The Results from my MRI, are in, when I looked at the brain pictures I had no clue as to what I was looking at. But a radiologist looked at them first before me and way before my neurologist saw them, and I read the news that I could understand off the paper he wrote.. Sometime within the last 69 years I’ve had two or three very mild strokes, unable to determine when they occurred. I have no memory as to when they happened, and no memory of drooling or slurring my words…Well there was that one time in People’s Park in Singapore on my way back to the fleet landing to catch my ship…!

Then my Doctor looked at the MRI, hemmed and hawed reached up to scratch her head twice and started writing. She looked at me and said; “Kuya you need to start taking blood thinning aspirins. 81 milligrams, every day. Plus a brain pill – That’s the way it was explained to me (Costly Brain Pill) for one month since 30 tablets were prescribed I’ll assume on or about 30 days whichever comes first.
The aspirins were the trouble, as I had a bottle of 400 ea 25 MGs at home and logic told me that taking 3 of those daily was as good as one of the 81 MGs. But according to my wife I’d be wrong. (But I’ll do it my way, anyway because sometimes I’m a thickhead like that.)
Strokes and thinning my blood is nice but I’m here to cure my bad balance and my bad walking and driving, no word on that yet. But keep walking everyday! Which I and the puppies still do, but Carlos is on his way back to Oregon, so I’m on my own. I miss my fellow sailor and our sea stories.

Balance is all I want, to walk without my cane (Although I do look so cool with it) and the stability to drive my car. It is not like I have a plan to run off and join a circus and walk the tightrope or juggle Dachshund puppies in the center ring. I just want to move my butt and car from point “A” to “B” with a minimal hassle. Yes I walk every morning with the puppies, sans Carlos. But plenty of kids and my Mano Po’s! Saint Paddies Day next month is will be one year since I went to the hospital, and remember it is never called Saint Patties Day for any reason. (LOL)
Bob Martin, you can tell Paul that I am a radiologist and if he ever has specific questions he should feel free to contact me.
Thank you John! I am sure that Paul will appreciate that!
Bob; and yes I do appreciate the offer, you meet the nicest people on LiP!
That is so true, Paul. John is really a nice guy. I met him a couple months back and he has always been very nice and helpful to me!
Paul, I’ve taken the 81 mgs, recommended in the US, I believe since I turned 55.
The radiologist here had to explain to my neurologist what the MRI meant, and yet my neurologist billed me too! But thank you for your generous offer.
Hey Paul, and you too Bob, I have been taking 1 full strength aspirin (325mg) every day for about 3.5 yrs now. Take your aspirin in the evening just before bed. It is a known fact that most heartattacks and mild strokes happen at night. That is the reason for taking it then, so it can do its job. Bob tell Paul how to reach me and I can talk to him too about it!
You are taking way to much aspirin on a daily basis, sooner or later your stomach, and most likely your liver is going to let you know. The 81mg baby aspirin is plenty. Have you never heard that to much of a good thing can be bad for you. Just a word of advise my friend.
I’m confused I only take 3 75 mg baby aspirin every day,how can 81 mg aspirin be bad for me?
Michael; my 3 25 mg baby aspirin add up to 75 mg. By the Way, aren’t you Joe’s broyher? Where and how has he been?
Ok you old farts, I’ll put my two centavos worth in. Sure I been on the double 81 mg aspirin for 15-20 years. But Paul: I’ve been diagnosed with a brain tumor and post concussion syndrome within the last 5 years. Our friend MRI and I are ole buddies by now. Both BT and PCS can affect balance but also meds for both can affect balance also. Been doing ladders for years now as a landlord but last May had a ‘balance’ issue while on a ladder. Femur fracture occurred. It took multiple visits to neurologists and neurosurgeons to get the right diagnosis. If you got plans to go to Mainland USA, I recommend Dr. Griffith Harsh with Stanford Health Brain Tumor Center (they may have just gone thru a reorg, so the name of the center may have changed). Keep trying until you get an answer. BUT having said that, brain issues are for the most part, unexplored territory. I feel like a guinea pig with new meds being thrown at me. Had a seizure last October which had the neurologist do a restart. Peace be with you.
Ladders or staging is some place I never belonged anyway, I’m retired and my job is to help young guys put rice on their table, so I hire them.
I will not be in the states anytime soon as it is not the same America I served with in the Navy for 24 years.
Paul – I had a stroke Feburary 1 (Wed) of this year. The symptoms were trouble swallowing, droopy mouth, no feeling in right hand, and complete loss of speech. The stroke occurred at 9:00 PM, and my wife and I went to a province clinic 30 minutes away. There were no beds but they gave me a “brain pill”. Back home at midnight with very slow and slurred speech, still droopy face and no feeling in right hand. Went to bed and woke up able to talk but wanting to favor right hand. Friday and Saturday had minor stroke in right hand each lasting about one minute. Cebu City on Tuesday to see neurologist and CT scan of brain at Chong Hua Hospital. Doctor’s report; “You have had a most amazing recovery, there is no damage to your brain. The news is ALL good.” I have been taking a daily 81 mg buffered aspirin for years, and immediately took two more after each of the three strokes. I now take my BP medicine twice a day instead of once, and they have added a medicine to make the blood more “slippery”. The doctor says I can continue with the daily aspirin and credits it with the rapid recovery. Like you I am taking the “brain pill”, I assume for you it is also Citicoline. Expensive, but you can get it at Generics Pharmacy 30 caps for 1600 peso.
Praise the lord that you came out of it as well as you did. My three strokes in the past they know by my MRI results, I have no memory of anyone of them. I’m been on aspirins since my early 40’s. I have no problem with High Blood Pressure and take nothing for it. Those brain pills I only take for 30 days and then they will evaluate all my medicine again. I’ve lived a charmed life except for my colon operations last year, that now prevent me from travelling vast distances. But even with that I understand that as I age stuff will happen. But as each new thing happens I adjust my life style.