This website really is a great resource. You can find entertainment here about the Philippines, and life here, and you can also find a lot of useful resources and information that will help you in your life here.
Information about visas, drivers licenses, immigration issues, dealing with government offices, learning the language, interacting with other ex-pats, there really is information about just about any topic that an ex-pat would need to learn about.
But, the question is, are you taking advantage of the information that is freely available here? Think about it. On almost a daily basis, I have people start chats with me on Facebook asking me a lot of questions about how to do this, where to get that, that sort of thing. To be honest, every one of these topics has been covered here on LiP.
Just yesterday, a fellow that has been my friend on Facebook for many years, and I consider him a good friend, was having trouble about a drivers license here in the Philippines, he was also having trouble about getting married here. Frankly, when he had gone to government offices to seek assistance, he was not getting good information. In fact, the information that they were giving him was completely wrong! I helped this fellow for more than an hour. I don’t have enough hours in my day to help every person who needs that kind of assistance. But, the thing is, every single thing that I told my friend is already available here on this website for free!
In most cases, when people need assistance like this, I tell them about my consulting packages, and offer to help them, but not for free. I just don’t have enough time to do that. What happens often is that they will say that I am trying to rip them off, or take their money. I am money hungry. No, I am just hungry to have some free time that I can spend with my family. Like I said, every bit of information that I would give these people is already freely available here on this website. If they don’t care to search that information out and read it for free, why should I spend an hour or more giving them personal service? I have Artie given the same service for free.
I would really like to see people start taking advantage of the resources available here on LiP. It’s all free! I try to keep it as current as possible, up-to-date, and always accurate.
Next time you find yourself in a bind just do a search here on LiP! You just might be surprised how easily you can find exactly what you’re looking for.
If it is not here, contact me, and will see how I can help you! But, I am betting that you will find it right here free for the asking.
I might caution that any free advice, from any source, plus about $1.50, is worth a cup of coffee at Starbucks, particularly that advice found on Internet forums but excepting, of course, any free advice from your mom.
For sure, don’t believe everything you read. LOL
As a regular reader and participant in this website and some of Bob Martins other websites it has provided me with an endless source of information and just good reading about nearly all things Philippines.
Thank you, Bob, I have always appreciated your participation on the site. You are one who has not only consumed the content here but also written articles telling about your experiences here, thus providing information to others.