Did you know that there is a relatively inexpensive thing that you can do that will save you money in the long run, and also help keep you healthier? And, it’s something that is quite easy too! What is this miracle solution? Keep your air conditioning Units Clean! That’s right, the simple act of cleaning […]
How about a free trip to the Philippines?
Did you know that it’s possible that every time you travel to the Philippines it can effectively be free? That’s right, your hotel, your airfare, meals and everything could effectively be for free! How? Let me tell you. Of course, you will have to pay for all of the items listed above, but there is […]
Did you know that you can get a whole laundry list of medications over the counter in the Philippines? Many medications that require a prescription in the United States and other countries can easily be obtained over the counter here in the Philippines. Really, as far as I know, the only medications that require a […]
How much can you modify your diet?
Let’s face it, the diet in the Philippines is quite a bit different than the diet back in the USA where I come from. If you are reading this, it’s most likely that you are from some either the USA or some other western country, since my website statistics show that most of my readers […]
What about medical insurance
In a previous post, I told you about my experience with Philippine Health care, and how satisfied I was with the quality of care available here. As I said, the cost is much lower than what I would have expected to pay back home in the USA. However, there are ways to even keep costs […]
How is the medical care in the Philippines?
A question that I hear from people often is this – “how is the medical care in the Philippines?” Well, let me relate my experience. In 2001, at just 39 years old, I had a stroke. i was living in General Santos City at the time, which is a rather small city of maybe 400,000 […]