HEADPHONES: Yes sir, they even have a built-in FM Radio, and volume controls for each ear. Wow, I don’t even use the radio or CD player in my car or living room as I like the convenience of the USB memory stick. Have you figured out what this is about?

Back to my My/Phone, audiobook reader (I’ve mentioned in the past) I tried the little headphones that come with most cell phones including the 8 or 9 sets in a drawer around our house..
But I have a phobia about putting things in my ear. The Navy gave me wax ear plugs to use when I fired the five-inch gun belonging to mount “51” on USS Mullinnix DD-944, and other large guns on other ships. I fired very few small arms, albeit I did once shoot a Corvette with a Colt 911, Navy Issue 45 Caliber while it was on the pier in Newport RI. But that’s another story.
The wax ear plugs in those days were not great in protecting hearing. But now forty years later the equipment has improved considerably. My phobia stems from after eight hours of firing the large Naval Gun while stuck in a steel echo chamber, the wax melted in the heat of the South China Sea and was difficult to remove.
So off to the Mall I go with my wife and granddaughter, to buy a pair of Headphones for my book listening enjoyment.
The set I bought was ITEC HD Wireless Headphones (Bluetooth) with FM. The charge lasted less than three hours and I had to return to the mall to replace the charger that didn’t fit my unit. The two workers tried their best to help me, they had four more units and the charger fit none of the units including mine. Damn inspector 12 at that factory.
We did find a charging unit off the shelf that worked, but I had to pay P180.00 for it.
Did I mention my unit had no guarantee on it? Are we surprised? The new charger fit, but the unit has still only held a charge for three hours. I was heading back to the Mall again.
I should know to never buy a set of headphones from a store where everything is marked down and all items were branded “Hey Joe” Did I mention they have no guarantee on anything in the store.
Now you can believe me or not! But the young woman and the young man were still extremely helpful but were restricted by company rules. The last thing I did as I left was to thank them both and tip them P 300.00 each and told them to have a nice lunch on me. They looked at my wife and granddaughter with a questioning look in their eyes, my ladies just smiled as we left.
As we walked through the vast electronic section of the mall, my granddaughter steered me into the Sony Store. I smiled as I was thinking that there was something there she needed. But I was wrong, she pointed out a display of high-quality headphones that didn’t even have the FM Radio option.
Colleen spoke to the saleslady (Her Tagalog is perfect) the girl showed me a set of headphones (Bluetooth of course) that were lightweight and extremely comfortable. I was convinced these are the one, to be the one.
The price was P 8,000.00 but they really were that nice, and my granddaughter asked that the charger be fit tested. (It worked very well) Now for the part that should make you laugh, as it did me. She told me; “Sir this is the display model we are NIS.” (NOT IN STOCK) I turned to my granddaughter to see if I’d taught her anything in her 15 years of life. Yes, she was smiling, as was my wife. The saleslady unfortunately just didn’t get the joke.
Miss, which Headphones do you have in stock, that would be the best headphones Sony has IN STOCK? She showed Colleen another set that cost P 5,000.00 Na Lang. I see the logic, she saving me P 3,000.00. I thanked her.
Time has passed, I read (Listen?) three hours every day and also on car trips when I’m not driving (Of course!) I like my new Sony MDR –X8650BT Extra Bass wireless headphones. And one three hour charge lasts eight days, and the charger fits very well. Henceforth whenever I shop for electronics my granddaughter will be with me, and yes I’ll buy her a new outfit or anything else that catches her eye. That is what Lolo Daddy Paul’s do in life.
The reason I drive less now is my legs cramp up slowing my reaction time from the accelerator to the brake pedal. It is my decision due to my concern for the safety of my family, and the innocent drivers on the road with me. (Innocent drivers, that is funny, isn’t it?)
Glad you found something suitable Paul, and a name brand as well. I never cared for earphones of any kind myself as I have found them to be uncomfortable and I like to hear what is going on in my surroundings. I live in a quiet place, if I had to put up with a lot of background noise I might feel otherwise LOL. Good luck and enjoy your new earphones.
I also am not fond of earphones, but with them I can listen to my book, she can watch Eat Bulaga and happiness will abound. But until a better way comes along I have to use them.
I actually have the same exact model of headphones in my drawer. I use it occasionally and really enjoy it. The bass is really deep and the quality is up to spec. I’ve had it now for 2 years or so I’d say and I charge it probably once every few weeks.
To save my wife’s hearing I use it daily now, the VA is paying me for my hearing loss but they tell me it is not going to get better.
In 1993 I was visiting my parents in Massachusetts, when my dad asked me what TV to buy as his had just bought the farm. He asked me what was a good brand, I asked how long the Sony lasted that just died. He said 20 years. I smiled and said; “Another Sony!” My grand daughter knew the same thing. (LOL)
Yes, Paul, Colleen is the one who will be the one na lang who should accompany you to all future trips to the electronics store because she is the one who will be the one who has the smarts to steer you to the right gadget at the right price. 🙂
Just curious, Paul, those Navy-issue wax ear plugs that melted in your ears in the heat of South China Sea after firing those big naval guns for eight hours, is that for real? I know the Army serves sh&t on shingles every morning in the mess halls, and that’s for real. lol
Yes they were for eal and today I’m going to Clark to see a hearing specialist to raise my VA disability payment. So uncle Sam also knows they didn’t work very well..
As for SOD I can’t remember a breakfast on a ship where that wasn’t on the menu, along with all the other items. A great selection everyday. in 24 years I never carried a C-Ration, H-Ration or MRE with me or a pack in my back, we sailed on our hotel and every meal wa hot and delicious eaten in an Air Conditioned mess hall.
The Army and the Marine’s would call us.and ask my ship to drop rounds in places they needed them.
(The Wax plugs were used in the 1960’s and 1970’s and were for real. BTW, why do you ask? (LOL).
Hi Paul – I am aware of those ear plugs and have seen them, but I never heard of military-issue wax ear plugs that would melt in your ear, that’s what I’m wondering about. Come to think of it, I never wore ear plugs while undergoing machine gun (.50 caliber) trainfire in Basic and Advance Infantry Training, or remembered any training NCOs offering them to us before we went on the firing range. That is why, like you, I have a service-connected disability for partial loss of hearing in my right ear.
As for the c-rations, you wouldn’t know how good they taste unless you are out on field training exercises for days, sometimes weeks, deep in winter.
I missed the wonder of living in a tent in the winter. (LOL) Camping to me is any hotel that lacks room service. ,
Onboard ship, both Navy and merchant, we were served four hot meals a day while underway, import it was back to three hot meals and the roach coach (Gedunk Truck) on the pier at night.. The wax ear plugs were replaced by foam that were useless as they popped out all the time. Our smallest guns were twin 40 Mil. anti-aircraft guns which were replaced by General Electric gatling guns spitting out a wall of lead at thousands of rounds per second, but they sounded like an electric saw, a computer fired them..My two Army sons tell me all about their time in the field, and then laugh as they know I never did that. Have you applied for the hearing loss? they gave me 10% disability on my ears but are upping it to 25% soon, I get another 50% for the asbestos in my lungs (It’s all been removed from all US Ships now)
Great article Paul, and really made me smile – I also have 8 or 9 or more of those darned iPhone earphones cluttering up drawers in a tangled mess!. Your new headphones look great and I’ll check them out myself when I’m next on my travels. Years ago I used to hate wearing bulky headphones that took up space in hand luggage, so was well pleased with the introduction of the small earpiece style. Not any more. After a while they irritate, and I much prefer the padded comfort of more traditional models. Yours look perfect. Enjoy!!
Because of the padding and lightweight they are very comfortable, and they fold flat to fit in a small carrying case I use for both them and my Audio Book Reader. As I said they are dear, but well worth it to me..