her VISA paperwork and half-way through it I head off to Afghan?.
Buckeye Bob;
Going to the forum is a good idea, maybe the guys that already have done it can give some good advise. If you run into a couple of Army guys named Billy or Devin Thompson, tell them their Dad said “HooRah and be safe! Football that is soon, thank the stars we have ESPN on my Satilite TV. Baseball playoff’s are coming up soon also. Chill the beer now! The be safe applies to you too!
Roger all of that!
Dude, I will read anything you write… are hilarious.
Just remember, the computer does NOT force you to do anything. You have control buddy!!!
Hi Todd;
I thought I’d send you down the road with my rant. My exwife must have designed this computer I’m using, I know because it’s trying to control me. The only control I have is I might pour 2 SMB’s over the mother board and see if it improves. I know I would. BTW; Thanks for your vote of approvable.
Another funny one, Paul!
BTW, John M is my FrontierVille neighbor… would you like to be our neighbors? 🙂
Miss August;
Does that group need nails also? my keg of nails is rusting quickly do to the weather, and the hardware store won’t give a refund. Anyway I pleased you enjoyed it! Thank you.
Hi Paul,
I beg to differ. IMO Internet is the enxt best thuing to love. I’m facebook friends with all my 3 exes too and just love it. Sorry LoL
Your a special guy, I suppose I could get along with my ex now that she is my ex. I just thought about it; nope, it’ll never happen! But it’s good to know that you still can. We’ll have to agree to disagree.
Facebook is great for people who want to stock pile friends like a collection. It is also good for people who want to find people who don’t want to be found by them and get into their business. Facebook is also good for those people who like to spread out their lives to the whole world to see, only to have it ruined by some butthead.
The best thing facebook is good for is gaming it give people who don’t have a life a cyberlife.
Well something is better than nothing!!!
Well enough of this I got a life I’m going fishing and drink a few beers with my BBQ when I get home. 🙂
Could that mean your surfing the web someplace other than home? Anyway you make some good points. Me too, even if the rain keeps putting out the fire, the beer is still good.
I still believe in the old style face to face conversation with friends is worth it’s
weight in gold other than chat rooms. The internet does have it’s good points like this sight it brings people with common goals as support group to help answer questions and makes you move abit smoother. It’s like a tool to help old saliors keep in touch and look out for each other. Heck drinking beer and eating BBQ with a computer just doesn’t have the same effect as being there. Beside it’s a little messy, but you don’t have to share your beer. 🙂
Yes Mike;
I agree that FaceBook serves a purpose, but as you said “Face to face over a cold one is far better.” I sat having a beer with my computer just one time, the screen saver kept coming up, so I guess I was boring it.