Yesterday, Feyma and I had a really great day. We had been invited over to the house of Klaus Doring for lunch! Klaus had promised a German lunch. We weren’t really to sure what to expect for lunch, as we have never really eaten German food before! But, what the heck, let’s give it a try! We arrived at Klaus’ house at 12 noon, just in time for the feast. It was a rainy day in Davao yesterday, but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm for a great meal! We soon found that the plan was to eat our lunch out on the patio. It’s a covered patio, so the rain didn’t stop that. One thing that you will find if you visit Klaus and Rosanna’s place is that the house is surrounded by lush gardens of beautiful tropical flowers and greenery. Sitting out on the outdoor patio in that environment was only enhanced by hearing the falling rain, like a fountain sound in the background. What a great way to spend an afternoon.
In attendance for the lunch were Feyma and I, along with Klaus, Rosanna and Mutti. Rosanna is the wife of Klaus, and she is really a special lady. I have always liked Rosanna since the first day we met some months ago. Rosanna lived in Germany after marrying Klaus, I believe for more than 10 years (sorry, Rose, I don’t remember exactly how many), and then they moved back to the Philippines in the late 90’s. Rose is fluent in German as well as English. Who is Mutti? That’s the mother of Klaus! Mutti is 84 years old, but you would not think she is a day over 60. Very vibrant, and active. She is really a strong woman! If you give her a hug, you will find out how strong she is, because she will hold you so tight until you might pop! Ha ha… I really like Mutti a lot. Although she can’t speak English, and I can’t speak German, we have a nice relationship with each other, I think. I was once told by Klaus that Mutti liked me because I embraced her on our first meeting, and she liked that. Also, in so many ways, Klaus and I are just like each other – we even look similar to each other!
Anyway, as the lunch was served, we found out what was to be eaten. Rose and Mutti served the food – pasta, potatoes, a beef stew and some salad. It was really delicious! Oh yes, I forgot to mention the favorite of Klaus – parmesan cheese. The idea was that you had potatoes or pasta (or both, as I did!), put the stew on top of that, and then cover it in parmesan cheese. Whew! How delicious. After the main course, Rose served a desert that she had prepared, it was a sort of Mango Sorbet – quite delicious!
After taking in our excellent meal, we sat around and talked for a couple of hours, just enjoying each other’s company and getting to know each other even better. I have known Klaus and Rose for nearly 6 months, I guess, and we get together frequently, but I think that yesterday was our first time to just enjoy the afternoon talking and listening to each other. It was really a pleasure!
Thank you to Klaus, Rose and Mutti for giving us such an enjoyable and memorable afternoon!
Well done Bob, I have had the pleasure of eating at Klaus and what a great couple they are along with mama.
Hi John – Yes indeed! The meal was a pleasure! The company was even better! That's a nice combination!
Hi Bob and Feyma, thanks a lot too. Can you feel our hugs via Internet? 😆 Yeah, we felt the same. We knew each other better. We are happy, that you like the food, even we DIDN'T prepair sausages, mash potatoes and sauerkraut. 🙄 Maybe you expected it. – Rose stayed in Germany almost 16 years.
Hi John, we also enjoyed with you and Steven.
It's a blessing having friends like you guys.
Hi Klaus – I look forward to our next get-together! Yeah, I was expecting the sourkraut yesterday! Ha ha….
Hi Bob and Klouse,You do not know me yet but I do read your blobs quite often. I am not writing this to criticize or teach anyone, not at all, but having bachelors of naturopathy, I would like to say my thoughts about food. I found that Europeans (Americans included) like to take their eating habits with them when they migrate. I was born in Poland but now I live in Australia. What I found is that not only Polish but also Germans or Italians etc. stick to their national food. In my opinion it is quite wrong. Eating potatoes and pasta and lots of meet is good for cold countries , because this food is very rich in calorie and burn for hours, They eat it because they need to keep their body worm, outside is usually cold or freezing. Now what will happen to the energy that the potatoes realize hour after hour in the hot, hot Phillipines. The energy will turn into fat, where else can it go!. Same with pasta and sausages. Rice on other hand burn very fast, with very little energy, same with vegetables and even fruits .
It took the English 100 years to realize that in Australia they really need big windows and verundah around their houses, the diet started changing not that long ago, Old habits die hard.
Having said the above, I have to admit that I really like potatoes with cheese sour craft and ssausages on ocassion and also polish pierozki. (but only sometimes)
Hi Philip – Not sure if I agree with you or not. Whether it is hot or cold, if you exercise you will burn the calories. I'll have to think it over….
Hi Bob- The beauty of living in a multicultural society such as being an expat is to enjoy the variety of each others food and company.
If one is willing to mix and be open minded there is such a lot to learn from each other thats why I have always enjoyed travelling and living abroad.I like to read about your adventures in both food and travels in Mindanao and it just makes me wish that October 2008 would come earlier.
Hi Jim – I agree wholeheartedly! Eating all these delicious cuisines from all over the world is a tough job, but somebody's got to do it, right?
Hey, I am also waiting in anticipation of your arrival next year! Should be fun to be able to get to know you and Marilou better!
Hi Philip, you're right with your explanations. Hi Bob, the same to you. Ergo, we let our eating-culture move with us and find ways to eat multi cultural. We also go for Filipino dishes or Japanese cuisine. I think it's a matter of balance. As you said Philip: sometimes this and sometimes that. I love Pizza, I wouldn't eat it daily, as I did many years ago, while living as single in Berlin…
Sounds yummy. I also love to cook and grill especially. I was wondering Bob if you or anyone can poiint out any places in Davao for good meat. I find much of the meat I have eaten here in the Philippines has a wierd smell and taste. I've been told that is because the Philiipine cows ARE NOT grain fed. So can anyone direct me to a place that might have either local grain fed beef or perhaps OUCH $$$$$ angus beef. I have heard there is local angus in the philippines. And if there aren't any sources of good beef then does anyone want to get into the cattel business. I have about 1.5 hectares we can use.
Hi Corey – Probably the best place to get quality meats in Davao is at Lisa's Meats. They have a number of locations, at most of the malls, etc.
Can you be a little more specific as to what I will find their relative to my DETAILED post
Hi Corey – what you can find there is better quality meats. Chicken, Pork, Beef, etc. I guess that's about as specific as I could get. I don't know what they feed their cattle, but I bet if you go there and ask the manager, they could tell you.
Hi Bob and to all of you. I agree, the best meat you can find at LISA's MEAT, i.e. Victoria Plaza Mall or Gaisano Mall right here in Davao City. From time to time, we like to visit the palengke (market), but I go for LISA'S MEAT (Belgian proprietor).