In the few years I’ve been writing for LiP I noticed a trend, people advising us on renting verses buying a home, living close to folks from your home country living close to your wife’s parents and family, or going native and living so far in the boonies there is no Cell Connection. The list goes on and on. I’ve seen fights start, angry comments posted and all manner of dissention and discord arise over a simple opinion that a writer decided to put forth. Crazy ain’t it? But here is a simple fact; it’s their opinion and no one else’s.

I’ve heard: I’m too busy to watch TV is a favorite subject of mine. This could be because they live so far afield from the nearest hamlet or village that the only TV available is what can be snatched from the air by an antenna affixed to the top of a 30 foot bamboo pole. Who really cares if they do or they don’t watch TV, it’s their life and their right to do as they please. I have two Cignal dishes on my roof, and that was my choice. Do you see where I’m going with this?
I also love to read and have thousands of books on my Tab E reader. Oh that’s another one I love to hear: “I only read real books, never electronic!” I found that it was damn near imposable to adjust the size of the font on real books, and that prevented me from reading them.
Another common thread; It is better to rent than own a house” and the other common one is it is better to own than to rent a house!” What a foolish argument, as both people are absolutely right, it boils down to what works best for you the person making that decision, not some arm chair know it all on the other end of a point of view that only applies to them. But they are the same foreigner who when you say Hi to on the street or in a market they’ll ignore you because they feel superior as they process the only and true knowledge on how to live here in the Philippines. I rented a house for a few years prior to building one. Also I’ve lived here over 20 years and still trying to figure it out. But the fun is in the trying!

Air/Con or natural living! It wholly depends on what one can afford; electricity is a large monthly nut here in the Philippines. The purest believe that living in a Nipa Hut with no screens, alongside a creek in Bugtussle Provence is just as right as the folks that built that Spanish Style Hacienda on the beach. Why, because it was their decision and nobody else’s. Who could say either is wrong?

I live on a mountain now because in Puerto Rico I lost a house and a night club that was on the beach because of Hurricane Hugo, and a 15 foot tidal surge entering the back door of both and the flooding that lasted for days afterwards. Mountains provide you with gravity and water tends to go somewhere else. But that is just me; again the folks who live on the beach have the right to enjoy it as I once did. If the mountain is in land the storm might weaken prior to visiting your house by the same token the typhoon could bypass that beach house and cause no damage at all, the luck of the draw. You must be the one to decide what you want.

Gabled roof or slab roof, again there is no right or wrong, but in the tropics on the Atlantic side of the world you will find more slab roofs than any other type; I went with the slab because of personal experience. But I’d never tell someone that they are wrong if they built it different. Besides Gabled roofs were designed to protect the house from heavy snowfall and that is a plus slab roofs are not recommended for heavy snow areas. (LOL)
Shopping; once again living in Bugtussle might limit the availability of certain types of food you desire, but if a person has gone native and 24-7 they eat the local fare, more power to them. Myself, I need western products to round off my menu. Would any person take their partner from the Philippines to your home country and expect them to never eat Philippine food again? I think not! So why expect it from me? Philippine food is good when properly prepared, and I love Mexican food too, but not 24-7.
So that is my take on the subject, I have my own opinions and will continue to live my life, my own way without trying to convert anyone else to my way of thinking. I extend the same rights to anyone, else to live the way they see fit while here in the Philippines, (Pretty big of me, won’t you agree?)
Just respect the country as we are nothing more than a guest here, and the way the Filipino does things will always be the right way for them whether you agree or not! And I’ll finish by telling you one more time “Of Course We’re Right!” how could any of us be wrong?

Now the burning question: Should a first time resident buy an owner jeep or a real car or be a purest and use nothing but Trike’s or Jeepney’s? (In 1994 I bought that owner jeep, because I just had to have one, albeit did have power steering and breaks plus Air/Con), and yet I’ve never met a foreigner that bought the second one. (LOL)
Good to have you back. No update on your latest hospital visit? Hope all is well.
Operated on last Tuesday morning, Just got home today! I pop an article this week will all the hot poop!
Yep…it all makes perfect sense !
Sense! Maybe, perfect, I think not
Hope all went well with your surgery. Will continue to pray for you. I’m like you, i like a lot of Filipino foods, but i also need to have Western foods. That’s why i sent 9 boxes back filled with thing’s that are not available there or very expensive and thing’s Anne found at garage sales lol.
Papa Duck, And Anne ate Filipino food in the United States!!!
In the USA it makes more sense to buy. My mortgage is lower then the cost of rent, and it’s an investment. We have gained 10% value in just over one year in my area.
Same in UK…you can make big gains by buying…but that isn`t Philippines.
When I built my house here I never intended it as an investment, the main purpose was that when I shuffle off this mortal core my family will have a place to live free and clear.
Yes Paul, whatever in life makes you feel most comfortable that’s the answer to being contented. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Glad you to know your back at you literary best and keeping well.
Hi Jim;
I had a guy tell me my dark color car was hotter than a light colored, I smiled and said Florida, Puerto Rico Guam, Costa Rica and now the Philippines, of course I knew that and just didn’t care! (LOL)
Hi Paul
If I recall correctly, you said on your post last week that this weeks post had been sent in advance to Bob. If that was the case, and my grey matter is not playing tricks on me, then people should not be expecting a reply this week. If it wasn’t then you must be well on the road to recovery with this piece.
I have many colleagues from recent jobs who have Filipina wives and every one of us has done things differently as you describe above.
I did like the line “I found that it was damn near imposable to adjust the size of the font on real books, and that prevented me from reading them.” Have you never heard of a magnifying glass LOL? You could always use a magnifying APP on your smart phone but that would be the same as using a reading APP on the phone.
Ouch, head hurting this early on a Monday. Make a speedy recovery and try not to leave us hanging too long for the next article.
A magnifying glass on my phone? I’d be turning the page every third word.
I was released from hospital last night so back to normal once more.
It is always good to have options and you have reminded us of many of them. I hope by this time you are well on the mend Paul. Maybe this time there will be a chilled to perfection San Mig waiting for you as it is always 5 o’clock somewhere !
Bob (NY)
Yes Bob opinions are great as long as the other person remembers that yours is just a valuable! I’m still a long way from the beer, but I’ll slog that hill until I’m there (LOL)
As always your dead on Shipmate. The fact that an individual decided to come to the Philippines for a Vacation or their final destination is their choice! Who they reside with, how many beers they consume in one day, what mode of transportation meets their needs and desires is also their choice!
You made yours and it has continually brought deep satisfaction and happiness!
I believe the choices I have made, simple and comfortable lifestyle, without the youthful liberty call mentality has done me very well!
I rent a large piece of property backdropped by a mountain, with a swimming pool, and over 6 bedrooms/6 CR’s. Large lot for the flowers that make my wife so happy and allow my imported Shepherds to exercise. . . & Patrol!
I have made these choices freely, and for my wife and I to be comfortable! We are!
Hope your doing well Shipmate! ! !
It’s always the best way when you do it “YOUR WAY”, Frank Sinatra was never wrong! That song will be played as my Hearst rolls by! (LOL)
Yep I bought the owner jeep years ago and mine also had power steering…..if you had enough power you could steer it! The Inlaws still use it for market runs.
The question was….Did you buy a second one? (LOL)
Mt. Samat will be covered in snow before I buy another!
Now that was not the answer I was expecting, where did you get the snow tires? Your comment made me blow coffee out my nose! (LOL)
While in the Navy every duty station I bought a house or condo when I transferred I keep them for a few mores years and sell them. It gave me enought to build my house for cash when I got here.
Paul, it is great to see that you have cleared your last health obstacle. Our prayers are for your quick recovery. You are missed when you are away. Don’t let them steal anymore body parts.:) Take care ole naveless navy dude.
AF Guy!
As I said above I was released last night, with many appointments in my future, bur the road is a long one, and I prefer seaways anywat! (LOL)
If filled with rain water, that roof slab will past the test… otherwise!
Can it take a foot of rain?
This is a serious question.
I am expecting HEAVY LONG rains pretty soon.
I am in the process of making a few heavy duty plugs-ups on my flat wooden roof plus I am installing ground steps all around the house to stop the erosion.
I also live on the hill.
Palawan Bob;
After the first year I realized that my draining system albeit was good, it can always be better. Around the base of my house is a drain system 24inch X 24 Inch with an outlet to the street. I explained to a neighbor that God sends the water, I keep only what I need and return the rest. On the roof I upgraded to 7 3 inch drains to the ground drains my problem was solved!
I think most Filipinos dream of having their own home.
I fully agree with you there, wall or no wall!
Hi guys, just popping in to say hi. I’m 36 year old Army Veteran in Dallas Texas. I’m disabled from Iraq war deployment. The VA here stinks to like sulfur in hell I would guess. I do need maid, cook, and you know help with activities. I can’t afford to live like this here in Texas. Well I sleep on the floor on 3-4 feet of foam toppers. Have the food delivered to me and my full time working wife comes home to a mess and her second voluntary job of cleaning up my mess. I’m sick of Lawyers, buracracy, and fighting the VA for benefits each day and of John McCain’s thank you’s with no welcomes from me each week. Us Veterans are treated pretty bad or bad bad. Do the health services or VA around the islands there better off than the state side? I can’t afford 10k for maids, and a cook plus a physical therapist in Texas. I pay 1k a month for two cars, and 2k on rent. Bills hover at 4k a month not including healthcare costs that the VA won’t pay even though I’m 100% scheduled comp. I have friends blown up or worse with no limbs, sight, or hearing living under a bridge in Dallas Texas east HWY 35 bridge. I was one of those guys four years ago same spot. Hurt from war but no help in sight until I got three or four Lawyers on board. I still have two Lawyers one for a Vocational rehab denials, and another fot the VA billing department plus credit repairer. Any advise of any other place in the world to offer my battle buddies severly injured in combat or militart ops? I heard the dollar value will increase on the islands. With social security at early 20’s for some of my crew it is worth 500-800 a month for service realated injuries. VA battle is another story. At 36 my social security is okay as 2012 i was injured several times in Iraq. Asking for a maid for these injuries here back home opens a can of jokes at the rehab department when I visit. Some times I think we need a draft set for VA employees, and state rehab personelle. Any advise would help. Cost of a maid is the number one issue injured guys like myself ask. Nurse is second. Third would be health insurance costs? [email protected]
Chet Southworth;
At my age I’ve seen this with returning veterans from WW-II Korea Vietnam and every other conflict the USA has been involved in. Once you understand that politicians really don’t care until they need a new group of expendables to fight their next war it is the way it will will always be.
I hope a reader can help you with information you need, but you never said (Or I didn’t pick up on it ) that you have plans to move to the Philippines. I wish you the best!
Thank you for the response. I don’t have much out there but time is all I got. I can live here in Texas miserable or live out there like I should be treated here. Politicians indeed are actually cutting the VA budget this year. With Trump and Clinton leading the way soon I just don’t know what well happen next. It may require a move to the islands if you know what I mean. Puerto Rico/Mexico shores of Cancun are looking great. Where else can a doctor visit me at home. Not here in America for sure not in Texas. My future family needs will be met. Its the want to slow down the pace a bit and escape the high budget costs for profit motto that I worry about. With my bank making fraudulent accounts, who knows what else is going on. When the disrespect becomes to much to handle I may just require a dual citizenship. The peso is really nice transfer rate or equivelent. I hear it may go to 50 pesos per dollar soon. One other question is the pirates or crime out there. Is it really noticable? Dallas has some high high crime rates that aren’t reported properly. The police prison sytem are now the mental hospitals after America gave up on mental health care 10 years ago. The police dress by orders in thug street clothes and hoodies while off duty due to them being shot up. Its not a great time back here in Dallas Texas. Extreme people from the middle east now run a majority of America tell you the truth. My neighbor hood is pretty much Islamic and not the good kind. First in my grandfathers life to see refugees at such a high rate, boolstering the crime data. They get better health care than Veterans like me and you. I tried to put an application as a soldier refugee from Iraq hurt in combat but the color of my skin being white they didn’t take the application at all even though I lived in Iraq for a year deployment cycle. The citizens here are being shamed, the politicians are just a commercial entity. For entertainment purposes only. I watch CSPAN 10 years ago it doesn’t look the same anymore. When 9/11 survivors are told you can’t sue for damages done to famiily lost in world trade center it hits home if there is one left 10 more years. My mom a first is an immigrant from 1970’s. It took her 10 years to gain a visa with a background check every other month that still continues today. I asked my co student beside me, an refugee from Syria/Iraq and he has yet to submit a back ground check and took him 2 weeks to get here. No language test, no religouse questions or anything at all. I could have been in a fire fight against him just a couple of years ago. No one here cares and see the next tragedy whoch happened this week will be the norm. Thats why These islands are looking great each day not one con about it. Nothing but pro active comments here. I here jeep is hardest thing to get and American food. Thats all I meed to hear to go over. My wife works as an online teacher and languages here even 911 centers are backed up not knowing whats being said. I know spanish fluently. Is spanish spoken there on these islands? It would be great and an easier transistion. If not rosita stone can teach me the local langauges.
Very good article.
People confuse accepting a opinion with respecting a opinion which is a huge difference.
However in the almost 3 years here I learned that even respecting a opinion being different from the obvious mainstream seems to be too hard for many Filipino citizen, but I can live with that.
I enjoy my life together with my wife who is a High School teacher and still try to adapt to many things, but in the end I must say Life is good in Philippines.
With the Filipino, there is so many cultural differences that make it more difficult, but well worth the trying! As for your adapting to the many things here in the Philippines, after 20 years I’m still adapting every day, and pray I never stop! I really like it here!