Using the way-back machine to sum things up. The new road is done and open to traffic now. My dream of it being dust free was nothing but a dream, I washed the new old Honda on Thursday and Friday morning it was covered with a fine layer of dust, albeit less dust, but dust […]
The Road to…….
On September 22nd I wrote about the road grader in front of my house digging up my sidewalk. “Of Course, When It Rains”. So now in November the road is finally coming to my house, I’ve taken onboard extra beer as my life has come down to this being one of the most exciting things […]
Who Gave You Permission?
The last two weeks have been a heady time here on the mountain where I live in Bataan. It all revolves around 1500 square meters of land beside my house. For 15 years we’ve never known who owned it or who the caretaker really is. It all started a few months ago when a person […]
Staying Flexible part II
Last week I left off with Bruce his wife Ali and the Thompson’s were meeting again the following Saturday. Remember that the desk girl at his hotel corrected me Tuesday and said his sir name was Michelle instead of Michaels. The same girl and this time told me his last name was Mitchell. AH; a […]
Staying Flexible part I
Two of our LiP readers are coming to the Philippines on vacation PapaDuck and Bruce who both live in Florida and soon will be moving here fulltime, in a year or so or whenever. Bruce contacted me through LiP and e-mail, giving me his arrival times and said he and his wife would be staying […]
I was wrong!
I’ll blame it on my advancing years, but the first week in September I stopped at the Retired Activities Office or RAO down in the Barrio here in Olongapo City and picked up my US Mail. Since I was on my way to lunch with friends I tossed it into the back seat of my […]