Boredom causes me to do strange things and we all need those little projects in our retirement years. Nothing to laborious just a simple project to keep our mind and hands busy. First, without my wife realizing that I was gathering materials primer sandpaper wire brush rags and alike I tried to convince her it was for the rust on the bottom of the front gate, as if I really thought that plan would work. There are “GUY’s” to do that she explained.

(I did take care of the rust on the bottom of the gate, because I kinda had to.)
I went to the workshop in back and I found the hydraulic jack I bought back in 2001 in case I ever had a flat here on the mountain I could easily remove the tire and hire a “GUY” to take it to the vulcanize for repair. I never needed it not once in all those years.
The jack had sat beside the battery charger and electric air compressor (For inflating leaking tires) two more items that I never had to use. But my neighbors in my purok used them all the time over the two decades I have owned them, along with my tent. So I guess I did need them after all!
That’s when I had my full eureka moment, something that had been on the back of my mind since I replaced those cheap plastic hubcaps on my car with nice custom rims. For over a year I’ve been looking at the four rusty wheel hubs on my car and now was the time to deal with it. “Never rush into anything.” I always say.
Mayang figured out my scheme, and the next thing there is a “GUY” standing by to do the work for me, well I asked; ”Where is the fun in that?”
I slipped him 50 pesos and told him I changed my mind.
Next she takes me to the car accessory “Guy” and tells him what I want done. The labor and materials will cost PhP 2,335.00 (Damn near fifty bucks.) But the money was not the point; I wanted to do it myself. I yearned for that manly sense of accomplishment. Those bragging rights while consuming SMB’s with my friends seeing the envy in their eyes, and plus I get to brag about it on LiP, a total win-win!
Mrs. Thompson figured out that I’m going to be the one to be the one to paint the fore and aft wheel hubs on my car. Male dominance once more prevails, I did it for all of us guys, I took the bullet for manhood.

I decided to do the front hubs first as they had the most rust. Jack up the Attrage-Mirage G4 by Mitsubishi and start cleaning the rust. After two hours I’m rethinking my letting that “Guy” go, but out of pure perseverance I forged ahead wire brushing and sanding and when I was done it was shining, I polished it and decided it looked better than paint ever would. Oh my, the shine from those front hubs was magnificent. But short lived and rusting again within two days. But I didn’t sell the jack, and cleaned them again and this time primed and painted them red.
Moving to the rear wheels Mayang decided they would look good painted silver, and since she gave in to my original request, I returned the gesture, and yes she was the one who was bringing me those chilled beverages that I do so enjoy. So silver it was, why the hell not!
I’m done now it took me four mornings and then two extra mornings more, but now with pride I can look at my handy work and say to myself; “Self, the next time you idiot, spend the damn fifty bucks!”
Paul it sounds a little odd having red on the front and silver on the back but I guess in the land of the Jeepnee it’s positively reserved.
Odd is a commonly used word in my Purok, the fact that they were only two colors and not four surprised me. Different style hubs different colors, makes sense to me. I call it art so no one can argue with me. (lol)
Art? Well, if it’s art, you probably saved much more than 50 bucks. Art is expensive!
Ah with art, it is so easy to fool liberals, I’ll display the picture at the MET in New York City and watch them fawning over them, sipping girly drinks while holding their pinkie in the air, and then tell them they are not for sale just to send them in to a frenzy.
hello paul,
another good story from you. i hope you used a paint that is not sensitive to heat. because friction and heat off the disc will cause it to start peeling very shortly.
As a matter of fact that had not occurred to me but when my wife took me to the accessory “GUY” he spoke about it and I had a “Light Bulb” moment and bought the correct paint. Sometimes it’s better to be listening while saving money! (lol)
Hey Paul, I think you’re right about boredom you still need things to do, I’m always
Looking to do things I’m going to wash the car and take our visitors to the airport
I’m looking forward to that, you’re right about piers Morgan I can’t stand the man
And I’m British, Derek in pasig.
Piers Morgan, you’re not the first “Brit” to tell me that, when I wrote that he should go back home on Facebook, a friend of mine retired from your Royal Navy, said he didn’t want him back.
Years ago I wrote about some of the things I do to keep busy, but I find my wife tries to stop me, it’s not like I want to skydive or something stupid like that. But I keep trying..
OK, Self, what did you buy to get the rust off? I’m asking not because, Self, I want to clean the wheels (we have someone doing that right now) but I want to take the rust off from some scissors.
I asked my son, and he asked his chemistry teacher, and the answer I got was to use WD-40. I’ve, like we all have, used WD-40 for 10,000 years. Yes, WD-40 sort of works but I want something that only a genius knows about.
So what will zip that rust away. Please. Self, give me some incite. Please don’t tell me something like acid that will eat away my flesh too.
This self starting self motivated guy used sand paper and a wire brush. I have a rust converter but I was only dealing with surface rust not imbedded rust as we used to find on a ship.. If it is not suppose to move, there is duct tape, if it was designed to move we recommend WD-40, and we can thank NASA for these inventions plus many more such as Velcro. (For those not smart enough to figure out a zipper)
See if you can find Scotchbrite pads there, they are made by 3M, but others copied them now also, and are cheaper. A carpaint or autobody supply shop might have them, since they are used a lot to scuff up paint before repainting a car if not using primer. They come in colors designating the abrasiveness, I would suggest the maroon color, they are the most abrasive and last far longer than steel wool. Here they come in 6″x9″ pads and cost about $1.00 each. I have seen the green colored ones there in a grocery store in the cleaning isle, but that color pad is no very abrasive for removing rust.
Did you consider using rust colored paint, grabbing a beer and calling it a day?
That idea is a tad too late but I like it!!!
I think you have brought back something from the past Paul, remember the
Two Tone ” paint job cars used to be available in ? Well, now you’ve got it ! Just the other day I was thinking about not seeing ” Body Rot ” on cars in years because of the use of so much plastic on the car body now. With the constant high humidity that I guess is considered normal there keeping rust under control could be a constant battle.
Rusty Bowers in his comment mentioned cleaning the rust from some scissors. Is Steel Wool or an equivalent to Brillo or SOS soap pads available there ? On one of my visits I tried to get some steel wool to show one of my friends about plugging up rodent entry holes in his apartment with steel wool. I asked at several stores and it was like they did not know what I was talking about. Maybe it was just my accent they could not understand.
Bob New York,
Thanks, I’ll look and see if they have brillo pads here. I’ve never seen them but then I’ve never checked.
Bob NY:
I’ve been searching for whitewall tires and no luck so far.
But the two tone paint jobs should come back, but they would cost….
Stuff like SOS and alike are available here and even plain and simple steel wool.
When my wife took up knitting I bought a few cases of steel wool so she could knit me a new front gate. (LOL)
Paul maybe you can get some more colours and make it 4 LOL maybe thats a juob for next time (if you ever manage to put enough miles on the car to wear out the discs….)
Tim Kempton;
I don’t put enough kilometerage on a car to wear out the seat covers. (lol) One and a half years and it just hit 9,000 KM.
Had me going for a minute……..then you said I should of got the guy.
Restored my faith………The idea is the thing, then looking over the end product after sipping.
Gerald Glatt;
The beer would have tasted just as good if the GUY had done the work vice me. (lol)
Way to go Paul. I was wondering what we could talk about and drink to @ Texas Joes in a couple months. Now we at least have something to drink to.
As if that would be required, Oh Tommy’s home until January!
You guys save a couple SMBs for me — By the way are the new choppers trained for corn on the cob eating contest?
We poured you a rum and coke at By-the-Sea Friday night and told Dennis (the waiter) it was for you!
I’ve been nervous about corn on the cob, can you eat it? I ate one yesterday and it was good.
They will be rusted again shortly, you can change the colors once again then Paul.
I think you’re right, especially in a couple of months when they start salting the roads for snow removal. Oh damn, I just remembered I live in the Philippines where that has never happened. (LOL)
Good to see you found a way to keep yourself occupied for a few mornings. If the only reason I had to do it was for bragging rights though, I am sure I would have spent the 50 bucks and just bragged about what a fine job I did finishing the SMB while supervising! 🙂
One never must brag about enjoying the refreshing goodness that is the SMB, it hurts the feelings of those who are stuck drinking their home countries beer while missing the Philippines.