Every day little things happen that seem to have no real meaning until you learn to translate them. Example I sit on my wall in the morning and have a cup of coffee and watch life meander by. Depending on the day the meanings can differ. A Jeepney coming down the hill, the roof rack overflowing with plastic bags flapping in the wind and the interior overflowing with people, So what could that mean? Knowing that Jeepney’s seldom ply our small road it could only be a trip to the beach or somewhere exciting as everyone was smiling and waving at me.
Johnny my Trike driving buddy, was rolling by at the same time and informed me that was exactly what was happening. Lucky guess on my part or after all these years do I finally have the finger on the pulse of my purok (Neighborhood)? I’ll stick with lucky guess.
But things that I do know: A Jeepney loaded with furniture and household goods coming up my road in the bright sunlight, someone is moving in. But if you see the same sight after dark, someone is moving out and avoiding the landlord.
School is out so I miss all the mothers leading the wee ones to school in the morning, and they all wave to the old Kano (Americano) and say good morning “Kuya Kano” there is some that, like in our family call me “Daddy Paul” but either way it’s nice to hear. And I always smile and return the greeting.

Week days are full of vendors and service people carrying their wears or tools up and down the road. I could buy furniture mattresses and stoves on credit sitting right on my wall and never moving. The term is Ambulant Vendors, I really don’t know the meaning but their license (If they have one) says that’s what they are. I’ll Google it) It could save you a lot in gas by not having to drive to town.
We also receive more than our fair share of solicitors collecting for the sick or deceased. One lady had a Barangay letter issued in Iba, which is a three hour drive away. I’ll assume she wasn’t going to quit until she hit Manila, the door to door salesman selling a never-ending array of stuff, items that they’ll explain that you can’t live without. Then the Bible folks who are trying to convert me to something or other who start off; “Sir, are you born again?” Which I can only respond; “I’ve not died yet so we’ll just have to wait and see.” The vendors and salesmen/women understand the simple no thank you, but the religious folks will drive me to the safety zone behind my gate. And yes I’m polite, but they aren’t at all, so why would I join them?
Then will come the food, chickens, pork, fish and vegetables all delivered to your door, then the arrival of the kid selling the sticky rice off his shoulder. Next the rice salesman in his work Trike (The kind of Trike that carries pigs and stuff) will stop every other day and ask if we need rice, I can’t imagine how much rice he thinks we can consume in two days after we just bought a Kaban (50 Kilos) from him. But I respond with a grin and tell him we’ll text him. Yes I have a “Rice Guy” on speed dial” doesn’t everyone?
The most revered of all the delivery guys is always going to be the “San Miguel Guy”, that sainted gentleman who insures a never ending supply of the Nectar of the God’s SMB or San Mig (Which ever you prefer) This man may arrive in different forms, he could show up in that truck full of happiness driving that Semi-truck with the sliding doors on the side or the local wholesaler guy that I keep on speed dial also, and yes again I have a :Beer Guy” Beer Guys require planning and a REF, as all beer is delivered warm, unless like me you also have the number to the “Ice Guy.” I learned that beer on ice is far better than warm beer so throw stones at me if you must.
Once a month my hero comes by, and sets up shop in my car port, I’ll move my car back open the gate and the “Knife Sharpener Guy” will set up and hold court for an hour or two. His hand carried sharpening stone connected to his bicycle is then ready to sharpen any and all tools plus bolos and household knives or is that knifes? But no matter it is a time I look forward to, as all the neighbors gather and I’m not obligated to feed them like when I host all the Pacman fights on Pay-Per-View at my house every year.
And yeah I’ll be hosting the Mayweather Pacquiao fight in May again this year, but the PPV is now PHP 2,500.00 for the fight. Damn that greedy Mayweather and why does he get 60% and Manny 40% win or lose? A subject for much later on…
Then the highlight of the vending season is the day when the horse drawn Kalesa chuck full of wicker product, plastic pails and gadgets galore, hammocks wooden folding tables and other wondrous sundries and notions all there for a few pesos each. I point but am wise enough to let my darling wife Mayang haggle the price. (She calls it “Fight the Price”) But to me it’s like the circus has come to town. Wow I am easy to please.
I get all this enjoyment and excitement by just sitting on my wall and enjoying a cup of coffee so I guess it’s not that inconsequential after all.
you are really enjoying the Philippines, good for you
For over 20 years now, what I like most is something new will happen today, I can’t predict what it will be, I’ll just wait and enjoy it.
You are looking good in the neighborhood.
I’d be lookin’ better if you were here with me, or we were on Your Mountain in the Big PO!
I’m reading here in Toronto, Canada, and I’m laughing at your quaint observations of local color. I like your relaxed style and sense of humor. Thanks. Keep it up.
Canadian winters make me dream of retiring in the Philippines and chill with SMB, but my healthcare, which requires me to return to Canada every six months, are a golden handcuff that’s hard to break.
I need a compelling reason to go home to the Philippines and walk unhurriedly into the sunset.
Do what countless others do, become a snow bird and split your world between the two. I understand the healthcare concerns. But where there is a will there is a way. A;; the luck to you.
Love to sit on my patio, but for the choking clouds of dust this time of year whenever a motor goes by. No rain for one month now!
It must depend on your road it’s dry here in Bataan but my road is now paved and the dust is all most (Note Almost) non-existent. And with no more 2-stroke Trike’s the smell from noise has vastly improved. It just keeps getting better and better. The rail will start here on 15 May.
Hi Paul, yes our road is just ballast, I remember you writing about the joys of your concrete road being built. Think it will be many years before we get one.
But rejoice when it happens it only took me 15 years of waiting, pretty quick don’tcha think? (lol)
Paul where does the rail run from & to? Any chance it will stop at Texas Joe’s?
What rail are you talking about?
You told John (The rail will start here on 15 May), I bet you meant to say rain.
what a great snapshot of your life in the Phillipines. I enjoy your style of writing and especially your jokes. Please keep it up. Thanks for the laughter I have needed it this year.
I’m happy some humor has touched your life, the world need so much more of it. It is a slow and restful life I have here and I aim to keep it that way. But I’ll always miss Dorchester and it’s people..
A lot of foreigners can learn how to live here, from you.
Why complain and nag about this and that, when life is so great and full of new experiences every day.
2.500 for PPV? I “just” pay 2000 😀 And yes…family will come here and enjoy the fight.
Anyway – life is good here – and i love the way you enjoy it.
The PNP 2,500.00 if you don’t reserve it on time, I’m an early Bird and got the PNP 2,000.00 package and we’ll have both family and our neighbors.
Every single day, I see something new, and 80% of the it’s funny. The people who are unhappy here are the ones who try to buck the natural flow of life instead of being carried along with it.
Paul, I was enjoying the article so much. Then………..sorry Paul you lost all my respect. Somewhere in the San Mig Brewery, is a little man, who has dedicated his life to getting the brew just right. Then you…………where are those stones!
John Power;
This is a trick learned on many tropical locations where beer is available but Ref’s are not, one fills the glass with ice, add the warm beer and swirl it once to chill it down, then bring the glass to the lips and power it down. I first learned this in a little bar in Kenya. But it has worked in an emergency all over the world If the little dude in Manila is miffed tell him to ship the beer in refrigerated trucks. So stone me at will if you must. (LOL)
Paul –
It’s just another day in paradise being played out on the stage of life right before your very eyes, Paul. It looks like you’ve got the best seat in the house, front and center, sitting outside your wall with the nectar of the gods in your hand. When the final act is over and the curtain comes down at day’s end, you’re left standing there all alone, but with the nectar of the gods still in your hand.
John Reyes;
Seldom am I alone, in the afternoon when I switch from coffee to an adult beverage of the chilled variety someone from the neighborhood (Purok) will drop by and partake of a beer with me. One is never alone for long while quaffing cool ale.
Next time I’m up that way, I will drop by, if one is on offer!
John Power;
SMB is always on offer, it’s the ice we have to talk about (LOL)
Does the rail start from your house to Texas Joes on May 15th or is that rain that starts than lol. That’s a bargain watching Manny fight compared to here which is several times more. Looking forward to getting back there on May 10th and watch life meander by with some cold ones. I can see a trip to visit you sometime in the future.
The rain vice the rail, wow LiP has Spelling Police now, Bob did you hire them? I was wondering what Loren was talking about, Thanks PapaDuck for clearing that up.
The PPV jumped from PMP 600.00 to 2,500.00 that is pure greed. But the party must roll on Stay well in Florida.
As always great enjoyable article Sir…
As for your roof top patio house, could you ask your builder if he could recommend a competent builder in the Southern Visayas (specifically Dumagete or Southern Cebu) who could build a house with a roof top patio properly such as yours was constructed.
Thank you
Chris S;
I’m sorry but my builder passed away ten years ago. But you’d be better off to find someone in the area you want to live to recommend a builder to you. All the best to you…
Mayweather is the undefeated champion! So he will take the larger portion of the purse. This is the way it has always been in boxing. You have a champion and a challenger. The challenger will take less to get the “right” to try to defeat the champion. If he wins, then no doubt he will get the larger share of the next purse when he is the Champion.
BTW, one of bob’s predictions for this year was that this fight would never happen! Not looking so good on that one Bob…
Im honestly glad its finally happening so we can put to rest finally whos the better boxer. I have a sneaky susupicion Paul that you will have lots of sad filipinos in your house on that day….
That was good information that you gave, I didn’t know that and it makes sense. Yes Bob’s prediction fizzled this time; we’ll wait for the overall average.
I will tip toe out of the room if I see the fight going badly for Manny.