September 12th came and off to hospital I went to complete my next and I hope last required surgery. So much preparation, I only wish I could have been part of it, I found out that my wonderful wife, Mrs. Thompson AKA Mayang has been packing for a week like we were going to Florida to visit our grandson. She went to the market and bought me 6 pair of Hospital Shorts, now these I could have used months ago as my old ones are wearing out. I guess it took an “Occasion” to get new ones.
The first time to hospital last March was unplanned and caught her unprepared. And that never happens twice, but since a high percentage of LiP readers have a Filipina spouse I’m preaching to the Choir, as you already know what I’m talking about.
The March visit she found that there were items that were required that we didn’t have. I was zonked in intensive care and of course wasn’t able to provide her with smart-alecky answers like; “Honey, we only live 25 minutes from the hospital”, or my classic; “The Bay Point (No “E” at the end) mall is across the way or a five minute walk”.
But this time we are prepared, Hot Water Dispenser, pillows (She said the hospital issue pillows are small and thin) the entourage has been notified, the marching orders issued. Remember I’m not involved in any part of this, I’m just the patience.

My surgeon and I (Read that as Mayang) had a meeting Monday last to schedule everything. Now if you remember, this year was the first time in my life (69 years) that I’d spent a night in hospital, the nursing staff, the doctors and I all learned a very important thing. Paul goes bat shit crazy if he wakes up with a tube up his nose. My hand will slide towards it and rip it out as soon as I locate it. I never knew this was a “Thing” with me, but I guess it is. The doctor was laughing as I had set the nursing staff into frenzy every time I did it. My excuse is I was affected by drugs! Hey who knew this was an item? I think I told you this before? But being old gives me the right to repeat myself.
The other thing was I was told to stop taking my medicine for hypertension? Hey Doc, want a good laugh? Two years ago you gave me a script with blood pressure and cholesterol medicine on it; I was to take the blood pressure forever and the cholesterol medicine for 30 days. Guess what, I renewed the cholesterol prescription by mistake and not the one for hypertension. My friend’s wife Mercy at lunch one day asked Mayang which pill I took for high blood and then corrected us as I was taking the wrong pill for a year. But my cholesterol count was absolutely great! And since I wasn’t affected by hypertension I haven’t been taking anything for two years. Lecture was forthcoming about not informing one’s doctor, a quick Mea Culpa was offered then we laughed.
Paul was pulled aside and informed that I am one lucky Kano to be sitting in his office discussing a September operation, because unbeknownst to me I expired twice in March and was drug back and set right, albeit I did spend two months in intensive care, or La-La land, I had lost the ability to speak, not a word could I utter, which as a story teller and talker drove me crazy. The first words I said at the end were; “There you son of a bitch, you’ll talk again!” Who knew anger was such a positive motivator? My doctors Mr. and Mrs. Manzo, sent me home as there was nothing more a hospital could do for me, and being with your family was always the best medicine for most of us. Things I didn’t like…A colostomy bag, can I try and explain the joy of that? But we did it, and once more I understand the love my wife must have for me. I reported to the Doctor’s twice a week until I was told; “Paul you are doing great, and when your weight hits 150 pounds we’ll put all your bits back where they belong and the bag will disappear.
After I heard about March and my close call I knew why they never told me, and was pleased with their decision. I waltzed in September fat dumb and happy, paid the ₱15,000.00 for the (One time use circular stapler) and an extra ₱10,000.00 to hire the expert to assist my surgeon in its use. In full disclosure, I now am temporality wearing a diaper, Okay I know I can DEPEND on some good jokes over that. One of the few things I had planned to omit but my last day (Monday) in the hospital my wife was talking to the wife of my old boss from MSC ship’s days of yore, he was not only my boss but a dear friend. He has colon cancer and refuses to have the surgery; it is the same as I had except I didn’t have the cancer. I am driving to his house after my appointment this week and get into his face and tell him what I went through and that he would be crazy not to have it done as he will be cancer free once the colon is removed, then we can sit under the palm tree and lie about how comfortable diapers are! I’ll respect whatever decision he makes because that is what friends do, I just hope he’ll listen to my opinion a little bit before he makes up his mind as I’ll present him with my “Full Discloser”. “Shipmate: It just wasn’t that bad, when the alternative is plugged into the situation!”
Good to hear you are moving forward.
Hi Nick;
The reverse wasn’t working that well! (lol)
SMB’S are just round the corner Paul, then pease and tranquility will return.
John J;
The Beer subject is something I avoid; to keep the powers that be from coming up with a reason it is bad for me. I’ll be quite and then one day just slide my hand around on, like it is no big deal.
Hi Paul,
It is good to read that your recovery is moving forward and going as well as possible for you. Thanks for the Full Disclosure as all along I had wondered what happened to you but was afraid to ask. I kind of thought sooner or later you would inform us. Seems I am hearing more and more about situations of the colon as we age. I had my 3rd colonoscopy about 6 months ago and fortunately everything is ok in there. I have always been under full sedation when the doctor is in there with the camera. One time I came out of the anesthesia just prior to the doctor finishing and I felt like I was being fitted with a new exhaust pipe and muffler. My insurance company gets billed $6000 for that.
I like your blame it on the drugs routine. I will have to remember that for the future if I ever have to go to a hospital again. When I was in the hospital there in PH in 2012 I was kind of scolded for every once in a while sneaking a smoke in the CR attached to my private $52 per night private room. The CR had a ” very effective ” exhaust fan in it. When any of the staff would come down on me for smoking my excuse was that I am on vacation and isn’t that what the exhaust fan is for ?
All the best to you Paul for a speedy and full recovery, there must be some chilled San Mig at the end of the tunnel with a light on it.
Bob (NY)
I refuse to become all lecture prone about the colonoscopy and since that was your third;, your name is already in the smart column.. My smoking ended with a whimper, in the ICU, just too many folks watching me!
The beer will be waiting, and when it’s time I’ll know it! I think I still like it!!!
Nice to know that you are doing well.
Palawan Bob:
Thank you!
Glad everything went well with your surgery. You will know when you are ready for SMB’s.
Ready…yesterday when the time is right…Unknown!!! (LOL)
Hi Paul
So very pleased you are recovering well. Mondays have their purpose back!!
Monday’s is also my appointments with the Doc so it’s a multi functional day, but I get to have a Conned Beef Lunch also, what more could a kid from Boston want? (lol)
Paul glad you are on the mend, I have misplaced your email address since I retired at the
end of May. Hence no more jokes coming your way.
Maybe you can pick up my mail address or send yours via Sir Bob.
Retirement like anything else you’ve ever done will take time to get used to. Then it becomes like duck butter, smooth!!!!!!!
Glad you are on the mend and getting better. I will still keep up the prayers for a while, just for safety.
Thanks Luke;
I’ll take any and all that’s offered; I enjoyed your article BTW!
Pleased to hear you are on the road to recovery.
Take care
On the road to recovery, but still in the breakdown lane, (LOL)
Paul, you gave me your name (and I already knew who you are) but I think I forgot to give you mine at the S&R pizza joint today. Sorry about that.
There are a lot of non-Americans that look like Americans running around the Subic area. I tend to keep a low profile because I really don’t want to associate with people from Australia, Germany and Belgium.
RT Cunningham;
I tend to have no problems with any other groups I run into here, everybody just seems like folk to me, later if I don’t like them I’ll drift away.
Glad to know all went well Paul…. Keep on gittin’ on friend…. Hope to see ya next year and put a cold one in your hand..
I still want to get to Florida to see the kids, so I might save you a trip here!
Good to hear things are getting better. Do everything the Doc says, and Dr. Mayang too. Keep on the sunny side.
As a matter of fact I just saw my Doctor yesterday, I’m still groggy but listening to them all.
Mr. Paul T. Good to know you’re doing well. One thing for sure, we can always DEPEND on your good write-ups every Monday. Stay healthy.
Monday mornings yes, good write-ups? We’ll have to see about that! (lol)
Paul, I’m extremely happy you are getting back to being your old self. And as one friend to another tell your friend when you see him that I too highly recommend the operation as soon as possible. If the cancer breaks out of the colon he will be facing a lot more pain.
If you were in town I’d be bringing you with me, we’ll see how it comes out on next week’s post.
You were looking good Shipmate, Monday at the Hospital.
Guess I get to test the skill factor of one of your Doctors and take it from there.
Take care and keep the positive attitude. . . . .
The Doctor told me I had to start exercising my sphincter after my operation. I smiled and said; what do you think I do all day now that my wife does all the driving?
Jeez Paul, graphic but telling! Thank God you’re on the mend sir. Lip just isn’t the same without you!
Graphic would have been if I threw in a few cell phone pictures my Doctor loves to show me of my inner bits. (LOL) Hell even I didn’t want to see them!
I enjoyed all your humor; made me laugh out loud … ( wrong pills for a year………! Ha Ha ). I hope you continue in your recovery. Feel free to continue to regale us with your witty insights.
Remember the patient must show patience in regard to the long awaited SMB!
If I’ve caused you a smile, then my work here is done, I have never tried to hide the fact that I screw up with regularity. But the Philippines has taught me that one quick shrug of my shoulders and you just move on. A head scratch works just as well! (LOL)
Hi Paul,
I am glad your surgery went well!
Thank you Jay;
I have a while to go before 100%, but I’ll take what they give me as I do feel better.
Hi Paul; Glad to hear you are doing OK. I had my own bout at the hospital on Sept. 14, when they stuck a tube up my arm and put contrast dye in my heart and then did special x-rays. It seems that I have had a previous heart attack, but the damage appears to be light. They determined to do nothing about it surgically, but put me on a new medicine (Eliquis) to thin my blood. I think I’m taking about 7 kinds of medicine now, including the drops in my eyes to treat my Glaucoma. I don’t have much of a desire for beer, and it’s on my don’t do it list. Keep up your good humor. I guess that’s all we can do. I haven’t seen the bill for all this yet, as the medicare advantage insurance is still sorting out what they will pay, what they will dis-allow. and what they will say I must pay. I was in the hospital as an outpatient for this, ( about 10 hours).
From now on I take all visits to hospital as serious, but I’m pleased your medical description sounds very good! (Tri-Care) so far has treated me well; I hope Medicare is also good for you. I’m waiting for just one American to tell us how Obama-Care has been for them, to date no report yet! Follow the medical advice, whether you agree or not, because so far it has worked for me!
HI Mr. Thompson;
You asked for an American to comment on Oawfulcare. When I first brought my Filipino wife Stateside 15 years ago I asked an insurance agent for a health policy on her that would cover EVERYTHING. I got a policy from Tennessee that gave her unlimited catastrophic coverage if I paid the first U.S.$5,000.00. It cost me $1,300.00 per annum. Awful care came into effect & they canceled her. So I got a California Blueshieled for $3,200.00 per annum. Now I have her a policy from some people called “MediShare.” She is back to the same catastrophic coverage @ $1,300.00 per annum. I have several friends who have the same story. It doesn’t work: At my age, 85, I am on a thing called scan. My wife is too young to have that. That is my story & I’m telling thew truth.
Living here in the Philippines for over 20 years I never figured out the math on Affordable Health Care. The US has a population of over 300,000,000 people, according to Mr. Obama five years after Obama-Care only 20,000,000 Americans are covered by this super program. The math never worked out to where it could be a good deal, and now we find out that it cost more than the programs it replaces. I understand the insurance companies love it as they collect more and pay out less. And yet they still claim it is the best thing since sliced bread.
Thank you for your point of view.