I’m not talking about eating Wheaties with Bruce Jenner on the box; General Mills is considering putting the 65 year old Caitlyn on an upcoming box a picture of him in a dress using the ladies Tee during a golf game with his buddies (Sounds like last month’s rant). Remember Kellogg still makes cereal, so we only have to boycott General Mills.

I’m referring to gathering up the family and going to a place where they feed you a big breakfast at a reasonable price. Luckily in the Olongapo area we have a few great breakfast places. This week we went on base to the Extremely Espresso restaurant which BTW is great for lunch and supper also, and anytime you just want a great cup of coffee without standing in line at Starbucks and shelling out $5.00 a cup.
There is something great about sitting outside on a beautiful day eating Al Fresco with the people you love. It started easy enough, I woke up Sunday morning and was hungry and the Idea hit me to go out for breakfast. Of course I ran the suggestion past “Commander of the house; Mayang” and she agreed, but now the problem of moving my daughter and her husband Chris, plus the two teenagers Shay (Niece) and granddaughter Colleen) That is normally like herding cats, to get them moving and not have breakfast turn into lunch.

The stars must have been aligned as by 9am we were parked and seated. Normally on Sunday morning the place is usually chock-a-block full with our weekend visitors with NCR on their auto tag, yes the important people from the National Capital Region or Manila. So we were informed the seating inside was a 40 minute wait. But at 9am, we didn’t need air/con so along with quite a few others we settled for Al Fresco dining.

The only fault I can find with the restaurant is they serve the fluffiest pancakes but have no maple syrup to put on it. They have a Kero type of syrup, but I’m from New England, and like our faithful Canadian friends to the north, we don’t accept any product that doesn’t at least say; “Made with 10% pure maple syrup.” At the house I use 100% maple Syrup, even if it costs as much as a tank of gas. My parents and then the Navy only served pure Maple syrup, so after 50% of my life that is what I’m used to. It’s the same story with butter, I never eat margarine either.
Funny story, in my neighborhood we had one of the first TV’s in the 1950’s, so my buddy Skipper (Larry) would come over on Saturday morning to watch cartoons. My mother made us all buttered toast as a snack, and Skipper told me our butter had a funny taste. I asked my mom and she explained that his family used only margarine, and this was his first time eating butter. Blame my parents for the way I am!
Back to breakfast, we passed on pancakes as I forgot to bring my syrup, but the “Good Morning” breakfast comes with a foot long, garlic spiced sausage, a rash of bacon and a slice of ham (the ham is local) two eggs anyway you like them, toast and a cup of Kano styled great coffee all for P 200.00 (Coffee is P50.00 extra)

Now I know I promised that I would not become a one trick pony, and only talk about medical, but to justify my new found love of eating the reason is, they won’t let me drive my car, or enjoy a cocktail, four months without a cigarette (Surprisingly I don’t miss them, except with that morning coffee.) But my doctor wants my weight back up to 150 lbs. I have averaged a 10 pound gain every 15 days, I’m 142 lbs now and I will be sewn back to normal when I reach that 150 lbs goal. I’m hungry now! The silly doctor thought it would take four months to gain the weight, but Mayang lets me eat Ice Cream any time I want. And if it is at home or on the road I start everyday with the “Breakfast of Champions”. But not made by General Mills Cereal Company.
Glad you are doing better. Hang in there Buddy. Know what I miss? Cream of wheat. Haven’t found that in the Philippines. I guess the maple syrup shortage is common in the Philippines. If I find a place that serves it, it is usually a spoonful. Keep up the good work.
Is Kanye West after Caitlyn?
Jacksonville Florida my first time there after boot camp, and I ordered breakfast at a diner, beside my eggs was a pile of Cream of Wheat just sitting there, I asked the waitress what that was all about and she smiled and said: Yankee Boy, them’s grits!” One bite and I understood the name. But I’ve seen Cream of wheat and grits in the stores here in the “Big PO’ The Royal store sells 100% pure Maple syrup from Canada, but it is dear! When I remember, I bring it with me if in the mood for French Toast or Pancakes.)
I’m from the south. Grits are grits. The only real grits are the “not instant” kind. Made from Hamony. Doubt you know what that is, unless you spent a lot of time in the south. But cream of wheat (Uncles Bens Cream of wheat) with butter and sugar that is a good breakfast. We used to eat shrimp an grits. that is delicious! Again……it’s a southern thang.
Might be just what you need to get your strength back?
Virginia, South Carolina and Florida were some of my duty stations, but the first eating grits was as I said was in 1965. So I spent a lot of time in the Southern State, as a matter of fact more than I ever spent in New England and I was born there. I didn’t know there were grits not made from harmony. I found way back then that I had no love for grits or cream of wheat, but I do love cornbread pancakes that I had in Georgia at a friend’s house for the first time in 1966. But then you might not like beans and franks on Boston canned brown bread. (LOL)
Sounds like you know what to eat to regain your strength and weight.
Not really, but I know what I like, Yesterday I had an 8 inch corned beef and cheese sandwich on a French roll, with a side of the best onion rings in the Philippines. It’s why I live in this area, for the food. (LOL)
Wow! P250 for full breakfast!
That’s international prices creeping in.
If only I knew what you meant? (lol)
Palawan Bob;
And what do you pay for a breakfast like I described? I don’t order my food from a vendor at the market I go to real sit down restaurants. Besides I can afford it!
International prices creeping in !! Here in the US you may get a piece of toast and Coffee for that. Coffee is generally at least $1.50.
Correction on my part. It says P2.50; I was thinking 2.50 Dollar. Still it is cheaper in the PI. Glad to see you looking good in the pictures Paul.
Have you been converting the price of that legal Colorado Wacky Tabacky into Peso’s again? (LOL)
Don’t be so hard on Palawan Bob; since the world didn’t end he doesn’t get out much.
Since I am flat broke as of spring of this year and living only on pension money, I can hardly afford those prices.
I am like a marathon runner, training for months for the coming ‘Pension-Ponziconomics’ ultimate destination.
Just a reminder; the Ponzieconomics Monopoly game is still breathing… blood pressure dropping, heart rate dropping as well.
Skin turning dark grey.
Not dead yet!
Palawan Bob;
I also have no job and have been living off my pensions since the year 2000.
Glad to hear you are feeling better and the weight is coming back.I know couple of years ago I sent time in the hospital and my weight dropped, but I did not need to put it back on as I am by nature overweight. But it is creeping back. take care
When I joined the Navy in 1964 I had a size 27 pants size, 30 years later it had gone to size 31. And now for the last 10 years it’s been a whopping size 32. I have fought my weight my whole life. (LOL) But I need to be at 150 lbs, to complete my surgery, and I’m stuck at 142. I’ll pile on the bananas before my next doctor’s appointment. (LOL) Wish me luck!!!
Hi Paul,
Glad to read and see in your pics that things look like they are somewhat returning to normal for you at least a little at a time maybe. I have had some ” breakfast experiences ” there on my visits from time to time. The most recent one when I was with a group of people who said ” we are going to stop for breakfast “. Naturally my mind automatically thinks of a restaurant or diner. We end up stopping at some kind of roadside stand, there is a particular name for these places although I can not remember it, something like ” cateria ” or something like that. Breakfast consisted of chicken, rice and some kind of fishy soup.
Jollibee has maple flavored syrup for their breakfast pancakes although I have no idea how much ” maple ” is really in it.
I grew up in a ” margarine house ” too but at grandmas house it was always real butter which is what I use myself today although maybe a bit more sparingly than in the past LOL.
Bob (NY)
Canderia is how it is spelled; I know because I went downstairs and asked! A place where the food sits in the open until its gone. I’ll pass!
The pancake syrup at Jollibee has no real maple in it but it beats Kero syrup by a mile.
Glad to see you are back to gaining weight again. I hope for your full recovery to take place soon. That breakfast looked mighty good and the company you had with you I am sure made it that much more enjoyable. Take care my friend and enjoy each day!
I have eight pounds to go to reach fighting weight. Those last few pounds are the most difficult, but I’m stubborn as hell and I’ll get there. With my other daughter (and Grandson) in Florida, the group is smaller, but still fun. The Sunday get together are kind of a tradition.
Palawan Bob;
Not dead yet, is a far better alternative to the other way. I feel great and I’m under a doctor’s care!
Hey Paul…. Yea, it has always been butter at my house…. My dad was a health nut his whole life and said he trusted cows more than he did chemists….. I have a solution for those extra pounds ya need….. I will loan you my metabolism for a few days… Just looking at the pic of your breakfast was good for a five pound gain…:) Glad to see your getting close to your goal my friend….. Eggs/grits/fresh link sausage/ biscuits and cane syrup for this florida boy this morning………
40 minute wait. 40 minute wait. Dang. On Sunday morning, after church, I go to our favorite restaurant. Never any waiting time. I order scrambled eggs with chicken, potatoes or ham, squash bread, and malungay juice or any juice (Cost: 180 pesos) within 2 minute.
Everything must be better where you live, or the restaurant is not popular. (lol)
Hi Paul,
I enjoyed reading your article and looking at your pictures! You might want to try kamoteque to pack on the last 8 lbs. Good luck!
Kamoteque? If I can’t spell it I won’t eat it! (lol) But thank you for the suggestion!
Not sure about “Kamoteque”, but Camote (Spanish Sweet Potato) packs a punch with calories and if you mash, after boiling, and add a liberal knob of butter you’ll be tipping the scales in no time at all 🙂
In Puerto Rico I fell in love with mashed plantains (Cooking Banana) and they will put on the pounds also, I have wondered why they are not available here in the Philippines.
Have fond memories of mashed plantains from many years ago when I was in Dominican Republic. Closest I’ve come across in the Philippines is a dish my wife makes (probably originating from Bicol), the main ingredient is the local “Saba” banana – tastes very similar, but the texture is different.
Saba” banana I wrote that down and will search the market and give it a try, I liked fried plantain chips too.
Hi Steve,
Camote and kamote are the same just I spell it with a “k” because my wife says it is and that certainly would not be a hill Iwould die on. I wrote an article about kamoteque Bob published last week. This was my shameless plug for my article. Kamoteque is kamote in carmelized brown sugar.
Your wife spells it with a “K” because there is no letter “C” in the Filipino language, But then they can’t explain Cebu or all the other places that start with “C: (LOL)
Thanks Jay – Had the candied camote once or twice, now I’ll know how to ask for it – Cheers
Paul, good to see you on the way back to good health. Eat all those rich foods I would love to eat and pack on the weight. I hope Bob Martin is rapidly regaining his good health.
I enjoyed Philippine foods when I was stationed at Clark AFB. Fried bananas, Lumpia and some kind of meat on a stick. I never asked what it was.
Old AF Guy;
The meat on the stick over in Subic was called “Monkey Meat” but we knew it wasn’t that because monkey meat was very expensive! I wonder what it really was? (lol)
Looks great.
And it is great too!!!
10 pounds in 15 days. That’s putting on some weight fast. You’re in the home stretch now. That breakfast sounds good. Will have try them next time in Subic. If you like omelets they have the best one in Angeles at the Swiss Chalet right off Fields Ave for about the same price. Honey is also good with real butter on pancakes. I like it on my buckwheat cakes also. I’ve been waiting for Palawan Bob’s next prediction date.
I don’t know if I could put on the weight that quickly, but I have a few months to do it Love omelets, and yes the Swiss Chalet’s are good. Buckwheat from our gang! (lol) I’m not hooked on honey so much, when the maple tree is still growing strong.
Shocked to find you on line, but equally pleased. Biscuits are something I really do miss from Florida, when you’re here next (If we can keep you out of that hospital bed) we’ll all go out for breakfast. We all miss you guys!
Fish for breakfast works for me.
I’ll pass on fish in the morning, but if it is your choice then good for you. It is because we are all different, that they make so many types of cars in so many colors.