Stuff just lasts a long time at “Casa Mayang” (My wife’s nickname) in 1998 we went to Ocampo’s Dept. Store in beautiful Downtown Olongapo here in Zambales Province, on the Island of Luzon. By the way, as it happens worldwide, with the advent of two new malls it was the death null for this very old store.
My wife had never seen any freezer other than the ones she saw in the Super Market placed on the fringe of the Public Wet Market. Mahal, she asked: “Why do we need that, are we going to sell Ice Candy and Halo (ICE tubes)? I answered: “My Sweet, it is so we don’t have to go to the store every day to shop.”
It was a new concept to her and I explained that if you see something frozen you like, you should stock up or it will be NIS (Not in Stock) the following week, and you might never see that item again. So we bought it a spanking new General Electric Freezer. And have used it every day since that then. (Yes I recommend you own a generator to go along with a freezer.)
But a major mistake was made, that only I am 100% responsible for. You see the year was “1998” not 1972, that it would be FROST FREE was just assumed by me, so I never asked, who would have thunk that they still made that old fashion type. (Do you see my error? Never ASSUME or it will make an ASS of U and ME.)
So then every two months for the next sixteen years, coolers are filled with meat and frozen food (We have quite a few) buckets and fans are broken out and the defrosting begins. The surprising part about it is my wife never got angry with me. Because she had no idea was frost free was, and I damn sure didn’t bring it up. But she did notice the ref freezer didn’t frost up, again “I know nothing!”
Now in 2018, we are still defrosting.
Please note that both our refrigerators over the years were frost free, even the beer ref. defrosts itself. So why does our freezer not defrost Mrs. Thompson asked? I have no answer except to mention that the door of the freezer now needs a new gasket and frosts up twice as often. And because of its advanced age, it is not or ever was energy efficient, whereas the new models are. Mayang do you think we should replace it?
So it has decided with the absolute approval of the ladies who do the defrosting (Better known as the Adobo twins) to seek out and purchase a replacement frost free unit.
The old machine, I was informed will pass to her eldest brother Juhn for his Sari-Sari store, Ahh. recycling is such a good thing and will help stop Global Raining within our purok.
The shopping trip began early one morning in August but first, we had breakfast at the 1925 Gastro Pub (Now open early) This fairly new place is across the street from the Spanish Gate, and they are very accommodating there; the Filipino breakfast has all that my wife and her sister desire. The British breakfast comes with items that I don’t want like beans, but it appeals to our British friends, just not me. And the American breakfast comes with poached eggs? In my life, I’ve never even seen poached eggs on a menu that should let you know the classy joints I hang around at.
So I said Miss, may I have 2 eggs over easy, well-done bacon and toast and butter. (Note all these items were on the menu, but not listed together) She smiled a bright smile and said; “Of course you may, sir.” I scratched my head in surprise and returned her smile, and said; “I’ll be back here often!” (I have)
After breakfast, we went to Saver’s Mart on the Freeport which has an excellent appliance section. These are my requirements to them if they want to sell me their product. It must be an upright freezer. It must be FROST FREE or self-defrosting whichever is this week’s politically correct term. And a third condition: Instead of me transferring in the money needed to pay for it I will use my Visa Platinum Card. But I will not pay the extra 6% often required on international cards.
All requirements were met, and a funny one presented to me. Sir, if you use a credit card you may not avail of our in-store 10% cash discount. Would that be because I’m not using cash? Yes, sir! Thank you, I think I understand.
Sir we will have to order it as we don’t stock it here and it will arrive within three weeks from Manila.
Let me explain what I have learned in over a quieter century of living here on these enchanted islands. I was told three weeks, as it will please me if it only takes one or two weeks. I know that ploy and accept it as part of life here. BTW it arrived the following week.
I was asked that day for a deposit on the item and handed them my credit card. Sir, we can’t use a card for deposit the company requires cash. With a grin, I pointed out that negates my reason for using the credit card, and now we are at an impasse. Never let your temper overrule your thought process or you will just frustrate yourself and do without a new freezer. A toaster you will find in many other stores, but an upright freezer, you will not (Except in that perfect place in the Philippines where unicorns frolic on the town plaza)

The manager looked at me and said: Sir we will call you and you can come to the store and pay with your card. This young man violated company policy for my benefit, and only a sad human being would fail to cover his part of our contract. One week later he called, one hour later I arrived and the following day it was delivered. All because a young man bucked the system he knew was flawed. Three O’clock (1500 hours) the truck arrived, offloaded and set up the new unit, neighbors arrived to gawk and discuss something new in the purok.
Mayang had to wait until the following day prior to turning it on to allow the gas to settle. By Six O’clock AM (0600 hours it was on, and all items transferred to the new unit. When I came down for coffee all was set up, the old unit removed and now located at her brothers Sari-sari.
I nodded, and enjoyed the coffee and thought, “That’s just how it’s supposed to be, isn’t it?
After moving all items to the new freezer it was found it is much larger than the old one. Time to go shopping and stock up.
Why is cereal in the freezer?
Because I’m the only one here who eats it, but not every day. I found that it went stale in the cabinet but lasted longer in the freezer.Cookies too!. I learned this trick when I lived in Puerto Rico..
Hi Paul –
That young man who bucked the system and ordered the freezer without a cash deposit, that young man typifies the future of the Philippines. The Philippines needs bright, independent-minded individuals like that in the bureaucracy – at the BI, the LTO, and other government agencies populated by unimaginative bureaucrats who are unable to think outside the box.
This is not to say that managers and sales staff should be breaking company rules at every opportunity, but they should be intelligent and flexible enough to apply common sense when common sense dictates it and deal with each situation on a case by case basis. In making the instantaneous decision to override the company’s requirement for cash deposit, the young man correctly saw that SOPs may be sacrificed in some cases for the greater good of the company, which was to fulfill it’s basic mission statement: make a sale.
I absolutely agree with you he made a decision that benefited his company, I hope he does that on a case by case basic.
I respected his gumption, and the chance he took trusting me., which is why I was obligated (To no one but my personnel sense of what is right) to live up to my side of the deal.
I’m old school, if you shake hands with a man, it is a done deal.I hope his future is on the rise.
“stop Global Raining within our purok”, nice turn of phrase, had a good laugh over that one.
We do what we can for the environment.
Enjoy your new frost free freezer Paul. I have seen many overly frosted freezers on my visits there and I guess the climate has a lot to do with it. I have had frost free for years and I think it will even save a bit on the electric bill each month.
Bob (NY):
My old one had bad door gasket and the Ladies were pleased to never have to defrost again.. But the energy rating very good, so maybe we’ll save a peso or three..
Paul, I’ve got one of those small beer refrigerators here in Angeles (it’s similar to the one I had in the barracks in the 1970s). I’ve had this refrigerator/freezer for about 25 years and the freezer part is NOT frost free. Every six months or so the ice gets so thick it’s almost impossible to get the empty beer mugs out (I like frozen beer mugs). So it’s chip, chip, chip away at that damn ice for 20 minutes. Crap. Life is tough here in Pampanga. Time for a beer.
When I read that sad story I had a tear on my cheek, I left and went in search of a beer and for some reason I feel better. But that is a good idea to fill the new machine with frosted beer mugs and then try to get my friends to go home. (LOL)
Glad this AF guy could help the USN. Tagay.
Alstede AF-48 AF S’s Mars Niagara Falls San Jose and Kalamazoo AOR. I feed the fleet (LOL)
It’s refreshing to see an employee being flexible to make a sale. I wish we had a freezer like that as ours is always way to small for everything we get at S&R. As far as the cereal in the freezer, i put my cheerio’s in the fridge after they are opened. If i didn’t the ant’s would find them. Since it’s Sept 3rd i want to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas lol.
I forgot about the cereal and the ants problem, you are right about that. I have a bread machine and keep my flour there to.
Funny about the first “Ber” month, Mayang said Pasko Na to me yesterday. (LOL)
Paul: Good story about the salesman going his own way. I love those moments. I even had someone in Japan, where they never do things independently, bend the rules so I could get my driver’s license renewed. I couldn’t believe it when it happened. The Philippines is quite a bit more progressive in that way. -Rob
n 1997 I was waiting for a ship in San Francisco, when Avis pointed out that my license expired in a month. I sailed the ship for six months and flew home to the Philippines and got a new license using my expired Florida license. Yes it is better here, even if it took three years to get my RP hard Copy of the document. (That is why you must keep the receipt) .
Your insightful comments are a delight to read every week, thank you!
Entertaining thread Paul! My beer fridge is a typical small, waist high domestic type with a small freezer compartment at the top. I didn’t think it was possible for so much ice to build up in such a small space. De-icing is like a magician doing a trick keeping pulling out more ice out if thin air! On the subject of “tips for things to keep in a freezer”, ground coffee is my favorite. It doesn’t freeze solid of course and never goes stale – keeps its flavor for months. (Maybe Bob should start a domestic science section!?)
Coffee, I never knew that, so thank you. My daughter gave me a Panasonic Bread Making machine and I do keep my Flour in there for the same reasons..Vodka too, but only the upper shelf brands. The beer ref is a staple for living here, hell living anywhere (LOL).
Mike I thought and thought and can only figure you thought you were posting on another article. (LOL)
Paul, When I purchased our freeze, Laling asked me why have one, it was not needed. I just smiled and said that I needed it for those things for me that we purchased at the Malls in CdO. Now after several years when we go to the Malls I have to ask if there is room for my items, imported beef and a few frozen meals that I like for treats, like burritos. As Katleen is keeping it mostly filled for her items. I just smile when I pass it. Do you like the upright freezer better than the chest type? Just curious.