Summer is over here in the Philippines already. Some kids went back to school a few days ago. Most of the private school will be going back this coming Monday.
During summer my kids went to GenSan. They also went to my family farm. As I wrote here before that they like to go there. Well, one thing they like at the farm is the river that is just near my parents place. The kids went there for a swim. The people at the farm were shocked watching the kids swim. They said that the water was so dirty from the flooding because it rained so much and made the water brown. The people there would not swim on it. But my kids and their cousins did swim. My kids did not mind the brown colored water. They told my sisters that its okay that its brown, they will just shower later then at my sister’s house.
When the time came for me to pick them up in GenSan they asked me if we can go to the farm before heading back to Davao. I told them okay. I wanted to see my family there too anyway. So, we went to the farm on the day I got to GenSan. As soon as we got to the farm the kids immediately rode the cartwheels (kariton) to get some firewood to be used for our Tapahan (a place to dry the copra). And of course they went swimming again.
At that time the water was still brown. It had been raining off and on in the mountain for a long time. It really brought back some good and sad memories for me. The spot where the kids were swimming was just near to the place where the wife our tenant was drowned. She’s close to the family because every time there was a special occasion at our house she was there to help out, so I saw her a lot at our house. So my sisters and I were talking about her while the kids were swimming.
While swimming they saw a neighbor kids fishing. My kids and their cousins from GenSan were fascinated with the net that this kids are using. So when that neighbor finished up fishing my kids and their cousin borrowed the net and they tried to fish themselves. They got some tiny crabs and shrimp. The only thing they like to go fishing in the deeper area, so not much catch there. Really they just like to hold that net and swim. So my sisters and I just let the kids do what they wanted to do. They had fun anyway. To catch using this net it should be in the shallow area of the river and try to open the rocks while the net is at the bottom of where you open lots of rocks. Then the fish, crabs and shrimp get caught then on the net.
I remember when I was a kid, my cousins and I used to go and fish with a similar net like the one I saw of the neighbor kids. We would be in the river for hours and hours in the day. We caught something but really we went to the river for swimming mostly. My parents would get mad because me and my cousins would be jumping from the side of the cliff and landed in the water. It was really fun for us, but my mom didn’t think that. She really thought it was too dangerous. Honestly, she’s right, but we had fun though. Sometimes I would have punishment when I got home. One time I told my dad that it was really fun to be jumping on that cliff. So I guess my dad understood my feelings a lot of times he would get his carabao ready to have a bath and he would tell me to come along with him and bring my cousins and we can swim while he put the carabao in the water too. We didn’t mind swimming in the river with the carabao near by.
My kids and their cousins didn’t mind that to this day either. While they were swimming the carabao was swimming near to them too. They even help the carabo wet his whole body.
I’m pretty sure the kids will go back again in that Patag river next year. They like it there. Just like their Mom.
Hi Feyma,
I have a river near my house here in Canada, It is about 7 mins walk. The water comes from the Glacier and is VERY COLD!!!! but on a hot day like today it is wonderful. The river is very fast and there are some areas some Dad have blocked off for the kids to swim in that is away from the current. SOme days there are a couple of hundred kids and adults in the river as well as their dogs.
I have just come home from work and am going to put my bathing suit on and go to the river and swim with the neighbour kids. It is so much fun….you can't keep kids away from their swimming hole!!!!
Kamusta ka Feyma,
These memories will last forever with them…very nice article. We use to go swimming in the Potomac River as a children, when we visited my grandfather in the country, great memories. Lots of fishing and crabbing, and coming home sunburnt..great times.
Danny 🙂
kamusta feyma
ahhh such a nice article here that brings me great memories of when im growing up here on the island where i live.exept we have quarrys cut from stone in the early 1900s.alot of cliffs and deep cold water.ahhhh so many sweet time we had for sure.we would jump from the highest cliffs and show our talents to the tourist.daredevils we were called.
salamat feyma
When I read an article like this one, it really makes me feel happy that our kids are growing up sharing some of the experiences of your childhood. Doing things like swimming in the river, the same one where you swam as a child, riding the carabao, swimming with the carabao and such, well these things make me feel good. I know that such an upbringing produced a very kind lady like you, and if it has the same affect on our children it would make me very happy.
I really would love to read more articles like this about your childhood on the farm, your parents and how the raised you, the simple life and such. I don't know enough about this kind of thing, because you don't really talk about it much. But, I know that you have colorful memories that you can share with all of us here – myself included.
Hi Feyma, Cute story. About three and a half years ago we took about a 20 minute walk to a small river behind my in-law's house. There were about ten of us; cousins of my husband and their combined children, aged maybe 4 to ten years old. It was a muggy day and my flipflops would every so often get stuck in the slippery grey mud along the path. It got gradually cooler and shadier as we neared the shallow river which emptied into a very deep watering hole. When we reached the watering hole, the children delightedly stripped down to briefs and cannonballed over the edge and down deep into the hole. The one little girl in the group gamely jumped along with her cousins and they'd climb back up over and over again, to happily dive again. I was amazed how fearless and carefree they were, in what to me seemed to be a pretty dangerous feat. They all survived their trip with the only casualty being one lost flipflop that was later retrieved by one of the older children. Two very young children from that area looked on for a short time, but were absorbed in the serious work of bathing their family's precious carabao, and could not join in. I look back fondly on that day, and that wonderful moment frozen in time… Cherish these moments with your children as they are so special.
Hi Tyleen – That's one reason that my brother-in-law or nephews who are older to be there with the kids when they are swimming, so that somebody will be there always watching them. My kids are not familiar with the river and how deep it is. Its good to be in the water especially during hot day. 😉
Have fun swimming there. Have a good summer.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Nice to see you again here. Take care!
Hi Danny – I know what you mean. They really had fun going there. Its been a plan always now that they will spend some days in the farm during summer. They really like it. I like it also so that they will know the place where I grow up with. The neighbors knows my kids now.
They are looking forward for the next summer now. 😉
Nice to see you again Danny. Take care.
Hi Ron W – I am happy that you reminisce your younger years through my column. 😉 I remember before when me and my cousins were playing throwing rocks in the water. Whoever throw the farthest wins.
Really good memories.
Thank you so much for sharing your stories. I'm happy that you share with us too.
Good to see you here.
Hi Hon – Honestly since you and the kids saw the place where I grow up with its much easier to explain. Before the kids doesn't really know what I am talking about if I said something about the farm. Now they know that mom really did ride the kariton, take care the carabao, horse, pigs and chickens.
I'm happy that you did visit my birthplace and saw some of my family there. I will try to share some in here. When I go there for a visit again I will try to take a lot more photos and share it here too.
Hi queeniebee – I love your story. A very good one.
Good memories stays forever….
Thank you for sharing. Its so nice to see you here again. Take care!
Hi Feyma,
Your article always brings back memories. When my mom decided to go to Manila to work, me & my brothers were left in my grandmother’s care, in Bayugan Agusan Del Sur. My childhood memories or elementary days were spent mostly in Agusan… My grandparents used to own carabaos and rice field near in the river. My cousins and I used to wash clothes in the river; we brought our lunch, and spent all day there just playing around. We swam right next to the carabao, we didn’t really care we had so much fun, we climbed and jump on the water, when all the fun is done; we didn’t realized that most our clothes was gone.. I mean Gone, washed away for good, the only thing was left is my Aunt brazier and 1 pair of pants. We didn’t even want to come home we we’re sooo scared!!! When my grandma found out what happen, we have to kneel on the floor with rice on it…. (Ouch)
Unfortunately my grandparents died and sold the property. Every time, I’m in ‘Pinas, I always make time to visit Bayugan, whether sad or good memories, Bayugan is always in my heart… Unforgettable memories …
Thank you for making me cry….
Hi Feyma,
when we were kids,we also loved to go swimming in the river(dumaguete city) and on the weekends almost everybody in the village go to the river to washed clothes ,It was really fun,those days are gone !because not a lot people nowadays go the river and wash clothes anymore.GOOd article Feyma.Tnx for sharing.
Hi Ning – You got that right. I did notice that people don't wash clothes in the river like the old days. I can't blame them the river is not that clean like it used to be though.
That's why the washing machine is really selling good nowadays. 😉
Thank you so much for stopping by. Hope to see you a lot here.
Take care…
Hi Ann – Hey I am happy that I can recall your yesteryears in the Philippines. We had a lot of similarity growing up in the farm. Even with a lot of punishment but still a lot of good times happened too. Good or bad memories it will stay with us forever.
Sorry if I had let you shed some tears my friend. More to come…;-)
Good to see you again Ann. Take care and God bless!
Hello Feyma,
I find all this very interesting, am planning to visit Davao
soon. I was born in bukidnon but actually know nothing about the
area and also have never been there.I lived in GenSan for a
short while as a young girl. I would love to get together with
you when I arrive, I don't have time or date at this time but
I shall let you know when I have that info. I have lived most of
my life in the US.
Good morning, Feyma!
Thank you so much. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
take care,
Hey Feyma, your stories are really fun to read. It reminds me of my childhood in Bohol as well. Although I did not swim with carabaos..we live in a coastal town, so we have the sea to frolic and swim but riding a carabao is fun. It is different than riding a horse. When I brought my daughter when she was 5, I let her experienced the ride and you can see fear and excitement on her face…but she ahd a good time. She is 14 now and she is the one on the picture.
Hi Terry – Hey, my dad is from Bohol. I love the place, I really want to bring Bob and the kids there someday.
I like to ride the carabao and horse. My kids didn't experience riding the carabao alone. They always ride in the kariton though. Its much safer for them.
Good to see you here. Take care!