There’s a sight that’s not seen too often, but my reason was valid. My good friend Michael passed away a few years ago, and left a wife, a daughter and two sons. If there was an upside to that, it was that he left them in good shape to deal with the future. Due to his wife (Del) having lived in the U.S. of A. for a time and holding a green card, (They’re not really green) and all three kids holding U.S. Passports and citizenship to aid them. He also left two pensions and a free and clear house and land here in the Philippines, plus a few cars. He provided for his family and I respected him for that.
His daughter Mary had come to me when she was 18, and asked about joining the U.S. Army, I gave her the pros and con’s and she decided that’s what she wanted to do. Soon after her two brothers Scotty and Frances followed and went Army and Navy respectively.
Mary falls in love and marries a guy from California that she met in the Army and they now live in Texas. And have two kids a boy and then a girl. Scotty and Francis, Mike’s sons are also doing well in the service and all that is left is Del here in the Philippines by herself. You guessed it, off to Texas to live with Mary and help with her grandchildren, because that’s what mothers do.
Okay, that’s the back ground, now here’s why I was in church. David, Mary’s husband is on his way to Afghanistan on a year’s contract. (BTW Both Mary and David finished their Army time) Del and Mary have come home to the Philippines to live while David is gone. Mary wants to expose her kids to Philippine culture and also to meet all the relatives here. Hey, why in all that’s holy, is Paul in church?
Baptismal for Gabriel and Lillian of course, and Mayang and I have been honored to be God Parents of Mary and David’s children. Wow, I’m betting you never thought I’d get to that!
Sunday morning June 5th at 07:30 in the morning I’m on the way to Saint Joseph’s church (It has nothing to do with the aspirins of the same name.) in Olongapo City to be registered as qualified God Parents, I have no idea what that means but then I seldom do.
During the registration phase the Priest asked me a series of questions;
Are you a Catholic?
I responded in the affirmative as that is how I started out, and I had never converted to another religion.
What proof do you have?
That got me to thinking, how do you prove that? I smiled at the Priest and told him; “This is where your faith must come into play, Father!”
That was it for the questioning period of the day. I could have spoken some Latin to him, but all that would prove was that in a past life, I might have been a Centurion. “Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum Europae vincendarum.” Or “Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe.” If he had friended me on Face Book, he would have already know this!
So now I’m qualified to be a God Father, maybe they should have a harder test before anyone becomes a parent, or at the very least issue an Instruction Manual with every baby.
Now for the Baptismal Ceremony: I arrived at Saint Joseph’s church in Olongapo City at 08:00 as instructed. Proceed to wait as per normal. Watch three cars back in to the basket ball hoop stand in the middle of the church parking lot. The pillar survived, not so much the rear of three cars. But it did pass the time. O9::00 hours, the people who told me to be there at 08:00 hours show up.
Remembering an old Navy term, “Hurry up and wait!” I settled in to do just that, or hang around smartly as I learned to do so well here. If I’d pulled into the parking lot at 11:00 hours I would have been early.
I’m sitting in the pew, with my God Daughter Lilly (18 months) asleep in my arms and I was thinking how wonderful babies smell. Then a young man comes in at 11:15 and goes to the microphone and starts informing us as to how this will all take place. The problem we all had with that, is you should never try to talk through a PA system in a large cavernous church. I’ll assume that we have all seen a Peanut’s Cartoon at one time in our life? Remember the sound all adults made when speaking, it sounded just like that except at decibel level 95. So it mattered not if anyone spoke or understood Tagalog, as no one understood him.
The priest arrived, and for some reason, everything now went smoothly, I can’t explain why it did, but it did. I carried a sleeping Lilly to the alter, to receive her blessing and anointment with, water and oil. She was still sound asleep, the priest whispered to me; “Why can’t it always be like this?” and we had a smile over that.
It felt good to be part of Lilly and Gab’s day, I wish for her/him a long and event filled happy life. I know that from both sides of their parents they have a strong support system to see them through life, with love and anything they’ll ever want for or need. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I was sure proud!
One week later, they all left to go back to Texas, stating it was just too hot here, I guess their having a cold snap in Texas this summer?
I didnt knw your a writer paul.
I wouldn’t go that far and say that! I thought Joe had told you I wrote here on Lip? Stay dry down there in Olongapo City!
I liked your article Paul. Especially your response to the Priest.
“This is where your faith must come into play, Father!” Touche’!
When we were kids that’s what they drilled into us at Saint Ann’s, I guess I did learn something from Sister Mary Pavel, aside from collecting erasers on my forehead. What an aim!
Dominus vobiscum.
Did you bring a hard hat just incase the roof fell in? Maybe you have redeemed youself, and Sister Mary Bridgitte and Father Murphy Won’t have to haunt you…lol
A reformed pick pocket named Dominic was doing the collections one Sunday, at the end of the day, they had never collected more on any day prior. The priest asked; “What happened? The pick pocket said: “Father when you turned and said Dominic go frisk ’em, I did!”
Analane; I wouldn’t go as far as to say “Writer” (lol)
See how was I to know that if I answer on FB it shows up here too?
Cool story.
But yeah right about that cold snap here; I wish. It’s been well over a 100 every day for a week !
That’s why I couldn’t figure out why they went back, It’s not that hot here, could it be the rain?
Great article Paul and you look good with your god daughter on your shoulder. Did you holder her just to make sure you didn’t get hit by lightning?
I never thought about that, but now that you point that out…..
Well at least little Lilly smelled good. You could have gotten some more experience at changing diapers. Thats part of the duties as God Father. lol. Hope the monsoon ends for you soon. At least living on the mountain you won’t have to worry about floating away. Be safe!
Papa Duck;
Change diapers? Surly your joking? They invented parents to do that.
The rain is still pouring down, and today is Wednesday. I signed up for this years ago, so it’s no surprise, and as long as gravity is still working, we’re fine.
Cold spell in Texas? Not this summer! Been over 100 degrees everyday the last 2 weeks here in San Antonio!
BTW Paul, Your answer to the priest would have been better than mine. If he asked me for proof I was a Catholic, I may have shrugged and said your call padre, as I unzipped!
That’s a different ceremony entirely, Catholics picked that up from another group, so is it really proof? (lol) I’ve heard that this summer in Texas, the Shelter challenged people were frying eggs on the sidewalks. (Notice I didn’t say homeless…. until now!)
Not sure where we Catholics got that sick ritual from, but why did they have to take so much off!!!!!
Since we Gotta be PC! Even my Canine-American prefers indoors to out this summer!!
I believe the Catholics got that from the Jewish religion. Wow, when the pets are hooked on A/C it must be hot.
“ROFLMAO!” I’ll take that, as you might have thought my answer was humorous? (lol)
Paul, actually it was “Pita Mike’s” questioning of skin removal that got me that time.
I do that all the time, now I know why no one reads my stuff! I can’t keep their names stright! (LOL)
Paul what amazes me is that you got into the church without bursting into flames! Heck, maybe I’ll even give it a shot when I get there, because if it worked for you…
Eric pointed out above that I might have survived because I was holding the baby as a shield, so be afraid, be very afraid when you try it!
(Note to self: Only enter church when carrying a baby.)
You’re a very wise man!
Paul – You’re Godfather! He he, you have another God child to add to your list.. this Christmas. I mean , you’ll have to give gifts… 🙂
Gifts are never a problem, like last weeks with the wave hoops will show, I’ll give presents for no particular reason. That’s for reminding me that Christmas season in the Philippines starts in July, I almost forgot. (lol)