President Rodrigo Duterte took office in the Philippines on June 30, 2016. There is a lot of hype in the media (both Philippine and International media) that there have been thousands of deaths in Duterte’s “war on drugs”. I have seen and heard some people actually call Duterte a murderer. But, is it true?
Well, it depends on how you define murder. If you use the normal dictionary definitions, I don’t think he is a murderer at all. Most dictionaries say that a murderer is a person who unlawfully dills another person. There are, however, times when a person gets killed and it is lawful to do so.
For example, capital punishment is legal in some countries, including much of the United States. When a person has been killed under capital punishment, that murder, because the legal system has sanctioned the death.
Another lawful way that some people get killed is when they are acting illegally during police action. For example, if the police go to a person’s house to investigate the reported operation of a drug lab or some other illegal activity, and the person resists arrest, it is lawful for the police to defend themselves and sometimes it is lawful to use deadly force in this situation. As far as I know, the alleged “murders” have been the result of police action. Duterte is serious about cleaning up the drug and crime problems in the Philippines. He is sending police out to raid places where illegal activity is taking place. If those who are involved in the illegal activity resist police, I believe that police are fully justified to take the action necessary to stop them.
At a recent Senate hearing, Senator Alan Peter Cayetano, who ran for Vice President on Duterte’s ticket, showed statistics about the deaths under Duterte. The figures he showed revealed that there are no more deaths occurring now than there were under President Aquino. There is a striking difference, though… according to the figures shown, under previous administrations the people were being killed by criminals, including the drug syndicate. Now, under Duterte it is the criminals that are being killed! Big difference. Fewer innocent people are being killed now, and more criminals are paying the price.

I hear a lot of Americans telling me (remember, I am American!) that President Duterte is violating the Human Rights of the criminals when they end up dead during police action. Really? The President of the United States currently is Barack Obama. President Obama even won the “Nobel Peace Prize” shortly after he took office in 2009. President Obama has been vocal that he wants to talk to President Duterte on teh topic of Human Rights. Now, statistics show that Barack Obama is killing a lot of people with Drone attacks in countries like Afghanistand and Pakistan among others.
Some would argue that the drone killings are justified because it is part of the War on Terror, which President Obmaa has continued since he took office. Many thousands of people have been killed by American drone strikes.
President Duterte is also waging war. The War on Drugs.
So, if you consider President Duterte a murderer, do you also consider President Obama a murderer?
My thoughts

Personally, I don’t have a problem with the deaths caused by the drone strikes. I think that Obama is justified in fighting a war against terror, and if using a drone to take out the bad guys is the best way to do it, I have no problem with the results. Some innocent people die – sometimes there are families with kids in the houses that are hit by drone strikes – I feel bad that it happens, but it is part of a war. I certainly do not consider President Obama a murderer. I also did not consider President Bush a murderer. I believe that each of these men were fighting a war trying to wipe out people who are bent on killing innocent people.
But, I also have no problem with the way that President Duterte is waging his war on drugs. I believe that it will make the Philippines a safer place for those who live here. The statistics that I mentioned earlier kind of sum it up for me.. if the same number of people are being killed as in the past, but the innocent people are not the ones being killed, well, that seems like a win to me.
Personally, I feel that if you are against President Obama killing people with drone strikes and you are also against President Duterte killing people with police action against criminals… well, you ahve a right to believe that. I really have no problem, because by being against both of them, your position is consistent.
If you are in favor of President Obama fighting the war on terror, even if deaths happen, and you are also in favor of President waging the war against drugs and other crime in the Philippines, I am in agreement with your position.
If, however, you are in favor of President Obama’s fight, yet you think Duterte is a murderer.. well, I think that is a rather hypocritical position. We are all free to our opinions, but I just don’t think that position is well thought out.
I know that this article will be controversial with many. No problem. I am just speaking my thoughts (which I have a right to do, just as you have a right to your thoughts).
Truth is, what President Duterte is doing is making the Philippines a safer place for those who are law abiding citizens. The most recent polls show that 91% of Filipinos are in support of President Duterte’s policies. So, when you read in the Newspaper about how bad the policy is.. just realize that the vast majority of people don’t agree. In fact, the vast majority think that the way the drug lords are being handled is pretty much right on track.
If he is or is not, history will judge. I liked one of his responses to a reporter. Loose translation: “I’m already 71 years old. Under Philippine law anyone over 70 can’t be help in prison due to age. No matter what, I don’t go to jail”
Ha ha, I did not hear about that one… classic reply!
In the USA in my part at least we would call the president a good ole Boy and we protect our Families and our Country and that is what he is doing with what he has and makes no apologies and why should he!
He is doing a dirty job,no one sent an invitation to drug lords to kill and mame Filipino’s with their poison and if they fight back during a raid so be it they must pay the price,not dead policemen,IMHO
Semper Fi
Thank you for your service!
Yes, I also heard him say that. So unlike Gloria, he can’t be prosecuted after he leaves office, and of course he can’t be prosecuted while in office. Don’t forget that some of his children are lawyers 😉
As a lawyer and former prosecutor he knows that he can legally do whatever he wants to as President.
It’s true!!
I wish America had a president with balls, like the Philippines president…i will keep my political views in check as best as i can, but obama is destroying the USA while Duterte is building the Philippines up
Well, one thing is for sure, Bob… the next US President will or will not have balls… literally.
Just a Brits observation on US presidential election….dont you have better candidates than these two ?
Back to the Item…Is Duterte a murderer ? Depends on your point of view…Sometimes strong men (or women) are needed…was not the West Lawless at one time, and how was the law imposed ?
Way I see it Duterte has declared war on Drugs ( and law and order, please correct me if I am wrong), but its not hot air or bluster, he has a track record of doing this as Mayor of Davao, which he transformed from the Murder Capitol of the Philippines into one the safest cities in the Philippines, and did he not warn the criminals what he would do ? Reason he won the Election because this guy is not just hot air ( Like Trump will prove to be should this racist win the US Presidency), and has he not warned the criminals what he intends to do.
These drug lords and criminals use the law and an inefficient system to get away with what they do, so they can enjoy their ill gotten gains. Duterte is prepared to do what it takes.
“Murder Capitol of the Philippines into one the safest cities in the Philippines”
I believe it is more like safest in the world. If I remember right, someone said the 4th safest in the world. My guess would be what makes it unsafe is Abu-Sayyaf which Murphy’s Law proved again to be true with that recent bombing.
Bob Martin ~ I hope you are wrong. Obama has done a good job of devastating the US. HRC would do a better one. Look at her track record, well, what you can see of it with 33,000 emails destroyed with Bleachbit and a dozen phones destroyed with a sledgehammer after getting a suponea for both.
lol witty
And figuratively!
Scary if your prediction is true
Bob – there seems to be even some questions about Billary’s anatomy 🙂
Bob Martin Trump does!!
Of course,William. But Hillary has none.
Of course she has balls. Who else would brave heavy sniper fire to get to a girl with flowers?
Hell she may not live long enough anyway
Good point! If she doesn’t cough herself to death, her uncontrollable bobble head might just fall off.
HRC would destroy the US 10 times more than Obama has, and he has done a hell of a job. Our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us, thus DU30’s comments about Obama.
Wow. face palm. Sorry to say so Bob Martin.
No need to be sorry, whatever actions you make don’t have an effect on me.
I believe he is, but considered it part of his job at the time
Not sure if you read the article. When you say you think “he” is, do you mean Duterte or Obama?
There you go again, expecting us to actually read articles before commenting on them….hahaha 😉
Did you read the article? It would seem that Obama is too then.
Why do criminals that harm or kill innocent people or sell harmful drugs have human rights. They did not take into consideration the human rights of their victims.
My thoughts exactly that the human rights of the victims must be considered as well!
Let’s start with the big O. He approved the drone strike on Alalaki in Yemen so that was killing a known terrorist. The thing was he was an American citizen so didn’t he deserve a trial, even if he was a traitor? And his 14 year old son killed in the same raid certainly got no trial. On the drug war remember Thailand had a similar mission in the early 2000’s which at the time was very popular locally. Several years later studies showed HALF of those killed had nothing to do with drugs but were killed to settle scores, greed, etc. I am very very conservative politically, hate drugs, hate terrorism, BUT I do believe people deserve to be tried in court before being executed.
You forget to mention that President Obama approved drone strikes on hundreds of targets. Thousands of people were killed in those strikes. Many of those who died were innocent. Like I said in the article, it is war, and I don’t have a problem with it. But, the same is true with Duterte’s war on drugs, which I also have no problem with.
Obama did not kill only one with his drone strikes, which is seemingly what you are saying.
As far as I am concerned, by actively siding with al Qaeda, al-Awlaqi committed treason. He not only committed treason, but his ongoing actions were putting American lives, as well as the lives of many other innocent people in jeopardy.
When a person so obviously commits ongoing acts of treason, my estimation of their citizenship rights drops to the bottom of my priorities list. It may be wrong, by one principle to kill them without due process, but by a higher principle that the most innocent lives possible should be protected, it would be more wrong to delay in neutralizing the threat that he posed, or unnecessarily risk lives in an attempt to capture him alive.
Extra-judicial killing may be a walk toward a slippery slope, but political/legal correctness without common sense or exception can be even more dangerous to the footing of a civilized society.
HI Dave,
My thoughs exactly about Awlaqi. I have no problem with the way he was handled. However, I also respect Tony’s thought, because at least he is consistent.
I respect your thoughts. But: 1. Those who are killed thru police operation (not killed by vigilante or rival drug group) especially drug lords resist arrest with violence so they get killed. 2. Our president is a former city prosecutor and he knows exactly how these drug lords seek refuge to a corrupt judicial system in my country (some judges are being bribed by drug lords). So our president has to look for another legal way to execute his promise to clean the country from the drug menance. 3. It is obvious that the Liberal Party is usimg the PRESSTITUTES to paint our president badly in the eyes of other countries. So I hope UN, US and other countries would be logical and fair in judging our president. He is our hope to put the Philippines back in order and pish thru with progress that has long been delayed.
Well, even ordinary people killed somebody and until now still on the loose even those who caught on cameras.
Perhaps so. That is a Philippine issue which I am not involved with, and I did not write about ordinary people killing… I wrote about whether President Duterte is a killer.
No Bob I was drawing the distinction that the target was a US citizen and not a known foreign terrorist.
He was a known terrorist, nad he trained many others to be terrorists. He was a US citizen, but chose to go fight and train others on foreign soil. I have no problem with his being killed.
And the 14 year old US citizen killed at the same time had no rights as well?
I never said any such thing. Why would you try to put words in my mouth?
I see you are in the ” agree with everything I say mode today”.
No, I spelled out what I agree with in my article. I was VERY clear about that.
Seems you are in the “nitpick” mode today?
My point is this,when people are judged and killed without trial, be it by a Pentagon General, Barangy Captain, or whoever, it opens the door to abuse (as seen in Thailand and elsewhere).
Your position is consistent then, and I have no problem with that. We are on different sides, but that’s okay for me.
In my opinion, I agree on cleaning up and rebuild our country, bad seeds got to go and only keep the good seeds
I am with you Nilda!
The only problem with this kind of clean up Nilda, is that it will lead to abuse, especially by those in power, to keep control of what they have. I agree with Bob that the police have every right to defend themselves and others, when they take out those who resist. I also have respectful disagreements with some of Bob’s comment, but that is not what I am responding to here. It seems to me, ‘Due Process’ seems to be going out to the way side in this type of cleansing. History has shown and proved many times this type of cleansing leads to human atrocities. Already, the innocent are being killed and being chalked up as collateral damage. When the rule of law is not followed or ignored, no matter how despicable the crime or the person being tried is, lawlessness is sure to follow in that society. Many more innocents will die, before those who will have the courage to stand up and fight to change, what is likely to become the status quo, of this cleansing you believe in. In this type of cleansing, who is to stop someone that has grudge on you, from accusing you Nilda, of being a drug pusher or user? Will you get the ‘Due Process’, you rightfully deserve, to prove your innocence of such an accusation, or will masked gun men seek you out to apply their cleansing justice before you even get your ‘Due Process’?
President Duterte is just cleaning up the mess previous administration’s has left. It’s sad that all of this mess is blamed on him.
He is doing a great job of cleaning up!
Here in the US too many good seeds got killed and the bad seeds still on the lose, too bad ! Hope we have a president here like Duterte!
That is what was happening in the RP as well, but the President is changing that!
I do not agreed that he is. But if that soo, will, thats a good job, !!! Losing garbage and trust are definitely, absolutely good job for me… for changes ….
Perhaps you did not read the article. I also do not believe that DU30 is a murderer. I think he is doing the right thing.
Ofcourse he do
Not scary if you are not bad person …
Anybody who is not a criminal has nothing to fear.
absolutely you’re right,if you are law abiding citizen,not involve in any illegal activities..no need to worry,no scary moment anywhere you go..
Its not scary Our president said Just Obey the Law as simple as that!if u do then nothing to worry about!the Corrupt Politicians and Oligarchs Are d ones Who are Very very Scared!!thats d Truth !!??
Many foreign people killed by the bad person here in phil, and im so sorry for that .
Local or foreign, if they are innocent it is sad that they are killed.
Now is the time for change …
It seems that change has arrived!
lowest point of the liberal party’s political history. the senate inquiry was more comical than anything else. susmariosep,. wa nalang nag pangita ug tarung tarung nga testigo.
Yeah, that Senate hearing looked like more of a joke than anything else.
That’s like saying; let’s get rid of the losers.
My question to you:
Who are the winners?
We are, 3k+ people killed involved in drugs against 80m+ Filipinos. We want to claim our country back. And we can do it with Duterte on the helm. Mabuhay! Cheers.
For the US Presidential Election can we write in DU30 ?? ::)
Sorry. I don’t think the Filipinos will let him go!
No we won’t. <3
Can you imagine what the liberals would do if the same thing was done in the US.
This is written to learn your thoughts Bob as someone who lives there, not to argue any points. What are your thoughts on the 500 plus killed not by police, the ones left dead with cardboard placards? Is it true or media exaggerations? Hard to tell over her in US what Due30 is saying sometimes poor translation and Filipino speech patterns, but didn’t he encourage common people to go ahead and kill any drug dealers/users and they would be protected? Isnt that promoting a vigilantism and mayhem? Don’t like your coworker, kill him and throw a cardboard sign on him calling him a pusher and get away with it? Just curious, I’m all for police pursuing and prosecuting and killing criminals if they resist, but from over here it seems like some people (users, addicts) are getting a punishment – death – far worse than their crime.
I have my doubts on this, Jim, how accurate the media is being about those killings. But, in the end, they should be investigated, and if it is a legitimate killing (self defense, etc) then no problem. If not, the people should be charged. But, the President is not promoting for private people to go around killing others… he is telling police that if suspects evade arrest or fight with police it is OK to kill them if that is necessary. I have no problem with that.
We handle things differently here in the US, because of our constitution, but the constitution was written when things here were far different than they are now, so in my opinion, some of the things in our constitution need to be updated to the way life is now rather than the way it was when it was written, approaching 250 years ago.
I dont know a great deal of the details of exactly what is happening there on the war on drugs, but of what I do know, I have no problem at all with the way Duterte is handling it. If it were handled here , more like it is there, I personally think things here would be better, and we would have far less drug dealers to deal with here.
It seems like the news media there, changes the story somewhat of what actually happens vs they way they tell it, so glad our news media here in US, is so unbiased when it comes to giving the public the news. hahaha
On your last line, I almost chocked and spit up my coffee until I saw the “ha haha” at the end! 😉
Hahaha! I’m speechless.Except that I want to say that I also almost choked to paradise.
Bill, the only thing I agree with how Duterte is handling the dug problem in the Philippines, is that he is going after the drug user just as strong as he is with the drug dealers. Drug dealers, pushers, and producers are a dime a dozen. There will always be a ‘Pablo Escobar’ waiting in the wings to take over after another has been taken down. Like the teeth of a shark, there will always be another to replace the one that was lost. It’s simple economics of supply and demand. The demand is great in the USA and other countries, that no matter how risky the drug producing and dealing is, the millions of dollars to be made, is worth that risk for many to take, especially those who are poor and living in third world countries. If there was no demand, there would be no need for producers and dealers. The problem is there are just as many excuses why so many use drugs as there are drug users, that the only solution that has been offered is to go after the drug producers and dealers. It does not help either when celebrities of all types and people in power use and glorify drug use. But like I said, get rid of one major cartel and another is waiting in the wings to take their place. Why?? The demand in the USA and other countries is there and growing. Don’t believe me, look it up and see how many cartels have been brought down, and how many more keep coming up.
Just wish people like DeLima would get off his back and let him get on with it.
DeLima has been after Rody for about 7 or 8 years now, and she never pinned anything on him. She is nothing more than a pest in my view.
copied from yesterday in a more appropriate forum………couldn’t be bothered to retype it!
Hi Bob
I do get fed up with the mainstream global media’s reporting of President Duterte as they only seem to report the negative i.e. drugs killings.
Who are the so called first world countries to criticise him for his reported actions? The USA & UK for example have their own methods of dealing with drugs and they have failed miserably. Duterte is trying his own methods and they have some positive effect. In the UK you might get a few years in prison for drug dealing and then you are free to get out and continue your life of crime.
All this BS in the press about civil liberties for the drug dealers………what bout the civil liberties of the people who have their family life torn apart by the drugs that these people sell?
Hi AJ – Yep! Your comment fits right in on this post! 🙂
Seems like Duerte should consider using tent village prisons like Sheriff Joe has done in Arizona to help combat the drug problem and the much over-crowded prison system.
The overcrowded conditions are an incentive for the criminals to change their ways.
They might get something like that. Some pols have suggested using a separate Island as a prison.
Time for a little US cooperation and Rent out Adak in the Aleutians as a Prison Island? An Oregon State legislature suggested that a few years back.
Tom Popp One submerged would be good.
Tom there are lots of uninhabited islands here!
Thanks Bob this will be the reason Americans here, should realize.
Thank you Cez.
I’d like to tagged this to CNN or ABC…to wake up those people who doesn’t understand the Phil’s situation.
Ha ha. They would never believe.
Aww yeah, they’re just listening to what the news is. The bias media! I once lived in Central Park, closeby to the Pres. House.
Praying Pres. Duterte’s war on drugs will work and so with his other battles as well as his safety. He is not a murderer but considering it is a war against ills (cancer) of our society as well terrorists… he maybe considering fighting terror using terror… as such there will always be collateral damages. I do not consider him a murderer but a terrorist for a cause. No offense and sorry.. just an opinion… go Rody go!
There was already a plot to kill him so I also hope he remains safe!
Bob Martin then i would strongly recommend moving the seat of gov’t. to Mindanao for his safety.
Duterte is a very good man, to those who are good. And/but most devil to those evils…but purely not terrorist!!!
There is always goodness in every human heart Cez Parker..but if he is a devil to those evils… what do we consider Pres. Duterte then? A good man with a heart of a devil? or a devil with a good heart? no offense.
Duterte is a devil with a big good heart!
A good heart because his ideals and plans are for the betterment of the filipino people but he needs to act and to be the devil himself so that he could do his ideals.
Note: if he is a good man with a good heart I believe he won’t be able to do any of his ideals considering how things work in the Philippines. Due to that, I admire his sacrifice to be the devil with a good heart.
You missed out that he is a Brave man..Duterte is not stupid, he knows that he is a marked man and there are those who want to see him dead…I hope those scum do not succeed.
Olryt, mag Mar Ka nlang…to make the story short…bye…?
Cez Parker bye.. love you!
Hi Bob,
I think comparing the War on Drugs to the War on Terror is a stronger argument for the War on Drugs than the Capital Punishment in the USA argument. Capital Punishment is only done after a trial by jury and conviction. I used to favor Capital Punishment, but there have been several case of people on Death Row being proven innocent by DNA evidence in my home state of NC.
Hi Jay – the killings that are happening and sanctioned by the President cannot be considered punishment or akin to capital punishment, because he has only authorized killings of those who evade police or endanger police. In the USA, police kill, or wound, those who pose a threat to them, right? Is that an extra judicial killing/ Should American police let the criminals kill them to ensure that they get a trial before they face the ultimate punishment? Or, are American police OK to kill suspects to try to kill the police?
Hi Bob,
I don’t think you understood my comment. I understand the argument that in a war people are killed without due process. I also support police having the right to self-defense. I have not and will not express an opinion pro or con on the Philippine War on Drugs. I do not favor as some do having a similar policy in the USA that is as much as I will say that is not the same as criticizing President Duterte’s policy.
OK, Jay. I understand, and thank you for the follow up. I think it is important to point out that we really are just discussing the Philippines, and I don’t know of anybody who has proposed a similar type of drug policy in the US. If somebody did, it would be for discussion on a different site than this one! No problems…
Take care.
Hi Bob,
I remember reading you say that foreigners should not get involved in Philippine politics. I think that is sound advice. It seems you are not following your own advice with your outspoken support for President Duterte. I am not arguing about whether or not President Duterte is right or wrong, but I am not sure you should be either. Your obviously a grown man and can make your own decision and I respect that.
The question which I feel is not mine to answer is, “Is the drug problem in the Philippines bad enough to justify an actual War on Drugs?” If the answer is “Yes” then President Duterte is justified. If the answer is “No”, then he is not. I personally do not feel it is my place to answer this question. In war innocent people are unfortunately sometimes victims like you mentioned with the USA’s War on Terrorism.
Du30 is a brilliant and open minded in killing people . He’s going to kill the.people who destroying our country
Great article…im just ashamed of the local mediamen painting a negative picture to our dear president.
Typical of worldwide media!
Im not surprised at all…tsk! That’s why the world is crazier these days…thank you for being an open minded person sir..
I agree. The media spreads a lot of disinformation, and it has mad the world a worse place.
omg no proof just hearsays to the lowest level! fcking joke
Cnn philippines has a whole copy of that interpellation….get the whole story, the senators said the witness has zero credibility. He lied many times.
De Lima has been trying to pin Duterte for many years, but she never succeeded at all.
Bob Martin and she’ll never succeed, more than 90% of Filipinos are behind Pres. Duterte.
Even Americans like me are behind him! I have lived in the Philippines for more than 16 years now, in Davao, and I am proud to call him my former Mayor and now President.
How could they hate this man. Why not let him do his job.
If he killed those bad people its okay, he did it for the good of the Philippines not for himself alone… He is the only one who has courage to do it and thats what we all want. We had enough of drug users and no one has ever did the same as what the Preaident is doing now. We will keep our support to Pres Duterte in all means
God Bless him n keep him safe
Thank you for this article, sir. This means a lot for us who grow up under the leadership of our president. Big media saddens us with their biased news and articles aiming to destroy our president. Thank God for the very accessible social media…now, we can defend President Duterte and tell the world the truth about what is really happening in our beloved country.
My pleasure, Katherine.
during the campaign, he repeatedly said ‘if you elect me, its going to be bloody’ he kept repeating those words and he kept threatening criminals. his christmas greeting to filipinos? well it was directed to criminals and he said ‘this will be your last merry christmas’. so filipinos already knew that many criminals will die if we elect him, and guess what filipinos elected him with 16million votes. 7million higher than the next highest vote. so what is the filipino people’s message? the message is we are tired of these criminals running their show destroying the country and the next generation. if what it takes is for these criminals to die then so be it, i honestly think they deserve it. duterte’s involvement with the davao death squad has been in the media for many years, even in the 90s. its never been proven but many many people believe it, so why is it the duterte was still elected? why is it that despite is dirty mouth he was elected? its simple. we want these idiot criminals GONE
He has followed through with his promises. That is what the people wanted him to do.
They have already done the inquest on him in 2014 and found those allegations unfounded.
The so-called extra-judicial killings they are accusing him of now are killings done by civilians-some suspect are drug dealers trying to clean up their tracks-and are each being reported as such and investigated, especially…ESPECIALLY…those that involve law enforcement.
Media posts need to be more responsible and report the complete scenario.
The senate hearing with the so-called witness is a joke, mainly because it is supposed to investigate CURRENT cases under Mr. Duterte’s presidency. The witness is bringing up supposed incidents from pre-2014.
The president has only been seated for a little over 2 months. Makes you wonder- what are they trying to deflect?
Yes, exactly!
I love you! <3 No homo
Haha, thank you! Salamat kaayo.
Hi! I’m half Filipino, Half American. I was born in Philippines, I was raised in US and I call the Philippines my home. Ever since I can remember Filipinos have always despised the government, and for good reason. How can you respect a government that’s suppose to help and protect its people when they do the complete opposite? How do you respect your leaders when your leaders are the ones taking your hard earned money and just putting it in their pockets? For the first time in my short existence on this planet I finally see people that respect the leadership that was elected. I talk to taxi drivers, fishermen, farmers, our neighbors in our barangay and just everyday common people and they all share the same sentiments about Duterte.
Yes he’s a little rough around the edges and he uses language that is unorthodox for a president, but for the first time I see a leader of this country that is genuinely passionate for his people. A president who hurts when his people hurt. Who curses at the injustice that has been going on her for decades. Who doesn’t hide behind the security of a TelePrompTer or speech writer. Who’s love and sincerity for this country is undeniable! For the first time I’m seeing more and more Filipinos having more pride in their country not just because some Filipino singer sang on ellen, won a boxing match, was in a Hollywood movie, or was recognized in some international way that has no impact on our personal lives.
For the first time we have a president that is fighting for his people and is trying to instill the pride that has long been stolen from us. He is fighting the criminals that have ruled this country for decades. Yes, drug lords and politicians! He’s going against the tide, turning tables over left and right and cleaning house. So what if he pissed off Obama? There are others millions of AMERICANS that hate Obama because he’s the complete opposite of Duterte. He may be clean cut, speak more eloquently and be more “classy” than Duterte but actions speak louder than any flowery or colorful word you can utter.
Duterte is trying to tell us to stop putting America up on a pedestal and to start having pride in our own country, our own lands, our own people! America has its own problems and so do we. I love the Philippines and it’s people! I think it’s about time we take a hint from Duterte and we start having more pride in this beautiful country just because we are Filipinos and not for anything else. For the first time there is a leader and president that I finally respect. Mr. President, thank you for everything you do for the Filipino people! I know you’re not perfect, but your actions clearly speak louder than any curse word you utter.
I like the article!!
Love it
?????five thumbs up!! Kahit dalawa lng ang thumb ko hehe.. ❤❤
Mark ~ 2 thumbs up and 5 stars! VERY well put!
You said it all, nothing more to say except why wasn’t it done years ago? People have a president they can be proud of. Just give him the time to complete his task.
Duterte cannot be a murderer. That’s his way to instill fears among criminals and those into illegal drugs. A killer will not say to this target: i’ll kill you. It simply means to instill fear. A certified killer will just kill. Duterte is a lawyer and former Prosecutor so he knew very will about criminal laws. He knew the insurgency in Mindanao. When we was invited as guest speaker in Go Negosyo, the audience was dumbfounded, instead of putting him in a hot seat, it turned out that the audience and the moderators and hosts were in the hot seat. It’s all about mindgames. First time in our history, we have a President who is hardin criminals but soft for the oppressed. In fact, he donated on of his house for the children with cancer. Davao City was one of the livable cities in Asia as cited by Asiaweek. When we became President, it’s first time 700,000 plus drug users and pushers surrendered. From previous administration, there was everyday news a rape victim, a holdap victim being killed but now the news the drug pushers were killed. Incidents of rape, robbery are very rare now. No more laglag bala at the airport, more taxes are allowed at the airport, repair of airport runways, buses, no travel tax and OEC for OWF. Some illegal mining companies are closed, distribution of agricultural equipment for aiming rice sufficiency for the next year.Allowance for the men in uniform, etc.
My article is pro Duterte. Maybe you did not read it before commenting?
my comment is simply a statement to the question. Thank you sir.
Its better to hear criminals killed by the operatives than innocent people being raped,killed,robbed by those criminals…i wonder why CHR keep on defending the rights of criminals!
you wonder why?
It’s to keep them in jobs of course!
For sure!
very well said sir,hats off for you..
Thank you.
Pls dont believe in what you see in our media.
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged!
Is there anything “outraged” on my comment? That comment was intended for those who doesn’t read and foreigners if they cross your article.
Ok. Seemed that it was pointed to me. Sorry if there was any confusion.
Sorry for no clarification, let me edit it.
USA drones killed civilians and terrorists yet. They never declaired the innocent victims, it is covered by the patriot act law in the USA. Then at Clark air base the Americans buried toxic waste in the soil it cause illness around the area. Birth defects 500 families were affected.
Hi Bob
I would have no problem if most of those killed were the result of police operations where they had to defend themselves. At least one third have been killed by vigilantes. There are cases where innocent people have been killed like a 5 year girl, or a 15 year old passenger who was in a car with an attorney who represented a well known drug dealer killed by vigilantes. There was one case where a person was arrested for robbery a couple of years ago and was beat up by cops in the jail. He brought a case against them but was killed for being a drug dealer even though he wasn’t. Now that case is dead.
In Thailand about 14 years ago they had a very tough campaign against illegal drugs where 3000 people died. Unfortunately drugs are again a big problem. It shows to me that this campaign will be helpful in the short run but unless you get the big time drug dealers and stop the flow of drugs coming from China other small time drug dealers will eventually take their place.
Is Duterte a killer, my answer is a no. Does he mind that vigilantes goes out and kill suspected criminals the answer is no as well. No one person in Davao has been prosecuted for a vigilante killing. My bosses wife’s sister dated Duterte’s brother “Blue Boy” and knew Duterte’s growing up in Davao. She does not think highly of Duterte’s.
Please cite the source of your statistics.
How would you explain that Davao had more murders then Quezon City. 1032 to 961 from 2010-2015 according to PNP. Though Quezon City has 60% more people.
There are false made up numbers for this all over the Internet. I’m just asking for you to cite a credible source for your statistics. That is very simple. Wherever you’re getting these numbers from, just give a link. Any credible source.
Look it up. I put that in Google and an article in philstar said the PNP gave those statistics. The 5 year old girl was killed whose grandfather turned himself in Dagupan. He was released. He was the intended target and he was shot as well. It may have been vigilantes. It was not in a police action which I never claimed.
Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet, Neil. I’ll leave it at that.
Hi Bob
According to the PNP there were more murders in Davao then Quezon City as reported on April 2 this year in Philstar You say something else. Who am I to believe. I’ve been to Davao twice 2007 and 2014 and really like the city. I work in a pawnshop in the USA, and when I saw my first panwshop in Davao they operated like we do with jewelry cases full of jewelry on display. All the other pawnshops in other cities in the Philippines will usually have two booths with a glass partition. I knew when I saw that in Davao was a much safer city.
I don’t believe Duterte is a murderer. He is very tough on crime and but he has allowed an environment to exist where there is vigilante justice.
Those are some of the fake statistics that were planted in the media by the dormer administration.
Right before the election there were some PNP statistics that were released, which were proven to be false. They were planted by the previous administration apparently.
Hi Bob
Just read a short but interesting article on npr.org. Called A stark choice for Filipino drug addicts.
A co worker whose wife is a Filipina. She has a nephew who did Shabu. He was on a list. The family put him in a rehab.
When you’re faced with either do the right thing are done, most people choose to do the right thing.
Hey you are a liar, our president is not like that, you are paid by the bad people, You only want to become a popular news caster but you are shit. Liar
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged! Your comment calling me a liar shows you did not read and it makes you look foolish.
Sing Leung pls read the article before reacting… my goodness.
Vietnam war also, the Americans sprayed orange agent on Thier agricultural land and water. It can cause cancers,myeloma,soft tissue sarcoma,chlorance,porphyria and birth defects in present time the land is still poisoned.
Im Fil-Canadian and I support PDuterte – I believed he is not a murdurer – thanks for nice article – permission to post …
I am sad for Pres Duterte. He got so much on his back. War on drugs, corruption of some government agencies, rebellion from NPA, MNLF and MILF, terrorism by the abu sayaf group. Then international media buying crap news from local media which spreads black propaganda. Another is the liberal party doing this senate probe about EJK where the Police Chief is forced to attend instead of him monitoring the police operations.
Thank you Bob, this article is a fresh air for us, Du30 supporters. There’s just too much going on and your opinion injected zest to my day. Godbless!
Thank you. I only wrote what I believe to he true based on what I have seen happen in Davao. I believe that DU30 is up to the task.
Hi Bob
I don’t know why they don’t strip De Lima of being chairwoman of her committee. The last witness had no credibility.
I agree, De Lima is coming off looking like an idiot.
Well this I gotta tell you, he is not! From somebody who has lived in the city for 20 years where he mayor. . He protects law abiding citizens that is all.
Exactly. That is what I said in the article
Might be good to read it before making comment.
Can you read all my comments first Bob before telling me or assuming that I am not reading? This is my first comment as my opinion. The second is when I was thanking you for defending him and the third one as a comment to the general public reading through the comment
No he is not a murder he is a good person who has the heart for the Pilipino people
Read the article. It will probably make you realize that your comment was uncalled for.
Yes I read the article as a president you have to be tough specially when the country is in drugs menace a lot of women got rape my family got murdered inside of thier home just because of addicts until now no justice summary killings is not dutert’s the people who wants Duterte to make him look bad just because of his war in drug campaign Duterte is a good man who has a heart for the poor people there so much more to tell but no matter what they say my new president we love him so very much.
My article is in favor of the actions of DU30.
Dalia Munro this article actually favors Duterte. Thanks Bob.
Now, before you post an article saying he is a murderer try digging more by living in his city and compare. Walk around with your jewelries and electronics in Davao and other cities mainly Metro Manila. Do not spread lies and make an article regarding our president basing on hearsay and what you are watching on the news because the media is very one sided. I hate how our media is spreading damn lies about him. nonetheless, thank you for defending him
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged! My God. I have lived in Davao for nearly 17 years and have met DU30 many times.
Then again, I guess you did not read my whole comment.. I see that you just read the first part of this comment but not the last part. I think you are talking about yourself being outraged without reading everything in its entiretity
Salamat kaayo bob for this post.. we love our president.. he really do his job well..
I have been following Duterte for years and I live in Davao. He is doing great work!
Get to know him personally before you judge him or atleast interview him regarding his morals. He is somebody that would not sugarcoat anything. He is very frank and honest. STOP DISCREDITING OUR PRESIDENT BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY THE MEDIA DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIM!!! because if you do, you would wish he is your president.. unless you are involved in drugs now you wouldn’t want that!
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged!
I feel for you Bob. How many times do you have to keep saying it, but they don’t listen. It’s like they see ‘Duterte’ and ‘murderer’ and that is it, that is what the article is all about without even reading it. Too funny.
My god i hate drugs! Hahaha basaha sa ang article ate bag-o comment! Hahahaha
I read your article. I am talking in general. Read my first comment
Marimar Mallorca and Bob I suggest going through the comment section. My comment is in general. My second comment is actually thanking you Bob. Then again, I guess you both just read what is up there rather than going through stuff.
Ok. When you say YOU should do this or that it sounds that it is addressed at me. There are hundreds of comments to go through and it can be hard to track multiple comments from the same person. Hope you understand.
well you commented on every single one of my comment. But you are right too Bob about going through every single comment popping up your post. I apologize too if I have been understood and my poor choice of words in commenting that lead you to think it is against you.
I also apologize for any confusion.
That’s fine Bob and I am sorry too.Thank you for making such post to educate the international media because they are blinded by our disgraceful and bias media.
He is not at all a murderer!
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged!
I have read the article and agree with what you said.
I am one of the 16million supporters of Pres Duterte on War against drug…
I came from Davao,my beloved hometown.
Thank you for writing the article Mr.Bob Martin
We appreciate it❤️
Thank you.
Only fool and stupid people will going to believe this shit question!!!
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged!
I’m fed up reading so many bad articles about my president..so next time make your article worth to be read..u r article looks against already and you expect good comment…not all people have the same thinking like you..For those like me I’m just scanning anything looks negative ill defend the best that I can..
Then you should read the article first before commenting on what you do not have read about. How do you know the title of this article is not a rhetorical question, unless you read the article first to know what it is about and what to comment on? Instead of just blinding accusing someone of what they are writing about, take the time to read. BTW, being fouled mouth only shows how weak your character and comments are as that is all you have to defend against something, in this case this article.
Meaning of live in the phils is liberal party
Love it when people get outraged and the did not read the article. I live in Davao and support Duterte. In the article I explained that he is doing good work. Read before becoming outraged!
Geeez Bob…..seems like everybody is reading the title, but nobody is reading the article. 😉
Bob Martin sorry my apology because this drug patrons now are invading social media using their billions
Thank you.
Indeed an intelligent post who see through the true core of the situation. Thank you.
Thank you so much, Chris. Glad you liked the article.
Hi Bob,
The US went through a similar time as the Philippines. Our was way before the telephone or the internet. In the Western times there was a lot of such so called “killings” done by lawmen and ranchers. Look at Wyatt Earp and what happened at the OK Corral. Kind of parallels what is going on in the Philippines at the moment. Thugs and gangs are being brought to justice. It ticks me off when I hear a person cry about human rights of these thugs. How about the rights of the victims they hurt and kill.
I totally agree with the actions Pres. Duterte has taken. The lawlessness has to stop and he is doing a good job at stopping it.
I think all countries go through this kind of thing as they mature.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Scott.
Scott, for me it’s not about the human rights of these thugs, its about the rule of law. Seems to me the lawlessness is only starting now when ‘due process’ is disregarded. What is to stop someone who holds a grudge on you, member of your family, or someone you know, of being a drug pusher or user? I’m guessing you will want that ‘due process’ to prove the innocence of that accusation. From what is starting to happen there, you made not get that ‘due process’ from the police or the self proclaimed ‘Judge, Jury, and Executioner’ of the vigilantes.
This is wonderful. On point. Spot on. Thank you Bob Martin. To the international media we the majority of Filipinos in the Philippines and those like me living outside the Phils., we say “Stop distabilizing the Philippines, it’s our country, not yours”!
Thank you.
Read the whole article people not just the headlines.
Ha ha… thanks.
a big no.
we love our #PresidendDuterte. He was elected by the people, for the people. he doesn’t have any political affiliation and for that fact alone, he can cleasnse our gov’t of corrupt official, drug lord protectors. on the killings, for the past 6years people are being killed by criminals but was being cover up by the past administration.
i am a #partnerForChange and i support the #warOnDrugs by our President..
its a corrupt and worst than coomunist style of tactics use today by corrupt media and politicians not only in Phils. but whole world. politicians use media to feed wrong info to international community because they know her in Phils. they cannot brainwash all the people that believes in DU30.
Thank you for this good one to read….
Glad you liked it.
We live in a region where politicians are corrupt and drug coddler. the chairwoman of the committee Sen. Liela delima is facing charges due to drug syndicate.
We the 93% filipino are so glad that we have a new leader to suppress drugs and corruption.
Murderer to hardened crimimaks but not the innocents. But as for the killings wrapped by packaging tape w/ cardboard saying im pusher/addicts dont imitate its the killing by these narco politicians so somebody can blame the government. Old trick
I guess those who need killing get it under DU30.
That his is mandate thru legit police operations, if they resist and fight then they die. And that is what had happened to davao city before. The police force are just doing their job as a police and nothing to be afraid of it if you are doing it fairly and justly. Just dont be abusive police then u will get a beast-mode from our Mayor. From then on davao city is safe to walk in the streets even inside jeepney bringing ur high end gadgets. Mostly criminals walked away from the city or relocate themselves to another location cos of fearing to be killed. Its because they are still doing heinous crime
Your article is now widespread. I haven’t read the article yet because my data is very slow. The title of your article is catchy though. 🙂
Ha ha thank you Shaun
The caption is maliciously titled? He is not an ordinary person of a country! He is the President!
What we termeb here in the Philippines in this kind of captioning is “Presstituting” the Press!
I agree with you Bob
Thank you!
Thank you for this sir…
I agree your article mr. bob ?
This s true Bob, some people are trying to smear the president but they will not prosper bcoz the 91% Pilipinos are behind him.
Thank you sir!!! We will circulate your good words in the world as our we continue to resist and support PRRD’ s war on drugs ??????
D drug lords and corrupt politicians r teaming up together to spread black propaganda to president duterte to bring him down…
Thank you very much!
Because the emoticon’s like is not enough
You truly believe it? Presstitute and Dishonorable senators would like that to destroy the presidency! But the witness has zero credibility!
It is a “bait” caption so that more readers will read the article. Then upon opening the article you will read infront “Don’t believe everything you read in newspaper”! Bait news!
It is not bait. It is a serious question that many people are asking. I just provided my answer.
Actually Bob I know you would not write an anti duterte article but my immediate reaction on seeing the headline was that you had done so. I also hate the emails from certain web sites that are simply a list of click baits that I never click on so maybe I am biased.
The title asked a question that many people are asking me, Frank, my article was the answer to the question that I have received dozens of times! 😉
Yes I understand that. If I wasn’t already fed up with clickbait I would not have reacted so negatively. I was a web developer of very large sites for many years and one thing I always keep in mind is that people on the web at any second have dozens or even hundreds of alternative links to click on. Your headline would of course make a lot of people click to see the answer but with the increasing proliferation of clickbait some are just going to click on something else.
Thank you Bob! Although people in the whole world knew what has happened in the past and what is happening right now. But only few people write the truth about it! Salute to you!
We support our President! Xx
You are welcome, and thank you for appreciating my article.
Godbless our President DUTERTE
We love you Tay Digong
I second that.
One the many things which make him an effective leader is he know how to psych war and hes good at it. He intimidates his opponent and get into their nerves which makes him un pridictable. He is smart and he know which buttons to press may it be good or bad.
Indeed! He is a mastermind.
Daghan salamat ?..We love and support our President Duterte .
Thank you Isabelle.
A big NO,,,me and my family and also my kababayans here in Bohol,,,we support 100% our President.No matter what they say to him we still believe his capability to do good and make the Philippines as one of the best country..
Ibraheem Abdel-Hameed
Bob Martin, you’re great. We need more of Bob Martin tbh.
He has already admitted this several times di ba? Nothing new. #killpamore
If you really think that, Pauline Hidalgo LAZARO then you do not understand Duterte well.
I did not want to think that way Bob.. he said it himself. What can I do? Killer or not, he is still our own President. I did not even say that he is a bad one. For all you know, this is the president that we need. You are too defensive lol!
I have been living under a Duterte administration for 17 years, first as my Mayor here in Davao and now as President. President Duterte speaks in riddles. If you are not used to hearing him you will not understand him, Pauline. I have heard him enough that I can usually figure out what he is saying. I am not defensive, just stating the facts as I see them, and I know Duterte and his actions fairly well after so many years living in his city.
Nice attitude, Pauline. Hope you have a great day.
Salute you Martin thanks for that…
I absolutely salute you for this sir !
Thank you for the TRUTH! God Bless
Thank you so much. I don’t know if you can speak bisaya pero ulaw ko.
Bob Martin
My mom is from bacolod…
Few words from ilonggo, i can ?
I can’t speak Ilonggo or Tagalog, but I am fluent in Cebuano.
I am native tagalog actually, just bcoz of my mom…
I have a few knowledge of ilonggo!
Thank you sir for your support to our beloved president!
But some filipino’s cannot see that with broad eyes!
I salute you!
We love our President,, I m from Davao city we know who is Rodrigo Duterte.he is a good hearted person,, all what is in the news is not real,,, I feel hurt ,, when this Yellowtards want him down ,,
Indeed. I completely agree
Salamat Higala
Thank you Sir….
You are mist welcome. Thank you!
If you are a good honest citizen..you have nothing to fear from Duterte…
So true, my friend.
Always proud of your well written articles.
Ulaw na ko, Vi. Salamat kaayo.
Ayaw kaulaw! You are doing great for our country!
No President Duterte is not, but Obama is a traitor to the American People
STFU…Post ur anger to Obama elsewhere!
Totally agree with you Jerry.
So true Jerry!
He is not! he only do what is rigth, we support him till the end.a hope for the hopeless a hope for Phil. mabuhay……
Thank you for this article sir. We support our President’s war on drugs.
Bob Martin nice of you Bob , a Foreigner like u do really appreciate. President Duterte, hoping that some of haters may change their mind after reading your post and be a supportive one. May God bless you.
We support President Duterte including the Spanish community here in Davao.
Wishing President Duterte continued Success! <3
Thank you so much for the article. I’m reading here from Denmark!
All hail Duterte lol.
And kiss his feet too.
Lol. Digong the MAN!
I haven’t seen this much enthusiasm since Marcos declared martial law. They were almost dancing in the street.
Because he gives us hope for our country to rise.
We are all looking for hope. Did you know or do you care that police without uniforms are breaking into houses in the middle of the night? When the occupants react or resist since they think the intruders are robbers the occupants are shot. Why aren’t penalties for drug offenses increased and better and legal police tactics used instead of death squads?
It’s all shits n giggles until someone giggles n shits. Or until you get on the list or your house is mistakenly broken into.
Who told you that? The police are doing their jobs and the death squads are people who are killing for there own interest and it has nothing to do with the police and in fact they death squads got killed in a shootout with the police.
Joe Perez,
Don’t pay attention to him, he’s just a liberal Obama lover.
So just because you disagree with him he is a liberal Obama lover??? Typical. Let me guess, Obama started the drug problems in the Philippines?
LOL right. Who told you that whopper?
Philippine police are not known for being the most honest. Already many have been let go. But that’s only a few.
So is the media and the politicians in this world.
The media are mostly professional. Everyone likes to blame them for news they don’t like.
Sad to say but sounds as if they are professional when they get paid a lot. Where weren’t born yesterday either.
Anyway, what I say isn’t worth a cup of warm spit. Keep dreaming that all is well.
Nobody dreaming here, where doing it.
The first thing a tyrant does is blame the media.
See you in dream land.
Maybe so but I don’t see one know except the piece of shit President who left us with all this problems in our country.
He left you with an economy growing at 7%, inflation at less than 3%, great credit rating, budget surplus, strong peso.
And he left you with the rule of law. Innocent until proven guilty.
Wrong…… that’s all in bonds. Know what’s in the streets, the provinces and the poor who don’t get a piece of what you say. All that went to the rich and famous while the rest of the country is living in hell and misery. There was no rule of law, there was never rule of law in this country after Marcos. Get to know the life below first and why Digong won.
You need to study Philippine politics before you open your mouth. Bonds have nothing to do with it.
You just want to talk tough to lord your opinions over others.
You can’t lord your illogical opinions over me. Try to educate yourself.
I would be interested in hearing your take on his foreign policy, specifically ejecting American advisors and seeming appeasement of the MILF and China.
My take is that the US should just get out of the Philippines. There is a bad moon rising here. The US doesn’t need to be in a position where both China and the Philippines are against it. Note that you asked me for my opinion and I gave it.
No, I asked for Bob’s opinion but I respect yours, sir, and thanks for your service. Do you live in the PI now?
Yes, and sorry, I thought you were addressing me. Yes, I live in the Philippines currently.
I also am living here in the PI for over 5 years! central Mindanao and feel very safe and support President Duterte!
Scott Michaelis Good to know I want to retire there in four years.
before I moved here I had heard a lot of negative things about Mindanao! It turned out to be a lot of bull.. LOL
I totally agree with that, Scott Michaelis
A murderer is the one who who killed in thousands of innocent people in syria iraq burma n palestine without no reasons…
A murderer is Mohammed and his Moslem worshippers who have killed since they appeared on the earth.
And past Popes during the Crusades.
Yea, but Christians won’t comment on that. It’s all other religions that have done all the atrocities man has committed. The truth is most Christians have not even read the Bible to know what it actually says. when they are told of some of the non Christian things it says to do, it’s not true, but that it was misinterpreted. The funny thing is God wrote 10 commandments that was given to Mosses. One being Thou Shall not Kill. It is man who has added a), b), and c) of when its ok to kill.
When you say Christians, do you mean catholics?
A little History Orlando. Christianity has many denominations. The three main branches of Christianity are Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestant. Protestantism encompasses numerous denominational groups, including Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Episcopalians (or Anglicanism), Presbyterians, Pentecostals and Evangelicals. So, in answer to your question, yes I am also including Catholics. Why?? Are you alluding to or trying to insinuate that only certain Christians, Catholics in this case, have committed atrocities? You’d be wrong Orlando. BTW, I am Catholic and detest and feel angst when I read what my Christians Catholic Brothers did in centuries past and the recent past, all in the name of God, much like what Muslims are doing today. And no, I am not excusing what currently going on in the Muslim society, but it is hypocritical when Christian priests, pastors, or heads of other religious groups, like Ra-bi’s, talk of Muslims as though our faiths has been squeaky clean throughout the centuries, never committing any of the horrors Muslim terrorist are doing today. Tim Curtis’ post above alludes to that fallacy in his response to Pretty Heart. Not that I am agreeing with Pretty Heart’s post as there are reasons, just the wrong ones man has always used to justified murder. That includes, all in the name of God from religious sects.
Salamat sa article Bob.
To my cousin Joe. .let it go. . Tommy may have his own thoughts and opinion. He is not even a Filipino so how the hell does he care. Pasagdi na lang sya gaw. .ayaw na tubaga.
when God cleans the inequities of man during d time of NOAH did he spare those wicked?
I support mayor duterte until last drop of my blood…till the end….I love u tatay digong duterte
Be safe Bob !!
I am safe. Thanks.
The drone president kills eight innocents for every “suspected” target. That is the perfect way to create terrorists.
What solution to this problem would you propose? Mass bombings or invasions with large armies killing all people indiscrimately?
Reed Reed’z Anderson . http://www.globalresearch.ca/we-re-going-to-take-out-7-countries-in-5-years-iraq-syria-lebanon-libya-somalia-sudan-iran/5166
Lets cut the crap, usa has all this planned , steal all the resources, destroy these countries, all for bibi. Worlds biggest terrorist.
Pres Duterte doing what is right for Pilipino people
I feel like my family in the Philippines is safer because of him that’s all I care about when it comes down to it the safety of my family and I’m glad there is a president in office that will do what he has to do to protect his country and the people of this country long live the president
No! He is not a murderer! He is simply just doing his job, to make his town safe and secure and that is what he is doing right now in the entire country of the Philippines.
Damn right and I support him 100% and so does my new family over there he is the greatest thing to happen to the Philippines in years davao city is safe to live in because of that man
The people gave him the mandate.
David ~ Good point, the people gave him the mandate because he openly said 1000’s will die before he was elected. He now says 100,000 which sounds about right at 3,000 in under 3 months, and he has a 91% approval rating. Desperate times, desperate measures. Bottom line is he is actually doing what needs to be done.
Hes our last card
Paulina Phillips hi dear! Maybe you could read this article. So much black propaganda being reported on international media that seems to make my good president evil. He is our last card and last hope. Philippines is much safer now because of his war on drugs.
I don’t doubt it. My only criticism was the language he used against Obama. That wasn’t propaganda, i saw it lolol. That being said, who really cares about what he said, just not statesmanlike lol. If hes getting the job done the good!
What you saw was just a clip. He was not directing to Obama he was saying it to all the columnists.
Love this article. Thanks. May the Lord keep our President safe always.
Gerry ~ Right on the money about DU30, not so much so about Trump 😉
Gerry ~ Good point about DU30 being brave!!!
Well now…Greetings to you Bob…everything I have ever read of your’s is more “matter of fact” than any other source of media( I don’t consider you “media” I actually consider you a “friend”) that one might get their hands on…so let me say this first…Maraming salamat po for the truth and the support of “our” President…I live here as well and do consider President Duterte…as “our” President…that’s the deal when you choose to live in a foreign country…when you choose to be a part of that country…this is what I believe an immigrant must embrace. I say this with total and complete respect to all that might misunderstand my words, I live in and I love the Philippines as if it were my homeland…don’t know how to say this any other way.
I would like to comment now on the article as well as the comments.
Is Duterte a murderer?…No
Is Duterte a leader?…Absolutely
Is Duterte a doer?…get er’ done?…Absolutely
Does Duterte keep his promises?…Absolutely
Is Duterte a Patriot?…Totally and completely
Does Duterte love his country and his countrymen?…Totally and completely
Do I believe Duterte is willing to die for his country?…Absolutely…no matter what!
Do I believe Duterte wants personal gain from his Presidency?…Absolutely not
Do I support Duterte and his judgement on all fronts?…Totally and completely
Is Durterte politically correct?…Nope
Is this a welcome trait for politicians?…Yes, very welcome…break the old rules and make changes.
Am I allowed to be involved in Philippine politics?…Absolutely NOT
Can I express support for what “our” President is doing?…Absolutely
Can I get a chuckle from his antics towards other leaders?…Yes…and grin when it happens
Is Duterte a “cowboy…wild wild west…” sort of leader?…yes
Will Duterte “kick your arse?”…yep
Do I think other leaders are jealous of what he has accomplished already?…ABSOLUTELY!!!
Hmmm…enough said…love to you all…salamat
You’ve touched on a sensitive subject Bob. The orders were put out by the President and were followed by the TEAM against drugs. You are not going to get honest heart felt feedback by expats living here and you know why. Why is it that at the end of WW II there were trials held and many people convicted of crimes mostly murder. I’m quiet sure that many were just following orders and didn’t consider what they were doing as murder but serving their country with honor. Then there were those found guilty that probably didn’t murder anyone just passed out orders in serving their country. So whos right ? We all have our opinions but as a expat ill just beat around the bush!
Hmmm…Jerome…state your case…not your guess…do you have anything to support what you say?…serioso?
More bullshit by the corrupt media.
Like the analogy here! Thanks Bob.
salamat Joel
Gerome ~ Good point but I think he has gotten honest heart felt feedback.
thnx alex…heartfelt…pangako
DU30 is like a eagle protecting his territory from any predator.He is willing to kill and to be killed for the love of his nation and people
This is a little off topic Bob but this does relate to a couple of quotes in your post.
I’m just wondering what you might say if someone, let say Russia for argument’s sake, dropped a bomb on the house next door to your family in the US and it killed them all as “collateral damage” in the hunt for terrorists.
As we all know, Russia is not permitted to drop bombs on US soil so would that be murder? I think most would agree that it would be.
The reason I ask is you stated: “Personally, I don’t have a problem with the deaths caused by the drone strikes” and “I certainly do not consider President Obama a murderer.”
Now the US is dropping bombs on Syria without permission of the democratically elected president of Syria so wouldn’t that also be murder? Every bomb dropped on Syria by the US – regardless of their intended target is illegal under international and national laws of both the US and Syria
Are you still certain that President Obama is not a murderer?
If so please explain the difference in collateral damage in one country compared with another so I can understand.
Your example would be pretty real if you had russia bombing syria and murdering with “collateral damage”
But they are Greg, in disguised of going after terrorist. There only concern is to keep Asad in power as he is Russia’s ally.
I am no fan of President Obama but i am saddened this his war is viewed as a simple gun battle by so many of you here. I will add that i see a day coming when the usa when tear up treaties with the Philippines and i will just leave it there as my thoughts and fears.
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The only what we can do is to support the program of the Pres. because we have now a strong leader who can desciplene for the good of the nation.
a haters is a haters they do nothing but to bring trouble, president duterte must do something for them to stop.
Many of them will not stop no matter what you do. Just look at the Trump haters in the US. They insult him, make memes for Facebook. Repeat Hillary’s lies and do anything to destroy him. Ask them for evidence of what they are saying and almost all come up blank. Some people just love to make trouble.
That’s what liberals do!
Duterte is cleaning up the mess that has been building over time, he is not a murderer. But, if he was a murderer I would invite him to take care of the criminals in Washington DC, starting with obama.
Well said.. Crime against Humanity must be filed againts Obama and his friends.
I’m no fan of Obama, but please do list all of his crimes against humanity so that he can be tried in the court of law, get his ‘Due Process’ and punished appropriately.
Drug cartels are as non innocent as it gets
Any moral person that walks close to God, or even fears God only knows the basic laws given to man so we can live together
I am the Lord, your God.
2.Thou shall bring no false idols before me.
3.Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.
4.Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
5.Honor thy father and thy mother.
6.Thou shall not kill/murder†.
7.Thou shall not commit adultery.
8.Thou shall not steal††.
9.Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10.Thou shall not covet‡ your neighbor’s wife (or anything that belongs to your neighbor).
Frank ~ Yes, Trump’s problem is he doesn’t brag enough, like the millions he donated out of pocket to flood victims when HRC and Obama were sleeping, golfing, and fundraising, or the mortgage he paid off for the people who helped him when he had car trouble, or when he flew the little girl with cancer across Country in his plane for cancer treatment, etc., etc., etc.
Greg ~ Or HRC the biggest criminal in US political history.
Jerry & PapaDuck ~ Don’t forget HRC. 600 ignored pleas for help, and she lies to the parents in front of their brave hero’s children’s caskets. That’s what I call a traitor!
he is not, but Obama is sure enough a traitor to the American people
Manny ~ The problem is that you are expecting “readers” to actually “read” articles before commenting on them. LOL
LOL, I know.
Sounds good Manny but….. The bottom line is that DU30 is going to do what he wants to do, and nobody can stop him as long as he is alive and in power.
I believe that too, Alex. The point I am trying to make is that, sometimes what appears to be good can be something bad in disguise. I know many people want to get rid of crime, drugs and the like, but the method in which that is accomplish is the question. Through out history we have seen how often support of something that at first seems and feels good, often turns to a nightmare. I love the Philippines. The people are great. I have been there many times. The last, this past December to bring my wife and daughter to live here in the states with me, after all the paper work was completed. I just don’t want something happening just because right now people are feeling happy of what Duterte is doing concerning drugs, but may be blinded to what else can be lost by allowing such cleansing methods to go on.
I see your point Manny, but there is nothing anybody can do about it, regardless if they are for or against his methods. Perhaps this is what happened before Marcos declared Martial Law. DU30 has been cozying up to the military and police every day, so I imagine that he may be anticipating a coup attempt or Marshal Law.
His not murderer his protecting the life of the innocent people in our country, killing 1 criminal can save hundreds if innocent lifes…
Whe he won the election i wrote to ask you about him fearing anti-us sentiment,when he leaned toward china and disrespected the us in west phil sea dispute i wrote about my concerns as an american again,i read about the evergreen hotel incident and understood…but still prayed his sentiment didnt grow to a public anti-us sentiment. Now with the anti US protests at our embassy and violent police action once again i am becoming concerned. I have a wife and children there,a house and am preparing to retire there,it seems my worst fears are growing closer as time goes on. Frankly i am getting scared about a mob mentality or my safety the when traveling, will i be protected if abused by a philippino or will they look the other way because i am american? Will i be more of a target if public feels the govt will not prosecute them since i am only an imperialist american?? I have always felt safe and respected there…before this president! its beginning to change it seems, i dont care about drug dealers,never saw one there as far as i know..its this collateral ‘feeling’ and public opinion that comes along with his ‘drug war’ that concerns me. I hope he addresses that publicly before my paradise turns to my finacial and family disaster.
Greg ~ Did you hear his speech to Filipino OFW’s in Japan yesterday? It was mostly anti American. Odd since Japan is an ally, but he probably knows not a strong one. I wouldn’t take it too personally, his anger is at US politics, not individuals, except perhaps the HRC/Obama cabal. I think most Filipinos probably feel the same way, so just treat them with respect and keep your head down and watch your back.
Manny ~ If HRC and Obama didn’t create ISIS, the US wouldn’t need to be in Syria.
With all due respect Alex, that is just a lie perpetuated by Republicans to hide the fact that we should not even have been in Iraq to begin with, not to mention the hate and disrespect most Republicans have for Obama. Our fight was with Osama bin Laden, who we knew was in Afghanistan, That is were the fight should have stayed and ended by now, instead we go into a country not responsible for the tragedy of 911. ISIS was always there, just in check with Sadam Hussein. Yes, Sadam was another terrorist, who BTW we supported and gave money and weapons too, but not remotely guilty of what he was accused of, to get us to invade Iraq. This is the same story in Afghanistan, when we gave weapons, money, and help to the Mujahideen to fight the Soviets. BTW, one of those Mujahideen fighters was Osama bin Laden. These people who we knew hated us and our way of life, we go in and put our 2 cents in. These same people who then form Al-Qaeda and use the weapons we supplied, against us. The only people who benefited from this was our military industry, namely Halliburton, at the cost of so many of our soldiers lives. I know the majority who post here are Republicans, as is Bob, so I am sure to get flack from what I just wrote. I know this is off topic, but you brought it up Alex when you mentioned HRC and Obama, as many do here. Yes I know, every thing that has gone wrong in this world is there fault, not to mention the Democrats. I am not fond of either of them, but they are 1000 times better then what the Republicans are offering as a candidate for for the most powerful position on this planet. It’s funny how Republican Morals are being put aside to let choose your candidate for President. That said, Alex you know my position about Duterte, as you have posted replies to some of my comments on this article. Despite you saying his rhetoric is against our government, or better yet current democrat government, the American people don’t see it that way. Just read blogs and post from different news outlets, including the favorite for most here, FOX NEWS, and you will see and read the disdain most have for this man. I love the Philippines and her people. Like many of you, my wife is filipina. We have family and friends there. It can and will go very badly for the Philippines if Duterte aligns himself with China and Russia. Because of what he is saying about and disrespecting our country, many here are saying and posting we should not help if the Philippines if they gets in trouble, because of Duterte and his mouth and policies. That is dangerous.
With the same due respect Manny, I agree with most of what you are saying, but I am neither Democrat nor Republican, and I am not repeating lies perpetrated by Republicans. Everything HRC and Obama have done have been complete disasters, and if she cheats her way into the White House, the World will be an even more dangerous place, plain and simple. Yes, Trump and DU30 may say things that may not be wise, but look at their track records, and look at HRC’s track record. The records speak for themselves, even if it takes Wikileaks to expose them.
hi Richard, so far, there’s no way to know what the new ruling will be, how long work or anything like that. We just have to wait and see what happens. Maybe nothing at all will happen, or maybe there will be big changes, we just have to see.
Hey Bob, I hope you are doing well now. My prayers go out to you and your family that you will pull through and as healthy as ever.
Thank you Manny, I appreciate that very much.
Well Alex, I am a Democrat and proud of it. I am more of a centrist than leaning far to the left. In fact my beliefs are more like that of Republicans, like getting control of our debt and spending habits we have in this country, border security, term limits for all elected officials, where most importantly they can not serve as Lobbyists for at least 10 years after they have left office. The problem I have with Republican ideology is there notion of fixing stuff and passing laws that mostly hurt others, especially the poor, except themselves, and mostly help the rich. Anyways, that is a whole different topic. Since you brought it up Alex, in what ways have HRC and Obama been complete disasters to our country and the world? I mean I am still waiting for those death panels to come up from Obamacare as so many Republicans claimed would happen. I don’t know what web sites or sources you are looking at, but both Trump’s and Duterte track records are not something to be proud of. Wikileaks has expose some improprieties, but nothing criminal, and more importantly nothing that the Republicans have done in the past as well. I’m not excusing either side, but lets be real here, to judge HRC in the public arena, of things both sides do, and claim she should go to jail, is hypocritical. Not to mention that our great country still gives everyone the due process to defend themselves when accused, albeit I will admit, sometimes unfair to those who are not well to do. That due process, to now get back on topic, is what is missing in Duterte’s drug war. This is what everyone around the world sees. Already many innocent lives are being taken. Soon, people’s rights will be too in disguise of martial law, if he does not get his way. It’s a downward spiral to anarchy. It’s happened before. History has proven that. What is disheartening to read, is how many here post that they are ok with it. Do you Alex, think that will be ok, that here in our country, for people to be killed by police raids or vigilantes, without due process of the law?? I think not. Over 4,000, by some estimates, have been kill so far in Duterte’s short term in office. Again, I am not going to excuse the drug dealers, pushers or users, but this way of handling the problem is wrong and will lead to more abhorrent acts. This is why some are posting here if it is safe for any foreigner to go live in the Philippines. I can understand their concern, can you Alex?
Hi Bob;
I suppose this is late since most of the posts are almost a year ago. I too believe that we should all support President Duterte. I am sick of all the buzz words like “statesmanship.” Best we should all talk straight. If Duterte uses profanity, so what? At least he is stating, in a language everyone has no doubt of it’s meaning how he felt about Obama lecturing him. America has a new president in Trump. I wish Americans would get behind him like the people of the Philippines are behind Duterte. I am proud of the Pinoys and ashamed of so many Americans. I love living in the Philippines and the people.
Hi Bill – Never too late to reply!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!