If you plan on living in the Philippines, it is a good idea to learn some of the language where you will live. If you will be living in the Central or Southern parts of the country, especially in the Visayas or Mindanao regions, the language you need to learn how to speak is Bisaya (also called Cebuano). Basically, Bisaya and Cebuano are the same thing. There can be regional differences, but when people say “Bisaya” they generally are talking about Cebuano, a language that originated in Cebu. Learning even a little bit of the language of your locale will help show some respect for the area and the customs of the people.
Bisaya Buddy – Beginner contains Lesson 1-20. With access to electronic flashcards.
Available on USB flash Drive and Online Course!
Interested in this course? You may also view a sample of the online version of Lesson one by clicking here.
In my experience, when you learn a bit of the language and use it when speaking with the local people. they will treat you better, in a more friendly way. You will also find that the more you learn, the more you will enjoy your life in the Philippines. I am personally fluent in Bisaya/Cebuano. I moved to the Philippines in 2000, and finally started seriously learning the Cebuano language in 2007. I graduated from my Cebuano course in September of 2011. I know that learning the language can help make for a happier life in the Philippines, because that is what I experienced. I am offering a complete course in Bisaya/Cebuano so you can learn the language, or what parts of it you choose to learn. Does the course work? You better believe that it does! How do I know? Because this is the course that I used to learn the language myself. I know that it worked well for me, thus it will surely work for you if you use it! I can interact with Cebuano speakers with no problem using the language that I learned. In general, unless I am conversing with a foreigner, when I go out of the house, I speak only Cebuano with the local people where I go around Davao, where I live, or other areas of the Central and Southern Philippines. You can do it too!
What does the Course consist of?
Text Book
There is a complete text book consisting of 60 lessons in all. The text book has the lesson that you need to learn, explained clearly so that you can understand it. At the end of each lesson there is an exercise session so that you can put what you learned to use and make sure that you understand. If you are unable to complete the exercises, that means you need to work on the lesson a bit more! The book is in Microsoft Word Format for use on your computer, or you can print it out and use it wherever you go.
MP3 Audio Files
In addition to the Electronic Flash Cards listed above, the course also has the vocabulary sets in MP3 format with the English and Bisaya/Cebuano in MP3 format. The English is spoken by a native English speaker, and the Bisaya/Cebuano equivalent is spoken by a native speaker of Bisaya. These files can be played on your computer, MP3 Player, iPod or whatever type of MP3 device you have. There are 56 lessons in all.
Order this course today!
Interested in testing a sample of the course? You can get Lesson 1, out of 60 total lessons, for free by clicking here.