I was just sitting here in our office and thinking of what to write. I just overheard on the TV about the shooting incident in Tucson, Arizona. I just can’t imagine what’s in the brain on that shooter. My gosh, what is he angry about? If his life is so hard he should try living in the poor area in this country or some other third world country. He will think then that he had better life compared to a lot of the youngsters here.
If you guys recall, Bob and I traveled to a very poor area here in Mindanao. I’ve never seen poverty in my life until I went there. You know what those people still had a big smile in their faces when seeing us. I’ve never felt they are angry at us or to the people. They were just very happy to be alive. Yeah, they had some resentment towards the government, but they choose to vote the people that ruled their place. You can just hear them say, better luck next time nalang. When I was talking to those people they were friendly. They told us that they are struggling to survive everyday. Just looking at the houses there, they are living on a stilts. Gosh, I just had to cry. While driving home tears kept falling. I really thought before that I’ve seen poverty, just looking in our farm alone, the people there, our neighborhood I thought that we are really poor there. But when seeing some of the areas here in Mindanao, especially the minorities. Geez, there you will see the poverty in the Philippines. At least they still have some time to enjoy themselves. With a good time during the festival in there town. Its really a big celebration. For them life has to go on.
Just thinking of how this shooter in Arizona did. It’s just frustrating to hear that a lot of innocent people died because of the anger of this young man. I just could never imagine the anguish of his parents. I’m pretty sure they are blaming themselves for what the son did. They did not put the gun to the son’s head and tell him to do what he did. His really an angry lunatic guy I just can’t believe the look of that kid. I felt he is so proud of what his done. I really hope and pray for the victims to recover soon.
I know that some massacres have been happening here in the Philippines. The famous and well known was the Ampatuan Massacre. It’s still not solved yet. The Ampatuans are still in jail right now. Not sure when will the trial finally starts. Hope they will speed it up. To put some closure to the victims family. That’s the thing here the justice systems seems to be very slow. Look at that Vizconde massacre that happened in the early 90’s. They started the trials like 5 years after or so. Still no justice at this time.
Just as I am finishing out this article. I’ve heard on the news that there were explosions in Manila and Russia. In Manila it might be a terrorist act. Not sure yet if its from Abu Sayaff. I didn’t read about who was responsible for the blast in Russia. My goodness, I felt like there is no safe place anywhere nowadays. What happened to this world of ours. It get so messy and it get worse everyday. I felt now the week will not end without any shooting from the work place or in school. Whats going on now? Are people just so angry with the economic crisis? Or are people just getting crazier everyday?
Be safe you guys where ever you are!
Good morning Ms Feyma. It’s shocking to hear these shootings. People do crazy stuff.. teens who feels that they’re an outcast, that the need to prove a point. School shooting incidents seems too common in the US. I remember a shooting incident in 1998 involving 11 and a 13 year old kids from the US. That is super shocking. Then the one at Columbine High School..list goes on. Here in the Philippines, mostly even if we’re poor, we smile and would really not do such crazy acts. The Ampatuans are diff though.. they’re.. ugh! conviction is needed.
Hi sugar – It’s so depressing to hear. Gosh, I remember those shootings that you were talking about. I was living in the States at that time. Shocking and feeling sorry for the people that died and injured. We have something like that here but its just not common as the other countries. I wish for a convictions too with the Maguindanao Massacre. Just to put an end to the family of the victims.
Good to see you here as always.
Take care!
You can go back five years, ten, fifty, one hundred or more and find death and destruction, sometimes on a much larger scale. I don’t think things are any worse today, it’s worse if you’re directly involved of course.
The good thing is that even though the world is messed up, crazy, violent… good people still endure.
Hi Gary – Yeah, lots of killings before Christ was born. It’s just that too many angry lunatics nowadays. The world is much more crazier now than before. IMHO…
Thank you for stopping by!
Good Article! Your right it just seems there are alot of really Mentally Ill people out there and people in general who have no regard for human life. Alot of people are saying the end of the world is coming, lets hope not. I want a chance to live in the Philippines.
Hi Randy W. – Yes its true. Maybe, but for me I hope it still a long time for us to change our ways first. Hey, stay safe… Hope you will retire here in the Philippines soon.
Take care!
I was just talking to my mother in Arizona about all that is going on in the world with the weather and rioting and she is very troubled. Today we here about every act of bad weather and violence as it is happening or even before it happens. With the media we have today the world is so very small and very troubling. It is good to be concerned about our fellow humans and do the best that we can to help them. I see people who are living on the edge every day at work (grocery checker) here we do have food stamps but by the end of the month they are long gone. The older people have to be very careful with their spending as the cost of food goes up almost every week. I will say a prayer for you and yours and always try to bring some cheer to each person we meet every day……
Hi donm. – Can’t argue with your observations. Agree that we have to be very careful now on the spending especially with the bad economy. People still have to learn how to spend wisely.
Glad you stop by here. Keep reading…
People kill each other no matter what country you live in. It is part of life. Our back yard is a open area and two guys had a fight the other day and one pulled a gun and killed the other one. Meriam and I were on the way back from CDO at the time but it sure scared the maid. It happened at 3 in the afternoon. Didn’t take long to grab the shooter. 3 weeks ago there was a shoot-out in front of BPI downtown. One less bad guy on the streets here in Tagum City. Never did find the shooter in that one and again it was in broad daylight. This has been going on since the Stone Age and will not stop until Jesus comes again. Take care and God Bless.
Hi Gary – Wow, that’s scary with your neighbor. Stay safe there. Really just have to be very careful whenever you go nowadays. You’ll never know what happen next.
Take care!
Ya Feyma..makes you wonder and yet its a crazy world out there. I quess a person can just be thankfull some times they made it thru another day with out any of the above you mentioned happening to them or their loved ones…
Hi Dan – For sure…
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Take care!
Hi feyma i dont know what the answer is,it maybe drugs or just the way they are able to do whatever they like ,just recently a young man killed a family of three in the town where my ex wife and son live,my son actually knew this young man news footage showed him placing a wreath outside the home as if he was greiving for the girl and her parents when in actual fact he was the killer ,the reason given was he was romantically attracted to this girl but she wanted nothing to do with him so he killed them all a whole family, he was arrested three days later after dna testing reveiled he was the one the police searched for he will spend the rest of his life in prison ,what a loser i am sure the other prisoners will make him feel very welcome
Hi chris – Yeah, we don’t really know what the answer to all of these. Just hoping for the best. Sorry to hear also with you son’s neighbor there. It’s scary, a lot of people trusted him and at the end he was the killer. That would be hard(the trust) for the community to take also. I’m really glad he got caught and in jail now.
Stay safe. Take care!
One od note is that this jerk went to WalMart to buy ammo, the clerk refused to sell any to him because he just diddn’t seem right. So lug-nut went to another WalMart were the clerk sold him the ammo.
Gee, the system ALMost worked!
I’m a firm believer in the 2nd ammendment, but this guy had drug issues, the local college expelled him, cops were over his house because of fights with his parents, and he STILL doesn’t get blacklisted from buying ammo.
We say in Texas, he wouldn’t have gotten off a second shot because their are so many concealed weapons holders here. Just don’t know.
Hi Pita Mike – I guess the stores there needs to educate their people on checking closely on the individual before selling guns. It really is sad what happened there in Arizona.
I just hope it won’t happen again though.
Good to see you here.
Take care!
Hello Feyma: We live on a planet being masterminded by a species technically known as (Homo Sapiens) , which history, and experience reminds us are the most dangerous, selfserving, and greedy, of sentient inhabitants, who through psychological, or physiological reasons commit acts of unmitigated madness, and terror, or if we are fortunate we witness kindness, and great service to the good of the human race.
Hi Roberto – True… Thank you for the good thoughts.
Take care!
The United Kingdom is fortunate in that we have few guns in our society – Americans say that we should be permitted to own guns to protect ourselves – against who? Even the criminals have few weapons.Our police are unarmed except for special duties such as guarding diplomatic areas and airports. We have gun crime – most of which involves our black community – but it is not considered politically correct to say so.On an equivalent basis it is about 15% of the US rate – nearly 16000 gun murders and about 14ooo suicides and accidental shootings give a total of almost 30000 gunshot victims a year – a very high price to pay for the right to bear arms. Unfortunately it is far too late to do anything to reduce this carnage as the guns – hundreds of millions of them are already in society – legal and illegal.To take the guns out of the hands of the general populace is completely impossible so the US will have to live with things as they are.