I got an inquiry from somebody asking me to post about my experiences of living in the States before. It was quite an experience for me in a nice way. Well, I will try to refresh my memory a bit though. I went to the States in 1991. Before I went there I didn’t have any experience in traveling abroad. I traveled by plane just within the Philippines. When I got my visa to go to the States I was so excited and scared at the same time, my god I don’t have any single family there, just Bob’s family. When I arrived there I was so shocked how nice and clean the place was. Wow, the highways are so big. I can’t believe how many lanes they have. I’m really so amazed at the stuff I was seeing. The big buildings are just everywhere.
When I got to the States that was one of the coldest winters they have experienced in years. It was 6 degrees Fahrenheit. I remember Bob told me to be careful because it’s too slippery outside the driveway. I just laugh at him I thought he was just teasing me. His not even finished telling me yet that I almost busted my butt in the driveway. It would be very embarrassing for me if it happen because a lot of cars were passing by outside. I really had a hard time because after arriving there that was January I didn’t see the sun for a few months since I got there. It drizzle everyday and it gets dark early, and very cold. I was thinking of going back to the Philippines right away. It was so boring for me at first being that Bob has to go back to work after two weeks that I got there. My mother-in-law is really a nice and sweet lady she always tag me along with her whenever she went shopping or have a meeting with the doll collector people. That was one of her hobbies, collecting antique dolls. I enjoyed watching them showing those dolls and have it appraised. She just doesn’t want me getting bored at the house. I also enjoyed going with my sister-in-law at that time, she likes to go shopping. With two expert ladies with me that’s how I really learned how to shop. It was a headache for Bob I guess. ;-). Just kidding Hon.
Really Bob was just so thrilled that his Mom would make time to bring me somewhere with her. Lots of time also I hangout at my in-laws house. I also like to stay there because I was learning how to cook and how to decorate. His mom is really a good cook. Bob will just pick me up after he gets off from work. Honestly I didn’t really cook much in the States. Bob was the expert on that. Since moving here It’s my turn to cook now. You hardly see Bob in the kitchen now. Right Hon? ๐
It’s really different there than here. For me I was so happy to have lived there. I would not trade that experiences for anything. I really learned and grew big time there. Now, I would not have desire to live there maybe just go for vacation. We are happy here now.
More Posts to come! Watch out.
The first question I asked was, "Where are the people, Hon" ? I shed gallons and gallons of tears because of mingaw. Nice post, Feyma!
Thank you for your time to write about your experiences. I hope it will ease any fears Elena has. Lucky for her, it never snows and hardly ever goes to freezing in the winters.
Keep up the great work and see you in about 5 weeks.
my wife has lived here in the uk with me and has had different experiences but really gone through the same type of experiences that you di, but 6 deg F, well i think she would have got on the first plane back to the land of the sunshine, but like you she managed to cope but also like you is looking forward to our return to davao, hope we can meet up with you and Bob then, all the very best regards
Hi Jul- Ha ha ha, I shed a river of tears there. It took me a year to adjust to not cry as much. I'm glad you like my post Jul. Keep reading.
Hi Bruce- I"m sure Elena will adjust there, it just takes sometime though. Goodluck to you guys. Looking forward to meeting you and Elena. See you then.
Hi Rick- Thank you so much for reading our blog. Let us know when you guys gets here to Davao. We would be happy to meet up with you guys and maybe have some coffee. Till then. Regards.
:smile::smile: Hi Feyma!
I enjoyed reading your experiences in US!
I'm afraid I'd be having semilar experiences with you as I plan to visit my husband in December…
Hi Rizza
Thank you.
Wow- December it's gonna be winter there then? Bring heavy clothing though.
Goodluck to you.
hi! Feym, you're lucky enough to have a wonderful husband with a nice family, but not all who go there can be as well adjusted as you were. I know a lot of people who get a culture shock when they first got there. The fast-paced way of life, the bills, indifferent people who kind of stare at you as if you were from planet Mars, discrimination at work and schools(in contrary to their"equal opportunity"), all these among others make me long to go back. I'm not trying to discourage those who want to experience the american way of life, but you got to see the other side of the coin so to speak.
Hi Simplepinai- Yeah that's one thing I'm really thankful to God that he gave me Bob and his family in the States that help me a lot in adjusting there. I felt discriminated there twice that I can recall. It wasn't pleasant but we learned how to fight back. I guess we are just too pretty for them to look at. ๐ Really they need to be learning more about other cultures and race.