The following topics were posted by me over the last few months and this week I’m going to update each one to let you know how it all turned out, as if anyone really cares. But I have to come up with an article once a week and submit it to LiP HQ, so bear or is it bare with me. Okay it is in fact bear with me, according to the interwebby. I’m going to summarize the articles from the oldest to the newest (Posted last week)
Hey pssssssssst yeah you over there….
This was about Cella (Smart) Phone and that I ended up with from Mayang (My bride) her former phone after she got her new one. Me with an internet Wi-Fi capable phone with GPS and all that razz-a-ma-tazz, me the hater of technology and all things confusing. But with the aid of my Niece, granddaughter and my daughter they took the time to guide me through the operation of APP’s and other Wiz-bang stuff. I Paul Thompson now sitting under my tent in the front yard and doing Facebook, E-mails, Google Earth and other fancy stuff (Just like little Jackie Paper). Shocking; I’d dare say. I absolutely like it, but I still won’t sit with friends and play with the phone, for that is nothing but rude, it gets turned off until we are done socializing.
Ever Wonder Where It Goes
This article dealt with trash removal and a new color coding system enacted within my Barangay (Section of town). The truck was supposed to show up on alternating Sundays with the “Loud Lady” preceding its arrival by 30 minutes to give us warning. The truck crapped out and we’ve not seen it in two months. But we still color code before throwing it into the incinerator. We’re just doing our part for Mother Earth.
The Tent Maker
Omar (Tony) returned the tent a week ago, it fit perfect and I could find no problem with it. Well one small problem, the stitching is done with inferior thread and it leaks a tad in the rain. But it was still a bargain and it provides shade from the sun so the front of the house is now used daily and is very enjoyable. We spoke with Omar, and he said that after we take it back down he will strengthen out the problem area (I buy the new thread which is cheaper than duct tape). Okay I expected that to happen .See where a moral dilemma, will come back to bite my buttocks.
A Moral Dilemma
The tent fell under the Moral Dilemma syndrome which I didn’t mention the last time, but do you see how the gods will smite me? Smile, tip your SMB to the heavens and say; “I understand now!” But I did save a lot of Peso’s! Did I learn my lesson? More than likely, not yet.
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Yes the monsoons have started in my neck of the woods, thanks to a fellow LiP writer Mr. Norman Sison, he explained that where he lived in Antipolo his rain was also delayed, but that he was breaking out his set of Palawan Bamboo Rainmaking Sticks, and wouldn’t you know it a few hours later we received our first frog choking gully washing rain here in Bataan too, which BTW was when I discovered that my tent leaked. Do you see the 6 degrees of life coming into play? But thank you Norm, we needed that rain, now can you put away those rainmaking sticks and make it stop? (lol) As they (The two old guys in my purok) always say; “Be careful what you wish for!”
Measure Twice Cut Once
I submitted my article (Named Above) to Fearless Leader Bob at LiP Headquarters on time last Saturday. The Granite workers arrived and preformed the final tweaking, hooking up the water and drains to the sink and polishing the granite to a high luster, removing all the extra stone and cement and sand they had scattered around my car and yard. Plus and not lastly, the boss Jhun collected the back half of his money after an inspection that Mayang and her family crew did a walk through and checked every square meter of the kitchen for defects, I was given the “NOD” allowing me to pay the man. His crew was excellent and the quality of the work is to be praised. My wife doesn’t want to leave the kitchen ever because she is fascinated by the polished Granite. I likes it too, but not to the same level as Mayang.
Well that wraps up March through June, with nothing left to write about, wait I have a birthday next month, and the saga of my augmented teeth is still not over, plus my grandson has moved to Atlantic Beach Florida (Yes my daughter went there too……) I’ve put off my grandsons departure on hold as I must ease into that subject. But the communications are daily and I get to hear him shout I love you Daddy-bow. Hey he named me that. He’s with his mama and papa in the land of the Big PX and that is the way it is suppose to be. But after being with him every day for the last three years, all I can say is;” I sure do miss him.”
Now I can also move onto other things, all those unfinished articles had me wandering all kinds of things these past weeks as to how they all turned out. Sounds like overall, all is well there in paradise.
I kinda think I may be seeing a trip back to the states one of these days in your future to see your kids,,,maybe.
Paul one question I have. “APX.” how thick would you guess your new granite tops are , somewhere in the 1 1/4″ – 1 1/2″ range? I see they put a valance under some of them. Most of the ones I have seen there are only 1/2″ thick, and they dont look very good, but yours are thicker I can see. Different parts in the Philippines they do things different than in other parts it seems, so maybe you are in an area that uses better quality granite.
Bill S
I’ve noticed here on the interwebby, and especially on Facebook that subjects are brought up, picked over and discussed but all too often you are left with no conclusion and are up in the air. In the past I would sneak in a conclusion to one of my past articles but felt I needed to do more.
To your question, the granite is ¾ of an inch thick; according to all I can find out granite must be imported here unlike marble which is found here. I don’t know the thickness used in the states but 1 ½ inch seems very thick and you would have to have some pretty well built cabinets to support that weight.
Thanks Paul,
The norm here for granite is 1 1/4″ for tops, thats one of the business I have been doing here for years, that and man made solid surface materials like Corian, etc.
Bill S;
Where is the rest of my granite? But if it was 1 ¼ thick my wife couldn’t reach the sink, maybe that’s why it’s thinner here? (lol)
It’s always nice to hear about the … Rest of the story.
And now I have both a picture and a time in my head that I just can’t shake….something about frolicking in the mist?
Is that like the Van Morrison song; “Into the Mystic” I’ve sailed into that many times. The pictures in my head I handle with vast quantizes of SMB. But I am project free for this piece of space and time.(LOL)
Looks like everything turned out alright. The rains have not started down here yet. Maybe you can send a little of your excess down to us. Counter tops look great. I can understand why Mayang is so happy. Even though you can’t see Jayden in person, at least you can talk daily which is the next best thing.
Bad luck, according to Norm’s article he’s visiting the land of the Big PX so he left his Palawan Bamboo Rainmaking Sticks here on the islands. My daughter calls everyday on messenger and Skype, but it’s not quite the same as being on the floor playing Lego’s with him.
Hey there, Chief. At least, there were no sea swells that went with the rain there. Har har har.
I didn’t use the Palawan rainmaker that much. Just shook it twice. Besides, I did scrutinize it for settings like “drizzle, shower, light rain, rain, heavy rain, squall, tropical depression, storm, typhoon, super typhoon.”
Not my fault if one of my ancient Filipino ancestors was a tribal “babaylan” or a shaman. As the Milli Vanilli song goes, blame it on the rain. Carry on, sailor.
When your ship encounters foul weather the first word passed by the bridge is; “Stand by for heavy seas” a wise man will stand by that message and make ready. Watching your loose processions flying about your stateroom is worse than typhoons and makes it so difficult to sleep..
My rain has been mild to heavy lasting an hour at a time. Put the sticks back in their box. Have a safe journey to the land of the big PX and a safe return home.
Granite tops look great. If you havent done so already, try to apply a granite sealer. Otherwise, may have stains such as rings from a coffee cup. Ask me how I know…
Juhn the granite man schooled Mayang and I on that very subject, provided her with a supply of polish after he sealed it. Now the Black and Decker car polishing machine I used to have, belongs to her.
I can figure how you knew about the stains and hope you survived the encounter with stained granite. I pour my coffee over the kitchen table as with all beauty contestants I want peace to reign over the Earth forever and ever. Anything I do in her kitchen, I now do with a chopping block under it. We create our own monsters don’t we?
Paul –
Beware the monsters we unwittingly create, for in the end, things that we own can own us too.
John Reyes;
Since I own nothing by law in the Philippines my monsters are slight. But that one :SMB” monster that I attempt to slay every week.
Nice to get things rounded up – so to say 🙂
The kitchen looks great, i’ll remember the countertop, when we build in Cebu.
I do understand that you miss the “little dude” and playing on the floor with Lego.
Since Lego is such a great thing – look at it the bright way: You now have an legal excuse to play with Lego on the floor – reminding you of “little dude”.
I do not have a “little dude”, but i could really miss Lego, the old fashioned ones though. Not those more or less finished things.
Always a great pleasure to read your posts.
The Lego’s were sent on ahead of his arrival in Florida, as having his favorite toys at hand will make his transition easier. At $50.00 a box for basic Lego’s I’ll not be buying any more. (lol) I’m with you the basic ones that let you decide what to make are the best ones. So you decided on Cebu… Great place.
Hi Paul, granite tops look great we’ve had our granite tops 5 years still look
Good way better then those tiles they use here, our trash removal here in pasig
Is very good they collect 7 days a week including all holidays and even Christmas Day, 4 days food waste 3 days plastic, tins , etc the garbage truck
Plays loud music to warn you to put your trash out and the guys who collect
The trash are always friendly and polite, were the trash goes who knows,
Derek in pasig.
Good news about your granite tops, it gives me hope. Rub it in about your trash removal, but my property taxes are dirt cheap. I get what I pay for.
Glad to hear (read) “How it all turned out”. Countertops look very nice! Have to keep Mayang happy or….well – that’s another topic for another day…
(btw – love your witty writing style!) Hope the rainsticks were made fast, and your tent didn’t become a bird (or duck) bath, and the new (not new old Honda) car still looks new after the layer of dust! (Perhaps the rainsticks helped in that department?) Maybe now your SMB can get the attention it deserves or will at least aid in medicating the pain of the bite in the buttocks! Speaking of pain – watch out for the lego’s when making that midnite trip to the head and being sans-slippers and walking on them – painful to the feet!
Lego’s in the dark, the blessings of grandparenthood. I wish it would happen again. I took the Mitsubishi G4 to have it washed and waxed, hoping I could get it home prior to it raining again, I failed but that was the reason for the wax. Prior to electronics I mailed my friends and family a “Paul-Gram” from all over the world every month I figured if it was slightly funny they just might read it. I hope Norm took those rain sticks to California as they are suffering from “Global Drying” as I once was.
Thanks for the updates Paul. I wonder what ever happened to ” Little Jackie Paper “. Guess he is a senior citizen by now after all these years. Still have that one on an original issue 45 ( RPM ).
Great looking kitchen in your pics. I wonder if the kitchen sink has hot and cold water ? I have been thinking lately about the next time my 40 gallon electric hot water heater has to be replaced ( they usually last me about 5 years before the well water makes them start to leak ) about using those instant hot water heaters. One under my kitchen sink, one for the shower and one for the bathroom sink. Those might be a lot easier to replace when needed than having to deal with a 40 gallon heater.
Bob New York;
Only the lord knows how much wacky weed he smoked in his life, he still might be looking for Puff.
The hot water on demand is the way to go, far cheaper that heating 40 gallons 24-7 We are looking for a new one as I write this, I’m having trouble finding the under the sink model with the controls on the wall. We’ll see, as for finding it! Stranger things have happened.