And I don’t blame them at all; it seems that for some odd reason my wife Mayang let our Phil Health Insurance lapse. I found out the hard way, the day we needed it!

Bob Martin has spoken at length what a good deal Phil Health is and its different plans and of course I knew and agreed with him.
When Tri Care was suspended in the Philippines for Fraud Waste and Abuse for a few years after Health Visions (Owned by both American’s and Filipino’s) took the US Government to the tune of 18 Million dollars. Even when we (Retired US military) notified Tri-Care that something was rotten in Health Visions Inc, it was ignored by the US Government, believe it or not my friend had a figure reattached, we could not find a scar, nor could he remember it ever happening. I kept Phil-Health and a Gold Visa card just for medical bills and medical travel. If need be I could fly to Guam, Japan or Singapore where Tri-Care still was in effect.

Then the US Government hired a consulting company out of Singapore and we (Retired US Military) were insured once more. (And it is working on the up and up now But Phil-Health was still an important part of our medical plan.
My wife has four sisters and two brothers, two of her sisters are also married to Kano’s, one who lives in the Netherlands and one who lives in Las Vegas Nevada. My mother-in-law is in her mid eighties and medical problems will arise. I’m the one who lives five minutes from her house so I am the one to be the first responder. My car serves as a duty ambulance, and my Phil-Health which she is covered under with my plan so I jump in and expend any money required to provide her medical care. Later Holland and the Nevada will repay me for their share, as we each pay one third. The rest of the family….well you know about that!
Last week my Mother in Law fell and chipped a bone, and as we were on the way to the hospital I asked Mayang if she had her Phil-Health card, which is when she informed me that due to her thinking we didn’t need it, she had let it expire. I explained calmly that Tri-Care only covers her and me.

But since in the Philippines; “Cash is King” there was no problem, as I covered the cost and I’ll be reimbursed the next month or so. Now of course I did calmly mention to Mayang that we would be renewing Phil-Health once more (This Week!), but I believe there is a six month wait before it activates again in cases like this. But the point is Phil-Health is very important for many reasons if you’ll be living here year round. Bottom line, it is well worth the small cost, and your wife’s mother is covered automatically. Pogi points with you!
So I now understand that if my Phil Health is ever cancelled, I only have to glance across the living room and ask why? If you noticed that I don’t lose my temper about much involving our family, it’s because unless it happened with malice or anger, it is just a mishap, which can be fixed. Explosive tempers are not really necessary and would serve no purpose. As if someday I could ever be error free, a big fat chance of that coming to pass any time soon.
So if you’re not connected to Phil-Health, may I recommend that you look into it, it cost less per year than picking up the tab for a dinner with friends at Texas Joe’s House of Ribs on Subic Free-port, I also recommend that too! But letting your Phil-Health get Cancelled, is never a good idea!
Star Trek Spock could never survive in the PI. Logic runs on a different track.
Logic is over rated, the attitude we learn in the Philippines is what will help us all live longer! (LOL)
Is this good for me to get? the site is a little confusing about cost.
There has been a price increase this year, but it is still less than $75.00 per year. Someone will jump in and tell us both the total cost! That is why LiP is so friendly!!! And yes it is worth having.
Hi Paul
We keep ours up to date and hope we will never need it. Sod’s (Murphy’s) law will dictate that me or my wife would be ill if we didn’t.
Well worth the money in my opinion.
This time that damn Murphy and his law bit me square on the ass, for years it was active, up to date and in effect ready to serve in a moment’s notice, until it wasn’t. But now it is renewed, and we’ll serve out the punishment period (Well deserved by us BTW). But I agree I’d rather go years paying for it and not need it, than to need it and not have it. The same rules will apply to my homeowners and auto insurance. My house would burn to the ground the day my insurance lapsed! I do not like that SOB Murphy!!! (LOL)
thanks for reminding me. I need to pay our Phil Health!
Well that proves I am good for something! (LOL)
Wise words, Paul. I am always mystified why so many expats and Filipinos alike refuse to carry PhilHealth. One of the best benefits is, upon arrival at a hospital, when the billing office demands a deposit against the forthcoming charges, PhilHealth is normally all that’s needed.
They never pay everything, but they always pay way, way more than the very modest annual cost of the policy for any hospitalization.
And no, a foreigner does not have to be married to a Filipina to avail of PhilHealth. PhilHealth is worth it, no doubt about that
I don’t care if people have Tri-Care or not; Phil-Health is available if you are some distance from a Tri-Care hospital. As Phil Health is Nationwide. I agree with you, for the cost of Phil-Health, why would you not carry it? But people must decide on their own.
I have Phil-Health but would like more coverage. Do you or anyone else have any suggestions? Also is there good life insurance here?
A common complaint but I have no answer for you, whatever you find won’t be cheap. The empty Visa Card. Is what I did when my Military Health Ins, was not offered to us here. Phil-Health and a plane ride to Guam..
Is that for in-patient coverage only or does it depend on what kind of plan you have ? Either way it sounds like a true bargain compared to insurance cost here in the USA.
Bob (NY)
Yes sir, only in hospital care, But lunch is the only cheaper than a doctor’s office visit! (LOL)
Paul your mother in law should be getting it free si sign her up in her own right
Now that is 100% true, but before it was free for her I covered her with our policy for low those many years, piling up those Pogi Points, So I ask why would I flush all those points away, when either way she is protected but the favorite Son-in-Law stays the hero. Now your idea is great, but would you give up all those points when you don’t have to? (LOL) Always have a plan, and if she and my wife remain happy don’t try and fix that wheel.
But what you say is true!
I hear what you are saying, but my understanding is that Philhealth is like a finite pot. Too many people dipping in and you can run out before the year is out. So mother in law could have a couple of dips earlier in the year and you could find yourself short later until the next year roles over.
By the way I was in the area last month so on on your recommendation popped into Texas Joe’s, some mighty fine cowboy hats walking around there, couldn’t let the missus catch me looking though. Went over to pier 1 after and had a great evening. Also tried cycling up that hill by you on the way back to Dinalupihan, never again.
I’m proud of you doing that on peddle power something I wouldn’t do with a 90 CC Honda.
At TJ’s how do you not look? Was the food good?
You should absolutely get Phil Health. The annual cost is exceptionally low; the amount you can save even routine care can more than make up for it. Have a serious incident and it can make a few thousand $US difference.
Yes one of the reasons I recommend it to our readers
Paul, I commend you on your display of anger management and calm demeanor. I did hear though that some unknown party kicked the cat over the fence. lol
Old AF Guy;
The cat is my 19 year old mortal enemy, and at over 40 libs that wall is beyond my power (lol)
Hey Paul – did some research and the rule is that you must be paying into the system for 3 months before your coverage is effective, so the good news is you’ll have to only wait 3 months instead of 6.
Now I have another question you may know the answer to….I just got my 13a visa (here in the US) and will be coming to the Philippines at the end of the month. I will have to wait till I get there to get my ACR card. I’ve read conflicting things: do I only need the ACR card to get on my wife’s PhilHealth policy or do I have to prove I’ve been in the country for 6 months?
Also one last question – is tax help available in the Philippines? I need to get my wife a taxpayer ID number before I file our joint return in April. Anyone know if I can do that there?
Maraming Salamat!
Steve B.
Steve B.
Steve B.
First you can have your own Phil-Health card…
Drop by the US embassy and apply for the TIN, it’s a no muss no fuss kind of deal
I did my ACR here in country, so anyone with a better answer please jump in. You can apply for Phil health, anytime because the 90 day wait.
Thanks Paul – I’m glad to hear I can do this at the Embassy. If I can get my wife a TIN before filing taxes, that will be a big help.
Thanks again, and hope you’re doing well!
I am a UK citizen and am here on a Balikbayan Visa and so have no ACR card. So can I apply for PhilHealth? (I already found at BDO that without an ACR card I am not able to open a bank account and they did not know what a Balikbayan Visa is).
Don’t ask why but you are correct, No ACR no bank account, but according to the powers that be, no ACR, but yes to Phil-Health I stopped trying to figure it out a few decades ago, but then I found the true reason for San Miguel Beer.
Thanks…. I have discovered Boracay Rum!
I’ve not had a cocktail since last February, and you tell me about “RUM” Cruel really cruel! (LOL) And it is priced right too (Mix it with coconut water for a tasty cocktail)
Hi Paul,
Happy Thanksgiving! A little off current topic, but an update on something I mentioned before: JC Penny opened at 3 PM, Belk’s opened at 4 PM, Wal-Mart, Target and Kohl’s opened at 6 PM all on Thanksgiving Day. I was actually thankful a grocery store was open because my sister who host our Thanksgiving Day feast requested my wife make sweet potato casserole today and we were “out of stock” of all the ingredients. I was able to purchase them. It was delicious by the way. I have much to be thankful for!
Corporate Greed is now part of the landscape, but we are the one that gave them the permission to do it. But it is up to each of us to decide how you want to live. It’s not my job!
Sorry about the unintentional cruelty 🙂
I like RUM with Coke (as in the drink!) but must try it with coconut juice; it will be like ‘Malibu’ a coconut/rum drink I had years ago.
I must admit that I was shocked when I saw food and goods prices here; I feel very sorry for those citizens who struggle to buy food. Gradually I have found the markets and other cheaper sources for most things. But already I have given up (or reduced my consumption) on cereals, good quality chocolate, sweet pickle (is all cucumber based here), lamb, short ribs (tried some but nothing like I had in UK), carrots, onions, some toiletries (but I have to keep clean!).
But on the positive side, eating out is such good value, as is RUM ( 🙂 ) and I like Sayote. This may seem off-topic, but good food = good health = less need to use PhilHealth! 🙂
My brain was addled by the lack of rum, I meant to add pineapple juice to your new rum, the coconut is there already!. Damn I heed an adult beverage!
With beer and cocktails removed from my diet I find I have extra money for food items, the problem is I don’t want or desire extra food items, I want my beer! But as the song goes; “You can’t always get what you want” The smokes have been gone a while and I don’t miss them, but my beer and my 12 year old Tanguy Superior rum, that I miss. Oh well the price I must pay..