I started with one dentist last year in the quest of dentures, the original guy was the guy who discovered that I suffered from hypertension when he took my blood pressure and it was through the roof. Plans were put off because I was now dealing with Doctors until it was under control. (The Blood Pressure)

Then I got nervous because he didn’t have an X-ray machine yet kept sending me to a dentist that did. (Can you guess who my new dentist was?) The new guy in an abundance of caution sent me back to my medical doctor to get a note to extract teeth. I did but again when a doctor gets a hold of you they will find something wrong, it’s their job. Full lab workup and scheduled me for a Colonoscopy so dental work is once more on the back burner (No pun intended). All I want to do is to go back to Texas Joe’s and eat some baby back ribs. My Colonoscopy turned out fine and I received a clean bill of health. Nuff said about that wonderful subject.
Back at the new dentist, and he removes three teeth on 31 March and tells me to come back on 29 April for three more. He is afraid I’ll pass on if he takes too many at once. I want them all gone, and slap a set of temporaries in my mouth before I weigh 95 pounds. What could be more embarrassing then to realize that your toddler grandson has more teeth than you?
So my mind is made up, it is back to the original guy who will jerk them out (No x-ray required) and slap in the temps. Will he forgive me; I assume so as I pay in cash.
But this is Holy Week, and absolutely nothing happens on Holy Week in the Archipelagoes of the Philippines. We were even going to By-The-Sea Friday night for Mongolian BBQ, but they are closed. Damn that’s something I can eat with missing teeth.

Normally I’m good at following my doctors orders except in one area, when I was born in 1947 it was discovered that my white blood count is higher than others. In other people it is a sign of infection, with me it is the norm. My entire life they send me to hematology and that doctor will hem and haw and come to the conclusion that it is my norm. In the Navy I would nod and say: “Please check my last 12 physicals and see what my white platelet reading is. And then we move on, as a merchant marine where I was required to have a physical before every ship which would come out to twice a year and the platelet count would raise its ugly head once more and off to hematology I’d go again with the same results as the past years. If I refused to go I would not sail, guess what I did?
But now at age 68 I’m at my limit and have hit my “Popeye Factor” (That’s all I can stands, and I won’t stands no more!” and I just blow it off. Sorry doc, but before because of employment I had to waste my time but those days are over.
So as Easter is now in our rearview mirror, I’m done with medical for awhile and am heading into full dental mode. When I receive my new choppers, I will post pictures of me eating Rib’s, steaks plus Lechon and other manly meat products. I’ll even give Corn-on-the-Cob a try.
Mr. Paul T. Welcome to the world of “choppers” (not the helo type)..you’ll get used to it just the real ones in no time at all. Better stock up on Polident Cleansers, though. 🙂 Cheers and have a good week.
My wife was quite happy as I had 16 gold teeth removed and it was all 18 CT, but augmented teeth have to be better than no teeth at all.
IS this a regular dentist or an oral surgeon that is removing your teeth?
The difference between an Oral surgeon and a dentist is the Oral Surgeon will charge a lot more because he has a title, I thought they went to the same school? But to answer the question it says Dentist on the door.
There’s always a bite in your posts 😀
Really??? Not bad my friend.
Hey Paul….. Can I still treat you to a “liquid lunch” while your choppers are pending? Will be in Subic next Monday….. Hanging out in Nueva Ecija watching the harvest while having one or five cold ones…..
All depends on which Monday is the next one, today or next week (lol) My wife is setting up appointments for me so I’ll let you know. Right now I must go brush my tooth.
If you don’t mind me asking Paul, What is the cost? I am 65 and what teeth I got left need to be pulled.
Pastor Bud;
To date PNP 800.00 per extraction PNP 6,00.00 for temporary’s until your gums heal. For a good set of porcelain it’s about PNP 40,000.00. But when I’m done I’ll post what I paid in real life not the estimates I have now.
A year ago I had my lower tooth pulled and since I do not have that Dental Tricare insurance, the local dental Clinic here in Southern Calif charged me at a bargain (compaired from the two other clinics) price of $603. I cant wait to go home and have my wisdom tooth pulled…plus that free massage.
Over $600.00 for a simple extraction (I’ll bet they call it oral surgery) and here the cost of an extraction is between PNP 600.00 to 800.00. Yeah I’d wait too, and what MASSAGE????????????????? There is no Dental Tricare here also…
haha… Will give you a shout next week when we arrive… Will be there until the 20th… Good luck with the appointments:)
You’re on give me a shout….
LMAO! that’s Bobs purpose in life! gotta love it! hahaha!
I don’t get it, Heinz. What is my purpose in life? I must have missed something?
Bob Ahhh you’re old enough to know 😉 (it was a little sarcastic – i know why you asked)
Axel Carin – I truly have no idea what Heinz is talking about. I understand the sarcasm in your reply, and it was funny. But whatever Heinz is talking about must have gone over my head, because I am in the dark.
Bob Maybe he didn’t’ read the post – and just assumed it was written by you 😀
Maybe, but even if it was written by me, I don’t know what my “purpose in life” is that he is talking about.
LOL my Friend, you must have lost your American humor by living there for too long! never mind my friend, was NOT derogetory! Kamusta? and tell your son to call me 360-241-8689 Battle Ground. Maybe we can take a drive over to the Coast!
I have my sense of humor, I just can’t figure out what you are saying my purpose in life is. To get false teeth? To have all of my teeth pulled out? That is why I am puzzled. I will tell my son to give you a call, Heinz. Thanks!
Ok Bob, looking back at what I said I’m also puzzled! must be old age setting in, lol! Anyway. I’d love to show your son around and maybe even give him a job to help me doing Food Gigs on weekends if he wants
Heinz, if you would give him some work when you do food gigs, I would be so happy! I just sent him a message and told him to contact you. It would be really nice of you!
I’d be more than happy my friend, I can teach him a few things and he can help me with young muscles to set up!
How long will he be staying here?
He will be there at least until the end of October, Heinz
Cool! I’ll keep him busy every weekend if he wants to!
Pay is not shabby, percentage of net! averages out to be about $10 or so per working hr, under the table of course, lol
That is great, Heinz Schirmaier. He is a bit shy, but he will get over it! 😉
He can also contact me on Email: seattlecheesesteak @hotmail.com, identifie himself as Aaron!
He’ll be fine! he’ll have a great teacher!
Been there, done that and don’t mind passing on my experiences!
Face Book is Face Book and LiP is Lip, or I thought it was that way.
1947 must have been a great year, as it produced u and I and we are 1 of a kinds. LOL. Lucky for me I have all of mine and they are in good shape I think.
And 1947 was a much better year for my Brothers, the golden son was born. Really even I don’t believe some of the stuff I write…(LOL)
Hopefully you’ll have your new choppers before the end of the month. We’re in Florida now. We BBQ’d some nice Nice New York Strips from Publix. Best i’ve had in a long time. Just wanted to let you know lol.
Randy (PapaDuck)
Rub it in will you, how may I ever thank you as I sit here waiting eating mush and gruel.
Hi Paul,
My dad has told me his dad would get a mason jar of corn liquor and a pair of pliers and yank his own teeth when the need arose. I guess when he chose the do it yourself option. He had some way of marking which tooth to pull otherwise after the corn liquor took affect he might pull the wrong one. IDK. My dad has always said his dad was mean when he was drunk. I guess he was particularly mean when he was teeth-yanking drunk. Nice article and good luck with your new store bought teeth!
Your Grandfather was a sturdy man, pulling his own teeth is not that impressive but drinking Corn Liquor now there is a real man! Okay the tooth pulling was impressive too.
Like breasts we now refer to them as augmented teeth. (lol)
CIrca 2002, shortly after landing here, I was lucky to find my (real) regular dentist (in Harrison Plaza, Pasay, Manila). He’s done well by me, though now he’s way too far, so I’m saving up my dental needs for a plane-trip and wee-long-stay to see him one of these years.
That I am able to defer my dental needs for so many years is perhaps a partial testament to good genes, but perhaps more so to his professional acumen, perhaps reflected in the honor plaques from former Philippines presidents displayed in his office.
After some minor repairs, I had him do my first crown, which while in need of some attention 12 years later, still serves me whereas the ‘MALL’-dentist work is … well …. not so good. Back to timeline …
Then I moved to Cavite, and foolishly visited several blood-sucking mall dentist clinics. Thanks but I’ll pass on the full root-canal and all the major replace-everything annual prognosis. I made one major *MALL*clinic mistake and paid large to have a healthy molar ripped needlessly and two other healthy teeth ground down for a bridge for what should have instead just been a simple inexpensive and much healthier crown.
Learning my lesson, I trecked back to my good dentist in Pasay.
I could relate a *LOT* but if he’s the dentist here that I trust.
In context of Paul’s posting, he never *never* shoe’d me off to some doctor, he did what I was there for him to do, and honestly my wife didn’t give him the time to complete her major repairs, which “interim” are still holding well almost 4 years later.
If someone’s dentist needs to repeatedly send you to a doc for ‘clearance’ before doing dental work to be expected at your age (or mine junior to you), then you might want to find a better real dentist.