Last week, I reported to you guys that I had suffered multiple heart attacks. Three heart attacks in less than a week. Today, I want to update you.
There is good news… and there is also more good news! No real bad news that I can think of this week!
I came home from the hospital on Saturday, July 2, a little after lunch time. I was so happy to be home, I can’t even tell you! Being tied up in a hospital is just not comfortable, and if you ask me, it kind of shows the healing process! It is hard to get much sleep in a hospital. The nurses are constantly waking you up to find out things like how you are sleeping, or to check your BP or whatever the reason. I just want to get some rest so my body can do some healing! Being home gives me the opportunity to rest up and get more relaxation. So, as I said, I am so happy to be home.
3 Heart Attacks in a week?

As I explained last week, I had chest pain on the night of Tuesday, June 21, but did not think it was a heart attack. Next, I had another night with chest pain on Thursday, June 23, much more severe, but still did not really think it was a heart attack (I am a very smart person, after all!). Then, on Sunday, June 26, I had the strongest chest pain of all, and I rushed to the hospital. I’m glad that I did. I should have done that on an earlier event.
So, after being admitted (as they call it here, confined) to the hospital, when I saw my doctor, I asked him how it was that I had never had even a bit of chest pain in my life and suddenly without warning I had 3 heart attacks in the space of a week? He explained to me that I actually did not have 3 heart attacks. My heart started giving me a problem with the first event, then on each recurrence, I was all part of the same heart event. So, really, it was all a single heart attack that was spaced over nearly a week.
After being admitted to the hospital, they were doing EKG tests on my several times each day. If they could see changes from on EKG to another, that would indicate that my heart was still unstable, and the heart event was still ongoing. Luckily, though, my heart quickly stabilized and that was the end of any chest pains, shortness of breath, etc. That heart attack is now finished. If, for example, I had another heart attack tomorrow, that would be a second heart attack, as it has been explained to me, because my heart has already become stable now.
When I got home
When I got home, I felt very good, heart=wise. No chest pain, all of my vital signs were very good, etc. But, I was in severe pain. Muscle pain, stiff neck, etc. I could hardly move, especially my head. I thought it was from the bed/pillow at the hospital, which I found to be very uncomfortable. I also thought that after a day or so, it would disappear. Well, after going through Saturday, Sunday and Monday at home, the pain was only getting worse! So, yesterday, Tuesday, I decided to go back and see my doctor. I had a combination of:
- Muscle Pain in my back and shoulders
- Very stiff neck
- a fairly persistent dry cough
- general feeling of sickness
Well, the biggest problem to me was the neck pain. The doctor explained to me that since I am not accustomed to staying in bed for a week, laying there day after day in an uncomfortable bed was hard on my body. He gave me tramadol for pain relief and some muscle relaxers, and I started taking them early today. As I type this, my neck pain is probably gone by 75% or so, and I feel better than I have in the past few weeks.
My doctor surprised me when I asked him about my other pains. “You have the flu” he said. The flu? I thought this was related to the heart attack? Nope, it is the flu, which is kind of going around right now in Davao. I have a couple of friends with the flu as well. Well, the way I feel right now, I feel that my flu is dissipating. I’m glad about that too! If I can get rid of the neck pain and kick the flu in the butt, I think I will be feeling very good!
Heart Treatment

In terms of treating my heart problem, right now my team of doctors and I have decided to maximize the drug treatments and to observe closely to see how that goes. All of the tests came back in the normal range, except the test for the heart attack enzyme, and my 2D Echocardiogram. Things that are usually strong indicators for heart problems (like cholesterol) all came back below normal. So, at this point, we want to watch how things go with the drugs that I am on for this.
One thing that is very important is to keep my blood pressure very low. When I had the heart attack, my blood pressure was in fair control (usually about 140/80 or so), but now, my GP and Cardiologist want to keep my blood pressure much lower. Right now, my blood pressure is usually around 100/60 or so. I really feel good at this new BP level, we’ll see how things develop.
I know you have questions

I have literally received hundreds of email questions from readers. I guess the biggest most frequent question is “how much does it cost for heart treatment in the Philippines?” Well, I have answers, and will be writing future articles on things like that. I have health insurance through PhilHealth, but it would have been nice to have a lot more insurance. I will be explaining all of that in the future. I do think it is important for people who are thinking of moving here to be aware of medical costs, and what you can do about insurance (or what you can’t do).
So, anyway, today, I am feeling much better! Looking forward to the future. Glad that I still have a future!
Thanks everybody for your support, prayers, well wishes, etc. All of that has been greatly appreciated.
Good to hear the update. Continued good health and healing to you
Thank you Della!
Get well, Bob.
Thank you Cornell – I am improving a bit every day!
Maybe its the beard?? I think you should shave it……Ok that was a joke
Your story reminds me a little bit of when my wife was confined and had her tonsils removed. Seems like they came in the room every few hours and woke us up to check her blood pressure (or temperature, or whatever else). We appreciate the care she received, but we were relieved once she was released and we could get some rest.
Ha ha ha.. sounds familiar to me! Thanks, Kevin.
Thanks for the update sir. And I’m happy that you’re on the mend Bob! At the very least, you and your readers are getting a serious schooling in heart related problems and how the medical system works in the Philippines. I think you’ll have more material than you’ll know what to do with 🙂 take care sir, God bless.
Yeah, that is a school lesson I would have preferred to avoid! 🙂
Glad to hear you’re feeling better, Bob..
Thank you Priscilla! Much appreciated.
Tanks for the update Bob..keep on improving !
I am going to try to do that, my friend!
Good news, continued good health to you Bob! Prayers for the cause.
It was nice to have a little good news!
Glad you are mending Bob. Take it easy for a few weeks.
Thanks Jim.
Hi Bob,
Very pleased that you have had some good news regarding your condition. Well done in going back to the Doctor to get the other issues sorted out. The flu can sure lay you very low,but although while in hospital you received good care,it really can be a pain in the neck!!
Get well soon Bob.
All the best.
Dave and family.
Hi Dave… Good one… the hospital was a real pain in the neck for me!
Thanks for the positive update Bob. Continued good health
Thanks Dennis. Nice to hear from you.
Wow! You are a tough cookie! I had the flu the Winter before last, and at the crux of it, I was fearing for my life. You had the flu in the wake of a heart attack, and did not realize that you had the flu.
That gives me an idea of just how sick you were overall, and how badly you must have been feeling.
I’m sorry that you were so sick, but I am happy to know you are on the mend.
Take care, my friend.
Hi Dave. Nice to hear from you. To be fair, I think my flu is a mild case.
Glad you are doing better. I’m looking forward to learning about the cost of treatment.
Coming soon, Bob.
Glad ur getting better.
Thank you, Frank.
Hello bob, I had no idea you had had a heart attack! I’m very glad to hear you are out woods and I wish you a speedy and quality recovery.
Thank you, Roy.
An informative and kind man like you should never have to suffer. I am elated to know that you are on the mend. At least you have your firm bed from America for comfort. Tee Hee! Jim and I may have to sleep on split bamboos covered with comforters. Just kidding.
Looking forward to reading your upcoming report on medical expenses in the Philippines. I got a feeling it’s not gonna be like Blue Cross Blue Shield ha.
Oh, thank you so much for your kind words.
Miss You, praying for you. Praying for Gods healing touch and peace for the family. Oh try get some rest in the NO! rest Zone hospital 🙂
Thank you Jerry.
Good to here the update sir, many prayers for the continued healing.
Thank you Jon.
Do a lot of deep breathing baca use when you’ve had pain you forget to breathe deep I had the same thing get a massage if you can on the neck and shoulders ! Good luck
That is a good tip, Betty, thank you.
It’s made me feel better
Hope it helps
When you lay down tonite try the deep breathing hold it as long as you can then exhale slowly
I had a four way bypass
Glad to hear u are feeling better
I am too! Thanks Luke.
So many people that prays for your recovery Bob, you are truly blessed.
Yes, it is very humbling! Thank you!
Welcome, take care now..
I’m pleased the health report is on the upside, so take it easy for awhile. But it gave me an idea for a new site under the LiP umbrella: “Convalescing in the Philippines”
Bob, you and I can be the first contributors. (lol)
Ha ha. Love it Paul!
Not such a far-fetched idea, Paul … and Bob too.
Health care in the Philippines and paying for it, and choosing doctors, hospitals and recovering from health problems is a huge, huge writing/blogging opportunity.
One thing which frequently makes me a little sad and a little scared for so many expats here that I talk to/hear from on my blog is, health care.
Or more accurately in many cases is the reluctance to talk about, plan for or even think about health care in the Philippines. The most common answer I get when I ask people planning to come live here is sort of a brush off. “Oh I don’t need to worry about that, luckily I’m in good health.”
Indeed, maybe you are, but 99% of the people who have major issues now were “in good health” until “it” happened.
Gotta think this through in advance, guys and gals. Especially here in the Philippines, buying health insurance after the fact is virtually impossible … and paying for treatment when something major happens … well that can be impossible too.
Actually, Paul’s joke brought a couple of ideas to my mind too. 😉
Glad to hear you only have the flu. Get well soon.
Thank you, Bruce.
Overjoyed for you getting better. So many a Angel had you in prayer
Thank you, Patrick.
Hi Bob,
Glad you are feeling better! Not too surprising you caught the flu at the hospital. I have been told there are a lot of sick people there. Seriously, a lot of people pick up things like infections and flu at the hospital. Thorough hand washing is probably the best defense. I must confess I kind of rush the hand washing even though I know better. Airplanes are bad too because the air is recycled and if you got 500 people on board chances are someone has got something. Take care!
Hi Jay, I had not considered that I picked up the flu at the hospital, but it makes sense.
Get well soon & God bless Bob! You’re photos show that you’re indeed a fighter…you’re smiling & looked positive despite being ill. That’s inspiring.
Thanks Rae.
Sounds good Bob,get plenty of rest. God bless
I am doing my best, Jan, thank you.
All Good news really Bob, apart from the actual event itself, of course. I’m thinking that you’ve had more than your fair share of health upset this year.
Anyway, glad to hear you are on the mend.
You perhaps need to chill for a while; pass some of the workload to the family a bit, it will be good for them too, especially Aaron?
Well, just stay positive My friend. Hope to see you early next year in Davao.
Jim, Vangie and family.
Thanks Jim.
As far as passing workload to others, I have been doing that for a couple of years already.
Thats so good to hear BOB. Wet well soon.
Thank you, Bud.
Glad ur getting better
Me too!
nice to hear from you again ”bob’
take care and take it easy..for a while..
Say..Did the electrocardiogram show any blockage?? I have a few systoms of maybe a problem like shortness of breath and fatique… but generally only in the mornings and late a t night during regular hours i am fine …. Was thinking of a electrocardiogram just to see if anything is there or wrong??? From what I understand and read the test is a very xlnt way of showing condition of heart and the Arteries to it … am I correct?? And do u know the cost of one ???…And…You look good with that beard Haha
Electrocardiograms do not show blockage. Only an angiogram can show blockage.
Get that problem checked out… it does sound similar to my experience.
Hello Bob,
That is correct, angiograms can show blockage but an Intra-Vascular UltraSound can measure the extent of the blockage.
Glad to hear your doing well Bob.
Hi Orlando. Thanks!
Get well soon Bob!
Thank you!
Ha ha… thank you Ron… 😉
Good to know you are doing better Bob. Stay healthy!
Thank you.
I am truly happy for you Bob! My BP is also normal now!!! I still got problem with my thumbs- they wont bend… After staying at the hospital for a week!
Really? Your thumbs won’t bend? What happened?
I really have no idea! But with so many tube on my hands at the hospital… I was immobile for a week…it is really uncomfortable
Woe, hope it gets better!
Maybe soon! Take care there Bob
Ikaw pud, Vi.
Parehas ta mag amping Bob kay broken hearted na ta… Due to diabetes!
Pleased to here you are now recovering.
It sounds as though you need to pack some horse liniment when you go into hospital
Take care
Ha ha. Thank you Marfori.
Glad your home resting. Now get over the Flu it took me 3 weeks to shake it here in the US
Thanks Jerry.
Hi Bob, great news on your recovery. Many prayers were answered. Did they do a catheter/angiogram or a echocartiogram and eliminate blockage? Sounds like it may be the heart causing the problem. Rest easy and heal quickly.
Those things are likely in my future, we shall see.
Hello Bob,
Sorry to hear about the heart attack, glad you are doing better. At the end of last September I had a major heart attack while living in Ozamiz. They basically put me in a bed and watched to see if I died. The second day they put me on a Holter heart monitor the results indicated I needed a pacemaker ASAP. At times my rate was dropping below 30 beats per minute. No availability of any type of heart testing here. Background, 53 years old, exercise 6 days a week (cardio and weights), only eat fruits, vegetables and lean meats, all normal blood work, BP 90/60 before the heart attack, no health problems, non smoker. Pain was instant in my right chest and spread across to my left chest, then it felt like my shoulder blades were trying to touch each other in back. I grabbed my chest and sat down luckily, because I blacked out right after that. I wasn’t out very long, when I came to I was very dizzy, had trouble seeing and pain wasn’t as bad but still there. I was at home with my five year old son, we live alone. Called a friend who was there in a couple of minutes. Walked out to the road with my son, I’m 6’2″ and 190 lbs. Figured if I had another attack before they got there they might not be able to put me in the car. Fast forward three days later, just three days of me laying in a bed, no drugs or treatment, they did do a blood work up and check my BP a few times. Official diagnosis from the Holter test was Type 2 AV block first and second degree. Just means my heart misses lots of beats with sometimes long intervals in between beats. Dr. recommended getting to Manila or Cebu ASAP. I opted to get on a plane and head back to the US. Started in on every test they can give you, Nuclear Stress Test, Angiogram, Echo Cardiogram, X-rays, Upper GI, blood tests, you name it. The Stress test allows them to see how much scar tissue is forming in your heart. I lost 45 % of my heart capacity from the heart attack, most of the damage occurred to the left ventricle. I had had a complete physical that included an EKG just three weeks before the heart attack. My doctor commented that I was in great shape and should live to be 100 when I had the physical. By the time all I had finished up all the doctoring in the US my Bradycardia (slow heart beat) had improved to the point that my cardiologist didn’t think it warranted a pacemaker. Only thing that they couldn’t rule out was poisoning, hmmmmm. The cardiologist in the US said he wished he could have had a blood sample from when I had the heart attack in the Philippines. Fast forward 9 months, still have Bradycardia, I can instantly feel when my heart starts missing beats. Scares me. I have gained 50 lbs since the heart attack and don’t exercise much now. Just the impact it can have on you mentally is another issue to deal with. Damn glad to still be here. Go get your test done. Once again good news.
Thanks for sharing all of that useful information, Steven.
Not sure how useful the info is, but it kind of falls in line with what Dave S. said about not planning on having a serious medical event.
Get well soon!
Thank you, Dave.
I am glad you are well on the mend Bob. Many thanks for the update and I look forward to future articles on this topic that you mentioned.
Thank you very much, Bob!
Bob..Extremely happy to hear that you are doing better..I’m sure being home
to rest up and relax is the “perfect” get well quick remedy!..Take care and
take it slow!
Thank you Bill, I am also very happy that I am feeling a little better each day! 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better!!
So glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Great that you’re feeling better, Bob!
I think so too, thanks, Elsie!
Glad to know you are doing well. I didn’t know I had a heart attack ,either till I couldn’t breath while taking a shower. I was lucky I got saved by competent doctors. I survived and had triple-by pass. That was 19 years ago. As a former Uncle Sam’s employee, I always stay healthy and exercise daily – but that was not
enough. We really had to take care of ourselves and eat right. Stay healthy, Bob. Take care of yourself.
Thanks Jose. Hope to see you in Davao again soon! Take care of yourself!
Bob you might be able to answer a question I have had for awhile. My son has a heart defect which was fixed but results in sometimes he has an arrhythmia which requires a cardiac inversion from a defibrillator. He has had some ablations which seems to have stopped them. I would like to have my son go with us some time when we visit GENSAN but I was not sure if he happened to have an episode while we were there if any of the Hospitals in GENSAN have such equipment. I may never risk taking him on such a trip but am curious and your event seem like you might have an answer to such a question.
I would love to be able to help you, Dan, but I just don’t know the answer to your question. Sorry.
Thanks anyway. Hope you are feeling better.
Get well soon bob. Dont eat pork belly! lol. thats so deadlly there.