In 1996 while still living in Olongapo City in a rental house, we would go to my wife’s parents house in Roosevelt Bataan (Where we live now, but down the road) every Sunday when I was home between ship assignments. One such Sunday our girls YoHanna and Ymir Thea asked me if they could bring home one of the kittens that their Grandmother’s cat had had 8 or 9 weeks before. Being a “Dog Guy” and not very fond of cats I smiled and replied; “Hell no!”
Seeing the hurt look in their eyes, I relented and said it was Okay, if their mother agreed. Of course she did. But the kitten was female and I wanted it taken to the Vet, for shots and to be fixed, as I had no desire to populate Olongapo with more cats in the near future. This was a major error, for had I left the cat be, it would have wandered off never to be seen again. But a cat that has been fixed really has no reason or strong desire to go or do anything. Well, there is that eating and sleeping thing they do.
On my next trip to the Philippines, the cat had grown, and the girls lavished it with love and care, as I was walking through the dining room on my first day home it leapt out with no provoking by me and attacked my bare foot with such force it brought me to my knees in pain. What the heck had just happened? It was an unprovoked attack, as I’d never been near the Gato (The cat spoke Spanish) once in its life. As time passed it was noted that the Pussa had an unexplained hatred for all humans of the male spices. Females were all given a pass, and were unmolested by the Devil Cat.
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A truce was later formed between me and said feline, as during a subsequent attack, it learned the absolute power of the human foot, they do land on their feet by the way.
Years have passed, the two girls had grown and moved out, YoHanna got married, and Ymir Thea moved to Singapore. Oh the cat, was still alive, tipping the scales at thirty pounds and still was processed by demons from the lower regions of Valhalla. And yes it still lived with me. I asked YoHanna if she would like to take the cat with her to her new living quarters. I received a resounding “NO” as the cat also had no use for her new husband Chrisanto whereas I felt the same way until I found out what a great guy he is. The first time I was wrong about a son-in-law. I’ve mellowed!
Time marched forward, the cat and I both grew older, but we both still held each other with a great deal of suspicion and I dare say, “A tad of hatred!”
Wait a minute, I’m retired now, these are supposed to be my golden years and I’m now required to share my domicile with an old fat lazy cat that wants me dead? Even my dogs will give the feline a wide berth to it when she’s around.
Last May when Cecil and Ymir Thea came to live here, and to wait for Jayden Logan to be born, Ymir and the cat instantly re-bonded, Cecil exclaimed; “I like cats!” I smiled and thought to myself, “Not for long you won’t.” Then he made the mistake of trying to pet the cat and was rewarded with a five inch set of claw marks down his right arm. They didn’t bond well. I took my new son-in-law aside and explained the power of the foot, but warned him to never use that special power within eyesight of the ladies. As that would not bode well for him, as I had learned those many years ago.
So the cat named Narning is now 16 years old, she moves a lot slower now and by the way, so do I, but the truce is still holding between us, it’s been 14 years since the last attack and the score remains tied 1-1, and now we’ve come to understand that neither of us is going away anytime soon. I had no idea that a cat could out live humans, or maybe it’s only this one, who I know as “the Devils Spawn.” I’ve tried to get her to fall asleep in the backyard close to the fast growing vines I wrote about last week, she might be old, but she ain’t dumb! I wonder if the cat can inherit the house when Mayang and I are gone?
All I can say is be mindful of your thoughts when around that cat, Paul, because it can read your mind. It can sense negative vibes emanating from you before you had the chance to act on it. But, after 16 years of peaceful co-existence under the same roof and the score remains tied at 1-1, you and the pusa must have established some kind of an unspoken understanding of the doctrine of mutually assured destruction. I’d try not to think about the prospect of inheritance when around the cat. It can and will pick up on it, and it might do something to speed up your demise. Hahahaha
If the cat could really read my mind it would attack me thrice daily. If those thoughts I have were a sin, I would be at confession 7 days a week, and be filling the poor box with change. The day the cat bonded with my foot I don’t think she had any idea it was coming her way. But for 14 years a state of peace has existed between us, and I won’t break the treaty we have, anytime soon. (LOL)
The poor box? Come on, Paul, educate me some as I haven’t been inside a Catholic Church in quite a while. Do these poor boxes really go to the poor?
The money goes to the poor Vadican, why where did you think it went.
All along, I really thought they go to the poor members of the flock. 🙂
Why are there poor Catholics? The church has enough money to end poverty worldwide, how much could that Pope Mobile cost?
Paul, the massive global wealth of the Catholic Church blows the mind, that is why I find it odd that you mentioned the poor box. I also understand that the Vatican is not interested in using some of this wealth to end poverty worldwide, but somehow they find it necessary dip into the coffers every now and then to pay for a wave of lawsuits against wayward priests.
Paul, Ricardo,
And they own half the property in Rome too. That itself could put a dent in the poverty around the world even after paying out money for the sick priests behavior. I’m glad your living in harmony with the fat cat now. Maybe you should offer the cat some SMB and you can be drinking buddies lol. Take care and have a nice day
A common misconception that rarely is true, especially at the parish level. Most parishes struggle to meet their financial obligations. They are expected to be largely self-sufficient and generate their own income… Most receive very little from the diocese or Rome in terms of direct funds.
The Church, though non-profit, is a business. They operate just like a business. How do I know this? Simple, before entering the maritime industry, I worked in insurance. One of my customers wrote the policies on most of the Catholic (and black methodist, for some reason) Churches in the USA… I saw how much they earn / bring in.
Actually, most of the wealth of the Church is non-liquid, being tied up in real-estate (where the churches are located), and in artwork that is essentially priceless, and of historic value. You cannot simply cut out the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel and sell it… For how much? To whom? How do you put a price on something like that? What would the flock have to say about selling their religious icons?
If you sell the real estate, for instance in Los Angeles where Our Lady of the Angels sits, you still need a place to accomodate the thousands of worshippers that building serves. It also costs an awful lot of money to pay the electricity and maintain all of those buildings. Think about how many employees the Church needs to pay just to operate.
Over the last 20 years or so, the Vatican has essentially bad balanced books…. Outflows have equalled inflows. The Church, through Catholic Charities and other philanthropic organizations, like the Vatican Bank, disperses those funds and is, by far, the largest philanthropic organization in the world… No other organization even begins to approach the amounts of money given away.
“No other organization even begins to approach the amounts of money given away.” Ah maybe the U.S. Congress? Just joking, thrsr are some interesting facts that I’ll wager many people don’t know. As a Roman Catholic I sure didn’t.
Well after two thousand years in business I’d kind of expect them to be wealthy.
Papa Duck;
Maybe the cat should drink Geritol and prune fuice now at her age, I think she lived in Rome when they were building Saint Peter’s
I just remembered, she was also a member of Lawrence Welk’s band, you know, the one sponsored by Geritol. Ah-one, Ah-two…
The alternate name for this post should be “Two Old Fat Cats – Forever Together!”
That hurt me to the quick! (lol)
lol Paul! my dear cat,Fofo, that i inherited from my older brother, is also a devils spawn! he gave me this present after the born of my niece. even after fixed the cat was a danger for our little baby. he also likes surprise attacks!. But now, after 12 years, we have a good bond. He stays there in his place and I in my place!
Détente or Glasnost which ever you want to call it, I’ve now realized that the cat and I are intertwined. After 14 years with no border disputes and the ladies of the house seem to be on the cute tabbies’ side, I’m doomed to live with the cat forever.
I love my cats because they know I’m smarter than they are! 😉
You are are really a very brave man to say that.
And I have the scars to back up your statement! 😉
My foot is still marked from 14 years ago, I’ve never been able to get close enough to check the cat for a boot print.
If you feel doomed about living with Narning forever, just think how she must feel watching you suck on that SMB can one after another in a single day.
When the cat pays for the beer, then she can complain, she knows where the door is. (LOL)
Paul, think, imagine how you feel face to face with someone who had cut their balls?
Whoa, whoa it’s a female cat! No dangly bits are involved. (lol)
Ladyboy cat? 😆
This one must be butch. 🙂
Butch is a dogs name. (LOL)
A Katoy from Thailand
Ever noticed how often they look prettier and sexier than the real McCoy?
Why no, I haven’t. (LOL)
On your down time, take a stroll down Fields Avenue on the other side of the mountain from where you live, Paul, and see for yourself. Mayang is off-limits on this one, of course. 🙂
In my single days I’ll admit I wore out a few pair of shoes on Fields Ave. But those days are long gone.
well its too late now but I think having a few litters of kittens to fend for would have changed her whole attitude. maybe all she ever wanted was to be a mother cat. kids have a way of mellowing all of us out.
Without the Vets intervention, do you think the cat would have lived for so long? Motherhood or longevity, that was one of the things I’ll wonder about forever, which one the cat would have wanted. (lol)
Without the vet’s intervention, chances are you’d have an alley cat in your hands.
Thank you, that was my point, but I forgot the term “Alley Cat”.
You’ve been away from Boston for too long, Paul. Any chance for a visit now that’s it’s the rainy season there in DinBat?
I’ll bet you lost your New England accent as well, Paul. How do you say, “New York”?
I might have left my heart in San Francisco, but I left nothing in Boston. (LOL)
Your brothers who are reading your every post?
Cats rule and dogs drool.
Oh Gary:
Yyou really can’t mean that! (LOL)
I LOVE reading your articles Paul! This was a fun, good read!
Thank you for saying that, I will reward myself later today with a frosty cold SMB, and send you a salute!
Your arms must be pretty stiff by now from patting yourself on the back too m
Your arm must be pretty stiff by now from patting yourself on the back too much, Paul. 🙂
Paul, the only cat I ever tolerated, “Ralph,” belonged to my ex-wife back in the States. I only had to put up with the aging feline, 16 at the time, for nine months before my clothes were thrown out of the house in the front lawn but neatly bundled up in cheap garbage bags. I was served divorce papers at work. I was shocked. No abuse or cheating on my part, but at least I was rid of the cat. Got a call shortly after the divorce from my -ex. She had run over Ralph one night while pulling into her driveway at night. Isn’t there a jeepney near your house that might be able to “accidentally” run over your “Devil Cat” like the Chinese vessel that “accidentally” rammed that Philippines fishing boat?
She ran over the cat? There is a supreme being, and that is the proof!
Stateside ladies need no reason to divorce their spouse, it is caused by excessive watching of Soap Operas, they come to realize that their life is moving along smoothly, and trouble, whereas the Soaps convince them their life is unfulfilled without drama. So they jump up and recreate one of the episodes’ that moved them, none of it is our fault, calmly pick up your procession, sign the papers and know that your life will be better. I went to Puerto Rico and opened a Night Club, so I guess she showed me. Mmmm tourist and local girls, and no drama!
The one redeeming value of married stateside ladies is that they don’t withhold sex from their husbands if their husbands refuse to send money to their inlaws. 🙂
The next time your Pinay wife withholds sex from you, Mitch, hide her rice can. That’ll teach her a lesson. 🙂
Amen to the family statment. It seems that women will hide the keys to the ingition switch if they don’t get their way and you’ll play hell finding them.
They don’t know that when they hide the ignition switch, it just produces the unintended effect by keeping the husband home to pester her for more, more, more… 🙂
That is true, but they will find thousands of other reasons to with hold it, and most of those reasons make no sense. I tried to explained to my Ex-wife, that sex was not a consumable item (Well?) and it would not run out over time. Any thing that can’t be measured, can’t be missed. I like apples, if I can’t have an apple at home, I go searching for one.
Not consumable? Where have you been all these years, Paul? Anything that is not perishable had to be consumable. 🙂
A bolt, nail and or screw are a consumable and yet non-perishable- (Did you see how I snuck the word screw into that?) Bob will never notice.
Here is food for thought? Why is that when women get older they think that their non-perishable item has and experation date on it?
And they feel they can selve it at their convienance?
I tend to think of it as a good rum it gets better with age and smoother going down.
You said rum and I lost my train of thought, what were we talking about?
Get it together and reread the question I need some wise elderly knowlede on this? 🙂
Bruce ~ Non-perishable…okay, I’ll give you that. But better with age? ….you can only use a rubber band so much until it no longer functions as designed! 😆
Randy, as a kid growing up in my barrio of Salaza (Palauig, Zambales), I learned that if I soaked a rubber band in a bottle of kerosene overnight, the next day the rubber band comes out fatter, but loses its elasticity. When spread wide, it breaks easily, but it looks better than before – fat, pink and all. 🙂
Okay you guys!
The subject is about cats, not the other word cats are called! (LOL)
Your ex must have been withholding her consummables for someone else? Hahahaha
Ricardo, my first wife (American) didn’t withhold sex from anybody! 😆
What’s her phone number, Randy? LOL
She’s long since paid for her mistakes with karma…she’s gained over 100 lbs (probably about 210 or maybe 250). I’ll be glad to hook you up though! 😆
Ricardo, she’s long since paid for her mistakes with karma…she’s gained over 100 lbs (probably about 210 or maybe 250). I’ll be glad to hook you up though! 😆
LOL. After living with someone like that, you must be thanking your lucky stars for the Pinays who, on average, weigh no more than 100 lbs..
When I lived with her she was 110! Like I said…Karma caught up with her. 😉
My Ex also ballooned up to a humongous size after we split. When I found out about her spreading her wealth around Norfolk, I decided to swap duty with a guy in Florida onto a ship making a 9 month Med cruise. Best move I ever made. When she tried to explain why she cheated I told her; “I really don’t care, it belongs to you, and you can haul gravel in it if you want to, Via Con Diablo.”
Humor me! I’m 54 and my Asawa is 57 where no spring chickens.
I’ve got to keep a positive mind set.
Thanks for a good laugh, love to read this kind of writing.
I have 2 dogs and later i can write how they an drive me totally insane, sometimes.
Your dogs are simply doing their “job”, doing dog stuff. But remember no matter what you do or say, it will be those two dogs that will love and never judge you. And if I made you smile, then I’ve earned a extra beer this afternoon. So thank you!
I’ll bet that if you step out on your wife, your dog will bark at you. 🙂
When there is steak cooking at home, only a fool will sneak out for a Hot Dog.
Unless that hotdog comes with a ballgame and a cold brew.
Paul you are one slick old Senior Chief. You didn’t really want to write a story of a cat. You wanted to post pictures of your beautiful family. The cat story was just a conduit to allow you photographic freedom. Those old Senior Chiefs are one smart group of guys. Ron
You’re on to me like white on rice, I should have known I couldn’t fool everybody! Hey would you adopt the cat?
I say if you got it, flaunt it!
When you’re the best, other will flaunt for you!
Humility is for humble people.
It’s exactly 12:04PM in the Middle East. The small man with a small mind is up to his favorite past time again. LOL
Saudi Arabia, to be exact.
And just whay would that be? (LOL)
You just gotta observe, Paul, and you’ll see a pattern of how a small mind works. LOL
You lost me with your chain of thought on this one, but have no fear it is not the first nor will it be the last time that has happened to me.
It hasn’t happened to you because your a Kano, or any other Kano, for that matter. It’s strictly a Filipino thing directed at another Filipino. I Don’t worry, Paul, I feel no fear because the cat’s been out of the bag for a while. I just needed confirmation.
Paul Thompson says:
June 26, 2012 at 4:57 am
When you’re the best, other will flaunt for you!
Humility is for humble people.
Paul, Charlie Sheen said it best: When you’re special, you’re tortured.
♫ Ooooooohhhhh…. The cat came back, the very next day, yes the cat came back, No it wouldn’t stay away! ♫
John, I always thought you were a very refined individual, but a bit of this prose, maybe you are a hillbilly like me. ” Now the cat had company, out in the back yard. Somebody threw a boot, and they threw it awfully hard. Picked the cat behind the ear, he thought it was a slight. When down came a brick, nearly drove him outa slight.
Catchy tune, now it will be in my head all day!
Elly & I had a cat when we first married (her idea, not mine). A little pure white kitten with 666 tatooed on its ass!
It didn’t like me either, it would attack whenever Elly left the room. Never did know if it was a male or female, didn’t care.
We had to give it away once the apartment manager found out we had a pet. I liked that lady.
I always thought Satan wears black, not white. 🙂
Who would have thought of an apartment manager as a hero? I would have gone down the road, out of sight, and jumped into the air repeatedly shouting; YES!” Whoa, no dogs too? What a jerk that guy was. But for the cat part.
Let me think about that offer for a second-ok-NO. Ron
paul, cats make me sneeze. dogs make me laugh. exwives make me laugh, but in a different way. i like dogs. and my wife Daisy. jade
after re-reading my post i thot it might need some carification… Daisy is not a dog. once h
i had a dog i named daisy (after the dagwood blondie comics) i mistskrnly told this yo my wife, Daisy, but i explained that i only likef the name. Daisy. i certainly got myself in troublr trying to explain. i’d bettet shut up than try to explain…oh… i… give up… jade
this is from a cellphone and i have larger fingers than the keys
That’s a relief Jade…I was thinking SMB! 😉
Just who were you trying to call?
Didn’t you know that the less you open your mouth, the less pots and pans will be thrown at you by the pissed off wife?
Ricardo, it’s been said that a man has never been shot by his wife while he was doing the dishes!
Then I’m due for a hail of lead very soon!
Randy, what about when the husband is doing the maid?
If he had a maid and was still doing the dishes, he deserves to be shot just for being stupid! 😉
If for some odd reason I’d ever had a dog, cat, bird or mongoose with my wife’s name, I would have taken that tid bit of information to the grave with me. There was no chance in hell that could have worked out for anybody!
Cats are the devil’s spawn. When my kids were 10&9 they asked me for cat I said no Then a hex came upon me and I she yes those darn cat still live today. I just gave them to an old lady because I move to an apartment. I ask the kids to take them but of course they said no. So bye bye cats.
But my dog I made sure he stayed with the family my older son has him and I visit him regulary with a treat. I would love to have him but he too big for the Apt.
That’s what I was talking about, Daddy, I want the cat, and Daddy, hell no I can’t take the cat. Are you bring your dog with you? My buddy Mike just arrived with his dog it came on the same plane as him.
No my dog will stay with my son he’s 125 lbs lab rot mix and I don’t think he’ll take the change very well. I’ll just get with you and I can get a lab over their and of course and ankle bitter for the Asawa.
I can help with the ankle chompers too. My daughter is wired into all things puppies.
My ex-wife made me laugh when I went to North Carolina years ago for my Son’s wedding, she tipped the scales at over 250 lbs, lihe had kicked her in the teeth (Karma) and she asked if we still had a chance to get back together? I smiled and asked; “When did you start using drugs, and I walked away.”
Like you Paul, I hate cats especially the local ones. Even if you care for them for years once you turned your back on them they will “steal” the food on the table. And you think it’s the rats? Nooooo, it’s the CAT! I say they are the most cunning animal in the planet with a lot of schemes going on in their minds (lol). As a child, and this was before the animal rights thing, me and my bro used to go up the roof and drop the cat on a relatively safe grassy area of our backyard to see if it really lands on its feet. For its safety we put a home made parachute on its back just in case something happened. We did it only once I know it’s bad but we were a bunch of rowdy kids (lol).
Sky diving cats that would be something to see. I had a penthouse condo in Puerto Rico on the 22nd floor, the cat I had (long story) tried to get a seagull, leapt from the balcony we have no idea if it landed on its feet, as it was embedded in a flower garden by the sea. I had thought cats were smarter than that. I was wrong.
In Boston in the winter have you ever started your car and a cat was sitting on your engine block trying to stay warm and you start your car and all you hear is a cat screamming and you see fur and meat on the the ground.
Papa Duck;
That is a first for me, We had dogs when I was a kid. I do remember peeing on a car door lock to unfreeze it. I never saw a girl do that.
She had to be a contortionist to be able to do that, I think.
Or just extremely tall.
Or, the car a mini-cooper. LOL
All I can say is that “Tito” Paul is one lucky duck for having “Tita” Mayang who looks so beautiful! 😀
p.s. hope u don’t mind me addressing you tito and tita. 🙂
That’s OK, Jiji, as long as you don’t call Mayang, “Lola”. 🙂
I must admit I am a lucky guy to have Mayang in my life. I been addressed by alot of titles in my life, and Tito is fine with me. Thanks for your kind words.
Hi Paul: Funny article. I like cats and dogs. I have a 12 year old (20 lb.) nutured tabby, but still king of the front and backyard here in the U.S. (We have to nuture or spade our pets here as the county law requires.) My cat does require respect and does not like to sit on anyone’s lap. He’s free to go inside or outside as he pleases. He doesn’t disturb anything inside nor jumps at the table. He always has clean water and a bowl of food (Purina: urinary tract special food) in the kitchen. He comes in at night on his own to sleep at my feet. I named him “Ben” for his round face and as in Ben Franklin (in the U.S. bill) for the cost per visit to the vet for anything. He is also licensed and is chipped for identification. Cats are not exempted from taxes in the U.S.!
Roselyn, your Ben sure leads a pampered lifestyle a Filipino family living in a cardboard box under the bridge can only dream about.
Hi Ricardo: My late Filipina mother once told me that my cat is living better than many children in the Philippines. She made me feel guilty, so I gave her a larger amount for her Christmas fund that year (my parents gave out bags of rice and canned goods for carolers at Christmas). When I retire, I do plan to return to the Philippines and volunteer for the Grameen program for the needy.
Roselyn, we have four cats, one for each corner of the house. They too, all pampered and spoiled, but they do give us pleasure. They perform spider patrols and insect control, and help regulate our blood pressure. I have one that is just devious as she will catch grasshoppers, remove one of it’s legs, and sit back and watch in entertainment. Leg removal also makes for easy re-capture. I’m not sure if she is smart or just lazy! 😉
Hi Randy: My goodness, you have four cats. For one cat, I’m already reduced to cat groomer, litter scooper, hairball puke cleaner, doorwoman, water girl, food feeder, vacuum cleaner, and income earner. He does gives me pleasure and love. I forgot to mention my job of cadaver disposer (lizards mostly). Uggh!
Roselyn ~ Yeah, one day we had a dog. The next day we had like an entire animal shelter! I still don’t know what happened. The dog has long since gone…cats are still here! I tell my asawa they are the reason I drink beer. She hasn’t brought home any more since. 😉
A chip to locate my cat, that’s funny. She’s asleep on the couch by the window. Maybe I should go over and check her as she’s not moved in quite awhile. The Vets here as you know don’t cost that much, but she’s not been to one since her visits 16 years ago. She will live forever, (GROAN!)
Hi Paul: Rabbies shots and yearly boosters are required in my county. I adopted my cat as a “rescue” cat from the animal shelter so I had a signed contract with terms and conditions from the facility. By the way, I have a friend who is a vet and her cat passed away recently. Her cat was a free spirit as well. Paul, this cat lived to be 21 years old. You have a long way to go… you might have to sedate yourself with cold San Miguel’s meanwhile. Thanks for the humour.
Five more years? They dob’t make that much SMB to get me there. I’m back to my isea of getting Narning to sleep be those vines by the fishpond. Here there is no kaw abouts, but if you love your pets it’s the right thing to do. I have one vet that comes to my house every 6 months and takes care of my Dog Army, and yes, the cat also!
This is what my comment would have looked like if my fat finger hadn’t pressed send before I proofed it.
Five more years? They don’t make that much SMB to get me there. I’m back to my idea of getting Narning to sleep by those vines by the fishpond. Here there is no law about getting shots, but if you love your pets it’s the right thing to do. I have one vet that comes to my house every 6 months and takes care of my Dog Army, and yes, the cat also!
Glad to see you back, haven’t seen you on here in awhile. Glad your cat is still doing good.Take care
Glad to see you back, haven’t seen you on here in awhile. Glad your cat is still doing good.Take care
Hi Papa Duck: Job cutbacks at the university reduced the faculty to secretary, counselor, laboratory bottle washer, and committee member free laborer of anything that the university administrators want to cover their behinds in decision making. This is in addition to our teaching tasks. I used my leftover time to take”cat naps”. You caught me napping. Good to see you here too.
Dogs provide unquestioning love and fidelity if well treated…Cats are…never mind.
That’s what I’m talking about! Cats have no use for humans, they just fake it for food.