Since a few weeks ago I’ve been feeling a little bit sick. I am not sure if I shared it here before that ever since I was pregnant with my youngest son, that was when my hypertension got started. It really got high just right before I gave birth. That was one of the reason why I had a C section when I gave birth. I never thought I would get high blood pressure, but I did. And I thought it will just go away right after giving birth. Just a few months after moving here it got worse to the point that I was brought to the hospital. I also had a heart murmur problem. My doctor she gave me some medicine that I am still taking up to now.
A few weeks ago I really felt it got worse again, so Bob told me that he would check my blood pressure since we have those digital blood pressure machines. At first it got error, we wondered if my blood pressure was too high for the setting that Bob put on or my blood pressure was just way too high. Anyway, I felt that my blood pressure was high because I was feeling dizzy and I got a little bit of a headache. So the next day I did try to take care more of myself by trying to exercise more like walking from our house to the mall. I went there with my niece. While she was taking care with her errands, I was walking inside the mall from one end to the other. Whenever my niece finished up with her shopping she just texted me that she was done and time for us to head back home. And we also tried to walk during early morning just in our neighborhood.
To be honest I guess all the changes in my daily routine helped me right away because when I went to the doctor after 2 weeks my blood pressure was good already. Still, with my medicine though. I had to go to the doctor before Bob’s trip to Cebu. I was gonna wait to go to the doctor when I traveled to GenSan after Bob’s trip to Cebu to get our kids there. See, my doctor that I am used to she’s from GenSan. Even though we are residing here in Davao we will go for special trip to GenSan just for the doctor’s appointment. She’s really good and a got to be friends later. But this time Bob told me to have it done ASAP. So we went to the doctor here in Davao which was recommended by a good friend of ours.
I’m okay now. I have to try to really take care of my blood pressure because my mom’s family had a stroke problem. My grandmother died a few hours after she had the stroke. I think only my mom lasted for awhile after her stroke. Some of my uncles died also of a stroke immediately. So really the family history is not so good looking for me. So now I am trying my best to take care of myself. 😉
My kids are always reminding me of not drinking with a caffeine drinks. Especially Aaron, he would call me up while he was in GenSan vacationing to remind me not to drink ice tea. Also when I picked them up last week that was the first thing he asked me “Mom, have you been drinking ice tea and diet pop?”
Anyway. Thank God I’m okay now. Back to being a busy mom again. School starts pretty soon here. Its going to be a busy week ahead for us. Buying the school supplies and the uniforms. Malls have started to have midnight sales here now. Good thing for the busy parents here.
Hi Feyma, sorry to hear that you had not been feeling well lately.
I think along with everything else, the walking does help a lot in regulating your pressure. I would think that too much coffee wouldn't be such a great idea, but I've read that it's not really certain that coffee plays too big a part. I've also read though, you shouldn't have a blood pressure reading right after a cup of coffee.
Kumusta imong gibati Feyma?,
I too am sorry to hear that you have these problems Feyma, after giving birth to me and my brother(I have a twin brother), my mother started with the same problems. Also, my mother has very bad nerves as well, so that doesn't help, but over the years, when things would be stressful, her blood pressure would affect her. But she has learned to live with it, meaning a better diet, exercise, and trying to not let things bother her. Of course she is retired now, but she did these things back when we were growing up in the 70's and 80's, raising four boys. She continues to do these things for her health to this day.
So just take things easy, and one day at a time, eat healthy, drink healthy, exercise (walking is very good), this is important, because I know you want to live long life and enjoy your grandchildren in the future. 🙂
Salamat kaayo og ingat,
Danny 🙂
Gee Feyma if I had a peso for all the people I know in the Pines with "high blood" I would be a multi millionaire. I suspect you are only young, maybe in your mid to late forties? Yet I hear about it all the time amongst a lot of people in your age group. From what I have seen the Pino is not the most active person in the world, preferring to sit down or sleep whenever they can. Then again who can blame them, it is always hot even when it is cool! Too much exertion makes a Pino hungry which means he will have to eat more and that means no extra budget for foods.
I have found to my surprise that even my blood pressure has risen since i have been here. I hope your health will improve, but take my advice the Pino is here for a good time not a long time……..
Hi Feyma,
Sorry to hear that you had a health scare,glad to hear your feeling better now.
Salt is the worst offender for raising blood pressure,so watch your salt intake.
Recent European research has discovered that the worst time to exercise is in the morning,apparently our blood is at its thickest and the vessel walls are least pliable.They recommend best time to exercise is afternoon or early evening.Apparently most athletes do there most strenious exercise afternoon/early evening.
I appreciate your not of this age,but some doctors here recommend that the 50+ age group take 75mg of asprin a day to keep blood thinner.Thats 1/4 of a standard 300mg tablet.Must be taken with food or can cause bad stomach upset.However Asprin is not agreeable to everybody,but i find it ok.I believe Cinnamon has a similar effect but not certain.
regards Chas.
Ohh forgot to mention it, in my case dehydration has raised my blood pressure. I am always active here so I lose heaps of water but I don't replace it often enough which then leaves me ill a few times. I also noticed diabetes and kidney problems are common around the people I live with?
Hi Feyma,
Omega 3 fish oil is also good for your blood and arteries,found in oily fish like Tuna,Mackerel and Salmon.However, it is not found in any quantity in tinned tuna as the very small fish go to the cannery,tuna steaks much better.Maybe this is why the Japanese have very low incidence of heart disease,they love tuna fish.
It is also available in capsule supplement,wether capsules are available there i'm not sure.
regards Chas.
hi feyma,
happy to know that you are much feeling better.
My husband and i were talking just yesterday how high blood pressure is prevalent in the Pines. Then again this morning, i was on the phone with my mother and somehow we got to talking about how high blood pressure is not just common among adults in the Philippines but are now present even in the young ones. Your article today is the third encounter i have about HB.
I reminded my mother though to watch her intake of salt and soy sauce. Salty and sweet food are friends with HB.
I see you have a doctor Aaron there to keep you on your toes. How sweet of him.
Take care,
Hi Feyma- Glad you're ok now. Take it easy and you better follow your kids' advice. 😉
Hi Feyma, Hypertension is a life long problem once you have been diagnosed. Regular exercise,weight control,proper diet,no caffeine and following doctor's orders are important. One of the most important things is to avoid stress as much as possible. We, both, know about stress when it comes to running our families daily lives. ANyway, Feyma, it is a controllable condition and not something to be afraid of- just get out and exercise -shopping is one of my favorite "sports!" Jo
Oh my Feyma would have never gussed that about you because you look so fit and healthy but i know about high blood for sure i had a sister that died giving birth due to pre emclampsia. all i can say is always remember to take your Lisinopril and exercise regular 🙂
Glad to hear your okay my friend….. My families have the history of high blood; my mom is taking meds as well, last year, I had medical exams and doctor told me that I have hypertension too, I was shocked!!! I guess because I’m skinny, thought to my self I won’t get it. After all the doctors’ explanations, I really have to take good care of my body, eat the right nutritious food…exercise (which I don’t do), I have to stay away from my favorite food “krispy pata & ginataang crabs” and lastly salt… I’ll just have to stick with fish and veggies…
Pag ayo-ayo kanunay para sa imo pamilya…
Hi Feyma, sorry to hear you have been worried. I needed an operation a while ago, and the doc found I had high blood pressure, way too high for an op. So i quit some business activity which had been winding me up, and checked my diet etc. After a few weeks it was back down to normal again. I'm sure your walking and diet will help a lot, and maybe you could find one or two 'stressy things' to cut out?
Hi queeniebee – Good thing I am not a coffee drinker. Now I tried to walk everyday and really tried hard to watch my diet.
Thank you so much for your concern. As always its nice seeing you here. Take care!
Hi Danny – Thank you so much for your concern. I'm like your mom already accepted the fact that I had some high blood pressure problem. I just really had to maintain a good diet and exercise. It's not easy sometimes especially when laziness gets to me. Honestly I am trying really to not be stress too much.
Thank you again for stopping by. Take care and God bless!
Hi Boss – It really shock me when I got this sickness at an early age. I am 40 years old by the way. And I was active in the States before. I go walking a lot. I guess try to avoid stress too. Sometimes its hard to avoid it.
I guess some of the Filipinos doesn't really like to go for a walk everyday.
Thank you for your concern and nice to see you here…
Hi Boss – Thank you!
Hi chasdv – I've heard of this Omega 3 fish oil too. I thought its just like a food supplement. I saw a place here in the mall that sells the capsule.
I really learned a lot from you guys. Thank you so much. I really appreciate very much. Take care!
Hi janet – Good advice to your family.
Yeah I am happy to have a very strict doctor in the house. Good thing its free of charge. He doesn't play around, his serious about it too. 😉
I really appreciate you guys concern. I thank you for it. Take care!
Hi Michelle – Oh yeah I am really following the advice of my doctor here in the house. 😉
I am doing good now.
Thank you for your concern. Take care!
Hi Jo – Good advice. I am following that path already especially shopping. 😉
Seriously I am trying my best to exercise and eat healthy. Good thing I know how to cook.
Thank you for stopping by. Good to see you here. Take care!
Hi Tommy – Honestly a lot of people like you are shocked that I had some HB problem even some members of my family. I think I just didn't take care of myself that good lately. Oh well, I have no choice now but to take care of myself.
It was really good to see you and Riza. Do you guys come to the city a lot? Riza must be busy preparing for school opening soon? Take it easy there too. Don't get stress out there too.
I am sorry to hear about the death of your sister.
Good to hear from you. You guys take care and God bless!
Hi Ann – You also take it easy my dear friend. It's not fun to have this sickness. We have to go on the veggie diet. We mostly cook veggies now. Yeah good bye for now on the crispy pata and lechon. Gosh, its hard to let go of the crabs.
You take care too. Ug ayo ayo sad diha.
Thank you so much for your concern. I really appreciate your nice comment.
Hi jonaky – I'm glad to hear that you are doing okay too. You also take care of yourself.
Nice to see you here again. I really appreciate your concern. Thank you for the advice too. Take care and God bless!
Will do, thanks Feyma. 🙂
My mom had a high blood pressure too lately. But by maintaining her medicine, it keeps her on track. Glad you're okay now.
thank you Feyma we want to come to Davao maybe this weekend but i have been battling an infection in my leg and Riza is in summer session school until today we will text to you and Bob when we are there and please always remember nothing is worth sacrificing your health for take good care and we'll see you soon 🙂
Jess has HBP too so I guess I need to get her on a stress free diet too ..Good too hear that you are felling better feyma….Phil nJess
hi fema . sorry to hear about your high blood. i also have high blood. the doctors here say its because my family had it and its heriditary.myn started at 18 years old until now.and im 50 now. maybe you should check your children at around 16 to 18 years just to be safe. good luck
Hi Laura – I'm glad your mom is okay too.
Thank you so much for your thoughts. I really appreciate very much.
Take care and God bless!
Hi Phil n Jess R. – Good idea Phil. Hope she feels better too.
Thank you so much for your comment. Nice to see you here.
Take care.
Hi jerry smith – Thank you so much for your thought. I really appreciate very much. I believe a lot of it really is from the family history. My mom side of the family died from stroke. Oh yeah we've been checking our kids for it too.
Thanks for stopping by! God bless!
Hi feyma
I hope you are feeling much better now,I always remember when my late father was suffering with Angina (aform of heart trouble) he too was told to take aspirin as it helped with the thinning of the blood. One other thing he was told was very useful in thining the blood was a glass of white wine, check this out with you doctor though! I wouldnt want to be recommending something against his wishes. Another good Idea is to check out the different Websites for health and well being,Here in the UK we have the NHS website that has links within it to diets for specific illness,Infact I have put a link to the page you want from there it will be easy to find your way around it.
i hope you can find a little use from it and be safe and be well.
oops i forgot the link in my last message so here it is below.…
Hi Dave – Thank you so much for sharing some good information though. Yes next time I visit my doctor I will mention the stuff that you said.
I also look up some info on the net too regarding my sickness.
I really thank you for your concern. I really appreciate that very much.
Thank you also for stopping by here. Take care!
Hi Dave – Thanks for the link. I appreciate it.