Did you know that it’s possible that every time you travel to the Philippines it can effectively be free? That’s right, your hotel, your airfare, meals and everything could effectively be for free! How? Let me tell you.
Of course, you will have to pay for all of the items listed above, but there is also a way that you can save enough money to offset the costs of coming here, and make your trip virtually free. I’ll base this post on the experiences of my friend, Leon, who is from Australia. Leon recently visited Davao and in the process he saved more than $25,000 and had a great time in the process!
I have known Leon since the early 1990’s, but only through the Internet. We had never met in person. In recent years, Leon and I had kind of fallen out of touch, but would exchange an occasional e-mail. About 3 or 4 months ago, I got an e-mail from Leon asking about dental services here in Davao. We have a dentist that we use regularly here, I’ll call her Dr. Lourdes. Dr. Lourdes has a clinic in the heart of Davao, and she does very nice work. In addition to doing dental work for all of our family, she has also done work for my Mom on a previous visit. So, we recommend Dr. Lourdes highly, and I told Leon this. I gave Leon the e-mail address of Dr. Lourdes, and we told Lourdes to watch out for an e-mail from our friend.
Leon sent an e-mail to Dr. Lourdes with, complete with photos of his teeth, so that she could judge what work needed to be done. Lourdes responded to Leon’s e-mail with a plan of action on what she recommended for his teeth, and also with some alternative plans that he could choose from, depending on his budget.
It didn’t take long, and Leon was here in the Philippines! He got his work done, and was very happy with the results. In addition to getting his dental work done, Leon was able to enjoy a trip to a tropical destination (during the middle of winter in Australia), and also got to meet Feyma and I, friends who had never met in person before.
Leon has set up a webpage where you can view the work that he had done (before and after pictures). Leon does give a warning, though – if you don’t want to see the inside of his mouth, don’t go look! 🙂 But, if you are interested, go have a look at Leon’s website.
Leon spent about $2,500 for the entire job, and in Australia he had received quotes for $22,000 up to $35,000 for the exact same work. What a huge savings!
It was really great to meet Leon, and I was also happy that he was able to get a great smile back on his face! Leon now has other friends who are planning to visit Davao for dental work. We’ve been talking a little bit lately about medical tourism, and this is just a real world example of medical (dental) tourism in action!
Thanks for the great work, Dr. Lourdes!
Thanks for the kind words and the help you and Feyma gave me while I was in Davao.
Still really happy with the work Dr Lourdes did and need to point the $ values in the artical are in Australian dollars.
Now I can
Smiles Leon 🙂
How do I get a job in phillipines
If you are interested I will be glad to work up a report for you.
Hi Bob,
Nice follow-up article to the one the other day that touched on medical tourism. Here in the states the famous Cooper Clinic in Dallas or the Mayo Clinic in Arizona and Minnesota offer "Executive Check-ups" that are extensive, head-to-toe complete medical exams that require an entire day. The cost is usually around $3000.00 But that doesn't count the cost of travel, and overnight stay at a nearby hotel that is usually required, which will raise the cost to around $3700.00
At St. Luke's in Quezon City, or the Makati Medical Center, the executive checkups require TWO full days of testing. It is more extensive than what is done in the states. You get the check-up plus two overnight stays in a private room made up like a hotel room with round the clock attendants, and the total bill is 28,000 Pesos ($600.) With that $3100 savings compared to doing it in the states, a person could easily pay for plane fare to the Philippines and add in a vacation there as well and still have money left over.
I wouldn't be surprised if a company executive could get their insurance to pay for it because St. Lukes and Medical City each have the same highest level of medical accreditation that the Mayo Clinic and top stateside hospitals have.
For $ to be left over you will have to take coach class and not first or business class, I would think that if you were not the healthiest person in the world you would take first class or business class for such a very long trip. (Not saying you have to be sickly to take the executive check up, but most people who get executive checkups are older…)
At cattle class one might get deep vein thrombosis…
BTW do yourself a favor take NW when coming to PH if from the US. The world business class of NW is like 500% better than First Class of PAL.
My dad has been to both St. Lukes and Mayo Clinic in Arizona. I think he prefers the Mayo Clinic.
Hi Cheryll Ann,
I agree that flying First or Business class would eat up the savings. I have traveled back and forth between Asia and the US for forty years now. To me sitting and walking around on a plane for ten or eleven hours is easier than driving for five or six hours. I prefer Business Class of course, but coach doesn't really bother me.
Interesting you speak about your Dad using St. Luke's and Mayo in Arizona. Mine too! In the last twelve months my Dad got shoulder surgery at St. Luke's, and three weeks ago was treated for skin cancer at the Mayo in Arizona. He prefers St Luke's. My parents live in Guam (3 hour flight from Manila) and also have a house in Tempe (suburb of Phoenix, AZ) and my brother is a pilot at United Airlines so they can pretty much fly anywhere anytime for practically free. Some procedures they do in the Philippines, and some they do at the Mayo.
My point was that even for something as "small" as an executive checkup a person could get it done in the Philippines and still come out ahead on the deal financially and get a free vacation. For example, I just checked online and I can book a round trip flight from Phoenix to Manila on Continental airlines for $1100.00. After the $600 for the medical checkup which includes two nights of overnight stay, there's still $2000.00 left over. A person could certainly have a nice five day vacation on that. So basically a person could spend a week traveling, have a vacation and get the checkup done for about the same price as getting it done in the states. If a person has family in the Philippines, for sure I could see it as an attractive option.
Our son and daughter-in-law lived in the Philippines for four years, several years back. Her mom went to a dentist in Michigan and got an estimate of about $2,700 for the work that needed to be done. Instead, she AND her husband flew to Manila, visited the kids and grandkids, AND got the dental work done for the same cost. As far as I know, she is happy with the work she had done, and I know they loved their trip! A great deal all the way around!
My dad's first surgery was in Florida almost 20 years ago, when he suddenly had chest pains – I think 5 stents were inserted.
Then he had a couple of procedures done in St. Lukes.
2 months ago he was eating a steak when he suddenly could not breathe, he was in Santa Clara at that time and was rushed to Stanford Hospital which was the nearest. They gave him a few pills and made him stay a while in emergency room.
Next day he flew to AZ and went to Mayo clinic and got 2 new stents – I think they took out old ones.
I personally do not care for AZ first time I went was in summer – GOOD LORD! (I went to pick up a shih tzu and hand carry it) . I was there again this January to visit my friends and it was quite cool, lol lol thank heavens.
I think some medical work is better done in US than in PH. Like teeth implants. etc.
Yes, if they have family here it would be great for them to spend some time here, take a vacation and visit friends and family. But if they didn't I don't think it would be much fun to sit on a plane in coach class for hours just to get a check up.
The only time I took a coach class trip o USA was when I went to see my friend in PA in 2000. UGHHH! And when I was 7 years old I think….
At all other Occassions I took PAL first Class or NW world business class.
PAL if I am just travelling NW if I have to hand carry a dog home.
PS It would be pretty hard to travel via CO US to PH as CO stops in HAWAII and GUAM from PH to USA leg of journey anyway. Too many stops. ( I always use CO when I ship dogs, so I pretty much know their routes)
And from Hawaii they usually do not have Hawaii connecting to many states, you usually have to pass through EWR airport in NJ. To get a connecting flight. You will be travelling over 24 hours.
I think best bet is still NW.
PAL is great if you only wanna go to HI, NV, CA.
If your brother is a pilot and parents fly free, won't they get bumpe doff if the flight is full?
Here in PH if you work for PAL you get 75% off I think so does your family but you get bumped off if flight is full.
I do know some Australians who go to USA yearly for shih tzu specialty they almost don't pay anything also as husband works for airline.
This only works if you would have had to pay for the dental work out of pocket, without insurance. If they had had dental coverage, it would not have been a viable option. Since it was money they had to spend anyway, they figured out a way to spent it better!
Hi Bob!
I was excited ! I thought you will give a free ticket to the Phils to all who made comments in LiP (must be raffled to be fair) ! 😆
My dentist here charged $65/tooth pulled! Prophy costs the same last year but I did it in the Phils and it only cost me less than P400. I think Feyma & I made some comparison in her blog (I forgot the title). So when I visit the Phils, I need to do the head-and -toe, not head-to-toe, makeover (not extreme) huh! 🙄
Hi Jul – sorry if I disappointed you! 🙂
Yep, dental work, executive checkups and such can easily pay the bill for a trip to the Philippines … plus extend your life, perhaps. there's another little angle that might be of use for those in their own business. I made two trips to the Philippines for legitimate business purposes when I was actively running a consulting business … and essentially 100% of the costs wrre tax deductible. Of course you have to be making money in the first place … or deductions do no good … and you need to use a reliable tax adviser … which I am not … but if you live up to pretty simple requirements dictated by the IRS you might find a trip here costs a _lot_ less than you think.
Hi Dave Starr – Yep, the tax situation is a nice thing to add too! I hadn't thought of that.
Probably Dr. Lourdes can issue some promotional coupons so she gets the business from readers of this blog? Anyway she can always offset this thru some billing strategy, for sure.
Many dental providers in the US routinely resort to this to get new customers.
Are such things legitimately allowed in the Philippines?
Hi angie – Ha ha… I've got to talk to Dr. Lourdes about getting a share from all these blog customers who will be visiting her! Maybe I can get free dental care! 🙂
Yep, certainly, why not? She can advertise on your blog for the promo!
Thing is, even if blog readers get the idea about going to the Philippines, or more specifically Davao, how can she ensure that she will get their business?? esp. if such customers search the internet for competing dentists? Of course, your recommendation and Leon's before/after pictures do add some weight. Those are plus points definitely.
But beyond that, what is the edge? For instance (and mind you this is just an example), she could probably go for a $700 or $1000 promo off the services. This would offset the cost of the RT airfare (US-RP-US). She can *probably* just add that back to the top of the bill, using some legitimate accounting maneuvers.
She gets the customer, the customer gets the airfare offset thru the promo coupon, plus the customer gets to write-off the expenses, if self-employed that is. See Dave Starr's post #19.
The caveat is, as they like to say here, US people should still consult their tax advisers for the write-offs. And Dr. Lourdes, well I'm sure she is well versed with RP business laws to ascertain the legitimacy of this idea.
This are all hypothetical scenarios, subject to the boundaries of Philippine laws, of which I know nothing about. That is my disclaimer.
Some people will give their eye teeth to travel to the Philippines.
Take care on the tax deductions. If the trip is 100% for business, the related expenses are 100% deductible when calculating your business' taxable income. Less than 100% and limitations come into play. If and how they would apply to your personal (individual) income tax return would depend on other factors as well (E.g., if you're 1) a sole-proprietor filing Schedule C; 2) an S-Corporation shareholder; 3) a partner in a partnership, or 4) a member in an LLC that files as a partnership, you may receive some benefit. If you're a shareholder in a regular C-Corporation, sorry.)
One could try to claim travel expenses for obtaining medical care if one itemizes deductions on his/her individual return. These too are limited, though. Only those deductible medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income will be deductible on Schedule A.
Of course, if the IRS was to audit your return (excessive medical expenses can be a flag for audit among certain age groups), the first thing they'd ask before disallowing the deduction would be, "Wasn't comparable medical care available closer to your tax home of record?"
Talk to your CPA about this before making any plans. (Never live your life influenced by the bottom line of your tax return!) Tell your CPA that a fellow CPA (licensed in CA & OH) sent you! 😉
"Some people will give their eye teeth to travel to the Philippines."
Oh Laurence, I'd be happy to pay full fare, first class at that, but I would surely not wish to give up my eye and teeth for the privilege of going to the Philippines. 🙄 (Unless they're diseased and some medical professionals will take them out anyway, if that is what you meant.)
Paul to the rescue. Very good advice, Paul. Thank you.
How about this, Laurence and angie – "some people will go to the Philippines to get their eye teeth back – and at a reasonable price!"
Sounds very good Bob. You came up with the best compromise. I'll drink to that.
Hi Bob… thanks for the kind comments on my fellow dentists… AS I always tell my patients, having a great smile for life is something both the dentist and the patient must work for, together.
Hi Dr. Debbie Occena-Sablada – I am very happy to have left a good comment about dentists in the Philippines! They do good work, and offer a good price.
Thank you for stopping by my site.
i feel i need to compliment the previous poster, dr. debbie. now that's a dentist website! wish more local businesses promote their site this way. very un-davao 😆
from patient privacy to info, payment & the iweb site design. great job.
Hi macky – very true! I also was impressed with Dr. Debbie's website!
Hi Bob,
I loved the idea of a visit to Philippines to get dental work done and enjoy myself! I NEED dental work, but it will be expensive here in Canada.
Its one more reason to go because I have been indecisive for a year now. Thanks for your increwdible blog. (And I am a regular paying customer of yours too!)
Hi Bob B – Thanks for visiting, I'm glad that you enjoy the site! Thank you also for patronizing our store online!
I wish you good luck with your dental work! I do believe that you can have excellent dental work done here at a bargain of a price! If you plan to come to Davao, I would be happy to assist you. If you are going elsewhere in the Philippines, I probably wouldn't have information on dentists there, though.
Hi Bob,
Missed something on web page re my dentel work by Dr Lourdes and would like to let you and your readers know that I did indeed get many quotes with the same emailed photos I sent Dr Lourdes. Many in Manila and Thailand were at least double the price and in my opinion with the work I had done by Dr Lourdes most of these quotes included a large amount of work in fact not really required. There is a Dentist in Davao who advertisers heaverly on the web from whom I also received quotes and I can tell you this guy quoted well over USD7000.00 for the work he wanted to do and it would have entailed me making two trips 3 months apart. Definate over servicing on his part.
Further singing Dr Lourdes praise is the fact she performed extra work over and above what she had given me the quote to do and wouldn't take any extra money to cover this extra work.
It's near to 12 months since I had my smile makeover in Davao and can say with all honesty I am very happy with the work done. Like it's great to be able to chew into a hard apple, that's something I could do for over 40 years.
Cheers Leon 😀 See I am still smiling 😀
Typo in above comment,
Chewing a hard apple was something I could not do for over 40 years. 😳
Hi Leon Andrews – Thanks for your additional word about the work that Dr. Lourdes did for you. I have also been very happy with her services!
Hi Bob – May i know the clinic address and telephone number of your dentist Dr Lourdes. I am going to visit my family there and need to have my teeth to be fixed there. Thank you very much in advance.
Hi Luz B – The dentist that I use is Dr. Lourdes Lebosada. She advertises on this site. Her clinic is at Aldevinco Shopping Center just across the street from Marco Polo Hotel. You can view her website at: http://dentist.liveinthephilippines.com
I recommend Dr. Lourdes highly!
Hi Bob – Thank you again for the informations.
Hi Luz B – Happy to assist!
I don't understand something,I found this page coz searching for a way to visit the philippines.I have a g/f there whom I haven't been able to visit…now going on 2 years this feburary since first met online.I cant afford the $2,000 + USD to visit.i also need dental work,nothing big just a few patch jobs and cleaning….and whitening….haven't brushed for first 20 years of my life so got stains. Anyway I see the title says free trip to the philippines but no answer on how its free or instructions on getting a free trip.
I searched everything to visit my girl,She don't approve of my moving there,we have plans to start a family in the states so bad idea to move to the philippines.
But likes idea of my visit,just don't know how can manage it with my little pay.
I only earn $800 USD a month.I researched everything from studying,to working abroad.Even volunteering in the philippines cost money ontop of the travel expenses I'll still have to pay myself.Don't understand how its volunteer work if I have to pay to do the work.All I want is a chance to visit my girl and say hi to her son.he's 10 calls me dad.would like to take him fishing or something like that.Since his mom left his real dad coz of abuse he hasn't had a real father figure in his life other than uncles.I want him to know I'm for real not going away.Plus really want to spend time with my girl,she's my life.Sounds corny but thats how I feel.
Anyway anyone with idea's on getting to the country cheap or free please let me know.
Hi dragonext – If you marry this girl, you will have trouble bringing her to the States, because your income is too low, and you won't be able to pass the requirements to support the girl, especially when she has kids.
Of course, the article clearly says that you get your trip free by getting medical or dental work done – the savings pays the cost of the trip.
Hi Bob and Macky… i was surprised a friend of mine told me your responded to my comments.. Thanks for the pleasant surprise! 😀
Hi Dr. Debbie Occeña-Sablada- Nice to see you here again! Honestly, I respond to every person who leaves a comment on any articles I write, and you are no exception to that! By the way, I notice on your site that you are interested in Interior Design, and my wife (Feyma) is also passionate about that! We live quite near to where your clinic is. Maybe we can meet for coffee sometime?
Hi Bob.. just call me Debbie, or if you must, Dr. Debbie. 🙂
Hi Dr. Debbie Occeña-Sablada- No problem, Debbie.. will do! On the comment beginning where it says "Hi Dr. Debbie……" that is software that I am using for my comment reply. It automatically starts off my comment with the name as it was entered by the commenter that I am responding to!
I am going to stop by your office one of these days and meet you…
i wanna travel to the philippines pls
Hi lady – The planes come here every day, so you can surely do it if you want to!