Now here is a worthy goal for any grandfather, to get into his car, pay all the tolls and make that 45 minute drive to the Marquee Mall in Angles City, here on Luzon. There are plenty of other malls closer and easier to get to, but only this mall would do, because this is the mall that has a “Toys R Us” store. (I tried to type the “R” in reverse as it is on the sign, and I failed.) The reason this was the only store that would do, is because my granddaughter wanted a Hula Hoop. My son-in-law Chris and my daughter Hanna spent a month searching and had no luck finding one. I went on line and found the location of Toys-R-Us and then called them, where the quickly informed me they didn’t carry that product.
I almost took them at their word, and then remembered my story on “Out Of Stock”, and thought that I’ll never really know unless I get off my duff and go there myself. When I arrived I parked and entered the mall and started searching for the store that was my prime objective. I went to the map, totally useless as all it told me was “You Are Here” and I already knew that. Or should I stop and ask directions at the information booth? Absolutely not, as I feared that they would inform me that that store was not in this mall at all.
Off on foot, to search on my own and there on the second deck I saw the store like a beacon in the night,”TOY’S – R -US” and I beat a path to its door, where I was greeted by a large group of young people who all wanted to help me in my quest.
“One man scorned and covered with scars still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable stars; and the world was better for this.”
Don Quixote
So like my childhood hero Don Quixote, I tilted my lance and charged that windmill, I stated to that gathering of youth; “I am in dire need of a Hula Hoop!” The group went quite, hands move slowly to the head scratching position; I could feel my hopes being dashed on the rocks of fate. When out of the crowd one little lady who had not scratched her head, looked up from the masses, and beamed at me with her pretty brown eyes, then said; “Follow me sir!” The item was there, like Excalibur glowing from the stone, six hoops in many pretty colors and designs. Were they Hula Hoops? No, they were called “Wave Hoops” I was not about to quibble with semantics when I’d accomplished my goal with the able aid of my very own Sancho Panza: “Which one would you like, sir?” The girl with the dancing eyes asked glowing with pride for a job well done. “Miss I want them all.” I said with a smile, and I left the store happy and pleased with the help I received. Wait, hey Paul what about the phone call? I told myself that they were correct, there were no Hula Hoops, Wave Hoops Na Lang!
Wondering why I got six? Nieces of course, I can’t give to one, even if she’s my granddaughter, without sharing with the other girls. It’s those brown eyes looking at me again! I’m a weak, weak man!
Now I’m done, I have only one small but important thing left. First find Mayang. Thank the heavens for cell phones, and then the care and feeding of my shopping wife. We set a time to meet at T.G.I.F’s for lunch, Okay, she set the time and I’ve got an hour to kill walking around with six Wave Hoops over my shoulder.
I found a store that sold model cars, ships and airplanes. They had a very large selection and mostly stateside brands in stock. I thought there must be something wrong, and I was right. They stocked no glue, no paints or X-acto knifes. I smiled and left the store thinking; “Why would I expect anything else?”
While waiting for Mayang, I wandered into a Tru-Value Hardware store. One of the things I noticed was the cost of Gas BBQ Grill’s; I mean its an item you would have to really want, if you would spend P. 55,400.00 to own it. And they didn’t even have the lava rocks that go with it. But at that price I figured that they’d substitute Gold Nuggets instead of those lava rocks. But I remembered that I am the proud owner of the second “Mindanao Bob’s Deluxe BBQ Grill” So, I don’t need no stinkin’ gas grill!
Over in the household appliances section I found items that I’ve been looking for a few years. There on the shelf was a Presto Fry Baby, (a tiny deep fat fryer), a counter top electric grill, and the George Forman (as seen on TV) grill. These are items that I call nice to have, I can live without them, but why should I? I’ll explain why, because as I headed up to the checkout I noticed that all three items were 115 volts vice the 220 that is used in the Philippine Islands. Fifteen years ago I divorced myself of anything that was not 220 volts, I almost asked why they were selling them here, and then I remembered where here was. Left the cart where it was and went to T.G.I.F to have lunch with my bride.
When I got home it was Christmas in May, happy little girls with hoops a spinning. Did I forget to mention, I got some things for my nephews’ too. I know how the game is played! So my trusted steed is put out to graze, my lance is back in stowage, and Sancho Panza I left at the mall to help fellow travelers on their own quest.
Disclaimer: No mall employees were injured during the writing of this article.
Paul, at least you found your windmills, and six of them to boot without anyone getting lanced! LOL
I’ve been tilting my lance at windmills my entire life, windmills in the thousands, Paul, zero.
Go easy on ’em windmills in Olongapo, Paul. You never know when you may need them someday to power up your laptop every morning to say hello to the world from your lofty Ivory Tower in Dinalupihan. LOL
Every morning I do step out on my roof patio and shout “Good Morning, Bataan” the neighbors are used to me now!
At 3 o’clock in the morning, Paul? There were times I noticed you were up earlier than that. Either you’re up that early, or you’re just getting in. You must present quite a sight, standing there on your roof patio, shouting, “Good Morning, Bataan!” while your neighbors are still asleep. LOL
Mayang, and I have coffee together every morning about 05:30, I’ll leave the computer and if weather permitting we go to the roof, if they have slept through the roosters, than I’m their final snooze alarm! It’s a service I provide!
A lovely story of a worthy quest, Sir Paul. It teaches a lot of lessons about the Philippines too, for those willing to read the deeper message.
First, thanks for the Marquee Mall mention. I was never a mall lover in the past, but if you have to go to the mall, Marquee at least makes the trip bearable … even fun. And still people who know not spend hours writing about how rotten and useless Angeles City is … those of us who know are often torn between telling the world and keeping it quiet in order to preserve it for ourselves. My hope is that the new Ayala property now going up on the SBFZ will be of the same caliber as Marquee. As Bob’s already mentioned, Ayala’s newest mall in Davao is equal or better … Mr Cy deserves the competition.
Anyway, the lesson(s). Phone calls are useless. You have to physically check.
Second, Language and trade marks. What you ask for in English is not necessarily what a Filipino hears in English. And the person who answered you in the negative was exactly right, they had no Hula Hoops It’s like putting a beer in the Fridge or have a Xerox copy made … most refrigerators aren’t Frigidaire’s, and most copy machines aren’t made by Xerox. Much better to ask for “That plastic whoop thingy (kwan) that kids spin around their waist, you know”.
Third, no matter how many nieces and nephews you have, when you find something you want, buy it all, the chance may never come again.
And last but not least, voltage. I knew where your story was going before you got to the end, I wonder how many other Americans did. 110 appliances are the curse of the modern Philippine home. It just doesn’t pay to have them. The only member of our family who hasn’t plugged a 110 device into 220 and “let out the magic smoke”, is Otto the wonder dog … and his time is probably near … I notice when he is excited or hungry, he doesn’t read labels either.
Hi David;
So true about Angeles City, two bad streets and they trash the entire town. It’s our well kept secret. I liked the Marquee Mall as the crowds haven’t discovered it yet, and without your own car, you won’t either. The kids didn’t quite understand why Tito Paul was giving out presents in May, but not one complaint.
A Rose by any other name, is still a Hula Hoop, or Wave Hoop, or anything they choose to call it. All the girls called it a Hula Hoop, so that’s what it is.
15 years ago when the house I rented had duel voltage, was where I learned about the blue smoke and the blown fuse in the item. All the plugs were marked 110 or 220 and that helped not a whit! So when I built my house I went 200 forever! I have a new dog, she’s a Black Lab, huge and sweet. When my buddy passed his wife asked me to take her. She, I hope will read labels (LOL)
Hi Paul, I’m sure those ” wave hoops” were a big hit with the kids. The other day I saw on my favorite ABS-CBN variety dance show: SHOWTIME there was the greatest act of five little girls each gyrating while dancing and walking with each cassually manipulating five hoola hoops! The youngest was four, and they were all dolls. They did call theirs “hula hoops” so somewhere in Manila they’re still called by their original name. Also there’s also the grand finalists on Pilipinas got Talent– performers from Gensan City that do a hula hoop act, so I guess they’re hot items everywhere now!
Rule of hula hoops: It”s all in the technique
Hello Queeniebee;
From the early 60’s until now the hoop lives on, the girls all love theirs. they are in use everyday. And the laughter is at it’s peak when I try to do it, they make it look so easy. It was worth the trip, and the money to see them having such pleasure out of something so simple. If this were the States, they’d ask; ” Where does it plug in?” Don Quixote will never die!
My mistake Paul, credit where credit was due– that was twenty year old Angel Calalas of Cainta Rizal, and her amazing hula hoop act that she performed on PGT. You can check her out on YouTube..
Toys R Us sold a giant chess set that we had shipped for the kids (and adults) from the US that has been a lot of fun. I’m not sure now if it could be had at a local Toys R Us…
A giant Chess Set, now that is an idea! If the hoops were that hard to find, I don’t think I’d even try with that chess set. I’m upset because the Parker Brothers still has the monopoly on the game Monopoly, that just seems so wrong!
Hi Paul,
Great story about your trip and quest to find the hula hoop.
And the information you put in about how things work there will definitely save many of us a lot of frustration in future shopping trips.
Hi Loren;
It’s the sense of humor that is the most important attribute you should have, if you want to enjoy life anywhere. If it doesn’t quite go the way you think it should, laughing about it will make it okay.
I think most employees want to help, they are just not well trained. That is the bosses fault, not theirs.
Funny Post as usual. I can remember trying to use the hula hoop as a kid. I always made a fool of myself in front of all the other kids. Paul you should post a photo of you trying the hula hoop. We need another laugh from your posts lol. You know whats next Paul. The grandaughter/nieces/nephews will want a yoyo or slinky and you’ll be on a wild goose chase again looking for one and that favorite phrase “out of stock” will rear its ugly head again. But knowing you, you will probably go to the end of the earth to find them, because thats what grandfathers do. Do they sell any kind of appliances similar to the ones you were going to purchase with the proper voltage lol? I know you could just taste those nice hot fries from the fry baby when you were rudely awakened from your dream. What can you say, only in the Philippines and you know you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. 55,400 for a gas grill? There is no substitute for the Mindanao Bob’s Deluxe Grill. Have a nice day brother in your kingdom that is BATAAN.
Papa Duck;
Mr. Duncan saw a Filipino guy playing with a YoYo in front of a San Francisco Hotel almost one hundred years ago, he bought it for ten dollars and the rest is history. The YoYo was invented in the Philippines as hunting tool centuries ago.
So…”If It Isn’t A Duncan, It Wasn’t Stolen From A Pinoy!”
Duncan is the only brand i remember playing with as a kid. Good to know it was invented by a pinoy.
Papa Duck;
And ripped off by a Kano!
Brown eyes and wave hoops the fact you survied your great quest is truly amazing . My three year old brown eyed son ask to be taken to Macy’s ,why because there’s a play area in front of Dilard’s. What dose this have to do with Macy’s you ask, grate minds are working on it and my wife and I still have not got to an answer. By the way Paul I have watched my son pick up girls at this play area to my shock and laughter,when he is older I am in big trouble.My son as just started to request what he wants and I for see great quest of my own in the near future. The land of Toys r us is my newest hunting ground and I will not have as eager a young page as you did to aid me in my quest. I got to go shopping in Davo and I was amazed at the number of helpful brown eye helpers willing to go to battle with me on my shopping adventure. Thanks for the great article I had a good laugh and I hope you got a big hug from you Granddaughter.
The hug is why I do it!
Macy’s, vice Dillards and throw in the play area? Greater minds will have to work that one out, but as long as it makes perfect sence to your son, you just go along with it. He’s correct, of course.
My little brown eyed Sancho Panza, who aided in my quest when no one was looking, I slipped her some money to take her friends to lunch.
My next quest has not been assigned to me yet, but I know my granddaughter, Heather Colleen Sanguyo is working on it now as I write this.
Hi Paul – Cute story. Hula hoop and jumping ropes still popular with kids. I remember having one too when I was a kid. Hula hoop has to have design shiny wrap papers. He he. Then contest with siblings, friends, cousins..where one has to spin the hoop around the neck, waist and ankle. Ha ha. Well, at least kids are not stuck in front of the ‘puter playing FB games.. he he. And btw, one thing about True Value store, they always have products I always see on infomerical tv. Expensive too.
Hi Sugar;
I try to stay away from items for the kids that have plugs on them, I get them things that have to be taken outside to be played with. Jump Rope is a great idea, I think I’ll get some for the kids. (Thank You!) I must agree that I didn’t see a lot of value at True Value. It could be why I was the only shopper in the store?
Hey Paul,
Jump rope is a great idea for kids. It can really burn a lot of unspent energy before coming back in doors and also giving them good excercise. I remember playing it with my sisters and they would always show me up. One thing i was always tired when i was done. Is Ace Hardware comparable in price with UnTrue Value?
Papa Duck;
That was a great Idea by Sugar, I will get some for the kids next week. Here you won’t find much of a price difference between most of the hardware store, it’s the product selection I go after.
I dub thee “Sir Paul” from hence forward ! You are a true birthday warrior !! Great read Sir Paul !!!
Thank you for that honor, I pleased you enjoyed my story, it was fun to write also.
Don Quixote de la Dinalupihan is more like it!
Don Quixote asked Sancho; “Is this the road to adventure?” Sancho answered; No, this is the road to Dinalupihan, where we buy chickens cheap.”
What? You said you had one hour to kill all by your lonesome self at the mall before you go meet Mayang for lunch at TGIF? Oh, boy, you must have had a field day looking at those mirrors in the mall. Did you have a good time ogling without being obvious? I know you, Paul. Hahahaha
With a solid hour of me time, I went after shopping for 115 volt appliances to Starbucks took my coffee outside and watched what entered and exited the escalator. The guard at Starbucks assisted me. Joke: “There was a brownout and 20 people were trapped on the escalator for over an hour.”
“There was a brownout and 20 people were trapped on the escalator for over an hour.”, waiting for the escalator to move? Hahaha…
Since when did they start renaming the hula hoops wave hoops? I remember this as a fave toy of my girl friends (as in playmates, oh i mean, small children playmates, you know what I way back then when “plastic fantastic” is not yet the norm. Hula hoops then was mae of “kawayan” wrapped with straws or something. They were cheap and you can buy it at any public market.
Rename it and you won’t break any copyright laws. (Which never apply to large companies anyway) This one, the wave hoop, they put water inside so it go’s whoosh as it spins. Thank heavens, it could have been two ball bearings and you’d listen to them clacking all day!
Hi Paul,
Good tip on the Hula Hoops. The last trip my sister put together grab bags for the kids with jump ropes for the nieces (7 of them) and little cars for the boys (3 of them). She filled the bags with all kinds of goodies she found and made sure everybody had some fun, even the infants. One time it was dive masks for everyone…Needless to say the kids like when Tito Mark comes ‘home’. If Hula Hoops are all the rage now I’ll have to see if I can find them in the province otherwise the Cebu Pacific girls might me give strange looks if I try to board the plane with them, lol. As usual you made me remember the best things in life may not be free but they usually only require a small investment of time and patience to achieve. Of course you know I’m referring to the smiles on the kids faces and the joy such a simple act can bring! Toys that plug in? Won’t work where there’s no electricity 18 hours a day, lol. And besides my mother-in-law almost had my head when I brought the PSP over…said it was no good for the kids!
Hi Mark;
The other toy that I never buy is battery operated toys, as that is unfair to the parents, I made that mistake one year and had to keep batteries in my freezer for the rest of the year until the R/C toy’s broke. I told them that was part of the present. I know you have the right idea by keeping the toys simple, that will always work well. BTW: After I wrote this all my friends are telling me where to find Hula Hoops locally, they are everywhere, albeit not name brands, but the kids don’t care. Isn’t that always the way, after you find it, the friends come up with the answer!
Oh I live here too, As an eleven year-old kid. I used to live in angeles city and admire tourists or foreigners that have been visiting Marquee Mall, SM Clark, SM Pampanga and Clark. Did you already go to Clark, sir? It’s a really nice place there! Many foreigners live there and I love the strong and clean wind. And there are Air Forces there. Air Force City is the best place we can visit there!
I very much like visiting Clark with my family, we go there for mini-vacations and to shop. I very much like that area because the base is so clean, just like Subic Freeport with good roads and people who obey the driving rules, but I wonder why they obey the rules on the two bases and don’t outside the gates? When I was in the US Navy I had flown in to Clark Air Force Base on the U.S.A.’s biggest plane, the C5A, that was in the 1970’s. But did you have a Hula Hoop?
I want to buy weighted hula hoop where I could buy in manila