On Friday 10 May 12, 2013; just before lunch, Mayang and I stopped at the New Ole Honda Intensive Care Ward, to see how it was coming along. The Engine Head was at the machine shop, the rest of the parts were scattered everywhere. I moaned loudly and had to go, but I was informed that due to the election they would be closed the following Monday. But because I was a loyal and long standing customer, Kuya Greg promised that he would have his best minions working on my car as soon as the head came back from the machine shop,

Off to the Barrio to have lunch with Loren and his wife Mercer. We met them at the Sit-N-Bull restaurant/Bar and again Turkey was out of stock, unfazed I found that the French Dip Sandwich that I had the last time was still in stock, and as it was good then it should be good now. I asked Joy our waitress when will Turkey be back in stock, and she told me next Thanksgiving. Would that mean that the Turkey Loren had ate a few weeks ago was left over from last November? Order a drink, and change the subject quickly Paul.

We left there and went to a patio bar down the street, which had the last time been owned by a German guy. I need to get out more often, it was now an “I Love You Baby No BS, Buy Me One Drink, kind of bar. We sat on the veranda overlooking the National Highway and found that with our two cocktails, and soft drinks for Mayang and Mercer there were also Ladies Drinks for the 4 Hoochie waitresses and GRO’s. With rage and indignation, our darling wives were in their faces telling them to remove themselves and their drinks from our area. Drink cocktail quickly, exit stage left.

Down the road again stopping in to the Voodoo bar, dancing girls, and me on stage also, these young ladies were smart enough to give respect to the two visiting Ate’s (Mercer and Mayang) and a great time was had by all. Well you decide from the photos attached. Once more the ladies decided that their husbands had enough fun for one day, and then they informed us that the taxi was outside to bring us home. Goodbyes were said to all our new found friends and off into the sunset we rode (But not in the New Ole Honda). Being two smart old geezers Loren and I never complain to our ladies when they stop the Carnival as they might let us do it again someday.

Back to the car…
Saturday 15 June Lolet called from the shop to tell us that the head was done and back from the machine shop. Mayang in a fit of excitement makes plans to go pickup the car on Monday the 17th. “Whoa Nellie, I shouted, My Mahal, the car is not done, the head is just back from the shop, and the engine still must be re-assembled.” I think she thought you just pop it right on and drive away, I recommend that she call Friday and see if it will be done next week. Looking dejected she shrugged and said; “Oh okay”. Called, not sure when it will be done.

Mayang looked at me and asked;” You’re just not going to get angry, are you?” My reply was; “No, my love the Philippines has taught me well, that things will happen when they happen and not one minute sooner.”
But! What about the LiP readers waiting with baited breath for the outcome of this close to never-ending saga? I figured this story has run its course, it’s over, and next week I’ll include a little blub stating that I either have the New Ole Honda back or I don’t. UNLES something really funny happens then I’m obligated to finish the story, or go bar hopping with Loren in the Barrio again. Hey I can’t lose either way!
How long will you be without a car?
Until I get it back, remember what I said above; “Things will happen when they happen and not one minute sooner.” (lol)
Ah, the perfect way to waste one’s youth! 😆
Are you speaking about Loren and I, or the girls?
My youth? That ship has set Sea and Anchor Detail, and sailed many years ago.
Me too Paul, oh those days in the old Wanchai, HK and the old Bugis Street, Singapore, say no more, lol 😉
Since my wife reads LiP you’re right, I’ll say no more!
Paul Fracis…How the hell is your old salty ass doing these days? How are your three sons doing?
Being two smart old geezers Loren and I never complain to our ladies when they stop the Carnival as they might let us do it again someday.”
Ain’t that the truth. Ive seen too many lose their liberty card by not listening to the sheriff when she says enough is enough for tonight. Also, when you take the honda in for it’s 50 mile check-up you can bar hop again, and again the next day when you retrieve the car with mayang.
Loren and I plus the ladies (Of course) were out doing it again! Running those Barrio Roads like we were 20 again. The ladies took us home before it got too dark.
My wife Meriam and I were out paying bills a couple of months ago. I saw a place that was a nightclub. Of course I pointed it out. Meriam asked if I would like to go in. I said “No thanks!” Meriam just smiled. I know what side of the bread the butter is on 😛
The side with the butter lands on the floor first, never butter side up. (As proven by Jamie and Adam of Mythbusters Fame) Our wives look at it as we were two puppies chasing a car, what would we do if we caught it? They keep a strong eye on us both.
You can keep the new old Honda story going as long as you want since you have a way of making everything humourous. It looks like Loren got a quick look while his asawa was not looking. I guess that was part of the carnival lol. It’s nice that your asawas allow you guys to have a little extra fun every so often. Take care
When next you’re back in the land of the PO, we’ll take you down to the Barrio and let you see why we go. It’s a HOOT!
He does sneak those looks in once in awhile!
i really don’t think there ever was a honda car, just made up for the story, lol? let’s see the pics!
The first story had pictures back on the first week of May, No one could make this up if they live in the Philippines, you just accept it as fact, (lol)
Good move PAul & Loren. At our stage of the game, it’s better to have the courtesy patrol along for the ride than to wait for the shore patrol to show up.
Take care,
There is a USNS Navy ship in port here at Subic. We were talking to the some Navy Chief’s who said they were not allowed in the Barrio by the Navy. The ship is crewed by my old outfit (Military Sealift Command)) who the Navy can’t stop from going there as they are civilians. As Merchant Seaman if the Navy tried to restrict them, the ship would have to pay them 16 hours a day OVERTIME or as its called confinement pay. They (The Navy) tried that before in the Persian Gulf, they had to pay back pay to the entire crew, and I receive $ 9,300.00 after taxes. They stopped doing that real quick.
I’m glad I’m not in this new politically correct Navy.
I’ve got a similar gig with the Army. I’m on a military transportation contract. We’re essentially a civilian platoon of an Army transportation company. I get paid better than I did as an NCO to do the same work I did as a private. The GIs sure have to plan more efficiently than we used to. They have to make sure they don’t put us civilians into overtime & bust the contract budget.
Take care,
Yup, that sounds like the same thing. I did the same job that I’d did in the Navy for 22 years for a hell of a lot more money, and a private stateroom with bath on every ship. I should have done it sooner.
Ha ha, there have been tons of pictures of the new old honda on LiP over the years! Or is it the old new honda?
I was wondering how someone could read LiP and not see at least one picture of the New Ole Honda in it (LOL)
Before reading Papa Ducks comment, I had the same thought, this rebuild of the New Old Honda engine just keeps getting better every week! LOL. This article shows that there is a lot of beautiful scenery in The Philippines and you don’t always need a motor vehicle to see some of it.
Hi Bob (and Paul) – Paul thought he had a milestone story last week with his 200th article on the site. The real milestone is gonna be when he finally announces what the status of the Honda is! Now, that will be something to write home about!
Mindanao Bob;
I dream that with story number 202 I could sum up this ongoing saga. But I’ll just smile and “PLEASE WAIT”, and hope it ends soon. And know that like we did in Puerto Rico the next time my car dies I’ll push it into the Jungle and it will become a permanent planter.
This could be one of the longest running ” to be continued ” articles ever featured on ” LIP ” to date. ” Yes Sir, the New Old Honda is not ready yet ” Yes Sir, No Stock Sir ” ” Please Wait “. I think after this ordeal ends the car should be known as ” The famous New Old Honda ” !
Reminds me of the time a few years ago where after 177,000 miles the engine in my 1999 Ford Escort blew from a slow leaking head gasket. The mechanic said they could put a ” rebuilt engine ” in it for between $3000 and $4000 USD. New engines were no longer available. I rented a car for a few days as the mechanics advised me to think it over first, which I did. I bought a brand new 2007 Ford Focus. I gave the Escort to the Mechanics that had worked on it, just signed it over to them as anything else I would have done would have cost me more money.
This article indicates that Paul has mastered the art of being patient while living in The Philippines. At times this seems like something not so easy to do.
Bob (NY)
Had I known it was gonna’ take this long I might have gone an alternate route. But once committed I was left no way out, except to push it into the jungle and let the New Ole Honda become a planter. I am now mulling over another car option in the near future once I recoup my funds from this one. No promises or wild predictions, just a quite “I’m thinkin’ about it.”
Bob (NY)
Now they are prospecting for gaskets and stuff, I called a few minutes ago and received the OFFICAL word, “Please Wait Sir Paul, some parts are out of stock”.
I am now so glad that my friend Loren and I went to the Barrio yesterday and bar hopped again! And Ron up above thinks I’m making this up. But I really can’t blame him, I wishing I made it up and the car in in my car port. (lol)
It would not surprise me if they end up having to buy gasket material and make the gaskets right there in the shop. You might get better quality gaskets that way too !
Bob (NY)
And I saw at one shop where they reused the old gasket, I was glad they did because as I saw that I got into my car and drove away.
Ha ha Bob, i made many gaskets in my Navy days.
I remember the days when i maintained my own cars. One day i needed a water pump gasket, couldn’t be bothered hunting down a gasket at a store so i got a piece of old lino and hammered out a gasket, popped it on with plenty of sealant. Voila, it lasted 6 months, lol.
The good old days of make do and innovation 🙂
I wonder if the car’s computer needs a gasket? I at one time had no fear of anything under the hood until I need a lap top to figure it out. Time to hire a guy!
I’m sure with you there Paul.
In the old days i could do all my own repairs, rebuild engines and gearboxes etc. Nowadays when i look under the hood of the modern car i scratch my head, lol.
The only thing I know now on a car is how to check the windscreen washing fluid. And I so proud you used the American term hood, vice bonnet as you British do. That is why I used your term windscreen vice windshield, one good turn deserves another! (LOL) Cheers mate!
Good story, will have to ask Ron about the source of his turkey, so they only cook it once a year and lasts til June… BTW, Berrettos in AC has some awesome turkey and deli meat if you ever go that far.
There is some great chow in AC we have a Berretto’s meat market here in the Barrio.in Olongapo (Same people) the stuff is great as you say! I had lunch at the Bull yesterday and Ron and I had a laugh about the Turkey. But his Meat Loaf and Mashed Potatoes is just as good.
I always heard you should never bring candy to the candy shop.
If we don’t bring the candy, we don’t get to go to the candy shop. Besides the wives have the money and they pay for our drinks.
Ah yes, the price we pay to live in paradise. Can not live with them and can not live with out them.
I had 30 years of single after the disaster marriage the 60’s. I did what I wanted and went where I wanted and life was great, over the years I saw all the failed marriages around me and this time I decided that would never happen to me again. 20 plus years and still going strong.
Like wise Paul 30+ 🙂
Those years I’d go and do again! If you’ve never stood on a ships bridge at 0500 as you pass buoy number in Manila harbor, they would never understand.
Paul, The number of chapters in saga does not mater as long as the saga is told. Your sage and ability to find the bright side of things will keep people reading even if it exceed the word count of “War and Peace”. Personally I am glad it is your sage rather than mine because I find it humorous now but but if it were my saga, not so much!
You get the ladies to buy your drinks? Please tell me your secret! My experience, from the beginning of my first marriage up to and including today, is that once money passes from my hand to theirs it no longer exists and must be replaced regularly to maintain the peace. Getting even a small return on it is not the female policy.
Now that you own a four wheeled vehicle, your saga has begun. It has been years since I’ve carried any money in my pockets. When I was a Merchant Seaman I wouldn’t go on the beach with out $ 500.00 dollars with me. Now I don’t go out bar hopping without friends and their wives also. Mayang and the girls have a good time together and we guys are well watched, and have the ladies to bring our butts back home when we’re done. “I doann needs no stinkin’ money” (Quote from a Mexican Bandito in Sierra Madras sans the badge)
Paul Thompsons patience is absolutely amazing!!
It’s the beer!
I commented early on but must have hit wrong button as never showed up. At any rate I will say the Hamburger and the Onion Rings were as good as I have eaten anywhere and the people with the money got us home early enough that I felt great the next morning-life is good.
They do get us on the road quickly, but the food was good! Hell lets do it again!
That 40,000 php owners jeep looks like a pretty good backup ride right about now, don’t it?
Even mini-busses are looking good at this point.
Hi Paul, I read series of stories about your New Old Honda that over time your mention of Kuya Greg in that auto shop ring a bell to me now. It seems they’ve already gained your trust over the years servicing the New Ole Honda. Based on previous articles I read, it looks their prices on service and parts are higher. But as you said you’re a long standing loyal customer, and so the high charges on services and parts are well accepted. You’re a good customer to the auto shop and deserve the best service from them, which sorry to say seemed unmet because up to now they’re yet to finished the New Old Honda. Good repair shops are abound elsewhere. I hope that that auto shop realized this before they lose one good customer. With that said, I guess they’re the one that should be worried.
It’s a 1996 Honda, and unlike other places I’ve lived the Philippines does not have a law that requires a 20 years stockpile of repair parts. Tony (A beer buddy) has made 4 trips to Manila to canvass for parts, but the Major-major hold up has not been the shop, but a backlog at the only Machine Shop in our area. Someone had suggested that I bring them a case of beer and see if I couldn’t speed up the process. So with the Head in the shop, there was not a lot that could be done by Kuya Greg’s guys.
I have been treated far and above worst at some shops and flat ass cheated at others. It’s true that the prices are higher, but would you want the low bid working on your brakes? Of the 18 plus ships I’ve worked on each was the low bid, and I saw the results of that logic.
Out of all the years I’ve lived here, it was good to go a month or two without our car, I adapted and it became second nature to ride the Mini-busses and Jeepney’s again.
I’m still not upset, as the beer is cold, my family is great and life don’t suck here on Bataan/ Luzon in the Republic of the Philippines.
I guess your Honda worries were washed away by the partying. Sounds like your car will be back soon.
Any excuse to go out with friends is great, lack of Honda will never slow me down. I’ll have it back soon! (Well I hope so)
Just as i was about half way through reading the comments attached to this article, and giggling about Paul’s patience, we suffered a short 10sec. Power outage here and then the power came back on. It was probably a maintenance group switching our power line from one path to another or something. Anyhow, my asawa was not very pleased about waiting for her DirecTV receiver to re-boot, self test etc. for about 5 minutes so she could get back to her “Be Careful With My Heart” episode. This is not a frequent occurance here in Indiana, and was very short compared to power outages I’ve experienced in the Philippines. I wonder if she is really ready to return to live there or not. I have some good mangoes here on my plate for desert, and maybe I’m not really ready for the PI either yet.
If that upsets her, she’ll have to re-boot herself when she gets back home, Dorothy, you’re not in Kansas (or Indiana) anymore” If I don’t have at least 5 brownouts a week, I co up to the Co-op and ask what’s wrong.
I am going to recommend you for the show, “So You Think You Can Dance” 🙂
I’ll go, because if there is Jack Daniels involved, anyone can dance!