Well, I got the news yesterday. Next week is a big week for me, and I have to study, study, study. I have my first exam next week.
That’s right, when I had my Bisaya Class yesterday, Bebe (my teacher) informed me that for next week’s class, it’s exam time! We just finished Lesson 9 in my book, and after Lesson 9 there is an exam. I believe the exam is on grammar and also vocabulary. Bebe was particularly emphasizing to me that I need to know my vocabulary, so I expect that it will be the major part of the exam. I feel good about it, though, because I feel like I really know the things that have been taught to me so far. And, on the vocabulary, I feel really comfortable there.
What I am finding on the vocabulary is that I know a lot of the words already. Each week, the lesson will include a list of maybe 20 or so words that I need to learn. When I first look at them, I usually already know at least 10 of them, and sometimes up to 15 out of the 20. That gives me a good head start! I guess that because I have been around the Bisaya language for more than 17 years now, I naturally picked up a lot of words. I just never realized how many I knew! The thing is, I knew these words, but I really didn’t know how to use them in the proper form. Being able to form the proper sentence is very important. Even if you know the words, not being able to put them into a proper sentence renders them useless.
So, over the next week, I will be studying, because I really do want to do well on the exam! Learning Bisaya is something that is important to me, and I am trying to give it the attention that is required. I want to be able to join in more with Filipinos in my area, and by knowing Bisaya that should be easy!
Wish me luck!
On a side note: Yesterday afternoon I posted up my first Video Blog! It is a video that Feyma shot of the Samal Bat Caves. I put it up on YouTube, and then posted that to ourย Video Blog! Enjoy!
Good luck on your exam. We're paying for my brother in law's High School an his second report card just came out. Better than the first but not by much, mostly C's with 1 B. Then again I noticed they grade harsher over here.
Hi Louis – I feel pretty good about the exam, but I will study for it anyway! It is my goal to score 100% on that! But, anything 90% and above would be acceptable. I don't want to go below 90%.
Good luck to your brother-in-law! ๐
I also want to be fluent in Tagalog.Its something I've been working on since I visited Davao earlier this year.I would guess I know around 300 or so words and the basics of sentence structure.Overall there is so much more to learn.I'll be writing more about this topic in my blog. I just recently found out that Cebauno and Bisaya share a lot of the same words.I'm not sure what exactly is the connection there. I couldnt wait 17 years like yourself to learn the language.I got so annoyed by not understanding people around me and made it a goal to learn tagalog and have a basic understanding by the time I'm back in Davao.
Hi Jeff – Thanks for your comment. For me, I have no interest in learning Tagalog, because the average guy on the street in Davao is not a Tagalog speaker, he is a Bisaya speaker. Do they know how to speak Tagalog? Sure! But, that is not their language of choice. By the way, Cebuano and Bisaya are two different words naming the same language! Cebuano IS Bisaya. There are different types of Bisaya, but for the most part, if somebody says they speak Bisaya, that means they speak Cebuano.
Good luck with your studies!
Go for it, Bob, I am sure you will ace it! Yes, learning the grammar structure makes all the difference, and that is not something easy to just pick up! I commend you on your efforts!
Thanks, AmericanLola. You know how much I value your opinion! I feel good about the grammar part, although sometimes I have to spend more than one week on a particular lesson until I "get it" – I do end up getting it! And, the vocabulary is usually a breeze with just a little study time.
Hi Bob and Hi Jeff,
Wow! I am really impressed with both of you. I'm sure you'll do great. Good luck!
Hi Joy Co – Thanks for the encouragement. This is my third time to take tutoring – third time is a charm, right? First time, i got seriously ill (almost died). Second time I kind of lost interest. This time, though, I have stuck with it longer than either of the first two attempts. I think I can make it this time around!
Hi Bob! I wish you goodluck! How about putting your reviewers in your pillow and eating peanuts before your exam like what my mom used to make me do? ๐ Break a leg!
Hi Cathy – Ha ha… I didn't know that peanuts will help you learn!
Thanks for your good advice! ๐
Lucky you. Unfortunately, I have never developed an ear for languages. In fact I'm still struggling to master my native American english LOL. I wish you best of success. Bob, I hope you can provide me some good dirtyBisaya words and expressions later down the road. I know my wife would love for me to talk dirty Bisaya to her LOL
Hi Bob, I am sure you can do it. And if it's 90%, "ok lang"…! Good luck. ๐
Hi Corey- I don't think Bob is having bisaya lessons so he can pass on to you rude words for you to whisper to your Asawa.
Why don't you just tell her "Higuguma ko ikaw" I think she will be more pleased with that and by doing so Feyma is less likely to kick Bob up the sampot.
JIM, It was a joke you twit. LOL means LAUGHING OUT LOUD. Means it is a JOKE!!! The post was a joke I am learning that there is very little humor here.Jim what are you like ten years old. And Jim, it was dirty words not rude. BIG DIFF! Unbelievable. And please don't ever tell me what would please my wife.
Hi Corey – I was the one that was trying to be diplomatic as lots of people read this blog. No offence ment or intended.
Hi Klaus – Thanks for your support!
Hi Corey – When I first read your comment I felt it was a little different, with the "dirty words" thing. This tends to be more of a family site where that is not so appropriate. That being said, it is also pretty normal that when people first are learning a new language the first thing that they normally learn are the swear words. That is something that Feyma and I always laugh about. Also, I would tend to disagree with you that there is not much humor here on the site, we have plenty of joking interaction among the readers and such. Most of it is good natured, and not on the dirty side, though.
Hi Jim – Thanks for your support. I pretty much agree with you that this is not the site for the "dirty talk" and such.
You guys crack me up. Again I reiterate that what I posted was not serious. It was a joke. There was no DIRTY insinations so stop with the nonsensical rhetoric. Excluding Bob, I would really like to know about those who are beating me up with these posts. I would bet you are in your late 50's – 70's, church going or Godly, conservative (Republican if American) and probably romantically involved with women young enough to be your daughter if not grandaughter (now this is Dirty) . And this as i described above BAR NONE is the largest white expat demographic you will find in the Philippines today who has come here to retire. Frankly, back home you would be considered a DIRTY OLD MAN, a PARAIAH and worse.
Corey – Honestly, nobody is beating you up. Jim made one comment, only one. You are the one who is continuing the discussion.
I know that what you wrote was a joke, Corey. What Jim was saying is that it is the kind of joke that doesn't really fit in with community here, that's all.
By the way, what you assume about Jim is wrong. I know Jim, and I know his wife Marilou. They are good people, Marilou is not the age to be Jim's daughter. Jim is not American either. Jim and Marilou do great work in assisting an orphanage here in Mindanao, and it is a passion for Jim. The guy made one comment, and not even in a mean way. The best thing would be to just drop it at this point.
Hello Corey,
** Frankly, back home you would be considered a DIRTY OLD MAN, a PARAIAH and worse.**
Given that my Filipina wife whom I married two years ago is much younger than myself I guess I am one of the ones your refer to above. I can only factually recount my own experiences here in the UK.
I live in a moderate size of town and have done so for the last 25 years, I am well known here because of my job. Everyone has welcomed my new wife and made her feel at home and I have had no adverse comments. I have written in the local paper about my experiences in the Philippines so everyone knows about my marriage. My business is going from strength to strength.
I was recently asked to become a school governor.
When we are in the Philippines we also have no problem, everyone is very welcoming. I was recently at the Philippines Embassy in London being interviewed for my 13 A visa, the Consul himself said what a contribution people like myself make to the economy when we move to the Philippines and bring our wealth with us. Reading between the lines the likes of myself will be a super OFW.
Perhaps my wife and myself are judged because of our age difference but a couple would also be judged on their appearance, decorum and how they interact with and treat others.
I've been on the internet since before there was an internet. We just had the local BBS and FidoNet (anyone remember those?). Seriousy I learned back then DON'T FEED THE TROLLS. Don't click on Corey's name it takes you to a spam MLM site. Be warned.
Duh! I should have known better, thanks for that Louis …
Hi Scott – Long time no see! So, if you were doing your 13A, it would seem that I'll be seeing you soon, is that right? Nice comment, by the way, I think that you really summed up your point very well.
Hi Louis – You are right about feeding the trolls. I have, however, been to Corey's site, and it is not an MLM spam site. He has an interesting site, IMHO.
It is interesting to me to observe how a person who is so touchy about his 'right' to make jokes about 'talking dirty' to his Filipina wife, is so quick to judge, catagorize and belittle all of the rest of us. This says a lot about him and very little about us, other than that people like him make the rest of us look bad. And I am obviously not an older man married to a Filipina.
hmm when I hover over corey's name I get a link to mlminsider.com… mlm being multi level marketing diba?
Hi Louis – I just checked, some of Corey's links do go to the MLM site. Others go to http://philippinediver.net/ which is the one that I saw. He switches between them.
Hi Bob- Like all your other respectful readers and contributors I'm sure that people like Corey will always criticise us for whatever reason but to be honest I was quite taken aback by his outburst.
Never mind I'm sure there is more good folks than bad who support this site.
Hi Jim – I agree with you, I think that Corey was a little off base with his comments. Hopefully he can step back and look at the discussion and realize that nobody was attacking him.
Hi Bob,
Though I have been reading the blog I have been too busy of late to make many posts.
I got my 13a now from the embassy in London, no problem. I was able to identify which visa to get and the best way to get it from your site .. thanks very much for that. I am busy sorting out my affairs here prior to coming over to Davao but there is still lots to sort out with my business and such.
I have also been very busy with the travel arrangements and tours of London with the nuns I was telling you about in my last post here ……. ๐
Hi Scott – refresh my memory… when you get the 13(a) it is good for how long? I have in my mind that you need to use it within 6 months. Is that correct?
Hi Bob,
Yes you have to arrive in the Philippines within six months of issue and present the sealed bundle of papers they give you at the bureau of immigration either in Manila or Davao. The actual visa itself is valid for a year though.
For someone like myself I thought it best to make sure I could get the visa before I took any active steps to clear up my business affairs. For example if I sold my business and then found I could not enter the Philippines on a permanent basis I would feel a bit upset ๐
However all is well, I have the visa now and I plan to be in Davao early next year.
Hi Scott – I'm surprised to hear when you said that you can report to the Bureau of Immigration in Davao! That is a nice improvement, because when we Immigrated here you could only take care of that at the BoI office in Intramuros, Manila. What a major hassle!
I certainly understand your point about wanting to have the Visa in hand before selling the business! ๐