Well for all Christians all over the world it’s time to celebrate the holiday season again. Christmas is a time for celebration with family, friends and loved ones. For sure Christmas is one of the big festivities all over the world. For kids Christmas gifts sure to bring a big smile to everyone kids face. For other religions they also have special celebrations for the birth of their creator.

When we were still in the States, during Christmas eve we would usually go to Bob’s parents house, had dinner there with the whole family (Bob’s parents and his sibling and his family). After dinner we open presents then after opening come home to our house and open our presents. Later when both our family and Bob’s brother were expanding (both have kids) we changed the celebration at his parents to 2 days before Christmas day. The opening of presents took a lot longer than we expected and kids were getting cranky and moody. Plus we had to prepare for Santa, for him to swing by at the house to leave the presents under the Christmas tree for the kids to get in the morning on Christmas day.
For the Philippines Christmas celebration it’s a bit different though. Here in the Philippines Christmas and New Year are the most celebrated holidays here. For the Roman Catholic people here they go to church for 9 days in the early morning mass (called “Simbang Gabi”). So many parties going on here during December month.
So brighten your loved one’s day during the holiday season by sending them gifts through WowPhilippines. You can choose anything there for the Christmas Eve celebration with the Noche Buena basket (if you had some food in mind let us know). In the Philippines Noche Buena is a big celebration here, some families even celebrate family reunion during this time. With that they mostly have roasted pig (lechon baboy), spaghetti basket or you can choose from our Christmas items.
For those who have a girlfriend or wife here, you can choose from a lot of our gift items. We have many variety of tempting chocolates, beautiful arrangement of flowers, stuffed animals, personal care baskets, jewelry and from our Christmas items. Also we have personalized gifts. If you want something that it’s not on our site you can just email us and let us know and will try to get it for you. Better order early too so that we can deliver to your loved one as early as possible.
If you’re thinking of moving here, you can get books and e-books from us too. Learning about the language here we also have books and lessons for that. If you want to earn more money when moving here we also have books and e-books for that. We also have books about culture here.
For those of you that uses our services we thank you so much for the business. You guys help out a lot for helping some of our cause here in the Philippines too to help out others. We really appreciate you guys very much.
Hope you guys have a good Christmas celebration no matter what part of the world you are from. Hope the coming year will be a great one for you.
Merry Christmas to all of you. Maligayang Pasko sa inyong Lahat. Malipayong Pasko kaninyong tanan.
you are the real Santa in the Philippines…
Thank you so much, Violet! I appreciate that.
my pleasure Bob.
Thanks Violet!
tinood man gud na Feym.
Ha ha ha, mao jud Violet. Thanks.
Santa sm lanang starbucks 4 pm….
Hey RK – Sorry, my friend… can’t make it today. I just have too much going on. ๐
I assume that “…have too much going on.” translates to “…making a list and checking it twice..”
A lot of list checking in your line of work, I would imagine.
Ha ha… what can I say, Tom… possibly. ๐
No problem. Good to be busy. Do your thing….. regards to mrs santa and the elfs.
Thanks RK. I will catch up with you next time for sure!
Thank you RK. Happy Holidays!
Hi Feyma
We have a bit of a panic going on at the moment, no shops have any turkeys left!
The only ones we could find seem to be precooked and frozen in SM Lanang. Well they didn’t look too appetising so it looks like the live variety.
As I’m still not used to the killing bit, I have requested that the dirty deed be done prior to my arrival on the 23rd.
Feliz Navidad
Hi AJ – Are you looking for the Butterball or Norbest kind of turkey? I’m not sure if S & R already have them in stock. During Thanksgiving they were out of them. But you can find at any grocery stores. Try SM, Victoria and Gmall. We got ours at Gmall during Thanksgiving.
When you said frozen, do you mean the whole frozen turkey? You like the home grown turkey here? You might need a few of them, you know the size of the turkey here it’s smaller than you’re used to in your country. ๐
Good luck and always good seeing you here!
Hi Feyma
Tried all the malls and all of the supermarkets……..all to no avail!
S&R have nothing in stock either.
Unfortunately our family will have no Christmas this year. Very sad for my 4 year old daughter to be told this.
The lovely honest, christian people here decided to break into our house during the day a few days ago.
Gone is laptop, camera, jewellery, my daughters money tin, even my deoderant!
What made me so sad is that the neighbours and people surrounding us know who broke in. Thing is nobody will testify, because who cares? The foreigner had “many” money anyway.
Exact same thing happened to my American mate last month. Nobody will testify!
Makes me sick. Everybody is so religious but are complete and utter liars. No conscience or morals here!
Merry xmas!
Hi Adam – Sorry to hear of what happened to your family. That’s really bad. The way you’re talking I don’t think you will get your stuff. That’s too bad that the neighbors will not help you guys out to get those bad guys. Are the police doing anything to solve the problem in your neighborhood since you said one of the foreigner also had the same problems. I’m just glad that you guys were not hurt by those intruder. Those things that they took can be replace.
Hope you still have good holiday season for the sake of your 4 year old daughter. My heart goes out to you.
Yes they can be replaced but all the photos on the laptop and camera cannot. They even took the USB stick.
Had 4 police here. They are tired of all the breakins around a wide area here. Way too many young boys here who are too lazy to go to school. They are on shabu so they need to steal to support their habit.
The blame should go onto the parents as well. Instead of sitting next to the road watching traffic all day, they should make their children go to school.
Thank you all for liking my post!
thanks for the posts….
good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bob Martin. Happy Holidays to the whole family. I like this picture.
Thank you so much, Rachelle. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
happy holidays to you and all the readers