Do you guys remember a few months ago, I wrote about my experience drinking civet coffee? What is that, you ask? Well, it is coffee that is made from the droppings of a cat like animal called a Civet. I have now enjoyed many a cup of civet coffee, and honestly it is delicious! It is the world’s most expensive, after all!
What do you think, would you try civet coffee? You don’t know what you are missing!
Hi Bob – Is your "Kape Alamid" still priced at P300 @ cup? With a pound of "beans" running around $500 USD, a cup over here would probably run about fifteen times as costly. Guess I'll just have to stick with my Cordillera brew. 😉
I tasted the Civet coffee for the first time this year at Coffee Fest in Seattle. I had always refused it prior to a wonderful sales job by the young Asian “promo girl.” As one who is in the specialty coffee business and has tasted the best coffees from around the world, I will stick with Cordilleras Arabica when choosing Pinoy coffee.
Love the blog,
Hi Wes – the promo girl will get you every time! I hope you enjoyed your Kape Balus!
Hi Bob – I know higher priced civet coffee beans are harvested by gatherers in the "rain forrests/jungles" and less costly civet coffee beans are produced on "civet farms." Civets in the wild naturally eat only the ripest of coffee cherries, while those on the farm are fed cherries of differing ripeness. As a result, the "natural" beans are exhibit better quality and consistency.
Wonder if the P300/cup brew is "farm raised" coffee? 😀
Ive eaten many odd items including pigs feet, chitlins, dinuguan, kaldereta erop,
BBQ frog bodies, big lizards, rice field rats, usa, adobo sawa, etc but I think Id just have to draw the line at drinking some coffee dug out of animal poop. Yikes I just cant imagine it but guess I would try it once and if it didn't kill me I may try it again so long as you didn't tell no one told me what it was the first time. I figure it must be good but really wonder what went through first guy who tried its mind and what on earth possessed him to go digging for coffee in animal poop lololol.
For me I like for a Filipino food either patutin or kare-kare and for coffee just plain old ice mocha frappuccino. BTW, What is cost there per kilo of this coffee and is it served hot or cold?
I think someone should email travel channel and convince Andrew Zimmern from Travel Channels bizarre food program to come eat with you , In one episode he went to Philippines and ate mango worms and such but you have him beat with this coffee of yours.
Justin- do you realize that the pigs feet that you ate spent most of their life walking around in pig poo ? lol And I’m pretty sure that the big lizards and field rats that you ate spent a lot of their lives walking and lying in things at least as unsavory ? haha
I don't know if you where ever a fan of CSI or not, I used to be, because on one episode of , I believe CSI Vegas, this coffee was mentioned and was actually was a way that they helped solve their criminal investigation, I realize that has nothing at all to do with this article but just wanted to mention it as it must meen this coffee is ,as you said , highly sought after if it even drew the attention of the writers of CSI.
Actually, I often wonder what possessed first person to eat various foods as I figure person must have been very hungry , very adventurous one, or possibly crazy. LOLOL.
I still think you and that Bizarre foods host should hang out together because from your articles I gather your a adventurous eater who likes trying new cuisines and enjoys shocking people to see reactions, which is fun thing to do, myself I like watching people as I find human behavior fascinating.
Just found this link about the per kilo straight from gatherer dude price, the article is from 08 so maybe price has increased a little but even if double this coffee seemingly presents heavu profits because article says the gatherer sells at 800php per kilo but another article saus it sells at 500-600usd per pound in states or roughly 1,100 dollars per kilo based on 500usd per pound.…
I like Balut and Bulad, especially 21day balut complete with beak and feathers, for bulad I don't like it much but the little ones where you can eat the entire thing are eatable at least. Them , eggs and pig brain torta make a great breakfast.
Here in America where we live now you can buy bulad at the Filipino stores and pig brains at local Asian store but have not seen a balut here, maybe in Cali where many more pinoys live they sell them but I don't know. There is sabong here but is underground and not worth the risk to enjoy it. I here they have some sabongans on Mexico side of border but they say they are unsafe, not surprising as anytime gambling is involved peoples passions tend to run deep and at times situations escalate, not worth going.
BTW, Ain't it odd how every weird food is generally said to increase ones sex drive , balut is Filipino Viagra, this cat poop coffee is a aphrodisiac even in other countries the odd foods are aphrodisiacs also. Maybe they think if you tell folks something will put lead in their pencil they;; eat it regardless of how odd it is lolo I guess I could go around eating weird foods and making many babies , but already have three children so may not need any more.
Regarding that movie, I didn't know of it but will see if they offer it through net flicks and try to watch it now that you have through your fascinating writings succeeded in getting me interested in this very weird coffee.
I'm unsure of your region of origins here in America but for me American foods where one of the things I missed while residing in PI. Luckily Martin's restaurant in Butuan and a few restaurants in Cebu sold foreign foods but still missed pecan pie, black berry cobbler, candied sweet potato, green bean casseroles, various Mexican foods and etc.
Hi Bob – I'll put that on my list of things to try when we come next time. Only about a year away, assuming we can stay employed between now and then.
So I've got durian, kape balos and that morning chocolate drink you've mentioned. Probably a few others I've forgotten. Got to make a list.
Sounds good Bob, Does anyone know where I can get a cup in Cebu?
Hi Randy C – After all these things I am getting you to try, I'll either be your best friend here, or your worst enemy! It depends if you like the stuff or not! 😯
Hi queeniebee – You're the first person I ever heard "sounds good" from, just from reading the description! 😆 I am not sure where to get it in Cebu, though.
Oh Bob–I'm always up for a new adventure! LOL
Hi queeniebee – I am just teasing you, because it honestly is good stuff. I am planning to come to Cebu soon, maybe we can have a cup of Kape Balos together!
We'd have to find it first!
Hi queeniebee – Well.. that could be a problem! 😯 Maybe I can get some beans and bring them!
Oh Bob I'm way too shy to meet you yet! I haven't even gotten a gravitar–but give me time…
Hi Queeniebee – Shy to meet me? Why? I thought we were friends! ❓
We are Bob! I'm just used to keeping a low profile, promdi that I am! I'm sure we'll cross paths sooner or later…
I guess I have to come down and try some civet droppings too 🙂 Phil n Jess
hhhmmmm….P300 a pound eh? Does it HAVE to pass thru a cat? For that price I could develop a taste for whole coffee beans..
Just wondering?
Is that the same coffee Jack Nicolson drinks on the movie BUCKET LIST?
Hi erik – Yep. In the movie, Bucket List, Jack Nicolson drinks "Kope Luwak" which is what the Indonesians call Kape Balos in the Philippines. Same stuff. Have you tried it?
Not yet Bob
But if you and jack love the stuff
I can't wait to find it.
Carcar has no such delicacy out of stock?