Those young whippersnappers show no respect for old age, wisdom and treachery. A prime example is after I returned home from my fun trip to hospital, we (the whole family) were sitting in the front yard talking about how damn hot the weather was. So hot that it was a chore for me to even leave the house because I tired quickly. It was so hot that we watched the dog chase the cat and both were walking, you could cook rice by setting the pot on your sidewalk now do you believe it was hot?

I said; “Well, youngsters next week the rainy season starts and it will cool off considerably!” Pendo (my son-in-law Chris) who runs his family 10 hectare farm in Subic valley corrected me and explained that not until June would the rain start. So on 15 May when the sky opened and dropped tons of cool fresh water on our mountain in Bataan, I snatched my cella smart phone and called Chris who I knew was in Olongapo and asked if he remembered to bring his umbrella? He laughed and said; you were right Daddy Paul!!!”
The City (Dinalupihan) was rationing water and only sending it to us every three days, but because I kept my water tanks when we made the switch from the deep well to the city water we have water stored for days at a time. So we were fine and never ran out of water. But the new arrivals to the purok, who because of the city water never installed a tank when they built their house; they were collecting tubs and pails of water all over their yards and breeding mosquitoes.

The other yearly occurrence I witnessed was everyone in the purok was on their roof after the rain with cinder blocks, old tires, tarps and sand bags doing roof repair. I’ll assume it was too hot in March and April to go up there. Procrastination be thy name for the fellow inhabitants of these Archipelagos, called the Philippines. 17 years and my slab roof still don’t leak, but then I do maintain it every five years with sealer and new roof paint. But I am a little anal that way.

As I type this the sky is thundering and the rain is falling and still many days to go until June. I’ll go downstairs and mention that it’s raining, just to be an asshole!
Saturday the 21st our granddaughter was the queen of the Mayday Parade where she lives in Subic Valley. A new dress and beauty and hair treatment, of course it rained.

Tomorrow on May 22nd (Sunday) I’ll be going once more to Texas Joe’s on Subic to have lunch with Steve and Jeff, and their beautiful ladies and a pleasant afternoon with good company. They are a few of the fine folks I’ve met during my time writing for LiP.
It could rain today, but over the years Texas Joe’s roof has been certified as non-leaking by me and countless friends over the years so let it pour.

As I re-read this I noticed that the writing is a tad disjointed, so my question is;” Do you think this is caused by my malady or did I always write this way?” I now must proof read as I noticed last week I leave key words out and then even I can’t understand what I was trying to say. My doctor nods and says; “Paul, that’s to be expected during recovery.” I nod and think; yeah, did someone relocate your asshole recently?” Or is this but another prime example that no one will ever; “Listen to the Old Kano!”

Always love your stories Paul! Today I’m making a Hamburger in a fry pan outside with no fire! It’s THAT hot here in Vancouver, WA! hitting a hunnerd!
Take care Paul and keep those stories coming!
And I thought it only rained in Vancouver, I spent 6 months in a BC ship yard, and the ship sailed south with more rust than we arrived with. But we’re in the rainy season here, nice and cool.
i really like your writing paul and especially your sense of humor
I was nervous when I came back to LiP this month that my sense of humor had dulled, but as I was thinking about some of the stuff that happens here I cracked up and realized that”I’m fine” my wife proved it to me because nothing I do seems funny to her, that is how I knew I was back in the saddle. She has trouble with my quick witted humor coming at her in rapid English.
Paul, what type of sealer and roof paint do you use. We have an unpainted slab roof that had not leaked for five years, but I think it is about time to seal it.
I don’t know the name of it as it is brought by the crew that paints the roof. But it is a rubber based that is painted on, let it dry over night then use one of two roof paints (Both are good) Roof Shield or Roof Guard, (Boysen) not cheap but will last a long time, which really does make it cheaper than any other. Besides the paint looks good!
You are very interesting Paul. You kept me reading all the way to the end of your story. I am known to have a short attention span. Thanks for putting the effort in sharing your life experiences in my country of birth. I finally found someone who shares my thoughts about the way Filipinos build their roofs. Everyone of my family who lives in the Philippines have leaky roofs. Next time they tell me they cannot afford to fix it I will tell them what I’ve been dying to tell them for a long time. Those Filipinos have money for cell phones, loads, ipads, cigarettes, Red Horse, fancy shoes but no money to maintain their damn houses. Have u seen how they use their toilets? Eeeeeew
My house is not leaking and my toilet is always clean and dry.
That is the way it supposed to be, who said that your roof was leaking?
Hello Sir,
I’m just following a comment above about the way we build our roofs.
Her comment was not about the building of the roof, it was about the lack of repair. If it doesn’t apply to you, than don’t take offence. But you must admit it is common that roofs leak.
Back to the normal stories. Love it. Thanks “Kano” Paul. 🙂
As I promised last week I would, I enjoy funny more than doom and gloom,
BTW Palawan Bob was wrong, we’re still here and the world hasn’t imploded. Read last week if my comment is confusing! (LOL)
I’ll open my Tanduay on Wednsday. Until then, I am on full alert.
This kano is having a stressful moment in the most relaxing place on earth.
Palawan Bob;
It must be how Al Gore felt after his predictions.
He just said “hours” so it could be hundreds, thousands or millions of hours til humanity faces all the doom and gloom he and also Bob Martin last year were ranting about. When you look at it that way, maybe both Bobs, will be correct, sooner or later something really bad will happen, like a meteor wiping out all the dinosaurs which happened 65 million years ago. Multiply 65,000,000 x365 (Not accounting for leap year of course) x 24 and it all boils down to hours, just that my calculator does not go that high.
So everyone,,,,be prepared , its going to happen within the next few “hours”, lots of doom and gloom !
Oh Paul, your writing is as good as ever was, I mean that as a compliment.
Today is the Monday in the states that was worried about last week, I I googled America and it was still there. one more fizzle in the pan. Well I’ll assume the doom and gloom has been put to bed….Or has it?
I have nothing to worry any more, I just turned on FOX.News and they say everything is fine.
They confirmed that NO meteroite is coming to wipe us out.
I can now be fully relaxed.
Time to open the Taduay bottle…
Palawan Bob;
You should wait until the sun is over the yardarm before cracking the seal on your rum, but if you lay the mast on the deck the sun will be over it at sun rise. Old Seaman’s trick, Life is back to normal now all we have to worry about is if Hillary or Trump is elected!. But you could put a slug in the White House and the country will survive (We just spent 8 years proving that). So no more Doom or Gloom on LiP, just happy thoughts!!!
Good advice Paul. Didn’t open my 1 liter of Tanduay yet.
Tomorrow evening (or later) was my original plan.
The stress is still in the air and for as long as it doesn’t snap I’ll be drinking water.
Palawan Bob;
Enjoy it, when I’m able I’ll be doing the same
Nothing at all disjointed about your article. Just your typical humorous post. Even if it was, it is quite understandable. Glad to see the rainy season is in full swing. Maybe you can send a little to us in Ohio as it is a tad bit dry. At least tomorrow the high will only hit 69. Hopefully that’s the end of the impending doom and gloom, but i have a feeling it is not put to sleep yet. Good to see photo’s of you at Texas Joe’s as everything is getting back to normal.
Papa Duck;
You are becoming a rain bird heading to the land of the large PX during rainy season, I believe the other rain bird Paul is in Ohio too. And we teased snowbirds in Florida! My money is on more doom and gloom!!!
I must agree with all you’ve said! (LOL)
I can go out on my roof (A slab) and look over at my neighbor in the morning smearing roof sealer all over his roof. It still leaked during the next rain, but he refused my advice to patch his roof at night! (He performed a major-major head scratch) and looked at me like I was nuts. I explained that at night I can see beam of light coming from his roof, and that if he was up there he’d easily find the leaks. He ignored me. But he did add some sandbags to his roof. But I make no judgment, as we all must do things our own way.
HI Paul,
For a couple of weeks prior to my vacation visit to Iligan City in April I checked the weather there on the accuweather website and it was showing 90 to 100 Deg F. daily plus the tropical humidity. After I arrived I adjusted myself accordingly and took it easy. After all, it was a vacation so no need to rush.
You mentioned roofs ? heat ? and the dog chasing the cat ? Reminds me of an old movie title ” Cat On A Hot Tin Roof ” .
Bob (NY);
When the rain started summer ended and the dog and cats are running again. I remember that movie.
I always enjoy ur stories and I am happy u r back
Hi Paul, nice to see you getting about I love Texas Joe great burgers did I tell you I finally found sit and bull in olongapo, I thought great then my wife decided she wanted to eat at a Filipino restaurant on the corner of the street one of those eat all you can places, maybe next time ,maybe sit and bull was almost
Deserted just one customer in there probably busier night time, yeah I like the rainy season but still really hot in Manila had a great time in Subic as always,
Derek in pasig.
Sit-N’-Bull is noted for its great Filipino food, so my wife gets what she wants and I get to eat what I want. Then no one is unhappy.
Hi Paul, yes they sell Filipino food just didn’t have what my wife
Wanted, 3 or 4 meals she asked for on the menu they didn’t have
So we decided just to go to the place on the corner, she was hungry
You know what women are like, we’ll go back next time we visit Subic
Must of caught them on a bad day I was looking forward to eating there, Derek in pasig.
That is the first time I’ve ever heard of that, I’m heading there Friday, I’ll ask Ron what was going on!
Great “funny” article. A typical Paul writing.
Is it only on the island of Bohol where we are already in the month of June? I bet you’ll respond by saying you had to get your article in a week or so early. Yup the usual pass the buck excuse. It is always someone else’s fault.
Congrats to your relative.
Confused over the already in June remark, the rainy season started in May so I wrote about May, and now It is June, thanks for pointing that out to us.
Not as happy as I am to be back! (lol)
Hey Paul,
Good article – hopefully it reminds others (like myself) that we need to make sure our roofs are ready to go for rainy season. I don’t think I have actually had mine checked this year but I will now make sure I have it looked over. Unfortunately, I have not been able to make it to my house down Tacurong City, Mindanao for a few years but my Mother-in-Law is staying in my home and she hasn’t mentioned we have any leaks yet. Not only was your article a good read but I also spotted Jeff and Steve hanging out with you. I knew Jeff was in PI but wasn’t aware Steve was there hanging out too at this time. I live in the same town back in the states as them and all our wives hang out together as though they were family. Next time your hanging with Jeff make sure you tell him Doug said to never let a picture be taken of him again with an empty SML. Drink up fella’s, its HOT there and you need a cold drink!
The guys flew in from Arizona together on a speed vacation, Steve called me and made lunch plans, my first time meeting Jeff, and I hope it will happen again as it was a fun afternoon. I think they are home now.
I don’t know Paul but I know Jeff and Steve in that picture.
Wow do we have a lot in common, I know Steve and Jeff, but not you! Lets fix that next time you’re in the area and get together.
Paul – absolutely we should meet up and have a few cold beers. I have another friend from our (Jeff, Steve and I) same small town that is living up in Cagayan full time. He is a fairly young guy too around 38 but he met a wonderful wife so he just took the plunge and moved on over there. I have a pretty cool little truck-all I decked out so I will be driving it up to see him so when I get up that way, early next year sometime, I will make sure I reach out to you so we can grab some lunch.
That’s a deal! I’ll be able to have a cool one by then!
That sounds like a winner to me. Gulp. Gulp.
Have a taste of rum for me!
Greetings Paul,
We made it back to Arizona and we’re currently enjoying the smoke filled air and the smell of a wild land fire. Mierli and I had a great time with you and Maria. It was a real pleasure to meet with you and the lunch at Texas Joe’s was outstanding. I hope we can do it again sometime soon. Anyway, take care of yourself and “Just Say No” to the Tanduay RHUM and the Emparaflu. Well, at least say no to drinking it. It may have other uses.
Best wishes,
Jeff and Mierli
Maria (Mayang) said she really enjoyed the day, It was good to meet you both, I’m pleased your return trip was safe no thanks to TSA, the only group that has yet to prevent a terrorist attack, I wish I was hired by them, do nothing collect pay!
Hi Paul,
Good to see you firing your wit again, Lol.
My fridge magnet quote tells me “Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill” 🙂 Lol.
The youth of today are lacking in the knowledge of the power of treachery.
And yes,I’m seeing the funny side of life once more!
I took back Tandy wine (spelling) to the States once. It sat, untouched, on our shelves for 15 years. Question of the day: If the bottles read 5 year Rum at the time that I bought them how old were they when they were finally gulped?
Here’s a thought why not start a Question of the Day program for your articles?
Hi Rusty
How was the old Tanduay?
If I had to guess I’d say Rusty’s 5 year old rhum never had a chance to taste good! (LOL)
Lol. The old Tanduay, I couldn’t remember how to spell it, tasted the same. But my taste buds aren’t what they used to be.
It wasn’t rotten or I wouldn’t be here.
Tanduay 5 year old is not RUM it is crap RHUM best used for cleaning paint brushes. To make RUM (Spanish) you distill the sugarcane into molasses and then distill that into RUM. To make RHUM (The French way, you distill the sugarcane straight to RHUM and skip the molasses part. To answer your question, spirits unlike wine, only age in the kegs not the bottles.
Tanduay 12 year old Superior RUM, is as good if not better than any RUM I had in my years in the Caribbean. Yes it’s that good! (No mater how you spell it)
Paul, your a wealth of information. Please tell your wife how smart you are. Or maybe she tells you every day. Mine says I need to have my brain reenergized.
I didn’t know that RHUM only aged in the keg.
First… stop drinking RHUM, it is swill, if it’s not spelled RUM it’s not worth having.
All liquors only age in the keg, only wine continues to age in the bottle, Bacardi rum buys all the used Jim Beam kegs to age their rum and give it that special flavor. (I don’t like Bacardi very much)
I don’t drink Rum or Rhum. Yah I’m a tea tootler. Boring right. Actually I’ll drink SM lite.
Talking about SM I read where they were into the telecommunication business. That they were the ones red taping the progress of the internet. I wonder if they also own shares of the bus lines, gas stations, etc.