Let me start out this article with a quick update about Paul Thompson. Monday is usually “Paul” day here on LiP, but for the last few weeks Paul has been absent due to some health issues. I don’t know too much, only what I find on Paul’s Facebook page. Paul had surgery for some kind of stomach ailment a few weeks back. It is my understanding that last week he had another round of sugery. I have heard various news about Paul’s health, but because I cannot verify the things I have heard, I am choosing not to pass that information along at this time. Suffice it to say that with the length of time that Paul has been away, and with more than one round of sugery being done, it would seem that this is a fairly serious situation. I hope I can get some solid news to share, but at this point, I can just say that I wish Paul well, and hope he makes a quick and full recovery.
Get well soon, Paul.
Now, on to the real topic of the day, which is somewhat related to Paul’s condition. Today, I will be writing about my own health condition.
Last month, I wrote a pair of articles regarding some issues that I have been having with my eyes/vision. If you did not see those articles, you can find them here:
I saw a Retinologist

I had a doctor’s visit last week. This is the one that I have been really waiting for, and wanting to do. I saw a retinologist. She is said to be one of the top retina specialists in the country. It has been hard to get an appointment to see her, and yes, surprisingly she does have an appointment system, first PH doctor that I have ever seen who has actual appointments. Reason it has been hard is that we have had so many holidays lately (Araw ng Dabaw, Easter/Holy Week, etc). Also, the fact that she is such a top specialist makes her very busy. But, I got in last Thursday. My schedule was at 3:30, and it was 5pm before I got in, but it was well worth the wait. I got both good and bad news, but the good news was very good, and the bad news was only marginally bad.
The doctor was really great to deal with. She listens very intently, and does not speak until you are done explaining your situation to her. Very refreshing. She is the first eye specialist that I have seen that I was able to ask every question that I wanted to ask, and got satisfactory (good or bad) answers to each of my questions. I absolutely fell in love with the lady.
The bad news, which I fully expected, was that my vision problems are not reversible. The damage has been done and cannot be “repaired”. The damage can be stopped from going further, which is a relief to me. Good control of my blood glucose is the biggest key to stopping further deterioration, and I already have a very good handle on that, so that was fine with me.
No Retinal Detachment!
The really good news was that she examined both eyes, but particularly focused on the left eye. The left eye is the one that I had been diagnosed with partial retinal detachment, and they wanted to keep a very close watch on it. This doctor, though, said that I have no detachment of the left retina. She said that I do not need surgery, and even if I wanted to have surgery they would not do it, because there is nothing to be fixed. That was a huge relief to me. I give her opinion a lot of weight because it is her specialty, and also she is considered one of the leaders in this specialty in the Philippines.
Basically, she said that my right eye is looking quite good. My vision in my right eye is not great, but also not that bad. I can get some correction in my right eye with glasses.
My left eye has very poor vision. When you have an eye exam and they have the chart on the wall with the different letters, I have to struggle to read even the top row with the large letter on it, my vision is that bad. However, she said that on the left eye, she can see that it needs more laser treatment. She said that there are still areas with significant bleeding, and areas with masses of blood that are clouding my vision. So, when I have more laser treatment, that will clear up the bloody areas and stop the bleeding, and that will help clear my vision to an extent, but not a huge amount. She feels that I probably need two more laser sessions on the left eye, no more laser needed on the right. I will have the laser treatments done at the hospital where I had it before, then go back to see this doctor for a follow up. I intend to start seeing her at least twice per year to follow up and have ongoing exams, to stay on top of any problems that come up. She was a bit expensive, but in my view (no pun intended) well worth the price. One thing that she did, which I really was happy about, was that while she was examining me, she took the time to map out the areas of my eye that needed additional laser treatment. I will give this map to the hospital people and it will help them in addressing the still existing problems.
That’s what I know
So, now you pretty much know the same as what I know from the doctor visit. I am very happy with what I learned last week. The bad news was already expected, but there is a lot of upside to what she told me.
I really was not looking forward to the surgery that I had been told would be needed. Having a real expert tell me that I did not need any surgery was great news and I was happy to hear that. As long as I keep my health in control, I should be able to avoid such surgery altogether. That, to me, is great news. I don’t want to go under the knife, and I will do anything I can to keep that from being necessary.
I just wanted to share this information with readers, because many of you have been very supportive, and I appreciate that greatly. You deserve to be kept up to date, it is the least I can do in exchange for the support that you have shown me.
Thanks for listening!
Great news Bob, as a fellow diabetic I know all the problems we can get if we don’t keep the blood sugar levels in check. So many people don’t even know when they have a problem and don’t find out until it is too late. I am glad you caught yours in time.
Thank you Ed!
Great news Bob!
Here is to your good health!
Great news indeed, I am very happy about it!
Thank you for the updates. I am wishing you the best in your continued progress. When the bad news isn’t too bad there is hope for the best.
Thoughts and prayers wishing the best for Paul.
LeRoy, thank you for your support.
Glad to hear the good news Bob! God Bless and stay healthy.
As always, Nilda, thank you!
Great news, Bob…glad to hear it. We’ll all be wishing for your good health! And even though the doctor said what’s currently damaged is irreversible, I still believe in miracles ๐
Never lose hope!
Steve B.
Always good to believe in MIRACLES, Steve!
Good news indeed. Glad to hear it Bob.
Thanks, Gary!
Good luck Bob, and get well soon Paul.
Thank you john.j.
Hi Bob,
Between the natural draining of that blood over time, and the extra laser treatment, I have a feeling that your left eye should serve you better.
Sorry that you have to deal with these eye issues, but great to hear that you have that great new retina specialist. Take care Bob.
Hi Queenie – Thanks! I hope that my left eye will get to be of service to me, because right now it is not very good!
Bob I’m happy to hear your good news, you are wise to get the opinion of a well regarded specialist. I hope you vision is corrected soon to the extent it can be and your recovery is speedy. Take care of yourself and good luck.
I hope so too, Greg, thanks!
Great news, it sounds like at least you have no major concern of going blind and needing a cane and leader dog.
I hope that I won’t go blind, Bruce, but that is still a distinct possibility if O don’t ake proper care of myself. ๐
Take very good care
Wow, it’s good to hear that things are under control, sir. It could have been much worse! Thanks for sharing about your health and condition, it’s a very intimate thing.
As for Paul, my prayers go with him. From what I’ve read from his writings, he’s a great guy! His Facebook isn’t active as he’s indisposed, so no news or updates on his condition. Any and all information is always appreciated sir.
As always, God bless!
Thanks, Phil!
Glad to hear the good news, Bob. I hope your health will keep improving. Glad to know, as well, that we do have some pretty good doctors here.
Hi Elsie – Thanks! I have a high level of confidence in the health care system in the Philippines. I have always been treated well here and found the doctors to be mostly excellent.
Good news Bob, hope Paul gets better soon which reminds me I have a check up with my doctor, allways best to have these check ups every few months has we get older ?
Derek in pasig.
Thanks, Derek. Good luck with your upcoming check up! I hope all goes well for you.
Better news at last Bob.
Indeed, Jim!
That is fantastic news. I am so glad that you do not need the surgery. Junneth and I are still going to keep you in our prayers.
We both feel the same way, Greg! Thanks for your support!
Great news Bob, you are wise enough to keep your blood sugar under control. It is always so comforting to see the best specialist you can. Take care.
Being wise is not really the key to keeping your blood sugar in control, in my view. It takes finding the right kind of diet, and also the will power to follow that diet! ๐
Thanks for posting some positive news concerning your eye sight Bob and that you have found what sounds to be an expert specialist in these matters. I hope continued treatment and follow ups will bring the best possible result for you.
You have answered something I have been trying to figure out for a long time. Do people make an ” appointment ” to see a Doctor or other health care professional. Part of your article answered that for me.
I hope Paul will have the best possible recovery and be back here on ” LIP ” soon.
Hi Bob – Thanks! Yes, I also hope we will get an appearance from Paul soon! It will be a relief to lean that all is well for him.
Yeah, in terms of going to the doctor, I have never found a doctor here that used appointments, until this one. Mostly, you just go to the office, check in and wait your turn. Waiting your turn may be a few minutes or a full day! You just gotta be patient! ๐
Happy you were able to have a specialist look you over & answer all your questions. Now you know the way forward with greater confidence. Stay well, my friend.
Hi Bruce, thank you! It was a great comfort to get the answers that I have been seeking! I appreciate your kindness, Bruce.
Best wishes for your health Bob. If you are interested, there is a book I have recently read called “The Blood Sugar Solution” by Dr Mark Hyman that may give you some good information in controling your Diabetes with a proper diet. It is a recent publication, so finding a copy online should not be too hard. I hope if you read it, that you will find something that can help you.
Thanks Richard. I have found a solution that is working great for me, I don’t know, maybe it is the same or similar to what is in the book. I don’t plan on making any changes at this point because what I am doing is working so well, but if needed I will look into it. Thanks for the suggestion.
I’m glad to hear the good news, Bob. I have been thinking of you fairly often since I read your last update on the situation with your eyes.
I can try imagine what it would be like to have your vision threatened by health issues, but I realize that empathy can only go so far in understanding and feeling the experience.
I am very happy to learn that you will be able to preserve, and even slightly improve your current level of vision.
Thanks Dave, I really appreciate your kind thoughts. It is nice to know that!
Dam always something and I know you have had a bad feeling about why me??.. but thats life…Glad to hear you have some ways out to maybe get adjusted and get back to a normal type of life. Your talking about sugars when you say gluclose?? I am not to dept on that word will research it some Is your condition related to Diabetes??……I recently got what they call a floater in my right eye boooom….just woke up one morning and it was there took some eyes drops I had researched on Mayo Clinic used them for a couple of weeks and now seems to be gone …But what a headache..when something like that happens…Laser will help you I am sure…then maybe you can devote more time to your self again…Looks like Paul got hit by lightning out of no
where ??? Hope the guy is ok he has the best sense of humor in his writings and seems like a great guy. Like the wagon trains of old “”ONWARD HO “””
Hi Lenny – Blood sugar and Blood glucose are the same thing, just a more medically appropriate term, I think (although I certainly am not an expert).
Yes, my condition is due to diabetes. I have been diabetic for about 25 years now.
I am very familiar with floaters, that is something I get with the condition that I have. I think we all get floaters, just do a lower degree than somebody with a disease that contributes.
Thanks for the informative news letters Bob. As we all know age brings on ailments that we have to deal with, with either doctor prescribed medications or natural treatments.
I had colon cancer surgery 4 years ago and read a lot about different foods and drinks that can slow or stop the formation of more cancer cells and came up with lemon grass tea and ginger tea as the most powerful drinks here in Asia.
With your discussion on the subject of diabetes, I happen to google ‘Lemon Grass Tea Diabetes’ and ‘Ginger Tea Diabetes’ and came to the conclusion that the two of them are a force to be reckoned with when diabetes is a problem. My Grandfather died of diabetes, my Mother, my Father AND my 24 year old daughter died of cancer, so the two diseases are a serious concern of mine.
Almost 5 years later, I’m still kicking and plan on being around for a long time to come. Good Luck!!
Glad to hear that you are still kicking! Thanks for the tip on the teas.
Glad to know that you are upbeat ! . Its like the song that goes ” I can see clearly now..the rain is gone ..”
Btw, you mentioned that the doctor was “expensive ” A consultation like this would cost about 10,000 pesos ?
All the best
Ha ha. When I said she was expensive shthat was by Philippine standards. Most of my doctor visits are P250 to P400. This doctor was P560. Ha ha…
Hi Bob,
Glad you got some better news! 560 pesos is less than $12. The copay we pay for anything is $35. The Philippines is one of the few places where medical care cost is based on what the market can and will pay. Of course there is a bad side to it as well.
I hope you continue to make good progress!
Hi Jay, thank you! I also hope that more good news will be on the way!
Hi Bob- I’ve had type 2 for about 3 years now and it’s sometime I think about with my current plans to more to the Philippines on my retirement. I have twice yearly blood tests, HbA1c, kidney function etc. and a yearly eye scan. As well as trying to avoid sugar and getting plenty of exercise I take Metformin and a couple of other drugs. I also occassionally use a test strip. All this is provived free here in the UK. Is this sort of thing readily available in the Philippines and affordable. Have you been doing these things or just watching your diet and hoping.
Best regards
Hi Gary – I have to argue that none of that stuff is provided to you free… you pay for it through your taxes. ๐
Yes, these things are available in the Philippines, mostly at a reasonable price. Test strips can be expensive, though.
Pleased to hear you have had some good news Bob.
Keep fighting on with that diet.
All the Best
Thank you Marjorie!
Being a diabetes myself & with periodical visits for my checkups & for other ailments, I highly appreciated your health articles which were of great interest to me.
I’m very happy to hear your latest good news & I wish all success in your treatments & follow ups.
Meanwhile I wish Paul Thompson a speedy & full recovery & back to his nice articles.
Thank you Mohamed. If my journey with diabetes can be of help to you that makes me happy to help out.
Is she teaching at university?
I am not sure on that, PalawanBob. I did not ask.
Glad to hear the good news about your eyes. Hoping you receive more good news in the future. Just have to keep praying.
Thanks, I was also very happy to hear the news.
Uplifted on prayer…you as well Bob.
Thank you William.
good news Bob…. blessings my friend!!
Indeed, Jeff. Thank you!
Hi Bob,
That’s great news for you and your family. They must all have been very worried regarding your sight problems. The news sounds very encouraging. We all need a good break from time to time. I guess that you have just had yours!
Take care.
All the best to you, Feyma and the family.
I hope that the news concerning Paul,when it comes is along the same positive vein.
Warm Regards,
Dave,Joradin and boys.
Yes, great news indeed! Like you, I really hope the same for Paul! I really want to know what is going on with him, and hoping that it is good news.
Hi Bob,
Great to hear the Good news, stay positive my friend.
Thanks, Chas! I appreciate it very much!
Great news Bob. I sure wish the best for you and Paul.
Thanks, Rusty.