2014 and my internet connection is hit and miss again. About every six months it occurs, I am now of the firm belief that it’s done purposely by Globe Telecommunications with the sole intension of selling me a new Tattoo dongle.

(This conversation was overheard from the back room at Globe Olongapo Office)
“Hey guys; Paul has had that old dongle for over six months, let’s tweak (Not twerk) the signal and mess with him until he comes off the mountain to complain. Then we’ll tell him of course we can fix, it as it’s under warranty, but then watch him squirm when we tell that Old Kano that we’ll be keeping his dongle for two weeks.”
“Ding-dong you crack me up, you know that will drive him up a wall. Two weeks without LiP and Face Book!” Yeah Boyet that’s gonna’ happen, he’ll just buy the newest, soon to be obsolete dongle on the market, he’s such a Chuck! “
The above conversation is but a Fig-Newton of my imagination, but then it’s the way it seems to me. The other thing they tease me with is the “PHONE CALL” “Mr. Thompson; Globe wireless DSL is now available to you in your remote area.” The young lady will tell me. So every time I’ll say; “Wow, I’m interested, give me some of that, and the price is of no concern to me.”
Three times the tech guy arrives and informs me it’s not available in my area, if I’d bought the lot four doors up I could avail of this service. I knew that as they teased me on the phone, I’ll tease them by having them make the trip. The biggest chuckle so far is, twice it was the same guy at my gate. We’re friends now and he comes late in the day and will have a beer with me and laugh at the stupid people at corporate headquarters.
I won’t bore you with technical mumbo jumbo about signal strengths, band width, and stuff, mainly because I have no idea what any of it means. Nor do I care to learn at this stage of my life, I just want to push a button, click a mouse and the Inter Webby thing appears and I see Bob Martins smiling face on LiP, post a joke on Face Book, insult a liberal or two. And check my e-mail.
To add insult to my dongle problems, PLDT just shut off the power, and I had only saved the top half of this article. My Uninterrupted Power Source died a week ago and I’ve not got around to replacing it yet. But know that I will when I buy my new dongle. The Honda generator is humming along this morning and I can’t remember how I ended this article, God bless those Senior Moments!
I’m going to go to the public market this morning and find some hapless Kano hanging around, where I will bend his ear and whine to him profusely about the perils of living in the Philippines. Either that or apply for that job at the US Embassy in Manila and write Philippine warning letters for them to send out to the world every week. That would be better than accosting the Kano in the market, thus sending him running down the road pulling his hair out.
To Mr. Martin, my suggestion for your predictions for 2014, please add; “Paul Thompson will purchase two new dongles this year.” This will start you off with a one in ten win record the other nine you’re on your own.
Note to self; “Paul hit the save button again.”
The holiday Season is over for now and the mountain is returning to normal once more, not much else going on, I can only hope that Globe will call me today and offers me their DSL Service package, I’d sure like to have a few beers this afternoon with my Tech Guy Buddy!
Hit save again! Then try and post this to LiP using Word Press, Oh my oh my!
I know that the signal can be tweaked up or down. At my office in Montana, our ISP upgraded our office building and I was getting download speeds of around 80Mbps. I’m now getting download speeds of around 30Mbps. When I asked the tech people about the drop in speed, they told me that they damper the speeds during the work day. I’m still happy with the speeds of 30 but I really liked that 80. Interestingly, the upload speeds have remained the same at around 60.
I knew they have the power, but must they use it for evil? This morning (Right Now) my internet comes and goes at it’s own whim. Today I’m going to town as I know they need the money.
Good to know! Smart network maybe no better? Sometimes load just seems to disappear.nd slowdowns happen nearly every day. Bogus!
My Globe has worked great for the last six months or so, but I strongly believe they are made to fail within a set period of time. As for Sun and Smart, I really can’t speak to how they do it, but I’d not be surprised if it was the same way! Oh vey, I will just buy the new one and be done with it! (LOL)
Hey Paul,
Much the same here in Davao. I have a Globe Tattoo wireless thingy which is supposed to be unlimited 3mbs. I have been to Globe many times complaining about the speed. Once they sent a guy out who tested the signal strength which he said was OK. Just couldn’t get it across to them they have too many subscribers on this plan.
Took matters into my own hands & purchased an unlocked ZTE MF80 Dongle with external ariel & fitted my Sim.
This improved the situation a lot & can sometimes get speeds of over 1000mbs however most times it’s the same story, just not enough bandwidth being supplied.
When I traveled to towns like Butuan & General Santos City the Globe Tattoo works ok, proving it’s purely an over-subscription problem.
Now Globe is trying to get me to upgrade to their new LTE plan. Costs more however I notice it’s not unlimited but capped at 15GB. At the speeds they claim I would be over my limit on the first day.
I’ve been studying all the available plans however I guess we’re stuck with rotten internet unless you have very deep pockets.
Cheers Leon…
I just finished a fight with Smart concerning my Smart Bro pocket WiFi. I could not get internet for two weeks.
Was something in your pocket interfering with the signal? (LOL) You know I had to go there. But what it proves is that none of the three companies are trouble free.
I know there are not many of us in my area who even have internet; I had to put a password on the Wi-Fi to keep the crowd from gathering in front of my house. If they had cleaned up the mess I might not have even done that. Today it has been spotty I’ve had to turn it off and on over ten times to stay on line. But I’m off to the “Big Po” to get my laugh of the year at Globe, and then pay my Head Tax at the immigration office. Have a nice lunch and come home. I do wish my pockets were a lot deeper at that!
I also have a PLDT ADSL land line internet connection. .763MBS & most times it’s more reliable than the Globe Tattoo.
The rerason I first got the Globe Tattoo was to have a second internet connection when the PLDT slowed or stopped. Not the case as when either one is sooo slow or stopped the other one is also in the same situation.
Right now I’m on the Globe Tattoo however as it gets closer to 9AM it will go so slow that the slow PLDT will be the better option.
Cheers Leon…
There is no Land Line within miles of my house, and more than likely never will be. So PLDT is not an option for me. I’ll just struggle on and remember back a few short years ago when I had no road, no city water and no internet, so I guess it’s much better now.
Forgot to say I’m not using the PLDT supplied ADSL modem. I spotted a TP-Link Wireless Modem Router in Silican Valley & while it was an absolute pain to configure it is a heap better than the modem supplied by PLDT.
Cheers Leon…
If I only understood what you just said, I’ll bet I could come up with very funny reply. (LOL)
My Cable company has been sold or merged 4 times over the past few years. The adds on the TV is the dish and phone guy loosing everything, TV-phone-internet net-ect. During minor storms but the Cable TV customer smiling through it all Latest one went so far as to show him enjoying all even during a power outage–yea, you bet, no power know modem, no TV set, no computer, but maybe you can stick the cable in your ear or _ear and receive everything. Day after I arrived in the USA home I went down to the cable TV office and signed up for high speed internet and phone, Super special deal for only $55.00 a month. Teck came out and hooked me up, said I needed a new line from house to main box to get better signal and he would put in the order. A week later (having phone & Internet out about 80% of the time) I called to see when the line would be installed and was told no line was ordered but cut power and disconnect cable to box , wait a couple of minutes and see what happened. Did not work so serviceman was scheduled. He arrives, makes a few adjustments and says I need a new line for really good service and he will order it. Now after a few weeks my bill is due and the cable company tries to call me to see when I am going to pay up and notice the phone does not work. This time an old salt serviceman shows up, says the other serviceman don’t know there _s_ from a hole in the ground about my line and then proceeds to replace the new made in China modem they had installed, with a new one made in the lower southern tip of upper northern Rodisa modem and everything has worked fine since. The new line is still in the order plans so when it gets in I am expecting lightning style internet. On the bright side though Mr. Paul when my Dongle equipment is not functioning correctly I get it replaced for free.
“When my Dongle equipment is not functioning correctly I get it replaced for free” Reading that I’ll guess you’ve signed up for ObamaCare? (LOL).
Reading your sad story I guess I don’t have it so tuff here, and it’s way cheaper. I drove by Pogue Mountain the other day and Mayang asked why we were there. I told her I hoped you were there but just hiding from us.
I can almost believe that.
Believe that you’re there, and really are hiding????
Looks like the Globe Gremlins are at work again Paul. If you plug your Globe Tattoo directly into your PC or Laptop, you might consider trying a USB ” extension cable ” . Some of those cables even have multiple USB connections on the end. If it is a signal problem this enables you to move the dongle around to try and sniff a better signal out of the air. I have used a Globe tattoo on my past 3 or 4 visits with good result although I always seem to get full signal.
Look at the bright side Paul, you say your generator is working so it must be keeping the SMB Cooler working so all is not lost.
The severe winter weather we have had here in New York the past few days has finally caught up with the traditional ( copper wire ) telephone service, as it has been deadsville since this morning. Fortunately my cable tv / internet is working so I used Skype to call the phone company ( formerly New York Telephone ) and my call was answered in Makati, Philippines. Whenever I call an 800 number from here and I sense it is being answered by a call center somewhere I always ask where the person is located that I am talking with. Hey, it’s a Free Call to The Philippines, might as well enjoy it. LOL
Good luck Paul. I will look forward to your review of the latest, new and improved Globe Tattoo. I wonder if it is available in your choice of colors ?
Bob (NY);
White or Black is it as far as colors goes, if I go on with this thought the “Thought Police” will be after me. Been watching the news about the snow and all the Media agree on one thing, it’s really not the administrations fault, but maybe the last ones! Stay warm, and as long as you have internet and cable TV you’ll be fine. They say it will warm up for you on Friday.
Hi Paul, Bob New York has a good point – I was going to write and suggest the same thing. You probably have a USB extension cable around the house, but if not buy a 1 to 2 meter one and plug your Dongle into it. Not only does the extra length allow you to move your Dongle around, but the extra cable also acts like an extension antenna – it does work – I have used it. Once you find the “ultimate peak spot”, stick it on the wall with a piece of duct tape and you are set. Good luck!
BTW, I use SMART – they installed a 50 foot pole on my roof and stuck their antenna on top – ALWAYS get a good signal.
Hi John;
I used to use a cable and hang the dongle out the window until the rain ruined the dongle. But I took your (And Bob’s) advice and have it on an extension cable. Not perfect but better.
Great post Paul! always enjoy reading your Monday morning post each week.
Regards to report to Immigration in Olongapo. Have been hearing some “nightmare” stories in forums and chat groups about extended reporting requirements such as long forms requiring a lawyer notarization etc. If you could, please include in your next Monday morning post your experiences at the Immigration office conducting your Annual Report. Heard that the office has been move from Rizal to Gordon Avenue? Since I live in the Subic area, I would like to be prepared for the “worse.”
Thanks again for your great posts!
Hi Jack, From 2014 there are new requirements for your annual report. You have to fill out an application form (you can download this form from the BI website), .Make sure you download the correct form as there are two options for downloading.After filling out the form,paste a recent photo on the form have it notarised before you take it to the BI….when you submit the form to the BI, submit two copies of the form,show your passport as well as your ICard,and pay 310 pesos.It would be wise to take copies of your passport bio page as well as the stamp showing the last date of entry and your residence visa, If you have the receipt for last year´s annual report take it with you as well. I have not been through the process as yet as I am waiting for the release of my Icard, but I went to the BI Bacolod City yesterday and that was some of the information I got…..more bureaucracy?? sure why not?? I have looked at a copy of the application form and I find parts of it very confusing to say the least…..no need to say more, you´ll see what I mean when you download the form. I´m sure there are others out there who may have submitted their annual report and can share their experiences.
Thanks so much Richie,
My worst nightmare is now reality 😉
Happy New Year!
Regards, Jack
Same to you, wish you All the best for 2014 !! Richie R.
I have a bottle of Captain Morgan to aid in Nightmare prevention!
Your information is 100% factual; I’m in the middle of it right now and loving it. But the extra employment it’s causing is a wonderful thing.
Thanks Paul, can´t wait for your blog on Monday to see what you´ve gone through at the BI. I´ll have a drink of Captain Morgan or Appleton Estate Special with ginger ale(can´t find ginger ale here though) It might help when filling out the form…Oh, there´s more nightmares…… If the BI Field Office near you has a card reader then you´re ok, if not, then you have to go to an office with a card reader to process your fingerprints that was the added info I got but never mind if you have fingerprints already on your ICard..it´s all gotten out of hand if you ask me. As for myself unfortunately there´s no card reader in Bacolod Field Office which means I will have to either go to Cebu or Iloilo to file for the Annual Report but lets look at the positive side…. of course it´s more fun in the Philippines we´re experiencing it big time on a daily basis at least in Jan & Feb. Remember that song “Don´t worry be Happy”
Cheers !! Rich
As to not ruin Monday, I’ll just say it went as well as I expected it to. A super cluster F__K, I felt most bad for the BI employees as they seemed to have less of a clue to what’s required than I did. One guy told me to go to the market to get photos and the photographer was in the next room. But I’m legal again.
Paul – Not only did I lose my ACR card, but I have to extend my visa and do the annual report all at the start of February. Perhaps I should go sooner to try to get a new ACR card, anyone know? Paul, did you need your ACR card when you went? Thanks all, very interesting posts.
My friend you do have a problem, as the ACR (I-Card) was all they wanted to see from me, along with the new form and pictures and stuff. I would go there Monday morning and ask, because they can better answer your questions. And I wish you smooth sailing with your problem.
I keep my ACR Card inside my passport in my fireproof safe that is bolted to the floor, and I leave PNP 3,000.00 right on top with a note in English and Tagalog telling them there is no money inside of it hopefully to make them happy enough to leave the safe alone.
Hi Paul nice to hear you got through…will wait for your blog on Monday..Cheers !! Richie R.
Sometimes the bureaucracy can do the right thing by mistake!
Was there yesterday, and all you have heard is true, Your suggestion is noted and next Monday has written itself, They have made the process of renewal as simple as ObamaCare. Full story next Monday as you’ve requested..
Hi Paul,
Will look forward to your post on this “pain in the butt” process.
Happy New Year to You and Family!
Hope to see you around “campus” (Freeport) soon.
Regards, Jack
Hi Jack;
I’ve pretty much finished the article, I just have to go there one more time and see how it all works out. But I promised myself a steak at Texas Joe’s if I can complete my mission and not go “Postal” on the world. I just hope they don’t change the procedure again next year. See you on the Freeport, let’s do a beer or three.
Hey Mr. Martin, this will be the first time in a long time I didn’t write the article at the last minute on Friday!
Just a little tease here. If you are within a couple of MILES of a McDs or Starbucks you can tap into their WiFi — with a metal mesh spaghetti strainer with a poked hole in the bottom in which you put a USB fed little WiFi flashdrive-like thing that is $10.
USB cable that to your computer and then point your new handheld dish antenna at the signal that’s far away and presto, backup internet.
Surf around YouTube for range extension or similar words.
How do you think I’m on line today? (LOL) With the absence of the rainy season I can dangle my dongle out the window again (I can’t believe I can get away with saying that) I’m was the free Wi-Fi in my Purok until the people on my wall didn’t clean up their trash after surfing the web, so I have it password protected now.
i love johns humor he is funny
i ment paul sorry
We all know who you really meant John, and I’m hurt! (LOL)
That’s what makes the Philippines the Philippines. The Dongle gives you several funny articles to write that we enjoy reading. At least your not dealing with double digit below zero tempetures and snow. SMB and warm weather sure sounds good now lol
I think Bob Martin has regretted teaching me the word DONGLE, I still smile every time I hear it. Twenty years ago there was no way I could discuss a dongle with a pretty girl at the Globe Office with my wife standing beside me. (I het a poke in the ribs once in a while)
As for cold weather, there are us that know about the equator, and those who don’t!
Haven’t tried it as yet however I’ll get a strainer & see what happens. Could just work in weak internet signal areas.
Cheers Leon…
Let me know if it works, I’ll try anything twice!
Don’t need the aluminum foil. The sieve/mesh holes are far smaller than a wavelength at that frequency and it will be adequately reflective.
The bigger the colander, the more RF energy focused so get one bigger than the vid’s.
Owne, interesting comment.
Are you sure that the tin foil is not necessary?
As wavelength is a function of frequency, and we are talking Gigahertz RF frequency here, there is something nudging me to say that the spacing between the mesh wires is too large to maximize the RF capture of the kitchen strainer at the given frequency.
Just thinking out loud over here, Owen.
Central Luzon, Philippines
RF enthusiast lang,
No expert!
Sorry for the typo Owen, I typed “Owne” instead of “Owen”. I don’t blame myself; its the San Mig Light….but of course, you already know that 🙂
I wear a foil had so the NSA won’t know what I type before I type it.
You all know I meant HAT!
Amazing school starts today after the Christmas, New Year break & my internet speed is way up.
Cheers Leon…
Hmmm school, I had not thought about that!
Had my first Tatoo experience over Christmas and I was not impressed!!
We had a cost cutting exercise of getting rid of the landline, which was never used, and the internet package. It saved money having the Tatoo but puts the blood pressure through the roof. Sometimes I have to reboot it 5 or 6 times before anything could connect to it.
So, after the wife got fed up with it, we are going back to the landline connection again!
I also found the portability of the unit a pain in the backside. There was me sitting on the patio with a reasonable reception on the Tatoo, which I had placed in a central position for access for everyone, when the signal would die. It seems that whoever in the house wants to use it decides the unit has to be beside them and stuuf everyone else who wanted to use it. A sharp rebuke and a lecture on how WIFI works put that right though!
If I was blessed with a landline I pay ant price to get a constant connection. My Tattoo is located in the sweet spot in the house so no one moves it. Landline is the way to go.
Paul, if you can, buy yourself the upgrade and call it a Christmas present to yourself. I just bought me a garage door opener. I just don’t know when I will be able to install it.
Don’t bother installing it, just drive around opening other peoples doors. Or better yet have someone else drive you so you can have a few beers and enjoy yourself.
Ay Carumba Paul! another sore spot with me. My WiMax worked 2 weeks before going “tits-up”. DumbBro still expected the 999PHP each month even though I was not getting Internet.
Speaking with a WiFi wizard, here in Hawaii, (He looked like Gandolf and had a pointy hat), He informed me that my home was like a “Faraday Gage”. Huh?
Apparently, a Faraday cage is a metallic enclosure that prevents the entry or escape of an electromagnetic (EM) field. Since my concrete fence is topped with Iron bars, and the roof of my house is all metal, along with the rafters, my house seems to repel WiFi signals. Hmmmmm
When I get back in February, I plan on putting my WiMax antennae on top of my wood Bahay Kubo, and running a long cat5 cable to the house. The longer the cable, the more the signal diminishes though. Hopefully, this should allow the antennae to collect the signal without interference and bringing it to the house via cable may solve my problems.
Pita Mike;
The Faraday Cage is similar to wearing the foil hat so the NSA can’t read your thoughts. (I have one) When you get your WiMax into the stratosphere using bamboo poles, the cold and wind will hamper the signal. People who live in the Dinalupihan Area are doomed
Dingle…dangle…dongle? Are these new terms? Sorry but it takes me an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes.
I been working on improving my vocabulary, I just make up words!
The 60 Minutes line was good!!!!