It’s about time that Davao will go underground electric-cable wiring all through out downtown streets of the city. The head guy at the Davao power company says it will cost Php100 Million. He continues it will increase a cent per kilowatt hour of our electricity bill here. It will be good for the city to have that cable hidden. Hopefully it will be done quicker. Gosh, I’m not looking for the traffic congestion again.

Really if those wires were really hidden underground it definitely be a better sight to look at. As it is right now, the wiring’s were just looking so messy and pretty much an eye sore. A few years ago I had a nice picture (I’ts a picture of a nice building) that I shared here on LIP when we used to have the photoblog. The picture was really nice and I didn’t noticed the electricity wiring until a reader comment on it. She said “Feyma the scenery is pretty awesome except for that ugly wiring)”. I guess I was just used to it that I didn’t think about it. I’m really excited for the project to get done. I’m just not looking forward to the traffic and the delay. The area that they’re working on are the route that I will be passing through on my way to the other part of the city. So it’s going to be an interesting and long travel. I guess I will just have to put a lot of books on my phone or I will bring along with me my kindle. Reading time folks. 😉
The main places that they will cover for the project were Uyanguren, Claveria and San Pedro. I think it’s wise to have these 3 areas to have the underground electricity cable for a start, being the most foot traffic in the city. So many vendors and shoppers in that area. I’m one of them sometimes. LOL. Really that’s almost all the locations for our business related stuff. To buy our products, shipment for one of our online business. The banks that I usually go to also were near there. Other places that they need to have the underground so badly are Bajada, McArthur Boulevard and Quimpo.

They said the project will start next month in time for Kadayawan Festival. I can’t imagine the traffic then during the festival. More streets will be closing for sure. I know during the festival they closed up so many streets in the city. How much more then when the construction starts and in time for the festivities. Too many people will not be a happy camper then. I’m glad in my household none of us are into going to those activities. It’s just to hot and just to many people. We just stay home and watch the activities on TV. 🙂

I just hope that it will be done quickly. We’ve been fighting heavy traffic now. If from Matina area to downtown, going through Bankerohan and going through Quimpo, both road are experiencing heavy traffic now already with the project not yet stated. How much more when the project kick in.Not so looking forward for this for sure.
I’m hoping that the next project of the city will be a light rail from Toril to Tagum. We need something to ease up traffic here in the city.
Does any of you come home for Kadayawan? Welcome and Happy Kadayawan then!
If all the cables are buried, what will happen to all the entrepreneurs who splice into the lines sell “free” power to the neighborhood?
Time to invest into shovels.
Hi Kevin – I’m scared for those people though trouble big time if caught. Not worth it for me.
Really the underground cabling right now are just in the main street in the downtown area. Mostly in the business center of the city.
Thanks for dropping a note. Much appreciated!
This is the most intriguing project EVER in Philippines. There must be a better explanation than the obvious.
Hi PalawanBob – Just keep an eye maybe you will understand after the project’s done. 🙂
Have a nice day!
All cities should follow this, very costly but pays off in the long run for sure.
Hi Fred – I will not be surprise if they will, hey election time is coming up soon. It’s project time here. Lol
Good to see you here again. Have a great day!
Hi Feyma
Burying the cables will have a few effects.
1) It will hopefully stop the illegal and highly dangerous misuse of the system
2) If done properly in underground ducts it will stop any degradation to the cables from the beautiful weather we have in Davao.
3) The scenery will improve but some of the down town areas need a lot more than buried cables to improve them. A coat of paint wouldn’t go amiss!
4) It will give them the excuse to improve the road surface in the city area. Some of the junctions are in a terrible state at the moment. The General Douglas MacArthur Highway heading up to the city proper is nice though where they have laid new tarmac.
I was thinking that larger lorries would be able to use more of the city roads but the overhead road crossings should stop that.
I hope they don’t plan to extend the project to the major roads around Davao as where they have just spent years widening the concrete roads.Cutting into the roads to lay ducts would certainly ruin the work already done.
Hi AJ – I agree with you, that if the projects done properly it will be good. You’ll see lots get done between now and election time. So many project going that the traffic will be so annoying and hideous.
*** I hope they don’t plan to extend the project to the major roads around Davao as where they have just spent years widening the concrete roads.Cutting into the roads to lay ducts would certainly ruin the work already done. *** — Expect that they will. That’s just the norm here.
Hey, thank you so much for stopping by. Have a wonderful day!
Hi Feyma,
I would like to agree with all the points AJ UK made. Nice article!
Hi Jay – Thank you so much.
Have a pleasant day!
The spaghetti wiring is also soooooo bad to look at. Much of it isn’t even used. Globe/PLDT said they’d get rid of the spaghetti but haven’t done anything to date. They probably never will.
Smart/PLDT put in fiber optic cable over a year ago. It was also underground. Yet I’ve heard that when they connect people, probably two more years, that the connects will be above ground. One step forward and two steps back.
Please tell Bob that his post went out into cyber space before I could answer. We moved here because of the friendly people. Also my son’s education was so important. I felt the Vegas school district were and that he’d get a better education here. He went to a quality private school. The school only had 15 students in each room. The school was expensive but that was fine with us.
Hi Rusty – I hear you. We have some wiring just outside our house from the post from the electric company. On that post the globe and cable were hook up with it too. Well, when the electric company changed the post to the new one, they took all the cables that were hooked to the post and just left it tangled there for days. I had to call our internet provider to fix it. We didn’t have internet from Globe for a few days. Thank goodness we had other internet connection (LTE).
*** Please tell Bob that his post went out into cyber space before I could answer. *** — I’m sure he saw your post. But I will tell him.
Where does your son goes to school here? Good luck to you guys.
Nice to see you here. Have a great day!