The people that I’m describing right now were really one of the families that Bob and I will never ever forget in our entire life. It all started when we moved to Ridgefield from Vancouver in Washington State. We used to live in a very nice subdivision in Vancouver. We were house sitting the house of my in-laws while […]
New show on E News Channel-Asia!
I was just surfing through our TV in search for a good show. I stopped on one channel; 608 on our sky box, It’s the E News Asia. On screen the teaser of their upcoming line-up for there month of June shows. I saw one of the famous families here in the Philippines. That Pinoy family will have a […]
My homemade “Pita Bread”!
I am writing about a simple recipe that I thought before was harder to make. I was wrong on that though. Bob got a recipe and immediately me and Jean tackle it. I try to buy a good active yeast and put the rest in a sealed container and store in the refrigerator, but I often […]
Putting a dog to sleep in the PI!
I’m writing today about some stuff that’s not really so common to be done here in the Philippines. One of them is putting your pets (any pet) to sleep. Well a few weeks ago we had our dog put sleep. She’s been with us for over 9 years. It was a difficult decision for all of […]
My grade school classmates: Where are they now?
I was toying with this topic since it’s the beginning of another school year here. Our kids are all geared up for the first day of school. I was trying to remember the days when I was in grade school. It’s way too different now than during my time. And something caught my eyes on the […]
The people close to my heart in the States: Part 1!
I was just looking at my FB feeds when I came across the headline in-front of me that read: “So many things to look forward to this month! With all the birthdays, my bachelorette party in Vegas, getting married and honeymoon in greece, I can’t contain my excitement!” I had to read it again and […]