The Live in the Philippines Web Magazine had a groundbreaking year in 2007. So many milestones were reached, it’s hard to even know where to start!
I guess that the first thing would be to mention the growth in the Staff of the site. We started out 2007 as a blog, and I was the only writer.
In the first few months of the year, my wife Feyma joined me in writing. I wanted to add Feyma to the site, because her perspective on living here was totally different than mine! Feyma had lived in the USA for 10 years after marrying me in 1990. When we decided to move back to the Philippines to live permanently, it was a big commitment for Feyma (something that she didn’t want to do at first), and I wanted her to tell that saga on the site, as it was important for readers to consider the female side of making such a move too.
Later, in June of 2007, I invited my friend John Grant to write for the blog. He happily accepted, and began contributing interesting articles for the readers to consider. John is a native of the UK, but has been in Davao off and on for several years now.
Also in June, we added Kevin Smith, a writer who lives in the States, but has ties to Digos, Davao del Sur. Kevin is a teacher by trade, and also operates a non-profit group to assist children in the Digos area.
In July 2007, I invited another friend, AmericanLola (A.L. chooses to write under this pseudonym on the blog). AmericanLola has been living for many years in the Philippines doing missionary work, and is currently residing in Cagayan de Oro City. Many have come to realize that advice from AmericanLola is sage advice that should be considered carefully, as it is generally spot on.
Another addition came to LiP in July, Klaus Döring. Klaus is from Germany, but has been living in Davao for many years now. Klaus is a good friend, and often adds a “German” touch to his articles, posting in both English and German for the advantage of our readers in Germany.
Just last month, we took on another writer, Ichi Miyake. Ichi is a Japanese resident of Davao, and a “friend of a friend.” I hope we hear more from Ichi as time goes by.
About the time we were adding more and more writers, I came up with the idea to convert from being a blog to being a “Web Magazine” with a stable of authors and other features to serve our readers. I think that our migration has been a success, and the traffic figures of the site would seem to agree with my thinking on that.
It’s been a good year for the LiP Web Magazine! I hope that we have served you well, and that we will continue to innovate and add new features that the readers enjoy. If you have a suggestion, please write to me and let me know and let me know what your idea is! We are always happy to entertain new ideas from readers! If you want to write a guest blog post, please let me know that too!
Tomorrow, let’s have a look at the LiP Highlights for 2007!
I came across with LiP and Mindanao Blog sites early this year and since then I visit these sites as often as I can. There are several Blog sites about living in the Philippines but this is the one I like the most because it utters and updates me different information, events, and opinion about Mindanao… where I came from. This is just what I need when living away from home. Let me share to you guys my favorite thought of the year 2007.
“Life offers infinite possible roads. Sometimes your head chooses the route, sometimes your heart. And sometimes, for better or worse, neither head nor heart can resist the stubborn pull of fate.” ~ Dean Koontz ~
Malipayong Bag-ong Tuig sa Inyong Tanan.
Yes, indeed, so many blessings for this site! More power and happy new year to you and your family and staff, Bob!
Yes a lot has happened here in 2007 … and I very much like the work you've done with the magazine theme, Bob.
I've met a lot of wonderful people and learned alot this year … I am thinking I should write a retrospective piece for my blog also, but right now it's off to pick up the lechon for the family feast later today … can't believe how people ask the question, "what do you do in retirement there" … there's always so much going on, and I love it.
HI Jio – Thanks for your comment! I also appreciate your participation on this site over the past year! Happy New Year to you!
Hi Dave Starr – Thanks for the vote of confidence! Save some lechon for me too! Happy New Year, my friend!
Hi Bob,
I came across your site for the first time today. I really like it. I am an American married to a Filipina and we recently bought land in the Philippines. We hope to build a house and retire there someday, but right now we are trying to save enough money to make all that possible. Thanks for all the interesting stories, and I look forward to reading it regularly.
Hi Joe Parisi – Welcome to the LiP Web Magazine! I am happy to know that you found the site useful and I look forward to your participation here. Happy New Year!
Hi Bob thanks for info. It is the end of avery interesting year on LIP. Ihave enjoyed the year and hope that next year will be equaly intresting.Now that i have travelled on aregular basis to Davao i can relate to most aspects of the debates. Lots of time i am ignorant of situations and from that i can only learn and store away for future reference.To all at LIPand all the avide followers of this WEB. Besr regards for the newyear and i look forward to our debates during 2008
Hi Frank – thanks for your participation on the site! I also enjoyed meeting you this year!
Hey Bob & Other Writer's – All of you that write and contribute here make this web-magazine more of a blessing (than you will ever know) and also a great joy to most that read here. I for one try to read almost everyday and I look forward to doing so as I know that I will be entertained and can get questions answered if needed. Thanks to everybody and keep up the writing and keep on growing.
😀 Micki
Hi Bob and to all of you, I wish you a Prosperous New Year. It's an honour and a very big fun to contribute thoughts and ideas to this webmagazine. The reader's comments are indeed a very big inspiration. God bless us all!
Hi Bob and Staf,
I've enjoyed your web-magazine tremendously. It is interesting to note that I am reconnecting to my old hometwon through a different perspective. Thank you for creating the LIP and more power to you and all the writers.
Wishing you all the best for the years to come.
Happy Happy Happy New Year!!!
Hi Micki – thanks for your comment and your participation on the site. Happy New Year!
Hi Klaus – thanks for your friendship in 2007! I'm looking forward to more in 2008.
Hi Joy Co – Thanks to you for sharing your opinions with all of us in 2007!
Bob, i really do enjoy this site, i can not come up with any sugestions for the site because i feel it is yours and the style and content is your stamp on the e world, it is fine, very fine all round
happy new year to you and everyone actually
Hi Bob yes Lip Web magazine it's very good I hope you no
stop this blog because I enjoy your blog. Happy new year
Thanks for your kind words, Bob! I have really enjoyed being a part of LiP this year. I feel like I have 'met' a lot of nice people, and I am glad that our experiences (and mistakes) can benefit others!
Happy New Year to you all!
I came across with LiP and Mindanao Blog sites early this year and since then I visit these sites as often as I can. There are several Blog sites about living in the Philippines but this is the one I like the most because it utters and updates me different information, events, and opinion about Mindanao… where I came from. This is just what I need when living away from home. Let me share to you guys my favorite thought of year 2007.
“Life offers infinite possible roads. Sometimes your head chooses the route, sometimes your heart. And sometimes, for better or worse, neither head nor heart can resist the stubborn pull of fate." ~ Dean Koontz ~
Malipayong Bag-ong Tuig sa Inyong Tanan.
Belated Congrats as well as Holiday Greetings, Bob.
Your accomplishments certainly provide the help needed to iron out the rough spots one can encounter here in the Phils, getting ready for the Phils, or just soothing the dreams!
Many similar and many different issues up here in this province, but your "guide" helps keep the issues pleasant.
(Life's been hectic past week & half–holidays, fiestas, weddings, baptisms, etc., all taking away from my "on-line" time. Don't think I'd allow anything other than these things to do that! 😉 )
🙂 I have been reading the site for about 10 months now, I love it and it has been a tremendous help to me. I love the videos and the pictures and most importantly the good the bad and ugly parts of moving to the philippines, mostly good though. It gives me the real story of what life is really like there for a person that is going to move there, no sugar coating. Bob, I wish you and your family a Happy New and hope to see you soon!
Hi Bob,
All the best to you and everybody in the New Year. Hope this site will grow and represent ever larger group of people who have ties to Philippines. Those who live there already full or part time and those who plan to retire there or just extend a visit only.
Just a dream… maybe we could lobby the Ph. Government to consider changing some old and not so good rules for folks who think to retire there but need more welcoming laws.
Retirees seem to be welcome just about everywhere, since they always benefit the Country they live in. Unfortunately Ph. is a bad exemption as for now ( in my opinion), when comes to the rules and is not welcoming enough this growing group of folks who have to choose often an another Country to live instead.
I hope this will change eventually.
Once again, Happy New Year everybody!
Hi Rick B – Thanks for your vote of confidence! I must say, though… some of my best ideas come from suggestions given by readers! Don't every be shy about offering your suggestions! 😆 Happy New Year!
Hi zois – Thanks! Don't worry, I don't think this site will be going anywhere! Happy New Year!
Hi Teng – Thanks! I am happy to know that you are enjoying the site! We do our very best to provide quality content that is interesting to read. I'm glad that we've had some success! Happy New Year to you!
Hi AmericanLola – You have provided some great advice for our readers, and it's had my pleasure to have you join us on the site! Happy New Year!
Hi Paul – Great to know that you've found the site useful and that it has helped you in a situation or two! Happy New Year to you!
Hi michael severy – Thanks! I do try to give an honest view of what it is like to live here, no sugar coating (as you say). Whether a certain article is positive or negative on a particular topic – overall, I feel that living here is GREAT! Happy New Year!
Hi ted johnson – The more people who join in, the better the site will be. There are literally thousands of people reading for every one who comments. Let's hope that some more of then join the discussion.