I went off on a dumb ass tirade a couple of weeks ago, and albeit 90% of the readers agreed with me I paid the most attention to the 10% who took exception to my point of view. I was angry that once more the Philippines was singled out as a terrorism capital of the world by my home country (USA) and my US Embassy was quick to e-mail me and tell me that I was in mortal danger. Whilst everyday allowing thousands of unsuspecting European and British tourists to land at the airport in Orlando Florida to visit the Mouse Factory which was also , the recent site of a major act of terrorism. Then, while I was in the hospital last week there were 3 more terrorist attacks in the US over one weekend, but because of the verbiage used to describe those attacks by CNN, they could have been work place incidents.
Now since I cannot control the direction any article might take but I I will say this. From now on, I will not answer any comment that takes a political point of view one way or the other I’ll allow our readers to do that. Because as a liberal or a conservative either way, you are as right as your media outlet said you are. And I’ll let you pick your own direction.
While rereading my article “Tener Cojones” it occurred to me that it was pretty much my fault that it went in the direction it did, as I wrote it while angry, without thinking through all the ramifications! I won’t be doing that again. This is not the reason I migrated to the Philippines over 20 years ago. But as I said above some of those 10 % got me to thinking that this was the very reason I settled in the Philippines to live in the first place, to live among a people who were above the fray and not concerned with what folks on the other side of the lake thought about how they should be required to think. I had lost sight of that and went Loony Tunes Political. Also it was an insult to our readers on LiP, I find the funny side to life here in the Philippines and point it out, and I’m going back to that format and if I stray, please hammer me as hard as you can in the comments section!
Now; something I’ve been threatening to do for years and just did is to turn off Fox, CNN, BBC or any other media they try to influence me with. Paul is no longer involved; and the same distance is now between Washington DC and me here in the Philippines: which is one country (The US of A) and most of the Pacific Ocean. That’s a much better buffer zone than we had in Vietnam at the DMZ,
Last week I mentioned my friend and former boss had refused an operation for his colon cancer, staying true to what I believe, I sat with him and we discussed both his and my opinion. He elected to go with his opinion, I elected to remember he is a friend and to shut up now and respect my friend’s opinion. We finished the day under his mango tree, drinking sweet tea and telling lies about all the ports we’ve visited together. This is the type of day I plan to repeat over and over again in the future. But that subject I went to see him about is closed forever. And no matter who wins the next US election, as long as they deposit my earned retirements into my account every month they can live the way they see fit. And NYC is welcome to its 62 identified genders, but it helps me understand why Boston is Number One this year American League Playoffs.
BTW there is always extra space under that Mango Tree. If you feel like joining us…Sweet tea or a cold beer? Funny stories about life in the tropics, and Bi-Polar means you live close to the equator!
I am clearly on the opposite side of the political isle but just read your Tener Cojones piece and agreed completely with it. We need leaders with some cojones and yet we also need leaders with the sense to stay out of the politics of other nations like the Philippines. This is true of Democrats and Republicans alike.
As to the media, I rarely watch any of it for the reasons you mention. Hell I can’t stand FB for all the political postings. It doesn’t even matter anymore what is true or not – I am simply an old guy tired of reading it all.
As to the media, I don’t agree it’s a conservative or liberal problem. The fault is with “60 Minutes”! Prior to the advent of that show (and I’m a fan), the “news” was a public responsibility and FCC requirement. But it didn’t make money. Once “60 Minutes” demonstrated that all you had to do was stick a microphone in someone’s face and you could make millions – well we have the outcome we now have.
I’m less than a year from retirement in the Philippines and once there will have no reason or desire to listen to the world news. As you said, as long as my Social Security check clears, I could care less.
And personally, I have no problem if you get angry once it a while. Go for it!
The world media is slanted in the direction the cooperate minions want it to go. We the guppies are suppose to swim in the way they tell us. Join us under the tree, and we’ll pick the direction we want to go. From henceforth I’m going with the humorous side of life. We’ll be waiting under the tree until next year when you join us!
Other than local sports and weather reports, like you I have eliminated daily viewing of all major news networks. I am in the midst of the best times of my life and intend to make memories and enjoy it… Anything that causes me heartburn (ex, media bias/politics) has to go from my world…. I miss it not… Save me a spot under that mango tree… Good to see you are doing well:)
A charter seat is reserved for you and any other who just wants to sit and enjoy good company, and someday (For Me) a cold beer! But Ice Tea is fine with me too!
The stories will get better when the SMB flows again, and perhaps a SMALL shot of grog. Your mango tree is too far away for me, but I will use one here in Mindanao and ponder the good life.
John J’
The Mango tree is just a metaphor; it could be a maple tree in Canada or any place when folks gather to discuss life and funny stuff. So your mango tree is attached to all trees used to sit under and relax. There will be beer again someday in my future, but I’ll be fine until it happens once more.
Great reprise on the earlier article Paul. Although I find myself unable to move to the Philippines as I had so long planned, the approach to life you suggest seems the best at an advanced age in life. The media, even the local network news outlets, are so much into reporting only on the many negative things that occur, and are too much influenced by the almighty dollar. You are right on the “Sixty Minutes” influence. I rarely watch news any more, and that is my conservative nature taking over. As oldsters, many of us remember the great Paul Harvey and his approach to telling the real news in a positive way.
I plan to live out life as you have suggested, with humor and good will playing a major role. While it may not be a “mango tree”, it will be perhaps a maple tree or chestnut tree, or a great front porch in the evening. We used to do that as kids with the family. It worked then, and works now, to bring peace and comfort to your day.
It’s interesting, at least to me, that the most interesting parts of being on Facebook have nothing to do with politics. My enjoyment often comes from re-living memories of old times, old places we have lived or visited, and the photographs of live – both past and present.
I’m happy for you that you are where you want to be, and don’t mind at all that you let off a little steam once in a while. That has a certain value also. Take care of yourself now, and good health under that mango tree. Some of us aren’t so fortunate and must live that kind of life vicariously, as you know. God bless all.
Steve Gray;
In Boston it was called the Porch, or the Stoop. I remember walking down the streets after sunset and waving to the folks outside sitting under their own form of Mango Tree.
Without humor and joking I don’t want to be part of the alternative that is offered by the media and the politically empowered You didn’t explain why your moved here is not in the cards for you, But your positive outlook on the way you want to live your life, will see you through the great things life will offer to us. I strayed from my path for awhile, but hopefully I am back on the straight and narrow once more.
LMAO@ 62 genders!
That is not a misprint or a joke that is what NYC has listed on their books as separate and distinct genders. I’m still confused as to which bathroom to use; I’ll stay here in the Philippines where the “Wall” makes more sense to me now. (LOL)
Just be glad you departed the Navy when you did, all Navy personnel now undergoing training on how to deal with their future transgender shipmates! Seamen, er ah sea women ah eh seapeople.
Woman on ship’s was going to destroy the Navy, it came it happened and the Navy was still there. Next were gays in the Navy, I knew there were gays in the Navy before liberals knew there were gays in the Navy, if they came to work and did the job, most of us really paid little attention to it. For some strange reason the Navy has survived the new social wave that that liberals really think they invented. Humanity invented it not a bunch of unicorn herders in 1966 in a bar on Thames Street in New Port RI we met transgenders who shot pool in the same bar as sailors and not one fight was recorded. Myself, I just accepted it as no one was going to change it no matter how much noise they made. I just found out that now I’m just a Senior Chief, and am no longer a Senior Chief Ship’s Serviceman. So instead of someone knowing what your job is, they must ask you what your job is. Once more geniuses at work! The stupid Blueberry uniform they after many years they figured out didn’t work, so once more all things will come to pass. But hey! I’m retired!
Fantastic article Paul. There is SO much more to life than politics, thank you for seeing that. Especially if the Red Sox make it to the series! Just think, it might be the Sox against the Cubs … I know you’re a lifelong Sox fan, but could this be the “next year” Cubs fans have been telling us about since 1908?
Hope you are out of the hospital now and doing well.
I’ll tell you a funny story about the mango trees. A couple years ago after my youngest visited me here in the Philippines, he had a conversation with his mom, my ex. She chastised him about taking time off from work and wasting time and money on visiting the Philippines. She even got all excited and fearful about what he would do if he got laid off from his job becuase of taking extra vacation days.
His response was, “I could always go back and stay with dad and watch the mangos ripen.” He related that she somehow failed to see the humor, LoL.
Out of the hospital now, getting better every day, My Ex-wife two months ago requested me as a friend on face book. Did she forget 1969?
This is a year that I would give to the Cub’s; Boston has been to the Big Show twice, anyone but the Yankee…is the Boston Way!!!!!!
OMB, your ex friend requested you No wonder I feel FB is a bit creepy at times, LoL
Dave EX-Wife!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t tell me that you missed these:
RMB is now a recognised international currency
The US gives control to… whomever.
Hurricane Matthew threatens the entire East coast.
Don’t forget St Francis tomorrow!
That’s news too.
Palawan Bob;
I checked with the Navy Federal Credit Union and on I October dollars were deposited to my account not Yuan, but after I converted some to Philippine Pesos, life again has moved on very smoothly! Which Saint Francis???
That’s Pope Francis’ favourite saint.
That’s why he chose that name.
It’s celebrated tomorrow, the 4th of October 2016.
A VERY SPECIAL DAY INDEED…!!! In capital letters.
We’ll talk about it in two days.
Glad your recovering nicely there shipmate.
I am so tired of all these News Outlets telling us what each candidate needs to do as well.
I am so enjoying walking away from the TV (Boob Box). . . . and enjoying anything and everything this land offers this old retired Sailor!
Oh for the old days when the new media reported the new unlike today when they try make the news, too much infotainment with very little content.
The trick to watching cable is to watch the top of the hour for 3 minutes, because the rest of the hour they rehash over and over what they already told you.
Seems like politics is more and more working its way into just about everything, including the rest rooms. What is it going to be next, Donald and Hillary campaign alternately printed on the toilet tissue ? Hey, that might not be a bad idea at that. I think my own Mango Tree will consist of Jolliburgers and buckets of Chicken Joy ! Eat best forget the rest as more Jollimangotrees sprout all over the world. Jolli Mango Pie anyone ?
Bob (NY)
The shaded area outside of Jolliness’s is considered a Mango Tree area, and yes Jolliness Chicken is great!
Hi Paul, I recently asked how many terrorist attacks we have had in the past week (referring to the 3 you mentioned) I was looked upon as someone who had been smoking something illegal! The news media only reports what fits thier agenda, and at this time it doesn’t fit, kind of like Benghazi 4 years ago. I don’t trust either canidate, and I certainly don’t trust the press. I would build an underground bunker to escape, but that is too depressing, kind of like a tour on long black submarine.
Have a good one
I thought the only illegal thing you can smoke in the US is cigarettes? The main difference is the Philippine people are smart enough to know a terrorist attack from media whitewashing.
Glad you are doing well after your surgery. The Mango tree is indeed a good place to enjoy as we will back in the Philippines in less than 2 weeks. Looking forward to getting away from the election media as it’s getting pretty old right now and seeing what the Duterte Philippines is like lol.
I can’t imagine what the media is like this close to the election. Poking yourself in the eye sounds like more fun. Duterte Philippines is no different than regular Philippines except the senators get free TV time and still say
Paul the Mango tree is live and well here in our little piece of Yorkshire. These days it seems as if it is an unwritten rule that politics are not mentioned.
Reminiscing seems to take up a lot of the time.
Take care
I use to sing to my wife; “Don’t sit under that Mango tree with anyone else but me!” Reminiscing is another positive use of the “TREE” I just shut off the TV when on EXTRA a fluff entertainment show just went off on a political rant. When will it end?
You may or may not reply to this, but thats up to you. I enjoyed reading some of your stories on FB, and i will miss that. I am not what I consider to be either Dem. or Rep. I know you are hardcore Rep. though, and you almost daily posted negative things about Dem’s but thats your opinion and right to do it, and for the most part it did not bother me that much, but I figured i would occasionally rattle your cage a little bit and say something about Republicans that apparently you took great offence too, since you unfriended me because of it, but again thats up to you. when I posted it, I just never figured it would apparently piss you off like it did, did not figure Trump ment that much to you and seeing the kind of personality you have, figured you would not care that much.
So anyway Paul, sorry that I offended you with my comment about Trump.
Bill S;
I’ll take your word that I unfriended you, albeit I don’t remember as I’ve been back to the hospital for surgery again. And still not sure I care about Trump or any of those damn fools. But if what you posted was funny, that would never upset me. I even leave Hillary alone if I believe a comment is beyond the pale.
Hi Paul; Glad to hear you re gaining each day. Sad about Bob Martin: I hope he can “beat the devil.” I have a mango tree that I enjoy the fruit thereof. I don’t have much company since I live up country about 70 clicks. But I do enjoy an ice cold San Mig on the patio on the seaside of the house. Yes politics is so depressing. I want term limits on all elected or appointed government employees including & mainly supreme court judges. Imagine some old senile asshole sitting & peeing on the bench all his/her life. Then abolish the i.r.s. & replace with the fairfax: no more write-offs for ANYBODY. Then all recognize the constitution is the law of the land. But mainly I think since we have hunting season on deer, moose, elk, antelope and bear; when does the politician season open? My old winchester 73 has a range & wallop!
So, be/get well Paul & to all, “good night.”
I am prepared for battle, William.. I will beat this!
Sir Bob;
Don’t try and beat it, throttle its ass and be done with it! (LOL)
Gaining each day is all I can ask for, baby steps prior to breaking into a run. Drinking beer on the seaward side is as good as a beer on the leeward side of the house, as long as the beer is cold. I just left my favorite bar that has great Mexican Food, still no SMB for me but my friends understand. The funny thing was they were all smoking and I moved over by the door prior to my saying one thing about that. I don’t smoke anymore but I’ll be damned if I’ll become the anti-smoking Nazi that has always jacked my jaws. I’m still, a believer in “to each his own!”
You my friend, are a man after mine own heart..as my Da would have said..
I just returned from a trip back to the old USA. I needed to go back for my favorite daughters wedding. (I only have one..hahaha) It was good to see family and old friends but.. there is always a BUT…
There is this underlying pretentiousness there that it took me being away from for a period of time to even see. It is so pervasive.. insidious… so much the “norm” that it is not even recognized as such. I do not think I can explain it.. in point of fact I needed to do some away type thinking to even pinpoint it.
I had every intention of getting an absentee ballot and voting in this years election there.. but I blew it off… first time in my life I will NOT vote..
It comes down to what my old man used to say… anyone that even gets to this point?.. should not hold the job.
I really don’t like any of those assholes .. so?.. I abstain.
As with you I also decided to allow the media and the members of the Chicago walking dead to pick the newest resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, being that the White House is nothing but section eight housing anyway, why would I care who lives there. I’ll sit under the Mango Tree with my friends and smile when the subject of whoever is president comes up, I figure if I don’t vote, than I have nothing to complain about for the next 4 years. When I fly to Florida to visit my daughter and my grandson, they will know which bathroom to direct me too, or I could just follow the old fat woman in the pants suit, or that odd guy tweeting on his way into a stall. I have many retired friends in Florida, so I’ll stay busy! Congratulations on your daughter’s wedding!
Paul – I’ll be returning to the Paradise of Sanity in about a week, and I’m slowly catching up on my reading and writing. Perhaps there might be a little room ‘neath the Mango tree for me in the near future? (Last year, you’ll remember, was a bust.)
It’ll be a couple of “broken Pauls,” on the mend. I do fear, however, that I’m starting to get too old to beat “the reaper” each time we race.
Paul K;
I never thought at this age I’d be able to out run the reaper, but I’ll be satisfied outrunning a few others in the group he’s after.
I’ve sworn off politics unless someone has something funny to say under that Mango tree. There is always room for one more under that tree.
As a naive British citizen, your story has prompted my memories and thoughts.
First, which is safer, USA or Philippines? I feel The Philippines is the safer option, but then I have been there, but not been to the US. And for me, Philippines is more attractive – mainly because it is more different in so many ways.
Second, I would like to recount a short mango-based story: Within days of arriving in Phil for the first time and completely without experience of travelling, I was staying well off the beaten track in a small poor island/coastal community and feeling a bit cut off from my normal ‘civilisation’ and very vulnerable. I was staying in a ‘typical’ house there (to me, it was more like a shed). Clunk! I hear a terrific bang on the roof late in the evening. My nervous thought was that news of my arrival has reached some undesirable element of Phil society. Then another crash on the corrugated tin roof and, soon after, another. What was going on? What had I dropped myself into? Turns out the house was directly under a (real) mature mango tree. And the falling ripe fruit was delicious.
Oh, and to cap this off, I never met any unfriendly person in Phil. I really enjoyed my adventure and it was a soul-developing experience. Possible the best thing I ever did. Certainly the most extreme. But I’m not sure I can live there – that’s another story.
According to the US Government, the Philippines is more dangerous, because America hides terrorism using politically correct terms for it, and never admitting who perpetrated the deed. All while trying to lure unsuspecting citizens from the UK to visit New York and Florida and spending vast amounts of tourist dollars. The Philippines has changed since I first came here in the late 1960’s. I like so many complained about the same things as everyone else, like a five hour bus ride from Olongapo City to Manila just to use an ATM machine. But now I realize that it was the charm of living like that, which first drew me to here.
Mango’s falling on the roof is one thing, until I rented a house under a coconut tree now that will wake you up faster than any roosters could.
Living here is an easily acquired taste, but it takes time and a sense of humor.