A while back I wrote and asked the question: “You think you need a car?” My answer is yes I think do, and I also want one. I’ve owned a few cars here and one owner jeep when I first moved here. I got my first social security check in Aug. 09, and quickly realized I didn’t need it to live on. So I banked it to buy a new car this year. The beginning of January my wife and I were talking about things we wanted to do, to maintain her house and improve its looks. (She talked, and I nodded my head a lot) Last year we added tile to the wall in front of the outside of the house, and she wanted to finish the upstairs wall on the 02 level. (That’s the level above main deck) as it looks good and there is no painting required. I asked about buying the new car, and she asked what was wrong with the one I have. She also drives it and thinks it’s her car. (It just might be)
My mind hearkened back to my younger days in Boston, when my Father would broach the very same subject every two years to my Mother. My Father liked new cars, my mother, not so much. My brothers and I would bet on which excuses he would use this year, like, the engine knocks, the transmission, pings, or our favorite, we need more room. We liked that one as he always bought an Oldsmobile Delta 88, and they were always the same size in the 50’s and 60’s.
Fast forward to my house, 2010, my wife heard my sorry excuses for needing a new car and broke them down one by one. I said it’s a 1996 Honda, and that V-TEC engine is not as strong as it was, her answer was to rebuild the engine. So I pointed out that the automatic transmission she loves so much slips a bit on the way up the mountain. Again I hear, rebuild it. I then played the hole card, “the truth”; I’m tired of sitting in the same seat driving the same car year after year. “Re-upholster the seats” she said.
She went to town the following day and I sat outside under the mango tree, listened to some tunes and enjoyed an Ice cold beer, and quietly pondered my navel.
Upon her return I noticed that my car looked different, she had aftermarket headlights removed and a brand new original set installed. Here’s why, the fancy dancy, aftermarket lights looked cool but would not light up the road, when you hit high beam this blue halogen strobe light would come on. My son-in-law loved it. She also replaced the grill with one that was easier to keep clean custom type. She then told me she ordered a new stereo that would play Flash Drives (USB) to be installed the 1st of March.
Then she said, “Oh Mahal, I called the Honda dealer and they said less than P100, 000.00 to rebuild both the engine and transmission. She found an upholstering guy that will re-do the interior for about P 20,000.00 Then she asked the cost of the new car, I responded P900, 000.00. See my love, I just saved us P800, 000.00 and we can now work on the house. Since the house had a tag attached to the gate I thought, “Pretty much like a car?” The work on the house began then.
1st. job- Repave walkways on the side of the house, and 70% of the backyard with red dyed cement with a design cut into it.
2nd.Job- Rebuild the fishpond. (Added Later)
3rd. job- Rescreen the Man Cave/Dirty Kitchen. (Keeps the bugs out of the beer)
4th job- Re – sod both front and backyards with new grass. (Grass story next week)
5th. Job- Tile the upper level (The 02 level) of the outside of the house. (Again no need to ever paint again)
6th. Forget any and all discussion about my car, as it fell off the list completely.
Next week I’ll up-date on the work completed.
Hi Paul – Guess we fellers are just big, easy push-overs when it comes to “discussing” financial deals with the wives. I’m about ready to just give up and ask, “What’s next, Mahal?” 😆
Truer words were never spoken!!! “What’s Next Mahal” seems to sum up my life in the Philippines. Paul, I wouldn’t change a thing about it.
This is a good example of what happens when a guy does not keep his woman in check, they get to smart for their britches. If you lived in a nipa hut with pigs and chickens under it, you could have bought her a new pair of flip flops and everything would be OK.
Ahh Grasshopper,
The Willow tree bends with the wind, and survives the storm. The mighty Oak will get knocked down by the wind.
Hi Paul, I like your wife’s priorities! She did get you a new car afterall and then there’s more money left over for”beautification”. I wanted new cement paving stones for our driveway, and my husband thought it was a waste, but several bargeloads from Mindanao and truck deliveries from the city later, he had to admit they looked good. I just can’t seem to stop buying plants though…Leave it to women to know what’s important… lol
You know Paul, you have a nice way of putting things into words.
That what good husbands do, we later admit it looks better. The happiness my wife has given me over these many years, prevents me from becoming a curmudgeon. I nod, I smile and agree. If only my Sainted Mom could see her hardheaded son now!
Paul, A car is but a machine the love of your wife-well my intentions were good in staring this way. I will say that you’re pictures beg for more. The type of house you have seems traditional and let us see your castle. Ron
Hi Ron;
It’s somewhat traditional; it dawned on me while living in Florida and Puerto Rico that slab roofed houses seemed to fare better during storms. Aside from the added benefit of a second floor patio, which I seldom use. Part 2 next week will include more pictures, my friend! Hey! Down in Subic this week there is some Amfib’s tied up, and all day I have Marines in large Helicopters flying overhead at the house all day. I just smartly render a hand salute, and enjoy the day.
Damm, I am crying now, Marines inport Subic and I am retired. This world is just not fair. Well they most likely do not have off base liberty anyways and if they do its only to go to church or something, all goody two shoes these days.
I don’t know about the Goody part. The Navy tried to keep me on Subic when our USNS Ship pulled in. I knew that the Ship’s Master and 1/3 of the crew lived here, so out the gate we all went. If they forced us to stay onboard then they had to pay us overtime for every hour after working hours, for as many days as we stayed. The Navy and Marines are just following their orders, as they should do. That’s what makes them so great!
Glad to here you got a “new” car out of the deal! Just keep relaxing under that mango treee with the San Miguels and see what pulls up your drive next!
My new “Old” car is a thing of wonderment. I’ve had it so long now it’s like one of my dogs to me. But it still gets me to and from town.
You need to stand up more to yourself ! My excuse for a car would’ve been “Bacause I want one and because I’m the one paying for the party, so live with it !” hehe
You feel pretty safe writing that? You’re sure your wife will never read this? You’re a braver man than I am Gunga-Din. (lol) Did you read John’s article about TAMPO??????
Nice picture there in Singapore!
You got to be friggin kidding me.Reality check!!
How many guys talk to their Wife that way.
You would suffer from the silent treatment, long sad facial expressions not to mention you will have to palm sand it for a few days, cook your own food or eat rice and Dangit/Bulda.
In our household, a statement like that would come really close to qualifying me for a “Philippine Haircut” – you know, ear – to – ear! 😆
In my household I’d never have the nerve to make a statement like that. There is something about inhaling and exhaling that I’m very fond of!
Confuscious say “Yes Dear”
Confucius was a wise man indeed, was he also in the Marines? ! Wow! You was a might tough on Michael, we both know the truth. His wife doesn’t read LIP, so he’s safe, until she does.
Actually my comment to Michael was from the Heart.
I have seen filipina Wives treated like shit here in RI, it bothers me and I will make my opinion know about it like it or not.
I guess some guys think if they can control their small brown Wives and it makes them a tough guy. Usually these tough guys are little twits that had their lunch money stolen in school.
On a lighter note “Happy StPattys” day, you got to have a bit of Irish blood in you.
Its good to hear my Jarhead brothers back in Subic. What I would give to have them days back. Look closely at them choppers as you may see someone shooting you a full moon, its been done before.lol
No doubt after the lunch money is gone guys like that get swirled quite often also. Of course you have the right to go off; it’s what we do with attitudes like that. Saint Paddy’s day passed without any big deal; (now had I been in Boston???)since both my grandparents on my father’s side came over on the boat from the “Ole Sod” I can claim a wee bit of the blood.
When the boy’s fly over the house, I seen no moons yet, but if it (or when) happens, I’ll just salute again, as there putting those asses on the line for us.
Well..Paul..one thing for sure..Your wife could not have got the car fixed up as you said here in the USA for P100,000.00 or $2,187.70 usa dollars.[that was what goggle said exchange was on March 16-2010][ with labor at $85-to over $100.00 per hour at some places]Just a transmission rebuild here is well over $2,000.00 US So!and of course you could not have got all the home improvements done at what you said for here is usa either… As I know you will say..that is for sure!, and “ah the beauty of living in the Philipines” Nice Post..always fun to read your humor and your fun responses to peoples comments…
Hi Dan;
The prices here on some things are definitely a bargain. House repairs and auto repairs are great. When I lived in Florida I made most of my own repairs on my house and auto repairs I farmed out to a friend who was a “Shade Tree Mechanic”. But here you just call a friend and get the name of a good worker, treat them fair and you’ll receive fair treatment from them. Bob’s wife wrote a good article about their carpenter a while back, that’s a good read, and sums up household repair quite well.
Other things are high priced, like electricity (When you can get it.) And whatever you do, don’t bring up the subject of batteries with Bob. See I started out being serious and just slipped into a little humor. (Just joking Bob) Even the Car Dealerships prices are not that high for repairs. And they are about the only ones that can fix an automatic transmission. Wow! That was a a bit long winded…
A curious question. When the Marines and Sailors are at Subic what is liberty like? I can’t imagine its any where near the old days which we won’t describe-I think this is a family site. Sitting here thinking about it those were some crazy days.
Hi Ron;
The troops visiting now will find “It’s not their father’s Subic.” But there are many clubs on the base that you would not bring a family to. They seem to have a good time on the Board Walk with all the tourist friendly bars and restaurants. I’ve found they are very standoffish until I hand them my retired ID, card and then the conversations will begin. Bless those Crazy days we remember.
Paul and Ron
You guys remember the old T shirt circulating around the Po in 80’s
“Mojo Makes Me Smart” Well I am one smart bastard.
Mine said MoJo makes me dumb! Ain’t that the truth! I still know how to make it, but I choose not to!
Hey Paul,
What if the brakes went out in the car and succumbed a terrible fate…severe body damage, or it went off the road into the bay or something like that…You would definitely need a new car then…Just a suggestion.
You’re a sly one. Do you think I could convince my wife that she was driving when that calamity occurred?
I know what she’d say, “Honey It’ll dry in the warm Philippine sun!” Hudson, I’m doomed to keeping the Honda.