One of the things that always seems to generate some interest among readers is when we have a discussion of different cities around the Philippines. We all have our preferences of where we might want to live. Sometimes those preferences are set in stone, sometimes they are not. Sometimes, probably most of the time, we think our preferences are rigid, but they shift after we get more experience. So, it’s good to learn what is out there, what places we might like, and to keep an open mind.
So, this week, each of the LiP writers will be writing about the place where they live in the Philippines, and tell us a little bit about the place. What do they like there? What do they not like so much?
In my case, since Feyma and I obviously live in the same place, and share common experiences and opinions (what couple doesn’t?), Feyma will be writing about General Santos City, where we used to live, and I will be writing a series of articles about where we have lived, where we live now, and where we plan to live in the future. Some things you already know. Some of the things I tell you about this week may surprise you.
Michelle lives in the USA, and since the USA is not really the focus of this site, I have asked Michelle to write about the City where she came from here in the Philippines. There may have been some changes in the place in the years since she left, but I am sure that she can still give us a nice picture of what to expect there.
We have, as I am sure you are all aware, several writers from Davao. So, there will be multiple articles about Davao, but that’s OK. Each article will reflect the opinion of the writer, and will also focus in on the things that the writer feels are important. There is nothing wrong with that. The readers will have a chance to look at Davao from a number of angles and decide what they think is most important.
So, are you ready for “Where I Live” week on LiP? I’m kind of excited about it, and I believe that I will learn some new things about different parts of the Philippines over the coming days. I hope you will too.
Kamusta ka Bob,
I look forward to this…see yall soon.
Danny 🙂
Hi Danny – Me too! I hope you enjoy it!
Hi! Bob,
Another interesting topic you have here but pls. can you tell me how to post some pics here or even a video clip ,i tried it before but it seems not working, i also would like to share some photos here where i want to live and my dream as well, although i had already a house of my own but not my ideal place to live in….
Hi Wildcat – If you go to the LiP Photo Gallery, you can then click on the link in the left column at the top where it says "How to create your own album" – follow those instructions, and you can then upload all the photos you want to your very own gallery album. We don't have a place where users can upload videos, but perhaps I'll do something like that in the future, I have gotten a few such requests. If you have any trouble, please let me know, and I'll assist if I can.
Hi Bob, Great idea! I'll be looking forward to it. As you say, everybody has their personal preferences, even for a vacation trip, so lets see how your guest writers can influence your readers.
Hi John – I hope you enjoy the series of articles. I believe that all of our regular writers will be submitting articles about their home area (still waiting on a couple of them), so it should show a real cross-section of the Philippines.
Sounds like a good series of articles to look forward to. As you know it was my accidential discovery of Iligan City while websurfing a few years ago that first brought my attention to The Philippines and particularly Mindanao. The wide variety of interesting and informative articles on your websites have enabled me to become familiar with other parts of the island I might have otherwise overlooked. I have always found the information provided by those that are there in the city or locality being discussed, to be more informative, accurate and up to date than dedicated travel and tourist type websites and books that often can be a bit stale by the time they are found or read.
Hi Bob – Thanks for your vote of confidence in the material that you can find here on LiP. I think we are in for a week of interesting features of different parts of the country!
maayonghapon bob
ahhh this will be a nice topic for discussion as i love many places in philippines.
cant wait to read up on these articles.
salamat bob
Kumusta ka, Ron? Should be an interesting week of reading on LiP! At least I hope everybody enjoys it!
If things could be ideal. I would live on Mt. Apo 6 months of the year, typhoon season. Then explore the Philippine's nooks, crannies, and unknown spots while sailing Imagine the other 6 months.
We don't have a plan written in stone yet, so we may very well end up in Cebu City for sometime while Melanie helps with the family business. As always time will tell……i2f…John
Hi imagine – You would live on Mt. Apo? Hmm… have you ever been up there? There is nothing up there! And, generally, you can't legally live up on the mountain. You even have to get a permit to climb up there. 😆 About the only things up there are a few geothermal installations. I suppose it could be an interesting life, though! 😉