When returned home a few years ago, after 4 months on my last ship, and I noticed I had a new carport, and that my wife “Mayang”, had cement laid in the driveway and across the front of the house.
I like it so much; I had cement poured across my backyard except the grass area in both the front and back. Then after my next ships tour was up, I noticed that plain cement looked good on runways at airports or piers, but not so good at my house. Tile, Marble or paint, I’m not sure what to use, but something.
My wife brings up the use of peebles, as an alternative cover for my ugly cement. “Mahal what are peebles”? I asked.
I found out they were small multi-colored stones picked from river beds. One could also refer to them as pebbles, but I’ll never do that. (Not after she had explained screwdrivers to me, as PLUS + and MINUS – vice Philips and flathead). And peebles are now what they are called by me. Now comes the peebles crew, and explain how you mix those little rascals with cement and lay them down, and sponge off the excess water and cement and allow it to dry.
So they are the experts, and my job is to stay out of the way. I couldn’t do it, I had to intervene as they were mixing one bag of peebles at a time to the cement, and putting it down. I noticed that no two bags of peebles were the same color and I’d end up with cement/peebles Patchwork Quilt in my yard. My Foreman (yes, who’s also my Brother-in-Law), informed me that it could not be helped as all bags were made up of different colors. I stopped speaking for a moment, and then injected logic into the situation. “Could we not empty the twenty bags of different colored peebles and mix them together, where they would then be all be the same”? I asked.
When his hand went up to scratch his head I knew I’d lost him. I told him that his wife called and wanted him home. Then asked his helper if he could do the job, and did he understand what I wanted him to do? Without a single move of his hand toward his head he told me he could do it. The Brother-in-Law, well that was not a problem, as I had other simple jobs for him to do, and I did I put his daughter through college.
So now I know what peebles are, and plus and minus screwdrivers, I made the choice to live here, and I’m kinda’ glad I did.
Waaahhhhh! I didn’t know that you were “that” Paul Thompson, owner of La Villa Thompson & Estates of Dinalupihan. I figured, at best, you may have been one of the handymen/relatives! 😯
Look at that mansion and compound! A little nautical flair atop it, too (very, very little, but noticeable to those of us “in the trade”). Mighty, mighty impressive.
Heck, it all looks so good, you could have called them “Flintstones”!
(Pebbles, Peebles, Flintstones, Fred, Barney, get it?) 😆
Hi Paul;
Flintstones, I like that! We’re due for a paint job this year; I’m goin’ to wait until it’s raining so I conform to local custom. I keep my 8 inch Naval Gun on the top.
Funny – you look like a 5-inch thirty-eight or a 5-inch fifty-four man. Is yours an 8-inch fifty-five Mark 28 or Mark 32 (on a Mark 71 mount)? 😆
Happy New Year (painting season in six months)!
Hi Paul;
Mark 32 fully automated. I can operate it from my bedroom, with a cold beer using CCTV. I sold my Twin 40’s to the guy up the road.
ROFLMA…there IS a certain logic to that “plus” and “minus” screw driver anology !! Will have to use that one next time I’m around the boys !!!Love the story Paul… seems your BiL has a tough time thinking outta the box…er bag. You really should do something about those 2 long haired rats….u know rabies and all. Nice looking ship ya got , cement looks good !
Cement? That be peebles and cement, I guess I’ll have to do it over. Those “Rats” the white one is a Spitz, and the brown one is a Miniature Doberman. (I know, “What’s the point?”)
For 40 years due to my jobs and life style I couldn’t keep dogs, I can now and I do, I now have 3 Dachshunds 6 Spitz 2 Shiatsu 1 Miniature Doberman and a few mixed breeds (my fault), my 120 pound Black Lab(Smudge)just passed (Old Age).
Hi Paul,
Ha Ha,i just love the plus/minus screwdrivers,quite logical really.
Happy New Year to you and your family,
I was fixing something and when I asked my wife for a screwdriver that was her response. I almost messed up and said something to her, until I realized it made sense. I wonder what she calls a wrench. (No, not a spanner sir)
Hey “Squid” Now that will test your sense of humor.
That is one sweet looking shack you have there.
Do you feel like giving us some of the details on it, Costs to build etc. That would give us still living the RatRace something to look foreward to.
I just put my shack here in RI on up for sale, Its our first hurdle to get over before I can make the move to RP.
Looks like I opened myself up for Jarhead jokes.
Its two stories, with master bedroom and bath topside, the rest is a patio.
The land is 1000 Square Meters.
The downstairs has a second master bedroom and bath. (For when I’m too old to climb the stairs) Two more bedrooms that split a bath, a dine in kitchen, and a living room and dining room. The building in the back is my Place to drink beer/workshop. The cost was worth it! A very deep well and a Honda generator for my many brownouts. And I never make jokes about Marines, cuz’ they carry guns!
It’s a casa befitting a gobernadorcillo de las Islas Filipinas worth his salt, if you ask me.
And just what is salt worth? (lol) But, thank you, and have a great New Years!
Paul: few years back, we hired an MIT engineer who called screwdrivers that, along with battery terminals. Needless to say, he didn’t last long. (he desroyed the house bank on a ship after connecting somebattery terminals backwards… Boom! ) that’s what a masters of electrical engineering gets you these days!
Sounds like he was a real brain trust. I had a 1958 Bug Eyed Sprite with a positive ground, every stateside mechanic wanted to hook up my battery backwards. I had to reverse it to save my secondary wiring system.
Good on ya Paul for the dogs, love em myself but I have not had the heart to get another one after my Lab died 20 yrs ago…broke my heart. Was wondering if u built the place or bought it built, ….no place is home till ya have a man cave out back !!!
I also felt bad when I lost my Lab, he was a very sweet funny dog, my neighbors lived in fear of him due to his size, I never told them that if they climbed my wall, all he would do was knock them down and lick their face. And yes we built the house from scratch, it’s the only way you’ll know you have good plumbing and wiring behind your walls. Also every house I looked at was too small, sitting on a postage stamp size lot. I like the term “Man Cave”!
My God, Paul! You’ve got your plumbing and wiring behind the walls? That’s unique! I thought for wiring you would just run “extension wires” all over the place! You can even hang your wet clothes on those!
That was great, I’m still laughing over that!!!!!
To All LIP Readers;
Paul from Bataan wants to wish you all a happy and fulfilling New Year, may all be blessed with good health and enjoyment throughout the coming year. And a cold SMB, San Miguel, or Magoo on a sunny afternoon!
Happy New Years to you and your family as well.
As it turned out as a Xmas gift I did receive a 6 of SanMagoo
(Imported with a paper label), so as I am stuck in this frozen hell I too will enjoy a Magoo.
I feel your pain our Black Lab, AKC registered name “Maxwell Miller Lite” recently died.
My first 18 New England winters were enough for me. Oct.64 my recruiter said that if I could be at the Logan Airport by 05:00 am I could Boot Camp in San Diego, by 11:00am and it would be Great Lakes Ill. I was at Logan at 02:00 am. Have A great New Year, and I’m sorry about your dog. (But I loved the name!)
John sounds like ur guy did have a MIT diploma ( Made in Taiwan ).
Hi Paul, Happy New Year to you and your family. I like your house and “peebles”, they came out nice. We started with plain cement too at our house but also found it kind of plain and rough, so ended up replacing it with red interlocking cement pavers which we’re really happy with.
You have quite a collection of dogs there too–sounds like fun.
Thank you Queeniebee;
And a happy New Year to you and yours!
Plain cement just ain’t pretty. The dogs are great and their all trained handymen, that’s right, “They all do odd jobs around the property!” And the boys lift their leg on all four tires, every time I return home. Can’t get mad, as they relive stress.
Hi Paul,Nice house, hope you and the family have a good New Year.Hope to meet you when I get over there. It looks like it will be in the first of March.My wife and myself will be in Butuan. I don’t know where you live but, have Jeepney will travel…..J.C.
Hi J.C.;
I live in Roosevelt, Dinalupihan, in Bataan. About 10 minutes from the Zambales border. 5 minutes from the Subic Freeport back gate and toll road. And most important 25 minutes from the San Miguel distribution center. And enjoy the trip!
For $5.00 (US) in small unmarked, non-sequetial bills, I can provide background information on Paul’s 18 winters in New England.
Please send money in a manila envelop to…
A man checked into a motel, and signed in with an “X” and a circle around it. The clerk said: “Iunserstand the “X”, but wht add the circle?” The Man replys: “No one gives their right name at a Motel!” The money is on the way to Wakefield Mass. as we speak.