If you like the subject matter here on LiP, you really should be reading The Nomad Capitalist which is done by my good friend, Andrew Henderson. Andrew is truly a nomadic person, you just never know where he will be from one day to the next.
Andrew travels the world looking for good information for people who want to be expats. People who want dual nationality. Bank accounts in different parts of the world. Andrew looks into all of this, and he reports on it! Some of Andrew’s site is open only for premium members, but much of it is also open for the general public.
I first met Andrew a few years ago (maybe 3 or so) when he made a stopover in Davao. Andrew came to my house and we had quite a long meeting, just getting to know each other, talking about our mutual interests and such. Since then, Andrew has featured me on his site several times. First, after that trip when we met here in Davao, Andrew wrote several articles on his Philippine trip, and he had some information about me in there.

Later, maybe a little over a year ago, Andrew did a video interview with me for the premium part of his website.
Recently, I was the guest on an episode of Andrew’s podcast on the Nomad Capitalist. If you are interested in listening to my interview with Andrew, click here and go over to Andrew’s site to listen!
I would like to thank Andrew for including me in some of his articles, videos and podcast. It has been a lot of fun, and I have made other contacts with his audience. I hope some LiP readers will head over and give it a listen. I think you may find other things you enjoy on Andrew’s site!
Glad you pointed this out, Bob. I’m a follower of Andrew. I’ve learned a lot from him, and you are so right, a lot of folks we both know should read and heed.
Plodding alog for years at a “secure” job may not ve as “secure” as it once was. Andrew shares a lot of interesting ideas.
“be” as secure, sorry.
Hi Dave – Nice to hear from you here, thanks for stopping by.
I think that the days where the vast majority of people have “regular” jobs will be a thing of the past in the relatively near future. In fact, regular jobs won’t be so regular anymore! A lot more people are home based, or working for themselves in some way, and I see that as a growing trend. For anybody interested in that sort of thing, or being pushed in that direction, following Andrew is a great thing to do.
Hi Bob , just listened to the podcast found it very interesting you know that
Shampoo was a very good point were people can learn its all about supply
And demand and being able to see the openings that you saw, by the way
I youst to love the smell of that shampoo, I made some good money on eBay
My self selling different stuff mainly furniture I made back in England,
It was a long podcast but I enjoyed every minute of it, Andrew Henderson
Is a very clever guy I hope that other readers will take time to listen to it,
Derek in pasig.
Oh yes, those were the days, I was the shampoo king of the Philippines. 🙂