On Facebook last week I posted this:

It was a clear morning in 1995 my ship had just left Hong Kong two days before, and today we were heading into Manila Bay. I stopped by the galley to get a coffee and went to my sea and anchor detail on the ship’s bridge. I said hello to the Chief Mate and the ship’s Master and went out on the port wing. I could see the 1st buoy and the distant lights of Manila. My mood was good as my wife was coming up from Bataan to visit as the ship only had a two day port call.
Wade (Chief Mate) came out on the wing and we were looking at the city skyline with the sun rising behind it .I said; “Wade is it legal for me to take two 55 gallon drums of water out of Manila Bay when we sail?” He asked; “Paul why would you want that, are you studying pollution in Asian Harbors?” “Naw mate, I was getting coffee on the galley deck when I noticed that not a single Filipino crew member had any gray hair, it was all jet black again, and I thought it must be the magical powers in the water of Manila Bay”. I plan on bottling and selling it.

He took off laughing to tell the Ship’s Master what I said. But he did comeback with another cup of coffee for me.
We had a nice visit in Manila and three days later we were in Kota Kinabalu on the Island of Borneo .It was a tough life, but I struggled through.
It seemed harmless enough and it’s 100% true. I posted this on a Philippine Veterans site here in the Philippines and then skulking out of the internet sewer crept this troll who read my post with no comprehension then proceeded to informed me that both Olongapo City and Angeles City were cesspools of vice and Hoochie bars but he lived in Tagaytay which was a bastion of all that holy and pure. So I must assume that all those KTV Bars up there along the road the last time I was there were only for Christian fellowship.

I went back to my post to see what I wrote about Angles City Olongapo City or Tagaytay for that matter that fired the man up and found nothing I did Mention Manila, but then I remembered that there are people that yearn to find offence in anything you might say. Needless to say I lashed out and cut him to the quick for displaying his limitless ignorance in a public forum. I strongly feel that ignorance can’t be cured but it damn sure can be pointed out. Which I must say, I did with extreme malice and forethought.
But the point is it was not the first time I’d heard that tripe, spewing from the mouth of the uniformed. What city on Earth with a population of 25,000 can you name that vice does not exist? Remember I’ve been to a lot of them and know it’s there. Once in Rome 500 meters from the border of Vatican City, Barry Chester Stickles and I were in a bar that provided ladies of the night. It is part of the world whether you like it or not. (Except where that guy lives) But I promise it’s less than a few miles drive away.
Normally I tend to remain on a positive note whether it is LiP or Facebook, but when the Political Police rear their ugly head its Katie Bar the Door and a Donny-Brook will be forth coming from me. (I’m, from Boston and we do talk that way.)

On Facebook I once used the word “Handicapped” and was swiftly informed that the proper (PC) term is “Person’s With a Disability” Which I quickly pointed out that instead of attacking me they should go after their local municipality and have all those Handicapped Access and Parking signs swiftly changed to the new PC term. Nothing happened.
So in conclusion if any PC Police (Originally called Hall Monitors in school) were offended by this post, please know that that was my intention. Get over yourself. I wrote before about the foreigner, expats and others who are importing their PC beliefs to the Philippines, all I ask is that they please check with a Filipino citizen first and see if they want that crap in their country. As that would really be the PC thing to do. (Rant Concluded I’ll drink one SMB and chill)
I enjoy Paul and his life story’s, he can write very well, I have a lot also but no can write Hahahaha
Tom Brooks:
If you can sit with friends and tell a story, true or false (Meaning a joke) then you can write, just do it like you talk and then let spell check fix it. That’s all I do
Thanks Paul, Where do you put all your thoughts , word, mail ?
Oh sure I can tell them, true and joke but just cant seem to put it on paper
Tom Brooks:
If you can sit with friends and tell a story, true or false (Meaning a joke) then you can write, just do it like you talk and then let spell check fix it. That’s all I do
When something pops into my head, a joke or something for lip. I use paper memory then transfer it to word or it would be gone forever. Then when time I’ll flesh it out in Wird and keep it until needed. I throw away much more then I post, but I’d think that would be normal.
think I will try again LOL This reminds me of the time I got a pipe welding job on a pipe line in Borneo . I was green, I could weld very good and fast, just out of the apprenticeship and coming off a gas main job in Detroit Michigan, I thought I was bad ass. it was winter and there wasn’t any work, so some guy came by the hall and was looking for welders and fitter, good money tax free, lodging and big money at the end if you stay the whole job, Hell yeah I took it.
See, that was a good story.
I rest my case!
showing up at the job site is where it really gets good and this is a true story
Wiggle a bit about the Philippines into the story, and send it to Bob and see what he says.
I wasn’t in the Philippines on this job, that was a different job rebuilding a steam turbine in Davao City area and I meet my wife at the company store where we were doing the overhaul
I use to write on paper but now I don’t write
No matter the medium it’s still writing to include pictures on a cave wall. (lol)
I will ask my kids where I can write and save on my lap top Hahah you keep it up ,know matter how you do it I very much enjoy you life stories Thanks Paul
Paul – your post reminded me why I like visiting the Philppines so much…I can get away from all the PC for a while! I’m glad you’re setting straight all the Kanos who want to bring that crap over there!
Steve Baker;
We must fight PC crap at every turn, it is causing the ruin of a way of life that we grew up with. It’s our job to point it out and bring it to light.
Paul I like to say this to the ( hall monitors of the world ) ….. I am offended by your offense…. and by the fact that you think your offense matters to me…. now F off. 😉
The scourge of my life were tattle tale “Hall Monitors” who morphed into internet PC Police, but I could see where it would be a natural transition. But you are right, when we don’t give value to what they have to say, we take away any power they think they might have. They can pack sand!
X-mas shopping with your sweet wife will put u in good spirits again Paul . Watch for the sales and the bumps in the road. Enjoy trusty shell back
Michael Boo;
My biggest regret as a Shell Back is I was not a Golden Shell Back, I was enjoying a cold beer while my way was shopping Friday! Life is getting better!
Great post and I couldn’t agree more. So many people spending so much time trying to be politically correct that I could just puke! Did that offend anyone!? Good either way!
John Dryfka (San Diego)
If they want to be that way (PC) that is fine with me, as long as they do it in their country and stop trying to infect the Philippines.
Hi Paul, keep positive my friend there’s trolls everywhere my father called them dickheads
Their lives are so empty and boring ,vice is on every street corner and will always be
Your a great writer and I know I for one look forward to your blog every week,
Enjoy your cold beer you’ve earned it, Derek in pasig.
And of course someone would then complain about the term “Dickhead” but not me as that makes sense and the goal is (I hope) making sense. True they lurk everywhere, but the trick is to (Like the Gopher game) hammer their head as soon as it pops up, if we allow them to go unpunished, we embolden them. And we wouldn’t want to do that! (lol)
I don’t like games – real life is more fun.
But if I had to play a game the “gopher game” is tops in my book.
Smashing those gopher’s heads like you couldn’t get away with in real life.
“I can’t get no satisfaction.” NOT!
When sparing on line with a “PC” challenged person (Persons with a disability), the Gopher Game is the first thing that comes to my mind. So satisfying.
Think we discussed these issues last Tuesday between the 10th/11th rum and coke or was it between the 14th/15th. No matter.
Travelling home this evening thanks for your time and humour.
Catch you and Mayang next trip.
Enjoyed Tommies company.
It was good to see you last week, I thought you would enjoy my English Rugby joke.
Safe journey back to South Africa and your soon to be retirement, look forward to the next time.
A friend sent me a picture. The bumper sticker said, “You can fix a car, heal many illnesses, but you can’t fix stupid.”
I will take that to mean you cannot fix the professional offended crowd either.
LeRoy Miller;
In my article I said “Ignorance can’t be cured but it damn sure can be pointed out.” Like fixing stupid just call them out into the daylight and expose them for what they are.
And yes you were right in what you said!
God willing and the creek don’t rise I’ll miss your article next week as I will be waking up to another fabulous Olongapo Morning & looking for the pandasal guy.
We can only hope, give a call when you can come out and play.
Hi Paul
One thing I find in these days of electronic communication is that people never read what is written. I have lost count of the times that people have responded to E-mails that I have written at work and the response contains “what about this” or “what about that”. My standard response is always “if you had read what is written then you would find it”.
People these days only see what they want to and nothing more. This is also true of the PC crowd. They can take a sentence, use half of it, and come up with something totally different to what has been written. If they want to find a problem with what you have written then they will, despite the fact that you never actually said it!
It is also one reason why I hate using SMS or texting as a form of communication. I’ve lost count of the times my wife and I have had arguments because the text has not been read properly.
Right, back to feeling blue on a Monday morning in the office.
I watch those hard hitting investigative news readers in the media keep asking (rephrased) over and over again looking for a sound bite that will become a headline. Dome times when you write an article the reader will pick up on one word or sentence and you are off on another subject. Truthfully that doesn’t bother me as some times their subject is more fun. Oh well!!!
Good post, Paul. It’s a shame one has to be PC. That goes for every place one travels/lives/posts. Trump excluded.
However, I did notice that when someone posted (you see I am PC and didn’t say the name) and mentioned a word you’d misspelled that you took the high ground and didn’t bother with the criticism. Wow, that was quite a sentence.
Big difference between the spelling/grammar police and the damnable “PC” police. And that is the spelling and grammar folks at least are right about what they post (Albeit they are a tad rude) and you can learn something, and you’ll learn nothing from the “PC” police! (lol)
Mr. Paul T. I have encountered very many PC police (“hall monitors”) on line… I have one reply to them. “FOAD”. Have a good Monday evening there. Cheers. 🙂
I remember “F.O.A.D.” from the Navy, and it still works! (lol)
Paul I love you you’re the best
Thank you, LiP is all about the love……
Ive enjoyed reading everyone’s articles here for a few years now but you’re certainly my favourite. Very well written and a with a huge dose of humour.As for the online trolls you deal with on fb, I would say just ignore it, because even when you use logic and reason, some people are so miserable and/or stupid that they will find a way to try and tear you down anyway
I appreciate your great advice, for others but for me I derive vast amounts of pleasure by dragging them into the light of day and exposing their ignorance for all to see. If they come back with some weak retort I’ll insult them once more. If they revert to name calling that only reminds me of something I learned my first year in the US Navy. “Never try to sink a battleship by throwing spitballs at it!” And once more I agree that logic is lost on them but slings and arrows are not. Since I noticed you spell humour with the British “U” I must ask; UK, Canada or Down under? (lol)
yes, Sydney Australia
Sydney Australia, one of my favorite cities when I was a seaman!
Thanks I’m glad you enjoy Sydney too! As the weather heats up here I’m definitely glad to be a sydneysider, so many lovely beaches and picture perfect spots in the harbour to go fishing with my kids
A beautiful city indeed, but my all time favorite is Darwin, it’s like America’s Wild Wild West. A small place with a 15 foot tide that made it hard to board the ship after a few VB’s.
Thanks for bringing up the PC subject. It is part of the reason I am moving to the Philippines. Stupid liberal candy asses.
Oh as we all can all attest, it happens here, but not as often, and normally they catch on that we don’t want to hear it.
Now, what kinda rant was that?
So heavily tempered with attempts at Fatherly advice, and even bringing Political Correctness into the story without adequately stomping it to the ground – more like a homily than a rant.
Here I was, back from the edges of life’s boundaries and looking for a good read, and I find your by-line under an implied promise of good ol’ “stick it to the man” storytelling entwined with the earthy Thompson humor. I was ready. I’d missed it in my absence, and I truly needed to fix my Jones.
Well, it appears that only one of us was up for game.
Disappointed? Naw! It just gave me a chance to add a rant to the column! 😆 😆 😆
All in fun, and now it’s done.
{If you do need a professional rant, or some other curmudgeonly activity, on occasion, you’ll find my fees to be very reasonable! – elsewise, I’ve ammunition for the next rant! 😉
The advice would have been more grandfatherly if anything; and homily is out of the question as I hate grits! (lol) Paulk ranting? The guy that in Ohio is called a rain bird and in the Philippines a snowbird? Rant away shipmate. OH and welcome homes even if Motel Six didn’t leave the lights on for you!!!!