OK, now you have purchased all the equipment you need, you’ve download a Bit Torrent program, and have started downloading shows that you want to watch. Once you have finished downloading a few shows, though, there is a new challenge: how will you play the shows?
Most downloaded shows are AVI files, or WMV files. Personally, I use Windows Media Player to view the files, but there are other players you can use too. Windows Media Player is included with Windows. Probably if you just double click on the file you wish to watch, Windows Media Player will open it automatically.
If you aren’t using Windows as your Operating System, there are players for other Operating Systems too. If you use Linux, I have found that Kaffiene works great. If you are using Mac, there is a program, although I don’t know the name. Certainly for Mac, just double click the file, and the proper program will open up automatically.
Here is a tip for those using Windows Media Player – once the program has started, just hit <alt+enter> and the program will go full screen. When you do that, it looks like regular TV, not like a computer playing the program.