Since I’m writing this and you’re reading this, means, we made it! We survived the Holiday Season and 2009. Down comes the tree to be stowed away for 8 more months.
And I’m reminded of something that happened, after New Years on a ship I was on. Two weeks prior to Christmas the Chief Engineer wanted a Christmas tree set up in the wardroom. He tells the Chief Steward to make it happen, Chief Steward told him to call the Union, as it wasn’t his job. I have the trees in my storeroom so somehow I’m involved. Chief Engineer calls me and tells me to bring a tree and decorations to the wardroom. “Call the Union, it ain’t my job” I replied. He sent a guy to get it and set it up for him. Now it’s February, and the tree is still standing, the Chief Engineer demanded it be removed. “No my job Mon,” was the cry that went out from us Union guys. The Ship’s Master asked the Chief Steward as a favor to him, would he remove it? That night the two of us went up to the wardroom to remove it. We picked it up, opened the hatch to the weather deck and deep sixed it, over the side and watched it float away. The Chief Steward looked at me and said, “We’ll not be coming back to this ship for awhile!” No whales were injured, in the removal of that tree. We heard that it washed up on the shore of Dutch Harbor Unalaska in March.
Now it’s 2010 and I wonder what new and exciting things will transpire in this new decade. Will they solve the Y2K problem? Will the price of San Miguel go up? These and many more questions will be answered, I hope before 2011. If not, then who cares?
New Years Eve, again for me it was alcohol free. Yet I did pay for a family party at my Mother-in-Laws house, I was invited this year to 5 or 6 parties, and stayed home with my dogs instead. 23:30, I’m on my roof/patio watching the fireworks in my purok, while eating a Strawberry short cake with a pile of whipped cream on it, I looked down I saw our female shiatsu (Goldie) stuck in the rod iron grill and overhanging the peebles below. This has happened before, but in a gate going to the back yard. Nothing that a hacksaw can’t cure, my wife was down to her Mother’s house at a party, when I had to run inside to call her, to get her to help free the dog. When I got back to the roof she was gone. The only direction she could have gone was down, which is a 15 foot drop.
I ran down stairs to find her, expecting an injured or deceased dog. Well I found neither, when I called her name she came bounding around the corner of the house, no worse for wear and jumped into my arms with her tail wagging!
That was my New Years miracle this year, last year it was the flaming umbrella and the young man’s survival, and that was an omen of a good year to come, and Goldie, this year, that’s an omen of a great year to come!
It’s never dull in paradise, and who knew a Shiatsu could fly!
Hi Paul – Just wondering: what kind of new year would be predicted if the shiatzu hit the fan? 😆
Ahh Paul;
I was taking mental bets, as to who would be the first to say that. You’ve restored my faith in mankind!(LOL)
I’m kind of surprised you let me slide, on my use of the term hatch, vice water tight door (WTD).
For non-sailors Hatch: an opening between decks (Floors), Door: an opening through bulkheads (Walls).
Hi Paul – Figured the fan comment was enough for one day. 😉
Don’t know the configuration of MSC ships’ bridges – figured that there could have been a possibility of it being a hatch (perhaps, something like a hatch on a flying bridge to a ladder below). Through a hatch to the deep six is the same general direction of movement, so there’s a hint of logic there, too. 😆
Hi Paul;
Dogs flying, bridges flying, up and forward starboard, down and aft port. I’m surprised we even found the weather deck.
Permission to come aboard, Sir Paul T.
Wife: Goldie on the bridge
Paul: goldie off the bridge
Maid: Goldie’s OK
Paul: Wiping forehead, I need a San Magoo
Maybe three!
Hi Paul, So glad that Goldie wasn’t hurt on her trip down. I wonder if there’s any way that she could fly to Cebu in 2010. She’s too cute!
Hi Queeniebee;
I don’t think she’ll ever want to fly again, But I have another Shiatsu named Mickey, who I’ll put on the next boat!
Hi Paul, Alcohol- free New Years! Wow! I didn’t think anybody did that! Actually, kidding aside, mine was “almost” alcohol-free – one small glass of Sekt (cheap champagne substitute). That was a change for me too. Happy New Year! Glad the dog had wings.
Hi Traveling John;
I’ve said before that New Years Eve is the ultimate amateur night. If they won’t have a beer with me on a Monday at noon, then I will stay away from New Years parties. (LOL) Is that an oxymoron “Cheap Champagne Substitute?” Maybe not!
Hi Paul,My wife and i will be moving to samar in about a year when she recieves her alien card.For five years we stayed on the other end of subic from you.My wife and i have a small Lhasa Apso we want to bring with us to samar if the plane trip isnt to hard on him,did you fly your pets over or purchase them there?i have checked into the airline part of the trip but not the entry into the philippine part.
thank you for any info you can share.
Sorry my friend, all my many dogs were purchased local. So far Goldie is the only one to somewhat fly. Maybe if you put that question on the forum, someone will have the answer.
Hi Paul,
Its amazing how tough dogs can be.
Happy New Year and many more SMs down the hatch.
regards Chas.
You’re so right about being tough! I liked the play on words about down the hatch, very good! Me and San Magoo’s are joined at the hip.
Hi Paul. You really are having bad vibes for 2010 like the price increasing on San Mig.Paul one way to drive prices down or at least keep them stable is to increase volumes. Fixed costs remain stable spread them over increased volumes the production costs drop.So my china by drinking more San Mig you can help drive down the cost. Of course i will assist with my volumes when i am in Phil.ALL THE BEST FOR 2010.
Using your logic, I’m going to attempt to drive the price down to P5.00 per unit this year. Get here quick and lend a hand!
Hi Paul, thanks paul i think i will ask on the forum.i think the heat wont bother him as we have had him down in arizona in the summer and he likes it.wish i was there to help bring down the price
of the San Mig.
Paul. Trying my best to get over to Phil either next month or march have a bussiness meeting in Manilia are you not based in Pampanga were is your nearest town.If i stop drinking beer now till i hit Phil then after 3 days serious consumption that should drive San Mag brewery prics to an all time high.
Hi Frank;
I reside in Dinalupihan Roosevelt Bataan; about a 15 min. drive to Olongapo City Zambales. Right outside of the Subic Freeport (back gate). And I thought the goal was to drive the price down?
Right paul drive the price of the beer down by increasing sales and driving the share price up.
The cobwebs have cleared, and the light bulb is on! Stock prices up, beer price down, I’ll buy some shares and make a profit off myself.