Yes there is breaking NEWS about my New Old Honda that has been in the shop receiving bypass surgery at Doctor Kuya Greg’s shop for over a month.
It’s not even close to being done.
On the glass half full side, it’s cost me nothing so far, and I’ve not had to buy gas in over a month. Wait I did purchase some for a couple of brown outs when I used the very old HONDA generator.

But a new tradition has been born out of the car troubles, I’ve mentioned in the past some very funny experiences I’ve encountered when visiting movie houses here in the Philippines. The funniest one was about 15 years ago in Manila I took my family to see a Jacky Chan movie at the Ali Mall. It was my first Jacky Chan movie but the ladies seemed to know who the guy was. It started out badly at the concession stand where I was going to purchase popcorn for everyone. I could see the machine full of those golden popped colonels of corn, with that wonderful smell whiffing into our nostrils only to be told by the young girl that I could not have any, as they had no containers or bags to serve it in. Before you go off on a tangent onto how this could be, that they didn’t order bags first ask yourself; “Knowing this, why did they bother to pop the corn in the first place? Had it been me working under those same constraints I would have told everyone that the machine was down for repair. BTW I found that I liked Jacky Chan, and stores close by will sell me a plastic bag for popcorn.

Now for my general complaints, the theaters stunk, I mean the CR smelled better then at my seat., the place was as black as a coal mine with no power, my eyes has not yet adjusted to night vision mode as it was afternoon outside and I’d just been under the warm tropical Philippine sun, besides standing in front of the popcorn machine which was also brightly lighted, did I mention they had a ½ horsepower A/C stuck into one wall, that brought the temp way down to the low 90’s.
Now back then, cell phones were just catching on, and the people that had one, wanted everyone else to know, that they had it, so they were on them through the entire movie. Oh besides the play by play critique of the movie to their friends, I also learned that Doo-dong was dating Smiley Apple Pie (That was the girls name; call her parents if you don’t believe me.) Well those first few visits put me off going to the movies for many years, I’d buy the movie at the market and still got the experience of people talking and not staying in their seats, but there was enough light at my house to find my way to the head, and I had containers for my pop corn.
Time marches on, then in 2012 and the girls drag me kicking and screaming to the new SM Mall in Olongapo, to a movie and Pizza Hut after. Mmmm Pizza.
I deemed it a pleasant experience, well lit, clean and fresh, comfortable seating, but most importantly bags for the popcorn. There was a change in the customers around me, who were quite except when laughing at the funny parts of the movie. Also they had an usher (Not the Rap guy) to quell unauthorized cell phone usage. I wish he had been at the church with me last week at the wedding. So all in all, I’ll go to movies again.
As a matter of fact, Mayang and I are going to the Harbor Point Mall today (May 30th) to have lunch and catch a matinee at 15; 05 she wanted to see Star Trek #45 (Kirk is reborn as a Klingon or something like that)
This day is just about her and me, a little alone time. But I know I’ll be pulled through the mall to look and touch the many items for sale that will be on display. Hey, it’s her day, no beer for me and I’m good with that!
How do you find out what movies are showing? What time are they showing? This is where the interweb thingy comes into play; they now have a theater web site that gives you all this pertinent information right from the comfort of your home via your Puter. And I’m still impressed by sliced bread!

Now for how it really happened, we took a mini-bus to the big PO then went (by foot power) to the Ayala Harbor Point mall. Decided we would have lunch at the California Café, our first time there. I ordered an Ice Tea, yes just a simple Ice Tea, but no I received a fancy-dancy Lychee stuff with honey Iced Tea, by all that’s right and just no one should have to drink that. I switched it for a coke as the coke was sealed in a can and they couldn’t mess that up.

Be afraid, Paul; be very afraid as I had ordered a Cheese steak sandwich with mushrooms and Mozzarella, then I thought about the Ice Tea hoping they knew more about sandwiches , but was very presently surprised as it was beyond good. Mayang had the seafood pasta that she absolutely loved. I’ll go there again, but I’ll pass on the ice tea.
Next we go to purchase the tickets to see Star Trek number 32 (Kirk collects social security) I order the ticket and the nice lady informs me that it was not on the menu, silly me for going to their web site how could I have made such a dumb mistake as that?.The menu listed the new Obama movie Fast and Furious #6, Epic (A cartoon), The Hangover part III (Hell I’ve lived that so I didn’t need to see it), or Now You See Me these were the movies for that day…
Well do I go angry Kano, or do I pick another movie? “Now You See Me” has Morgan Freeman staring in it and…Wait, Morgan Freeman? Has that man ever been in a bad movie? I think not. So that’s the one we saw. (I liked it, but then that just me)
Into every life some humour must fall, Remember I fed my wife downstairs at the California Café? The credits are rolling and she’s asleep, when it’s nap time, don’t fight it, just take the nap. Oh and we took a taxi home as it was getting late (Read Paul was tired now)
The next day I downloaded Iron Man III and put it on a USB, then gave it to Mayang and foolishly said; “Watch this for a really great nap!” Don’t send flowers I’ll be home soon.

So someday in a future far, far away, my New Old Honda will be “On the Road Again” but by then we’ll have a colony on Mars, and after the Constitutional change Obama will be on his fourth term. Haiti will be sending aid to the people in the United States, and I’ll be so old I’ll have to hire a driver. But I’ll still be on a mountain in Bataan, quaffing a cold SMB and wondering if I really do deserve this great life I’ve got, all the while still owning the New Old Honda.
Golly Sir Bob this is another long winded article, what about that day off? (lol)
[Note from Bob: Paul, you already get 6 days per week off… you only have one article out of 7 days! Now get to work!!!]
Pretty neat adventure. Right brave of you to pull the Ironman stunt.
I can tell you’re an old Navy man though. Can’t tell a colonel from a kernel. Granted, I’ve met a few colonels who didn’t have a kernel of sense, but I think they started out that way as lieutenants. 😉
Take care
SSG US Army (retired)
This proves that spell check is useless if you use the wrong word to begin with, I have two sons’ who are career ARMY you would think they’d have their sailor dad squared away by now. Army – Navy games were a big problem among us.
once again you have me rolling on the floor Paul, and Bob , you are a slave driver. Don’t you know us old guys need more downtime than you younger people? I say put Sugar on double duty and give poor old Paul an extra day out of his busy writing schedule that he can devote solely to taste testing his Sam Migs and checking his eyelids for holes. i think he should get a raise too. He will need it to get the New oLd Honda out of Purgatory.
I do need another day off from this grinding schedule I’m on, but I did check my eyes yesterday for light leaks during a battle nap and they proved to both be in good working order. I take my day dreaming quite literally.
Paul – I just realized that you might not have seen the comment I inserted at the end of your article… take a look at the last line there.
Your spot on with that, I did miss it, but at 5am when it was put on the site what do you expect from these old eyes? (And why would I read my own article? LOL) Oh I’ll get to work alright, next Friday, as I do my writing when my feet are held to the fire. It’s an old Navy thing. “Delay it as long as you can, and hope the Commander forgot about it.”
Shape up or ship out.. isn’t that an old Navy saying? 😉
Yes Bob it is, but what they failed to tell us is that shaped up or not, you’re still shipping out on that damn ship come hell or high water.
Ha ha.. I never thought about that, Paul. You are sure right, though! Somehow, it sounds like you have experience in this sort of thing!
Like the time I was standing at an empty pier in Nice France explaining to the Shore Patrol that yes I am here, yet my ship isn’t. Ah impetuous youth!
Hope you were not drunk and missed your ship Paul lol lol
Being that it was the next day, I will attest that I was not drunk, but hung-over like a bad dog. The Aircraft Carrier in port flew me out in a CH-47 to my ship and the stripe on my arm disapeared.
OK Paul, Behold the power of the Chief Petty Officer. You Got a raise and the green light to be Drunk on duty! 😉
Drink after duty, never while on duty.
A Chief Petty Officer does not drink
But if he does, he will not get drunk
But if he does, he will not fall down
But if he does, he will fall in such a manner as to cover his CPO devices on his collar so that any civilian walking by will assume it’s a Naval Officer
In 1976 I had to learn this to pledge at my Chief’s initiation, I still remember it.
I had to learn it too! also the Chief’s Rules though after the first two i have forgotten the order they came in. but as long as you remember the first two in order the order of the rest of them really doesn’t matter much, now does it
Say what??? (lol)
Hahaha, that falling to your left arms so as not to see your CPO patch, still a classic. Had to memorized that too. Well maybe before Bob bosses you around, he should read this below and see the Chain of Command: (sorry Bob)
Chain of Command
Leaps over tall buildings with a single bound. Is more powerful than a locomotive. Is faster than a speeding bullet. Walks on water. Gives policy guidance to God.
Leaps short buildings with a single bound. Is more powerful than a small engine. Is just as fast as a speeding bullet. Walks on water if the sea is calm. Talks with GOD.
Leaps short buildings with a running start. Is almost as powerful as a small engine. Is slower than a speeding bullet. Walks on water in indoor swimming pools. Talks with GOD if special form is provided.
Barely clears little huts. Loses tug of war with small engine . Can fire a speeding bullet. Swims well. Is occasionally addressed by GOD.
Crashes into buildings trying to leap over them. Is run over by small engines. Can sometimes handle a gun without inflicting self injury. Dog paddles. Talks to animals.
Lieutenant Junior Grade – Cannot recognize buildings. Recognizes small engines two or three times. Is not issued ammunition. Can stay afloat if instructed in Mae West. Talks to walls.
Falls over doorstep when trying to enter a building. Says”Look at the Choo-choo” when locomotive passes by. Not allowed elastic for his slingshot. Plays in puddles. Mumbles to himself.
Lol, still gets a chuckle everytime I read this old one,
I remember that so well, it was n the bulkhead in our Chief’s mess. Brings back pleasent thoughts.
Joe – You are a trouble causer! 😉 You need to step back and let the situation resolve itself.
OK, OK, based on your comment, I am immediately instituting a raise for Paul. Starting with next week’s article I am doubling his salary. No extra days off, though. Old folks need something to keep them busy, otherwise they just wither away. Writing articles is Paul’s best bet for getting his San Mig taste testing done… can’t you tell that most of his articles are written “under the influence?” 😉
I will spend that raise wisely!
Sometimes it’s easy to get Paul confused with his brother “Dan”! :O I remember my first date with my asawa – went to the theater in Olongapo, was wearing my best theater going white short-shorts. We entered the theater in complete darkness and the first seat I sat in was already occupied. When the eyes finally adjusted, I found a seat that came with a large wad of gum (ABC gum I might add)….which stuck to my a** like glue and never completely came out. I remember walking backwards everywhere that night. 😛
True Dan and I both have the same last name.
That old theater on Rizal (by Jackson High) was destroyed by Pinatubo, but the shell is still there, now you can drive into it and they install car stereos and custom Auto accessories it’s called Max’s Stereo Shop. I told the owner he should show movies on the screen while the customers wait. With seven or eight cars inside now, it’s cleaner and smells better. Oh and with the roof gone it’s easy to see in there.
Got a great laugh! Anne wants to go see the Ironman movie tomorrow. We just finished packing the last box going to the Philippines. 14 total. Anne couldn’t leave anything behind. So the last few were filled to the max and very heavy. Bless her heart for trying to save a peso. Paul, by the time you get your car back it will be a classic car so you will be able to sell it for good money lol. Take care
If you were here I give you the Iron Man III movie, (Is that legal?), that must be a first, shipping boxes from the Philippines to the US. I’ll use trickery to get my car back sooner then they planned, I’ll tell them I have the cash in my pocket right now, but Mayang wants to go shopping.
It’s Randy, not Larry. And, Anne is not in the Philippines at this time, she’s in Florida with Randy presently. You must miss the old new Honda that much, Paul, and it shows. LOL
Thank you I don’t know why I got Papa Duck’s name confused with good old Larry (Who is that?)
I’ve been called worse lol. Yes Anne made it here on the 29th of May and is having a great time and needless to say I am very happy.
Randy; (Got it right this time)
I knew Anne was stateside, but I had a Major-major brain fart the other day and was rambling on about something I knew nothing about.
I’ll try to do better in the future.
How can you not remember who Larry was, Paul? Good, old Larry was the guy who took your girl away from you when you were a teenager back in Boston, remember? Then he dropped her like a hot potato. Surprise of all surprises, you wanted the damaged goods back! LOL
Hats off to Larry, great song about a guy who put up with some serious crap from his girlfriend and a chump named Larry. When she came running back, I had already driven off in my 1951 Merc convertible with Mary’s sister Joy. Mary was passed around after that, and then she ended up in San Francisco working in adult films. Larry ended up in prison, where he entertained gangs and found that he liked it. Paul joined the Navy and ended up retired and living in the Philippines. To which I can now happily say “Hats Off To Larry” and thank you, for you are now; Bubba’s’s new friend!
This was a cautionary tale to my Ex-wife that she never heeded.
Any day now, the new old Honda will roll of the assembly line and make you proud that you revived her.
Hey buddy;
Not this week, but any month now, let me know when Mercer is feeling better, and we’ll do lunch.
The situation with the new old Honda is creating a lesson in ” Patience In The Philippines ” right here on Lip . Sounds as though they are waiting for unique parts for the engine that can not be easily custom made or otherwise can not be substituted.
A display case full of popped corn but you can not buy any of it due to lack of containers to put it in. Now thats a good one. Maybe they had to make the popped corn to create the aroma to attract people to the refreshment counter to buy something else instead. What a great marketing idea ! Things in The Philippines that may seem different from what we are acoustomed to in our own country usually have a good reason for the way they are done there.
As I said, I went next door and got a plastic bag. Sir I can’t put the pop corn in there as I don’t know the capacity of the bag. Young lady how many scoops does it take to fill one of your bags when they are in stock? Sir about 3 scoops, then I want 12 scoops and I’ll pay you for four bags. But sir, they inventory the pop corn by counting the bags sols, sir! Then put the money in your pocket as no bags were sold. but I want the popcorn. Mmmm Okay, after one major-major head scratch! BTW this transaction was conducted with my daughters cracking up, and me never looseing my smile and speaking gently to the young lady.
As for the car, only the gods know, I’ll get it back, when I get it back, and not a minute before. (LOL)
I will have to remember this when on a future visit I might feel a ” Kano Moment ” coming on. Thanks for your explanation Paul.
As long as we can smile and stay calm, and remember that each employee is only doing what their boss told them to do, we’ll be fine. When I ran the Navy Commissary
In Puerto Rico, my people knew that if a customer became ugly, that I was to be called in to the situation, as dealing with ugly was why I made the big bucks.
Hi Paul – I am very interested to see how long it takes to get your Honda back. I guess we should know sometime in the coming months.
Properly not as interested as I am, but I’m adapting to public transportation once more, meeting people on the mini bus, passing money forward on the Jeepney’s, and joking with the Trike drivers. I refuse to ride in a Pedi-cab as walking is faster. But Wednesday I’m going to tow to visit the New Old Honda, bring it some flowers, and make sure the boys paint the engine compartment (Black) and the Block and Transaxle (Red) as when I do get it back (In whatever millennium) I want it to be pretty. I might even have the interior redone with new seat covers and carpet. Just to make me feel good about the car again.
Very good. Look forward to finding out the end time frame. You seem reasonably good about the timing. I would find it frustrating myself waiting and not knowing exactly when.
Twenty years ago I would be acting like a Tasmanian devil, but with each passing year I’ve mellowed, until I’ve reached this nirvana state of “Why do I even care” Kuya Greg is my mechanic and a friend, so I know they are moving as fast as they can, but they must deal with outside sources for parts and the machine shop. So staying calm is all I can do. (Beer helps) I have a half finished story about the end of this saga, which I can’t finish until they finish, so I’m in the same boat as them. I thank all that is holy, that there is SMB.
As I read this Paul I am actually drinking a San Mig Light. It beats Red Horse hands down!
I tried Red Horse a few times and just didn’t like it, but I never liked Colt 45 in the States. I’ll pick a San Mig (Light) or the ole stand by SMB (Pale Pilsner) any time and I stock both at home, The Beer-Na-Beer, well if I ever fall on hard times I might drink that, but I hope not!
Were the heads Cracked????????????/
not yet but if Doctor Kuya Greg doesn’t get some expediters going on it, there could be!
An Expediter in the Philippines? What a lonesome job that must be.
For the life of me I really don’t know, they sent the head to a machine shop to mill it down, but it’s still there. I’m just drinking beer waiting for the phone call to tell me it’s done. Kuya Greg and I worked out a deal 14 years ago, he does his job, and I drink beer. The man and his family has been to parties at my house many times, that’s when he drinks the beer.
Send beer to the machine shop. Maybe that will speed things up.
That is the first piece of good advice I’ve received to date. But it poses the question; “Why didn’t I think of that????
15 years ago was 1998 right? Jackie Chan’s movie in Ali Mall? So, that was you Paul the big kano with a plastic bag full of popcorn! I was laughing so hard……just kidding heheheh
That was me, and I heard you laughing but I thought you were laughing at Doo-dong dating Smiley Apple Pie that we heard about on the cell phone. But if it was me you were laughing at, thank you for leaving a weak person alone. (LOL)
If you happen to pass-by Cubao area in QC, try going to Gateway Mall, it’s new-old mall although they have rehabilitated Ali Mall a few years back 🙂
Remember that colony on Mar’s? It will be thriving by the time I find my way into Manila again unless I must be there. The Ali Mall needed rehabilitation shortly after it opened; it was never one of Cassius Clay’s better ideas.
Hi Paul- I could read all your articles and never get bored ^_^. You mentioned Ali mall.. omg.. that’s soooooooooo early eighties! he he. you know that was the “sosy” mall theater. No SM or Ayala malls then I think.. Nowadays you can watch a movie sitting in lazy boy with unlimited popcorn and drink… and sleep.. he he or just go to IMAX theater… ha ha. You and wife should have a date again and watch Man of Steel.:)
I did say 15 years ago, In Puerto Rico my friend Mike and I tried to see a movie and the manager said we had to wear long pants to get in. I called the Corporate Office in California (Toll Free) and asked why that was, the VP I spoke to said they had no such rule, and that my ticket (And Mike’s) was free. The manager asked why I got him in trouble, if he didn’t already know; I could never explain it to him.
Flushing New York, at the 1964 World’s Fair I saw my first IMAX movie (So funny, it was put out by Monsanto) got a head ache, never again.
That was riveting Paul, I woke up just at the end of the article. Just to let you know how I can sleep ( like Mayang ) and finish your article, I use select and ‘speak’ saves having to read the article.
If for one minute I knew what you were talking about, I’d have a snappy comeback answer. (lol)
Forget the popcorn at the movies, Paul. There’s something better on the sidewalk just outside the movie theater. It’s called, “inihaw na mais”. If you crave something sour, there’s “manggang hilaw” (unripened mango) slathered with “bagoong alamang” (shrimp paste) sold by the same vendor. These were just some of the most sought-after snacks that you can take with you inside the movies in the good old days. Did I mention “butong pakwan” (watermelon seeds)? No wonder movie theaters smelled in those days. On top of that, there’s “surot” (bed bugs?). Surot will keep you scratching in your seat throughout the move. If you crane your neck towards the back if you’re wondering what’s causing that sucking noise you hear, you will be treated to some scenes better than the bomba scenes in the movie itself. Pinoys called those “scenes” at the back of the movie theater, “kaplugan”. LOL
Thanks’ for explaining the theater smell I’ll stick with popcorn and a soda. (Soda is called Tonic in Boston) or a box of those horrible candy “DOTS” The new movie emporiums here (At the Malls) are top shelf, and now I’ll be a regular attendee. I was feeling guilty about the pirated movies they sold at the market as they are chipping into Hollywood’s billion dollar profits. BYW a movie ticket here cost P 150.00 what a deal.