First thing, my knowledge of amphibians is extremely limited, so the creature I referred to as a frog could well be a toad (Named the Rhinella Marina) but whatever group it aligns it’s self with, it’s loud. Most of my knowledge of frogs comes from an old 50-60’s TV show called The Buster Brown Show and one of the stars was Froggy the Gremlin who would appear after the kid’s in the gallery shouted; “Plunk your magic twanger Froggy!” As a child I never noticed, but that does sound a little suggestive now at my age.
As a sailor for over 35 plus years I’m quite familiar with the sound of a foghorn. Having many times heard one as we entered or left port in the fog, and maritime rules require the foghorn be used to warn other ship’s of your location. It must work most of the time as I was never involved in a collision during the fog. Once on a bright sunny day in the Caribbean Sea I was, but that’s another story for another time.
The middle of August a week ago, we were sitting on the mountain here in Bataan and the rain was relentless, never ending start building the Ark weather. I believe in the past I mentioned that when we built our house I had very large storm runoff drains installed on both sides of our property that returns the water to the street and eventually back to nature, for I am not a greedy man and refused to keep it all to myself.
Are you still wondering about that Frog/Toad? Allow me to explain; within this aforementioned drainage system, for reasons I’ll never understand these very large frogs seemed to have taken up residence for reasons unbeknownst to me. They seem to live quite happily there for most of the year but the problem starts with rainy days.
Not regular rainy days, but frog choking rainy days of that torrential solid never ending rain. (I heard the term frog choking rain on Duck Dynasty and thought it was fitting to use here) when the Frogs are upset by the amount of water that is entering their subterranean domicile the start with the noise and do not stop.
I’m napping, it is now nine hours into the beginning of this low pressure system, when I’m dreaming of being on a ship and not able to find the way out of a massive fog bank, the Foghorn is repeating its cycle every two minutes. I was then startled awake by my dog Coolett standing on my chest looking at me. Whew I was now awake, but the noise of the foghorn was still ringing in my ears.
Oh yes it was the frog in the drain, who was upset by the amounts of water rushing by him or her, (I can’t tell the difference) Once I figured out the sound I thought; “Hey frog, just leave, vacate, skip town, or whatever frogs do when they’ve reached their “Popeye Factor”
Nine days have passed, it’s now Friday morning and I’m typing away on this missive, and still hearing the sound echoing out of my drains. The nightmare is now reoccurring every time I close my eyes. It’s pounding rain, thunder and lightning, and that damn foghorn, keeps disturbing my naps. (Treading on dangerous ground there Froggy!)
Because Olongapo and Dinalupihan are flooding I’m stuck on the mountain with a dwindling beer supply. Plus the Philippines won’t allow me to own a gun. I guess I know why, now! When and if the sun ever reappears the drains will dry out, Froggy will shut up for a while and I’ll stop having that continuing dream. When life returns to normal once more I will dedicate what time I have left on this mortal core to learn the art of frog gigging. As I know the rain will come again and the serenade will start once more. I’ll plunk your magic twanger Froggy, if it’s the last thing I ever do.
I have the same problem Paul here in Tagum City. Everytime we get a hard rain the boy frogs start calling out to the girl frogs, all night long. I have been thinking of getting some large firecrackers to shut them up. Really LARGE firecrackers!!! 😛
Mmmm M-80’s down each drain grate! Not that is a great idea, easier than gigging and 9 times the fun!
Mmmm M-80’s down each grate in my storm drain, now that is one great idea, plus 9 times more fun than gigging.
The reason I answered twice is I’m still fighting LiP .07 log in procedures. And I’m not winning.
Oh, no, Paul, you are not experiencing bouts of PTSD, are you? LOL Just kidding, but when you say you’re hearing the blasts of foghorns every two minutes in your sleep like you were still in the Navy, when in fact, it’s the frogs croaking, that’s sounds to me like you may be a good candidate for a possible service-connected disability compensation from the U.S. Navy. LOL
What will you be hearing next in your sleep when the cicadas come out and start singing their mating song?
What will you be hearing next in your sleep when the cicadas come out and start singing their mating song?
Now, hear this… Now, hear this? Hahahaha
Now hear this, all hands running forward run aft, all hands running aft, run forward, all hands amidships are to stop, to direct traffic and help to moderate the confusion, “This is not a drill!
Now I understand how Navy ships are kept from sinking, when it’s about to sink. All the keystone kops aft and forward are ordered to run amidship (the fulcrum?) to maintain ship balance, right? LOL
On one ship I was assigned to life raft #42, when asked which one that was I said: “Which ever one hit’s the water first, they’re all number 42.”
Because of the echo in the drain system it sounds like there is a ship in my back yard. A beer connected disability I applied for and was turned down twice. Maybe I’ll do better on Obamacare, I check with the IRS next month.
LOL!!!!! I started laughing with the “plunk your magic twanger froggy”, and didn’t stop until after I finished reading! This was a great article, even if we are all laughing at your expense. You can own a bolo, or machete, right? How about a bamboo pole with a spear head at the end? Either way, get that frog! 🙂 GOOD LUCK!!!
So what your saying is you’re laughing at me vice with me? Well thanks buddy! (LOL) The frog will live as I’m too lazy to hunt it down, but Gary’s idea about using M-80’s sure would appeal to me.
Just to occupy your time til the water recedes.
I’ve found that a bolo works as well or better than this guy’s fancy knife.
Take care,
I’d let the frog live before I’d go through that much trouble making that, I know my Brother-in-Law could come up with something quicker and less fancy.
Just let us know when you’re having a Frog Legs Fry. Good excuse for another trip to Subic lol.
I showed Mayang the picture of the Frog Legs, and she thought they were shrimp; I could get her to eat them in a minute, as long as I never tell her they are frog.
At first glance, they looked like shrimp to me, too, Paul. But, no thanks, frog legs are one food I would never touch. Same as rabbit. I would eat balut, though, but only the yellow part. LOL
A few SMB’s, the party has been going for awhile, it’s it’s there on the plate with the other foods, yeah you’d never ear it! (LOL)
I have frogs or toads ( I don’t know the difference either ) but now that you mention it, I seldom ever hear them, just see small ones hop out of the way when I am cutting the lawn. I think they feast on mosquitoes and other insects so why chop them up with the lawnmower if they don’t make any noise LOL. Here, it is not Dengue Fever but something I think might be similar called West Nile Virus that is spread by mosquitoes.
Pluck your magic twanger froggy, now that brings back memories and I havn’t thought of that in years. Yes I can agree with you it could be taken to have a different meaning today. I think the host of the show was Andy Devine as seen on black and white TV with a round picture tube. I’ll bet there might be some clips of that show somewhere on Youtube for those that are not familiar with it. It might also be known as ” The Andy Devine Show ” . Thanks for the memories Paul !
Froggy lives, on the internet !
Bob NY;
We just had two sunny days but the rain is back and I’m listening to Froggy right now. But like you said frogs are a good thing. Anything such as lizards, bats or frogs that eat bugs for a living are welcome around me; I only ask them to shut the hell up. (lol)
Andy Devine: if I had a Peso for every old Cowboy Movies he was in I be drinking free SMB’s for a long time. Thanks for the link, that was fun to see again.
Have heard them up here in Manila, my god you can hear them for blocks.
The Froggy echo in Manila’s drains must be loud just because of the sheer size of them. And that much water would set me off to making noise too..
Hey Paul, for some reason, Clarence Henry came to mind.
The man is 10 years older than me! But yes I remember him.
When I was 18, I was dating a 26 year old. I got aquainted with alot of 50’s and 60’s music. I got aquainted with alot of other things too.
Oh now I understand.
yack, i never had to try to eat frogs but i heard from other people frogs is taste like a chicken, chinese people loves to eat frogs and turtle.
Why is it everything odd that people eat tastes like chicken? Why not just have chicken?