As Gomer Pyle used to say; “Surprise-Surprise!” In February 2014 I mentioned that the New Old Honda was out of my life and a new Mitsubishi Mirage G4 had replaced it. It was a sad time because the adventures of the New Ole’ Honda were a staple here on LiP as something was always happening to it. New cars smell nice and are fun to drive but “Boring” What was there to say?
But over the year and 5 months we’ve owned it a couple of funny things have happened. To date the car only has 8,750 Kilometers on the dial. The warrantee is three years or 100,000 Kilometers. At the rate we are driving the three years will come first.
We took it in for the 1,000 “K” check-up, and all was fine. Then I took it in for a non-warranty oil change as a few months had passed and my father always told me it’s time on the clock not the mileage or kilometerage that breaks down the viscosity of your oil. The folks at Car World Subic were wondering why I was there with only 3,000 “K” on the car when in two “K” more I was due for the oil change but who knew how long that would be . But being the professionals that they are, they did as I requested. And once again for the 5,000 “k” check 4 months later. Plus they have a comfortable waiting area and they give you great coffee for FREE! Starbucks is across the street but your car will be done before you spend that hour ordering their coffee.

Car World also has a very nice person who keeps tabs on you and will call when they think you are due for a service check. The first call was at 6,000 “K” thinking I was due for my 10,000 “k” check up. But still not enough kilometerage to go down there yet, but at 8,000 “K”I just went to save them the cost of phone calls (lol) How would they know that we don’t put that much kilometerage (Is that really a word?) on our cars? But as always I appreciate Car World Subic’s concern.
But that is not the reason for the article; after I replaced the plastic hub caps with custom rims, I’ve been buying all the spiffy chrome accessories to enhance an all ready good looking car. We had it all, new chrome headlight and taillight rings, the turn signal chrome covers and all new chrome door handles. And not to forget the chrome daytime running lights with fog lamp. Pretty jazzy don’t-cha thinks?
So I’m at Concord Car Accessory store in the mall. A place I have been too many times looking for the chrome gas tank door cover. It was always NIS (Not in Stock) and I just found out why from the young man guiding me around Concord’s store. My car does not exist, it a ghost, a non item. Whoa Nelly what are we talking about???
Then the hammer came down, shattering the beliefs that I have held dear to me for the last year and a half. I found out that in the world outside of the Philippines my car is called; “The Attrage.” Is it true? Well the parts guy at the Concord store who also installed my back-up camera, and whom I fully trust said it’s true? (But trust and verify) Let’s Google that, oh my lord it’s true I no longer drive a Mirage G-4 I drive an “Attrage” Why do these things happen to me? But there is “Good News,” they have the chrome gas door cover, but with “Attrage” imprinted prominently on it. I bought it of course and I’ll let people passing by wonder about the two names on the car. And my Car World salesman Denny will be hearing from me next time I’m by there! (Denny, you know I’m only joking!)
Anyway here is a blurb straight from the inter-webby as to why in the Philippines there is a difference in names for the same car. According to “Masaaki Yamada” (Most High Person at the time in 2013), and the senior adviser for Mitsubishi Motors Philippines, the car will use the Mirage G4 name in the Philippine market only, as the name Attrage has a negative connotation in the Filipino language.”Attrage” sounds too much like “ATRAS” the Filipino word for “going backwards “I was smart to install that back-up camera system. Well, heck that makes sense to me. But now I’m stuck with a multi-named car, but the truth is I’d buy the same car again, and once again deal with Car World Subic’s great group of gentlemen such as Mr. Magat the Business Manger, and Mr. Perez the Sales Manager both whom will treat you in a professional and courteous manner and insure any questions you may have will be resolved. I smile when I add; ‘No matter what they want to call this the car.”
The last “new car” I bought was when I was in the Navy it was a 1978 Lincoln Town Car, and it came with a white leather interior which never should be confused with the skin of that endangered species, “The Nauga” from which you get”Naugahyde’ or “Pleather” the reason I bring that up is because a young lady once said to me, “Paul you should cover those beautiful seats to protect them”. Oh yeah and let the second owner enjoy those seats. I think not.
But here and now my wife Mayang will not let me remove the company installed seat covers to let me enjoy the new seats in my Attrage Mirage G-4 or whatever you call this automobile. I even forget what my new seats in the Attrage G-4 look like! Jeff the detailer at Car World did such a great job, the seat covers have never came undone.
“ATRAS” “going backwards” Just what were those executives from Japan thinking by calling the car, “The Attrage”? What does Attrage mean in the first place?
Bob, in Canada the Mitsubishi Mirage is fairly common. I am a former technical Instructor for Mitsubishi Canada. Here we hare a 3 cylinder engine 1,3 litre
. I think in Philippines you have a 1 litre
Hi Daniel – Thanks for stopping by and reading the site! I just want to clarify that this article is from Paul Thompson, not for me! Hang in there, though… I will have a brand new article coming out on Friday!
The Mirage is the hatch back also very common in the Philippines The Attrage is a sedan with a trunk (See photos) and only in the Philippines is it named the Mirage G4 vice the worldwide name of Attrage. I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear in my article. (Attrage is also a 3 cylinder) Google it.
I seem to recall reading this one before. Hmmm…maybe I’m recalling something I did in the future!
Ha ha.. it is an original article. Paul posted some similar information on FB like a week ago or something, maybe that is why you feel a sense of deja vu. 🙂
Douglas and I are Facebook friends, but I would never solve his Déjà Vu, it’s more fun this way!
It could only be Déjà Vu or you wrote the article and forgot that you did. Hey I’ve done that. Or today is the tomorrow you were going to write about yesterday. Have a beer and you’ll be fine.
Ah, maybe that’s it.
It was simple common sense to me. But then simple comes naturally to me
I was a long time owner of a Mitsubishi Mirage in Dodge Colt form. I grew very comfortable wrenching that car. Lately I’ve migrated to a Dodge Neon….actually, the second of two. I loved wrenching the first one, until someone wiped it out (T-Boned 2 years ago). The replacement I don’t love much at all, except the cup holders. But that’s a different story… 🙂
Thanks for your great article!
Bryon Watts;
In ST. Pete Florida in the early 90’s I sold Dodge’s at Art Palmy Dodge , we were not allowed to tell the customer that the Colt was made by Mitsubishi.
I noticed there were no more ashtrays in any new car, where do we put our spare change?
I noticed those name switched in the Philippines. Mitsubishi Montero is called Pajero, Mercury Mountaineer is Everest and Mazda B series pick up truck is now called BT-50. I’m pretty sure there’s more
There are both Pajero, and Montero here’ I drove a Montero in Puerto Rick in 1988. But Japan never shipped the Toyota “Bluebird” to the United States yet very popular in Japan. I don’t think we are ever going to understand the corporate mind.
Like so many things I read, hear and even some times experience on my visits, you can expect the unexpected in The Philippines. This certainly sounds like you have experienced yet another one.
Maybe you could work out a deal to have some of those cars exported to the USA and have them sold on some kind of Limited Edition Custom Version, such as ” Mirage G-4 LTD PH . A free case of San Mig packed in the trunk of each car. LOL
Bob NY;
Free beer in the trunk? What are the odds that car would get to the ship? The 6 hour wait at the DMV trying to explain the name to them, and still having to come back the next day to explain it to them once more , that’s not worth a trunk full of beer. (lol)
I think its kinda like typhoons there, everywhere else in Asia they are called one name, but once they enter Philippine territory , they have to call them a different name, just to make it a little more confusing I think. I get confused enough as it is in everyday life, then I have to remember 2 different names for the same storm, and I consider I am doing good when I know what day it is. By the time I reach you age Paul, I will be doing good just to find my car in a parking lot there.
Bill S.
When I mention a typhoon I just use the date, as even if I remembered the many names I probably can’t pronounce them. Finding the car is a snap; “Honey where did we park?”
Hi Paul, I have an old new Toyota innova had it 5 years only got 34 thousand kms on the
Clock, I was thinking about buying a new car but the traffic in Manila is horrendous
I just love the car seems to run for miles Diesel engine and fits 8 people, when I came to the Philippines I asked a local which is the most popular car in the Philippines he told me the Toyota innova, that’s the one I bought never looked back great car,
Derek in pasig.
My Son-in-Law Chris has one, I’ve been on trips in it and it is indeed a nice car.
Just what does Innova translate to? It’s not even a Japanese word. (lol) That’s the trouble I’m having with Car names like Attrage.
The Lancer G4 is coming to the US in 2016. So eventually you could get new chrome handles for it with the correct name. LoL
Sorry Mirage G4 is replacing the Lancer.. Oops!
So if I understand what you are telling us, the Lancer (A larger car) is out, and the Attrage (As known to the rest of the world) will replace it next year in the USA. But they will keep the Mirage G-4 name from the Philippines? My I thought the Navy was convoluted. But I agree, all the after-market accessories will now be made with two names. That will keep China busy figuring that out. LOL
It might be an amalgamation of the words attractive and Mirage.