Trying to be an up to date kinda’ guy, I didn’t send this to Fearless Leader Bob last week, and sent the more current story about the now famous “16 July” typhoon. But then I realized that now my Birthday story was no longer timely as it is now late. Damn I don’t even know why I try…
For those who are my friends on Face Book you will understand what I mean by My Trip Around the Sun, between our Birthdays the earth will make one full trip around the sun at 24,000 MPH (Which means your speeding even while you’re still parked) with all of us hanging on for the ride. This July I’ve completed my 67th trip. I always ask them on Face Book if it was a good trip for them this year when I send a birthday wish.

I guess I could just say Happy Birthday but then that wouldn’t be me, would it? I’ve said this before, but it was a while back when I explained that my father had a theory that when our first birthday came, there should be 72 candles on the cake (that being at the time, the average US lifespan for males.) And every year there should be one less candle until your cake is empty or slick of candles, then the goal is to have as many slick cake parties as you can until you shuffle off this mortal core. Because if you’ve lived past the 72 year mark, you’ve won!
My point being that at 1:47 AM at the Carney Hospital in the Dorchester section of Boston Massachusetts on a Sunday 13 July 1947 I entered this world kicking and a screaming, as it was the day of my birth to William and Grace Thompson. A most blessed day for them both. I had two older brothers and later two younger brothers but then, none of them were “Paul” I sure don’t hold myself in high esteem do I?
Over the past 67 years I’ve had Birthdays in Boston, Cape Cod, California, Florida South Carolina and Virginia. While traveling they have been in many places in Europe and my favorite was in Denmark but that’s a story to tell over a beer or two.
Next I’ve had a few in Puerto Rico, Central America and one in Peru. Later in life mostly here in Asia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Perth Australia (That was a good one too)
But the absolute best has been here in the Philippines, with family and friends. My buddy Tommy has his Birthday on 13 July also, but this year even though he is home from his job (Merchant Marine First Engineer) we decided over cocktails to have just family celebrations and forgo the normal blow out. Eight or nine of my Birthdays have fallen on a Friday the 13th, but as I said, this year it will be on Sunday. But I do find it funny that two years from now my 69th will fall on a Friday the 13th.
Last week, Sunday 13 July 2014 we drove over to Angles City in Pampanga to have the best Sunday morning brunch in the Philippines at the Clarkton Hotel. Mayang, YoHanna, Colleen and Chris, Ymir Thea and Jaden and yes they invited me.
My best advice to anyone going there is to show up hungry.
Two hours of food, and the wait staff sang me Happy Birthday, and I’ll dare to ask; “Is anything more embarrassing then that?”
On the way into the restaurant we passed through the lobby and there in a chair was a giant stuffed elephant. The reason I even bring this up is because Jaden, who was walking beside me was now gone, little feet beating a hasty retreat. Who knew that he suffered from Stuffed Elephant phobia? I took a picture of the creature and showed it to him the rest of the day if he didn’t behave. Oh the therapy I’ll caused him in later life.
Breakfast was over, where to go now? The SM Mall in San Fernando was the choice from all females at the table, Chris and I shrugged and gave in. Jaden just didn’t care as long as elephants weren’t involved.
In the SM department store I asked my granddaughter Colleen if I could buy her a pair of Levi 501 skinny jeans. I’ll let you imagine her answer. The jeans cost over P 3,000.00, she hemmed and hawed and finally asked if she could go to another section that had “Hot Kiss Jeans” and get three pair at P1, 000.00 each instead of one expensive pair. Of course she could. There is just something about the smile on my 12 year old granddaughter’s face that will make me so happy.
That’s when I noticed that once more Chris was gone, leaving me stuck in the middle of shopping hell. I handed over vast quantities of money (My Birthday remember) to Mayang and the girls so they could shop, and hot footed it for the exit. As luck would have it I was wearing a pair of Converse “Chuck Taylor’s” All Stars so I was swift of feet, similar to Jaden and the elephant…
There at a coffee shop I found Chris, I was ready to say something angry to him, until I remembered an old sailor who explained to me years ago, that during an emergency; it was everyman for themselves.” I would have done it to him if the roles were reversed.
Now for the absolute funniest thing of the day, I went to Ace Hardware and was going through the Auto Accessories section. Something shinny caught my eye. A display of Windshield wiper “Wings” for the sole purpose of holding the wiper firm to the glass during (I’ll assume), gale force winds as in my 50 plus years of driving I’ve never seen one lift off and take flight. But that was not the funny part at all; it was made in China, and the installation instruction were classic. They read: “Do not attempt to install while wipers are moving” I went over to the China made lug wrench to see if they warned me to never attempt to change a wheel on a moving car.
It was a long day, and we returned home about 17:00, Two weeks ago we (Tommy and I) were suffering from Tanduay 12 year Superior Rum withdrawal, as it was “OUT OF STOCK” for 3 months. Until Tommy called and told me he had just found two cases in a store and did I want one. Did he really need to ask?
So I cracked the case open and poured myself a well earned “Boat Drink” while sipping it down I reflected on my Birthday, and deemed it a good day after all. Oh and thank you Tommy, and Happy Birthday to you too.
I guess I won Paul, just completed my 74th trip on June 13th. and I don’t feel a day older than 97, lmao, just kidding!
I keep active, both mentally and physically, sure! there are days when I have to use Viagra but that is only when I’m not in the mood, hahahahaha!
Anyway, happy belated B-Day Paul and lots more, you’ll catch up to me eventually!
Trying to catching up with you is not in my plans, but following in your wake is, you lead I’ll be right behind you. (Tell me that naps are a good thing too…)
Hopefully I’ll have the same kind of B-day once I’m over. Sounds like you had loads of fun, you have a great family!
Birthdays seem to be more fun here than other places, U think because the family seems to enjoy them more. The food has a lot to do with it too.
Paul you are 5 days older than I am. On the 18th of July I had my 67th birthday also. When my sweet wife asked me what I wanted this year. I told her a children’s party with the kids that lived on the block and her cousins kids invited with parents. And a couple of nice bottles of brandy for me and they male kids over 25 years of age. The party was great, 25 to 30 kids had cake and ice cream and played games here at the house and I had 4 1 liter bottles of Emperador Light (1 of my favorites ) to share . It was a great party everyone eat to much and all the kids had sugar highs and most of the brandy is gone and at the end of the evening my head was spinning just a little. Love party like this. Glad u had a good one. I had had 5 birthdays here ( 3 in Luzon about 30 km from Subic and 2 here in Gingoog. ) The 2 here are by far the best.
No one could find any fault with the way you did it, that sounds like a solid plan to me. I’m not one for Emparaflu’ I like the Tanduay 12 year old rum. But to each his own, I’m just not a brandy kind of person. But a most Happy Birthday to you, and many more trips around the sun to you also.
Sorry for being long winded but I am an Irishman by way of my Grandfather. Can not help my self.
There is nothing wrong with we Irish that a good potato famine wouldn’t fix.
Belated Happy Birthday Paul. Three Thousand Peso for a pair of Levi Jeans ? I hope at that price they were not knock-offs LOL. Sounds like your granddaughter made the right decision. Maybe Elephants can not fly but in this case I guess little dude did. Sounds like it was a good day for all.
Bob (NY);
I have a 40 year old pair of Levi’s that the internet says is worth over $500.00 and yes they still fit. Next time you’re in a mall check the price of girl’s Levi 501 Skinny Jeans and be prepared for sticker shock.
But she told me her classmates and friends are jealous
Hi Paul with the amount of distillers brew you put away birthday to birthday you should last forever being so well pickled. I reckon you were taken off the breast for biting and you have been on the bottle ever since.
Many more to come.
I do like a wee dram at times, and a cold beer also but I do not imbibe when I’m with my kids and grandkids on outings. Ice Tea works well for me. Breast feeding causes people to grow up relaxed and secure within themselves. I was breast fed but not until I grew teeth.(LOL) Watch the people you lnow and you’ll be able to pick out the breast fed ones.
You never said what you got for your b-day lol.
Randy (PapaDuck):
I got a great day with the family and some shirts and stuff. But it’s the day I’ll remember.
That is the best gift. I tell people not to buy me anything for b-days, Christmas, etc. Spending time with family and friends is something you always remember and cherish. Besides, what are going to get for someone that has everything lol.
Happy Birthday Paul and many more to come.
Thank you and I’m working towards my slick cake birthday.
A belated happy revolution around the sun, Paul. I will be seeing you out there in space when I complete my run on March 27th, that is, if I don’t get hit by a meteor before then. My trajectory might allow me to swing by in your neck of the woods sometime in the middle of December on our way to Zambales. Randy, did you hear that? A Sunday brunch at a first class hotel or at a country club, if not at Texas Joe’s, sounds good. 🙂
Paul, do all the waitresses at Clarkton Hotel look like the young lady behind you in the picture? LOL
Most of us make the trip with our feet firmly planted on terror firma (The more firmer the less terror) the best breakfast in this area is the Sit-N’-Bull in the Barrio there are fancy smancy places too but for large quantities of good chow there is only one. I would look forward to meeting you. It would be great if Randy and Anne joined us. BTW The waitresses at the Bull are cute.
Sounds like a plan. It’s always a great time when we visit Paul and Mayang. With John and his lovely wife and Loren and Merced, who should be back here by then will make it even better. Looking forward to it.
Hi Paul,
Me I’m 64 not too far behind ya.
Daisy and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Fri July 25th although we have been together for 14 years since July 21 2001.
Sniff, I’m getting nostalgic now.
Guess I’ll have a brewski and a toast to you.
Best wishes to you and your family.
The best to you and Daisy on your special day, the brew is a done deal!
Hi Paul: Your blessed mother had five boys? My mother had two boys and she was stressed about them throughout her life. About the birthday 72 candles, that’s a really great idea to start with. Thanks for a funny & entertaining article. Happy belated birthday and enjoy the good life.
Could the stress be because she also had a girl? (LOL) I’m sorry but that line was just too easy for me to let pass. Things here are entertaining if one will just slow down and observe. Sailing on ships your whole life teaches you to savor the trip, unlike airplanes where bam your there. So you learn to see more while traveling through life, as it took awhile to get there
Happy Birthday Paul! I enjoyed reading your article and looking at the pictures. The stuffed elephant phobia could be worse. I just visited the family in Bohol and my two year old niece ran from me for a week because she thought I was a ghost. The only thing that cured that was going to the beach and getting sun burned. I guess the little girl figured ghost cannot get sun burned and after that she would bless me, allow me to hold, her and even kiss my cheek.
Take care!
My granddaughter ten years ago would run from me and a kiss was out of the question. It was my large mustache and she had never seen one before. We’re fine now and my grandson Jaden could care less. So you never know with kids. Elephants were a surprise to all of us.