What does that mean? We, in the truest sense are all under the weather, unless you’re on a 747 flying above it. At 5 AM I wrote an E-mail to LiP Headquarters telling Bob, I had nothing this week, as I was under the weather.

Okay, now here is the truth, I was not wearing my big boy shorts, my grandson is now in Atlantic Beach Florida with his Mama and Papa as it should be but his grandfather is in a funk. Yeah I miss the little dude. Every day from the day he was born 3 years ago he would be one of the first things I see, (After that 1st cup of coffee) I’d be sitting at my computer annoying people on Facebook, when in he would come and shout; “Hello Daddy-bow” Never Gramps, Pawpaw, Lolo or any other normal name for a grandfather just “Daddy-Bow” I’ll accept that!
William J. Thompson from Country Clair Ireland immigrated to Boston MA. at the turn of the 1900’s and his son William J. Thompson (My Dad) was born a citizen of our great nation.
In 1939 another William J. Thompson was born (My big brother) and he could not pronounce any of the normal grandfatherly sounding names. So my proud now American Grandfather (Formerly from Ireland) was duly named Too-Too (Later shortened to Toot).
By the end of the 1940’s my grandfather was known to all as “Toot” even by his fellow workers in the house building trades. I never knew his name was William until I was a teenager. So I am and will always be “Daddy-Bow” to my grandson Jaden.
BTW my 12 year old granddaughter (Heather Coleen) calls me “Lolo Daddy Paul” because all the nieces and nephews call me “Daddy Paul” But that is far better than “Hey Joe” (Unless your name is really Joe).
Anyway, my e-mail account is full everyday with pictures of Jaden’s (The Lil Dude) adventures in Florida. Lonesome he is not and the same goes for my daughter Ymir Thea who took to Florida like a duck to a pond. My son-in-law Cecil has a vast extended family in the area so there is no time to be missing the Philippines as they had already moved part of Olongapo there with them.
Facebook messenger phone calls (I really didn’t know you could do that.), Skype-ing and all the new fangled high tech stuff my new (Mayang’s old) cella (Smart) phone can do. What an age we live in. Ja-Bow (Jaden, if he can name me then….) is happy to be in Florida with his parents and the rest of that side of the family. Visiting places and swimming pools and all the great stuff Florida has to offer. (BTW in the 1960’s I lived in Atlantic Beach Florida too.)
So at 0630 AM I just e-mailed fearless leader “Bob” of Mindanao fame, that I just put my big boy shorts back on, and stopped feeling sorry for myself. (Oh poor me, damn I sound like a liberal) Yes,I miss that little tyke, Yes,I wish he had stayed forever, but I was right (Okay his Mother was right) to teach him English first to help him adjust to Florida life.
Hmmmm it sounds like there might be a trip to Florida in my future, and a trip to Disney World (The Mouse Factory) It will be nice to see Orlando again as I lived there for a couple of years. But Ja-Bow will be my prime motivator for me getting on another air plane.
Oh and a joyous 239th birthday to my US of A.
Sir Cook and I discused the posibility of a Sir Paul return to the big island and even without SMBs to sharpen our minds came to the conclusion that there was a very high posibility of such a jorney.
Hi Loren;
I saw the picture of you and Don in the park (I’ll assume it was San Diego) Don told me why you were there so my condolences to Ate Mercy from my family to yours. I’ll be heading to the land of the big PX next year maybe; I want to give the Lil’ Dude a chance to miss me. Will you be here this year?
Late Oct. or early Nov. is the plan if my one year follow up on the operation is O.K.
Of Couse it will be fine, you’re the “Big P” who would dare mess with you? Here’s to the best, and looking forward (With Augmented teeth to seeing you both.
I’m glad to see Jayden and the family are adjusting well in Florida. It’s also great to see you may be coming around about going back there to visit. I knew missing the young man would kind of help change your mind. A lot has changed there so you may not recognize much of it.
Florida is the state I relate to most, more so than Massachusetts, don’t read me wrong I am quite proud of my Boston Roots, but Florida fit my lifestyle better. Jaden, is having a blast in the sunshine state, his other grandfather is down the street from where he lives and it’s good he’s meeting more of his family.
There would be few other reasons I’d go back there, and living there is out of the question.
Paul, Atlantic Beach is only 4 miles from my house, If your Daughter & hubby need some directions, I’m right here @ Kensington in Jacksonville,
Thank you and I’ll pass your name to them. My son-in-law was born here in Olongapo and his family over the years have joined the ever growing Filipino community in the “J”-Ville area, my daughter has no less than 18 in-laws close to her, and they fawn over her and Jaden, the newest “Little Kano” to bless their life. My loss is their gain!
But once more; “Thank you!!!”
Funny thing about Gandkids, they never seem to annoy you like your own kids did. Also that favorite answer of no that you were so fond of when your children were growing up, escapes you now. what ever they choose to call youmakes overjoyed just to here them call out for you and when they are not with you mild depression sets in until you finally remember that there will be a time in the future to see them again..
I was ased just yesterdat by a retired Airforce neighbor of mine, if He could call me Joe, since so many people take offense to that name. My reply was the I have been Joe all of my life and when I here someone shout, ” Hey Joe”, It gives me an opportunity to make a new friend.
You came to mind when I made that “Joe” comment, but I thought you of all people would see the humor and you did.
Wow, an Air Force friend, I’ve never had one of them! (lol)
I’ve never missed anyone more in my life, he was my do over chance. But down deep I knew it was temporary and he had to be with his Dad. But I can still spoil him from afar……..
You should time it so you can go to spring training and introduce little dude to beloved Red Sox. That and Disney World will fill his head with memories to last a lifetime
His Papa in typical Pinoy fashion has those dreaded “NY” ball caps, I made sure the boy debarked the plane in Florida wearing a RED SOX ball cap. (Just doing my part for America) I’d rather go to Tampa during the season and watch Boston VS Tampa in the season. We’ll see how it turns out…
Paul, you have my sympathy.
I’ve had similar feelings when I had to leave my family behind when they couldn’t return to the US with me.
Same feeling, different directions. It never gets easier for me when I am separated from them.
Being a seaman most of my life, I am used to separations. by no means do I like them but I know how to deal with them, there will be air travel in my future, and that is the part I don’t like. But my 3 Business Class Lounge memberships are still in effect. I’ll survive! (lol)
That is a blessing. Cattleclass is getting smaller and tighter every fare increase.
Leroy Miller;
As a merchant Marine flying to pick up a ship if the trip took longer than 12 hours the rule said you must fly business class. It was a dirty job, but I accepted it. Try and fly from the office in San Francisco to ports in Asia in less than 12 hours (Including lay overs)
Hi Paul, this is life people move on I know you miss the little dude and your
Daughter, I can see a trip to Florida soon, I went back to England last year
To see my daughter I haven’t seen for 10 years we kinda drifted apart she
Nearly fainted when she saw me anyway she had 2 kids and a partner nice
House good job, she made me buy an iPad and join Facebook we keep in touch
Every day now, the world is certainly smaller now I’m like you I don’t like Long
Flights just have a couple of beers and watch the movie on the plane,
Derek in pasig .
Reuniting with you daughter, and 2 grandkids to boot? That is wonderful news and I’m pleased to hear that. We have started working on what it will take to get my wife a visa to visit the US, as there is no way I’d be going without her.
Hi Paul,
Looks like soon we may be reading ” The New adventures of Little Dude “. I wonder if he got grilled in a visa interview to get his visa to the USA ? From the pics it sure looks like he is having a good time. I know you will mis having him around. If you are under the weather maybe a flight to Florida would cure that as a few minutes after take off you would be above the weather.
Bob New York;
Lil’ Dude was born with a Eagle on his blue passport, as his Papa is now an American Citizen, But they encountered no trouble entering the land of the Big PX (Or Wal-Mart now) We are on with them every day, and all is well in Florida.
Paul, if you make it to north florida, try and pencil us in a day.. We would enjoy returning the hospitality you and Mayang have shown us our last 3 visits to Subic… Lake City is an hour and a half west of J’ville….
Billy does a wild bear… that is a given, I know how to find Lake City and our friends.
And THAT is why I can’t move to the Philippines right now. It would make me physically ill to leave my granddaughter here in the US with my daughter.
Maybe when she’s a teenager, but not now.
I feel for you.
Bill Mac;
I can fully understand that, there are some bonds that never should be broken.
Hi Paul, as you say thank goodness to skype etc, I was able to see my week old Granddaughter this morning. We are hoping to plan a trip to GenSan perhaps later this year.
We see the 3 Grandkids over here and the other Grandparents have the other 3 over there.
Marjorie Bonser;
First congratulations upon your new Granddaughter may all the blessing of the world rest at her feet. These technological marvels as must as I might complain sure make keeping in contact easy. I have my granddaughter here in the Philippines and seeing her all the time is a wondrous thing.
Thanks Paul.
You are most welcome!
I think I made this prediction last week in my comment to you, that I maybe saw an upcoming trip to Florida, first time in my life I ever forecast the future and was actually right.
Bill S.
The Great Carnac from the Johnny Carson show is back again. (LOL)